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Ansible Playbooks

General Assumptions

  • It is assumed that all physical servers have already had your SSH key added to the ansible user, either through post installation scripts or manually using ssh-copy-id.

Editing Variables

Most variables are saved in plain-text, however, some are encrypted using a combination of SOPS and age. These can be edited in-place using the sops cli.

sops -i group_vars/all.sops.yml

The community provided SOPS Ansible collection is used to load the encrypted variables without manual intervention required.

KVM Hypervisors

Configure KVM Hypervisors using QEMU and LibVirt.


  • Debian 10.x installed with only the following software selected:
    • SSH server
    • standard system utilities
ansible-playbook kvm-hypervisors.yml -i production

DNS Servers

Configure PowerDNS backed by a MariaDB Galera cluster.


  • Debian 10.x installed with only the following software selected:
    • SSH server
    • standard system utilities
ansible-playbook dns-servers -i production


Configure and create a Kubernetes cluster, including both controller and worker nodes.


  • Debian 10.x installed with only the following software selected:
    • SSH server
    • standard system utilities
ansible-playbook k8s-all.yml -i production
ansible-playbook k8s-controllers.yml -i production
ansible-playbook k8s-workers.yml -i production