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413 lines (354 loc) · 12.3 KB


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Step 1: Add failpoints

Add special comments like below into your code where you want to inject failpoints,

// gofail: var SomeFuncString string

Step 2: Build your application with failpoints

Translate the gofail comments using command below. Note that gofail needs to be installed beforehand using command go install

$ gofail enable <optional_file_dir_list>

gofail translates all gofail comments in the provided <optional_file_dir_list> in place and also generates some variable declarations in separate files. If no <optional_file_dir_list> is provided, then the current directory is used. See Generated code below to get examples on the translated & generated code.

Afterwards, add gofail runtime package into your application as a dependency module,

$ go get

Finally, build your application using command go build.

Step 3: Trigger failpoints

3.1 E2E test

There are two ways to trigger failpoints in E2E test, which are static and dynamic ways.

The static way is to set gofail terms using environment variable GOFAIL_FAILPOINTS directly when starting your application. See example below,

$ GOFAIL_FAILPOINTS='SomeFuncString=sleep("600s")' ./cmd

You can set multiple failpoints by using ";" as the delimiter,

GOFAIL_FAILPOINTS='failpoint1=return("hello");failpoint2=sleep(10)' ./cmd

The dynamic way is to set an HTTP endpoint using environment variable GOFAIL_HTTP when starting your application, and add gofail terms via the endpoint afterwards. See example below,

$ GOFAIL_HTTP="" ./cmd

$ curl -XPUT -d'sleep("600s")'

Similarly, you can set multiple failpoints using endpoint /failpoints,

curl -X PUT -d'failpoint1=return("hello");failpoint2=sleep(10)'

You can get the execution count of a failpoint in the dynamic way,

$curl -XGET

To deactivate a failpoint,

$ curl -XDELETE

3.2 Unit test

Assuming there is a function with a failpoint something like below,

func DoSomething() error {
    // gofail: var syscallError string
    // return errors.New(syscallError)
    if err := WhateverSyscall(); err != nil {
        return err
    return nil

If the go source file doesn't import package errors, you can intentionally add the import item like below,

import (
var _ = errors.New

You want to add a unit test to mimic an error the WhateverSyscall might return, the unit test case can be something like below,

import (

    gofail ""

func TestDoSomething(t *testing.T) {
    err := gofail.Enable("syscallError", `return("syscall somehow failed")`)
    if err != nil {
    defer func() {
        err = gofail.Disable("syscallError")
        if err != nil {

    err = DoSomething()
    if err == nil {
        t.Fatal("Expected an error, but got nil")

    if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "syscall somehow failed") {
        t.Fatalf("Unexpected error message: %v", err.Error())

Generated code


gofail enable <optional_file_or_dir_list> makes the following two changes for each provided go source file, which contains the "gofail" comments,

  1. Translate the "gofail" comments in place to code that accesses the gofail runtime;
  2. Generate code that constructs failpoint variables and registers them to the "gofail" runtime.

The high level format of the translated code (#1) is below,

customized code

The customized code is optional. When there is no any customized code, the generated code only contains the header and footer.

The format of the generated code (#2) is below. Note that there may be multiple entries, and it depends on how many "gofail" comments are in the relevant go source file.


package <PACKAGE_NAME>

import ""

var __fp_<FAILPOINT_NAME> *runtime.Failpoint = runtime.NewFailpoint("<PACKAGE_NAME>", "<FAILPOINT_NAME>")

The generated file name is similar to the original go source file name, but has additional suffix ".fail" in the basename. For example, the original file name is example.go, then the generated file name is

Example 1: No customized code

Original code:

func ExampleOneLineFunc() string {
	// gofail: var ExampleOneLine struct{}
	return "abc"

Translated code:

func ExampleOneLineFunc() string {
	if vExampleOneLine, __fpErr := __fp_ExampleOneLine.Acquire(); __fpErr == nil { _, __fpTypeOK := vExampleOneLine.(struct{}); if !__fpTypeOK { goto __badTypeExampleOneLine} ; goto __nomockExampleOneLine; __badTypeExampleOneLine: __fp_ExampleOneLine.BadType(vExampleOneLine, "struct{}"); __nomockExampleOneLine: };
	return "abc"

Formatting the code using gofmt -w ., as below:

func ExampleOneLineFunc() string {
	if vExampleOneLine, __fpErr := __fp_ExampleOneLine.Acquire(); __fpErr == nil {
		_, __fpTypeOK := vExampleOneLine.(struct{})
		if !__fpTypeOK {
			goto __badTypeExampleOneLine
		goto __nomockExampleOneLine
		__fp_ExampleOneLine.BadType(vExampleOneLine, "struct{}")
	return "abc"

Generated code:


package examples

import ""

var __fp_ExampleOneLine *runtime.Failpoint = runtime.NewFailpoint("ExampleOneLine")

In the following examples, only the corresponding generated entry is provided because they have the same file header, including comment, package clause and import declaration.

Example 2: With customized code

Original code:

func ExampleFunc() string {
	// gofail: var ExampleString string
	// return ExampleString
	return "example"

The code return ExampleString is the customized code.

