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1013 lines (918 loc) · 48.7 KB


File metadata and controls

1013 lines (918 loc) · 48.7 KB


  • attribute doesn't accept anything other than a string or unicode anymore.
  • All the error messages are now showing both the class and attribute names, and for TypeErrors it also shows the current given data type which raised the error and the desired type.
  • Fixed a bug that causes recursion in queries to ~stalker.core.models.StatusList instances.
  • Removed the FilenameTemplate.output_file_code attribute cause it is not needed.
  • Removed the FilenameTemplate.output_is_relative attribute, now all the path values are ~stalker.models.repository.Repository relative.
  • Renamed the path_code to path, file_code to filename and output_path_code to output_path in ~stalker.models.template.FilenameTemplate`.


  • Added database tests for:
    • ~stalker.core.models.Review
    • ~stalker.core.models.Task
    • ~stalker.core.models.Version
  • The published attribute in ~stalker.core.models.Version is renamed to ~stalker.core.models.Version.is_published.
  • ~stalker.core.models.Structure is not strictly_typed anymore.
  • The initialization of status_list attribute in classes which are mixed with ~stalker.core.models.StatusMixin is now automatically done if there is a database connection (stalker.db.session is not None) and there is a suitable ~stalker.core.models.StatusList instance in the database whom ~stalker.core.models.StatusList.target_entity_type attribute is set to the mixed-in class name.
  • Finished the tests for ~stalker.core.models.Booking class.
  • The ~stalker.core.models.Booking class now checks if there is more than one booking is creating with overlapping time interval and issue a ~stalker.core.errors.OverBookedWarning.
  • Cleaned up the code style.
  • Moved the target_entity_type functionality to a new mixin class called ~stalker.core.models.TargetEntityTypeMixin. ~stalker.core.models.StatusList, ~stalker.core.models.FilenameTemplate, and ~stalker.core.models.Type classes are mixin with this new class.
  • Included the pyseq library to the dependency list.


  • stalker.__version__ is fixed for PyPI


  • All the models are now converted to SQLAlchemy's Declarative.
  • Because of the move to the SQLAlchemy Declarative extension the stalker.etx.ValidatedList is deprecated. SQLAlchemy is doing (in most of the aspects) a much better job.
  • The stalker.core.mixins module is merged with ~stalker.core.models module.
  • Becase all the models are declaratively defined and thus they have their mappers and tables inside, the stalker.db.mapper, stalker.db.tables and the stalker.db.mixins modules are removed.
  • Added the ~stalker.core.models.Version class with all its tests.
  • Fixed ~stalker.core.models.Project.assets and ~stalker.core.models.Project.sequences attributes in ~stalker.core.models.Project class. It is now using the db.query to get the info out of the database, which is much easier than setting up a complex relation.
  • Fixed the tests for the database. It is now working properly with the SOM which is using SQLAlchemy declarative. There are still missing tests though.
  • The ~stalker.core.models.Project and ~stalker.core.models.Structure classes are not __strictly_typed__ anymore. It was a bump on the road to make them strictly typed.


  • Started to switch to SQLAlchemy ORM Declarative for SOM, implemented these classes successfully:

    SimpleEntity, Type, Tag, Note, ImageFormat, Status, StatusList, Repository, Structure, FilenameTemplate, Department, Link, ReferenceMixin, StatusMixin, ScheduleMixin, Project, Sequence, Shot, Asset, Review.

  • Empty ~stalker.core.models.StatusLists are now allowed. The validation overhead is left to the SOM user.
  • Removed the TaskMixin on the way of moving to declarative. It was not possible to add a one-to-many relation to the ~stalker.core.model.Tasks ~stalker.core.models.Task.task_of attribute from all the mixed-in classes. So the solution was to introduce a new ~stalker.core.models.TaskableEntity (yaykh!) inheriting from ~stalker.core.models.Entity.
  • The attribute in ~stalker.core.models.SimpleEntity is no more forced to be unique. This releases the attribute in the ~stalker.core.models.Shot class to be anything it wants (not just uuid4 sequences to get unique names).
  • From now on, the ~stalker.core.models.SimpleEntity.code attribute in ~stalker.core.models.SimpleEntity class is not going to change when the attribute is changed.
  • The attribute in ~stalker.core.models.SimpleEntity is going to be copied from the ~stalker.core.models.SimpleEntity.code attribute if the name argument is skipped, None or empty string.
  • The ReviewMixin is removed.
  • The ~stalker.core.models.Review class is now inheriting from the ~stalker.core.models.SimpleEntity.
  • The ~stalker.core.models.Entity now has a new attribute called to store a list of ~stalker.core.models.Review instances.


  • ~stalker.core.mixins.TaskMixin from now on doesn't have a tasks argument in its __init__ method.
  • Each of the mixin classes now has their own test modules.
  • In ~stalker.core.models.Shot, now the ~stalker.core.models.Shot.cut_out attribute is mapped to the database instead of the ~stalker.core.models.Shot.cut_duration.
  • In ~stalker.core.models.Task the part_of attribute is renamed to ~stalker.core.models.Task.task_of to reflect its duty clearly.
  • Removed the ProjectMixin. The project attribute has been moved to the ~stalker.core.mixins.TaskMixin. Now anything mixed with the ~stalker.core.mixins.TaskMixin also has a ~stalker.core.mixins.TaskMixin.project attribute.
  • ~stalker.core.models.Task.task_of attribute in ~stalker.core.models.Task class now accepts anything that has been derived from ~stalker.core.mixins.TaskMixin or anything that has both a tasks attribute and a project attribute but use the ~stalker.core.mixins.TaskMixin preferably.
  • ~stalker.core.models.Sequence now doesn't accept any shots argument. There is no way to create a ~stalker.core.models.Shot without passing a ~stalker.core.models.Sequence instance.
  • All the classes that needs to be initialized properly now has a method called __init_on_load__ which is called by SQLAlchemy on load.
  • Fixed the ~stalker.core.models.Task.task_of attribute in ~stalker.core.models.Task and ~stalker.core.mixins.TaskMixin.tasks attribute in ~stalker.core.mixins.TaskMixin, they are now updating each other correctly.
  • Added ~stalker.core.models.Shot.assets to the ~stalker.core.models.Shot class to track down which asset is used in this shot.
  • Merged the ProjectMixinDB with TaskMixinDB and removed the ProjectMixinDB from the database part of the mixins.
  • The ~stalker.core.models.Project doesn't accept an assets nor a sequences arguments anymore. Which was meaningless previously, cause it is not possible to create an ~stalker.core.models.Asset or a ~stalker.core.models.Sequence without specifying the ~stalker.core.models.Project first.
  • From now on it is not possible to create a ~stalker.core.models.Project instance without passing a ~stalker.core.models.Repository instance to it.
  • The ~stalker.core.models.Asset now updates the ~stalker.core.models.Project.assets attribute in the ~stalker.core.models.Project class.
  • From now on none of the tests are using the Mocker library. Thus all the little changes to any of the classes are present in all the tests which are using those classes. This makes the tests more robust and current.
  • Fixed latex PDF output of the documentation, now the formatting is nice and correct.
  • ~stalker.core.models.Repository now replaces backward slashes with forward slashes in the given path arguments and attributes.
  • The filename attribute has been removed from the ~stalker.core.models.Link class. And it doesn't need an filename argument anymore. The ~stalker.core.models.Link.path is enough to hold the necessary data.
  • The ~stalker.core.models.Link is not strictly typed anymore. So you can skip the type argument while creating a ~stalker.core.models.Link instance.
  • Fixed the Mutable Default problem in the following classes:
    • ~stalker.core.models.Department classes members argument.
    • ~stalker.core.models.Entity classes tags and notes argument.
    • ~stalker.core.models.StatusList classes statuses argument
    • ~stalker.core.models.Project classes assets argument
    • ~stalker.core.models.Assets classes shots argument
    • ~stalker.core.models.User classes permission_groups, projects_lead, sequences_lead and tasks attributes.
  • The milestone attribute is renamed to ~stalker.core.models.Task.is_milestone in ~stalker.core.models.Task class.
  • The complete attribute is renamed to ~stalker.core.models.Task.is_complete in :class:~stalker.core.models.Task` class.
  • Replaced the python property idiom which uses a function which contains an fget, an fset functions and a doc string variable and returns the result of locals() with the property idiom that uses @property and @x.setter. Thus dropped the support for python versions <= 2.5. This is done to increase the PyLint rate. And with its final state, the PyLint rate of Stalker increased from around 1 to around 9.
  • Reintroduced the ~stalker.core.mixins.ProjectMixin and the ~stalker.core.mixins.TaskMixin is now inherited from ~stalker.core.mixins.ProjectMixin. It is done in that way to allow other types to have relation with a ~stalker.core.models.Project instance. Without the ~stalker.core.mixins.ProjectMixin it was going to introduce some code repetition. Also updated the database part of the TaskMixin and created a helper class for the ProjectMixin.
  • Added an attribute called "__stalker_version__" to the ~stalker.core.models.SimpleEntity to track down in which version of Stalker that data is created. This is mostly related with the database part.
  • Renamed stalker.db.mixin module to stalker.db.mixins.
  • Renamed stalker.core.models.Comment class to ~stalker.core.models.Review.
  • The attribute in ~stalker.core.models.Review class now accepts anything which has a list-like attribute called "reviews".
  • ~stalker.ext.validatedList.ValidatedList now works uniquely. Means the list of items are always unique.
  • The ~stalker.core.mixins.TaskMixin.tasks attribute in ~stalker.core.mixins.TaskMixin is not read-only anymore. But will produce RuntimeError if removing items will produce orphan children.
  • Optimized the back reference update procedure in ~stalker.core.models.Task and ~stalker.core.mixins.TaskMixin classes. They are not touching their internal variables anymore.
  • Fixed backreference updates of ~stalker.core.models.Task classes ~stalker.core.models.Task.resources attribute.
  • Fixed __setslice__ method in ~stalker.ext.validatedList.ValidatedList. It is now correctly passing the added and removed elements to the given validator function.