Translated code:

func ExampleFunc() string {
	if vExampleString, __fpErr := __fp_ExampleString.Acquire(); __fpErr == nil { ExampleString, __fpTypeOK := vExampleString.(string); if !__fpTypeOK { goto __badTypeExampleString} 
		 return ExampleString; goto __nomockExampleString; __badTypeExampleString: __fp_ExampleString.BadType(vExampleString, "string"); __nomockExampleString: };
	return "example"

Formatting the code using gofmt -w ., as below:

func ExampleFunc() string {
	if vExampleString, __fpErr := __fp_ExampleString.Acquire(); __fpErr == nil {
		ExampleString, __fpTypeOK := vExampleString.(string)
		if !__fpTypeOK {
			goto __badTypeExampleString
		return ExampleString
		goto __nomockExampleString
		__fp_ExampleString.BadType(vExampleString, "string")
	return "example"

Generated code:

var __fp_ExampleString *runtime.Failpoint = runtime.NewFailpoint("ExampleString")

Example 3: With multiple lines of customized code

Original code:

func ExampleFunc() string {
	// gofail: var ExampleString string
	// ExampleString = "Hello, " + ExampleString
	// return ExampleString
	return "example"

There are two lines of customized code: ExampleString = "Hello, " + ExampleString and return ExampleString.

Translated code:

func ExampleFunc() string {
	if vExampleString, __fpErr := __fp_ExampleString.Acquire(); __fpErr == nil { ExampleString, __fpTypeOK := vExampleString.(string); if !__fpTypeOK { goto __badTypeExampleString} 
		 ExampleString = "Hello, " + ExampleString
		 return ExampleString; goto __nomockExampleString; __badTypeExampleString: __fp_ExampleString.BadType(vExampleString, "string"); __nomockExampleString: };
	return "example"

Formatting the code using gofmt -w ., as below:

func ExampleFunc() string {
	if vExampleString, __fpErr := __fp_ExampleString.Acquire(); __fpErr == nil {
		ExampleString, __fpTypeOK := vExampleString.(string)
		if !__fpTypeOK {
			goto __badTypeExampleString
		ExampleString = "Hello, " + ExampleString
		return ExampleString
		goto __nomockExampleString
		__fp_ExampleString.BadType(vExampleString, "string")
	return "example"

Generated code:

var __fp_ExampleString *runtime.Failpoint = runtime.NewFailpoint("ExampleString")

Example 4: With gofail label

Original code:

func ExampleLabelsFunc() (s string) {
	i := 0
	// gofail: myLabel:
	for i < 5 {
		s = s + "i"
		for j := 0; j < 5; j++ {
			s = s + "j"
			// gofail: var ExampleLabels struct{}
			// continue myLabel
	return s

The mylabel is a gofail label, which is used by the customized code continue myLabel.

Translated code:

func ExampleLabelsFunc() (s string) {
	i := 0
	/* gofail-label */ myLabel:
	for i < 5 {
		s = s + "i"
		for j := 0; j < 5; j++ {
			s = s + "j"
			if vExampleLabels, __fpErr := __fp_ExampleLabels.Acquire(); __fpErr == nil { _, __fpTypeOK := vExampleLabels.(struct{}); if !__fpTypeOK { goto __badTypeExampleLabels} 
				 continue myLabel; goto __nomockExampleLabels; __badTypeExampleLabels: __fp_ExampleLabels.BadType(vExampleLabels, "struct{}"); __nomockExampleLabels: };
	return s

Formatting the code using gofmt -w ., as below:

func ExampleLabelsFunc() (s string) {
	i := 0
	/* gofail-label */ myLabel:
	for i < 5 {
		s = s + "i"
		for j := 0; j < 5; j++ {
			s = s + "j"
			if vExampleLabels, __fpErr := __fp_ExampleLabels.Acquire(); __fpErr == nil {
				_, __fpTypeOK := vExampleLabels.(struct{})
				if !__fpTypeOK {
					goto __badTypeExampleLabels
				continue myLabel
				goto __nomockExampleLabels
				__fp_ExampleLabels.BadType(vExampleLabels, "struct{}")
	return s

Generated code:

var __fp_ExampleLabels *runtime.Failpoint = runtime.NewFailpoint("ExampleLabels")

Gofail Term

When triggering the failpoint from the command line, multiple failpoints can be configured, for example,

GOFAIL_FAILPOINTS='failpoint1=return("hello");failpoint2=sleep(10)' ./cmd

When triggering the failpoint from the HTTP endpoint, only one failpoint can be configured in each HTTP request, for example,

$ curl -XPUT -d'return("hello")'

In above examples, return("hello") and sleep(10) are examples of terms.


The syntax of Terms/Term is described using EBNF (Extended Backus-Naur Form) as below. Note that the notation is consistent with Golang spec, so please refer to go_spec#Notation.

Syntax  = { Terms }
Terms   = Term { "->" Term } 
Term    = [ Mode ] Action [ Value ]
Mode    = float "%" | int "*"
Action  = "off" | "return" | "sleep" | "panic" | "break" | "print"
Value   = "(" [ int | double_quoted_string | bool ] ")"

Terms examples:

2*return("abc")->1*return("def")  // execute return("abc") twice, and execute return("def") only once
return(100)        // always return 100
return             // no value, return struct{}{} by default
return()           // no value, return struct{}{} by default
40.0%return(true)  // 40% possibility to return `true`
1.0%panic          // 1% possiblity to panic
sleep(10s)         // always sleep 10s
sleep(10)          // always sleep 10ms (unit: millisecond by default)

Design diagram

The high level design for the Term is something like below diagram, Gofail Term