  • Introduced ~stalker.core.models.Type. A new class to define types. With this introduction, all the classes deriving from TypeEntity (and the TypeEntity it self) are removed from Stalker.
  • Added an attribute called type to the ~stalker.core.models.SimpleEntity. Which will be used to create new types to the derived classes.
  • Introduced a new attribute called __strictly_typed__ to all the classes (by the means of the EntityMeta), which will force the class to have a proper (not None) type.
  • ~stalker.core.models.SimpleEntity now has its own test module.
  • ~stalker.core.models.TypeTemplate is renamed to ~stalker.core.models.FilenameTemplate to reflect its duty more clearly.
  • fixed the tests for the ~stalker.db. Previously each of the tests were creating an instance of a specific class then storing it in the database, retrieved it back and then comparing the instances, one just created and one queried from the database. The problem was that, SA was returning the same instance (can be checked with id(instance)) so in any case they were equal, it was not possible to compare them and get a meaningful difference to see if the database part worked properly. Now, all the attributes of the original instance are stored in new variables and then the original instance is deleted, and the a new one is retrieved back from the database, and all the attributes are compared with the stored ones. (probably there are other good ways)
  • fixed ~stalker.core.models.SimpleEntity.nice_name in the ~stalker.core.models.SimpleEntity, if the instance is created by using __new__ (like in SA) then the ~stalker.core.models.SimpleEntity.nice_name attribute was not initialized correctly.
  • fixed mapping of ~stalker.core.models.Department.lead attribute in ~stalker.core.models.Department class.
  • fixed ~stalker.core.models.ImageFormat.device_aspect attribute in ~stalker.core.models.ImageFormat, it is now correctly calculated when the instance is created with __new__ instead of __init__
  • fixed mapping of ~stalker.core.models.Project.users attribute in ~stalker.core.models.Project class.
  • fixed mapping of ~stalker.core.models.Project.duration attribute in ~stalker.core.models.Project class (also possibly fixed all the classes mixed with ~stalker.core.mixins.ScheduleMixin)
  • fixed mapping of ~stalker.core.models.Sequence.lead attribute in ~stalker.core.models.Sequence class
  • updated the behavior of ~stalker.core.models.Project.users attribute in ~stalker.core.models.Project class. Now the list of ~stalker.core.models.Users are gathered from the ~stalker.core.models.Tasks of the ~stalker.core.models.Project and from the ~stalker.core.models.Sequences, the ~stalker.core.models.Shots and the ~stalker.core.models.Assets of the same ~stalker.core.models.Project.
  • updated the behavior of ~stalker.core.models.User.project attribute in class ~stalker.core.models.User class. Now the list of ~stalker.core.models.Projects are gathered from all the ~stalker.core.models.Tasks assigned to the current ~stalker.core.models.User.
  • The Group class is renamed to PermissionGroup.
  • The default duration for the ~stalker.core.mixins.ScheduleMixin is now defined by the stalker.conf.defaults.DEFAULT_TASK_DURATION attribute.
  • The ~stalker.core.mixins.ScheduleMixin class now accepts a third argument called duration.
  • The ~stalker.core.mixins.ScheduleMixin.duration attribute in the ~stalker.core.mixins.ScheduleMixin is now a settable. See the ~stalker.core.mixins.ScheduleMixin class documentation for details.
  • The ~stalker.core.mixins.ScheduleMixin.due_date in ~stalker.core.mixins.ScheduleMixin doesn't accept datetime.timedelta objects anymore.
  • The behavior of ~stalker.core.mixins.ScheduleMixin.start, ~stalker.core.mixins.ScheduleMixin.due_date and ~stalker.core.mixins.ScheduleMixin.duration in ~stalker.core.mixins.ScheduleMixin is updated.
  • Added ~stalker.core.errors.CircularDependencyError.
  • All the ValueErrors are converted to TypeErrors in the ~stalker.ext.validatedList.ValidatedList.
  • Finished the implementation of ~stalker.core.models.Task class.
  • Updated the formatting of the ~stalker.core.models.SimpleEntity.code attribute in ~stalker.core.models.SimpleEntity class. See the documentation of the ~stalker.core.models.SimpleEntity class for details.
  • Updated the ~stalker.core.models.User.code attribute in ~stalker.core.models.User.
  • Updated all the exceptions raised by the SOM classes. Now they are correctly raising TypeError and ValueError``s.
  • added a new mixin class called ~stalker.core.mixins.ProjectMixin.
  • ~stalker.core.models.Sequence, ~stalker.core.models.Asset and ~stalker.core.models.Task classes are now using the ~stalker.core.mixins.ProjectMixin mixin class instead of implementing this common feature by them self.
  • added ~stalker.db.mixin.ProjectMixinDB for classes which are mixed with ~stalker.core.mixins.ProjectMixin.
  • ~stalker.ext.validatedList.ValidatedList now accepts a third argument called the validator which should be a callable, which is called when any of the methods of the ~stalker.ext.validatedList.ValidatedList is called and the list of elements are modified. The list of elements modified will be passed to the validator function where the first argument is a list containing the elements added and the last argument is a list contatining the elements removed.
  • ~stalker.core.models.Task.resources in ~stalker.core.models.Task is now updating the ~stalker.core.models.User.tasks attribute in the ~stalker.core.models.User class.
  • tasks is not an argument for the ~stalker.core.models.User anymore. It was meaningles to have the ~stalker.core.models.Tasks in the initialization of the ~stalker.core.models.User instances.
  • ~stalker.core.models.User classes ~stalker.core.models.User.projects attribute is now gathered by looking at the ~stalker.core.models.Task.project attribute of the ~stalker.core.models.Tasks in the ~stalker.core.models.User.tasks attribute.
  • ~stalker.core.models.StatusList now accepts classes for the target_entity_type argument.
  • ~stalker.core.mixins.ReferenceMixin now accepts anything derived from the ~stalker.core.models.Entity.
  • ~stalker.core.models.Task class now has a ~stalker.core.models.Task.part_of attribute which accepts ~stalker.core.models.SimpleEntity instances and shows which entity is this task a part of.


  • From now on an ~stalker.core.models.Asset instance can not be created without a ~stalker.core.models.AssetType object defining the type of the current ~stalker.core.models.Asset. This is done to prevent creation of ~stalker.core.models.Assets without a certain type.
  • Fixed ~stalker.core.models.Project where it was not raising a ValueError properly for ~stalker.core.models.Project.sequence, ~stalker.core.models.Project.assets and ~stalker.core.models.Project.users attributes when the assigned value is not iterable.
  • Fixed ~stalker.core.models.Department where it was not raising a ValueError properly for ~stalker.core.models.Department.members attribute when the assigned value is not iterable.
  • Changed the representaion string of the ~stalker.core.models.Shot to <Shot (Shot.code, Shot.code)> because the is not meaningful.
  • Changed the way ~stalker.core.models.EntityMeta metaclass working. It is now using the __new__ method and the dict_ of the class to set the attributes.
  • The ~stalker.core.models.EntityMeta now adds another attribute called plural_name to the classes, which shows the plural form of the class name. By default it tries to set it to a good name using plural form rules of English but if the name has an irregular plural name (or it is not in English) you can override this attribute by adding plural_name to the class attributes:

    from stalker.core.models import SimpleEntity
    class MyEntity(SimpleEntity):
        plural_name = "MyEntities"
  • From now on the table names are in the following format:
    • The plural name of the class if the table belongs to one class
    • The class1.__name__ + "_" + class2.plural_name if the table is a join table
  • Updated the table names in the stalker.db.mixin module


  • Updated the roadmap_toplevel to reflect the current development history and cycle
  • Merged all the model classes which were previously in separate files in to stalker.core.models module, to make it easy to use (and possibly hard to develop)
  • All the references to modules or classes or anything in the source codes are now represented by an absolute path in the docs ( stalker.core.models.User instead of ~stalker.core.models.User)
  • moved the stalker.db.auth to stalker.ext.auth
  • stalker.core.models.User class now uses the stalker.ext.auth.set_password and stalker.ext.auth.check_password utility functions to handle passwords. The user passwords are now always hidden, but not strongly encrypted.
  • The stalker.ext.auth.session renamed to stalker.ext.auth.create_session to reflect its functionality properly. And removed the return value from the function. Now it doesn't return any bool value but None. To check if the user is already logged in use stalker.ext.auth.SESSION dictionary as follows:

    from stalker.ext import auth
    # initialize the session
    # check if there is a user
    if auth.SESSION_KEY in auth.SESSION:
        print "There is a logged in user"
        print "There is no logged in user"
  • stalker.ext.auth.authenticate updated to use stalker.ext.auth.check_password
  • Fixed the ~stalker.core.models.User.last_login attribute in the database mapper, it was set as a synonym for it self.
  • Removed the tearDown methods in tests.db.test_db, there are problems with cleaning the mappers and disposing the engine, so instead of killing them the db.setup is called over and over again with different in memory databases.
  • From now on the ~stalker.core.models.SimpleEntity.code attribute doesn't format the given string value too heavily, to allow more individual naming conventions to work with Stalker.
  • Updated contribute_toplevel
  • Renamed the ~stalker.core.models.PipelineStep to ~stalker.core.models.TaskType and changed the idea behind the relation between ~stalker.core.models.AssetType and ~stalker.core.models.Task
  • stalker.core.models.AssetType classes ~stalker.core.models.AssetType.pipeline_steps attribute has been renamed to ~stalker.core.models.AssetType.task_types
  • Fixed a little error in the mapper of stalker.core.models.Structure
  • Re-implemented the stalker.ext.auth.login function and updated the tests accordingly.
  • All the error classes in stalker.core.models moved to stalker.core.errors
  • Added a new error class called stalker.core.errors.DBError
  • Fixed a bug in stalker.db.__mappers__, it is now possible to add new mappers without deleting the previous stalker.conf.defaults.MAPPERS list.
  • Removed the ~stalker.core.models.AssetType and derived the ~stalker.core.models.Shot and ~stalker.core.models.Asset classes from ~stalker.core.models.Entity.
  • Moved the mixin classes from stalker.core.models to stalker.core.mixins
  • Introduced the ~stalker.core.mixins.TaskMixin which gives the ability to connect a list of tasks to the mixed in class. Also added the mapper setup for this mixin.
  • ~stalker.ext.validatedList.ValidatedList now accepts string values for the type_ argument.
  • Added ~stalker.core.models.Shot class and test for it.
  • Updated the ~stalker.core.models.Sequence database tests according to new rules introduced with the ~stalker.core.models.Shot class.
  • ~stalker.ext.validatedList.ValidatedList now imports the given types lazily when the type is given as a string path.
  • ~stalker.core.models.Sequence now needs a ~stalker.core.models.Project instance to be created.
  • It is now possible to assign ~stalker.core.models.Tasks to ~stalker.core.models.Project and ~stalker.core.models.Sequences. Also updated the tests for this change.
  • Removed the shots argument from the ~stalker.core.models.Sequence class initialization. Because there is no way to create a ~stalker.core.models.Shot without a ~stalker.core.models.Sequence instance.
  • Added tests for mixin initialization for ~stalker.core.models.Project, ~stalker.core.models.Sequence, ~stalker.core.models.Shot and ~stalker.core.models.Asset classes.
  • Fixed a bug in ~stalker.core.models.Project where it was always initializing the references with an empty list no matter what is given.
  • Fixed a bug in ~stalker.core.models.Project where it was always initializing the ~stalker.core.models.Project.start to and the ~stalker.core.models.project.due_date to 10 days later then the ~stalker.core.models.project.start no matter what are given.
  • Fixed a bug in ~stalker.core.mixins.ReferenceMixin where it was not initializing the reference attribute correctly.
  • Fixed a bug in ~stalker.core.models.Asset where the ~stalker.core.models.Asset.project attribute was not correctly getting the given ~stalker.core.models.Project instance.
  • Added the mappers and tables for ~stalker.core.models.Shot class.
  • Updated database model tests to test all the attributes of the models.


  • updated/fixed tests for stalker.ext.validatedList.ValidatedList
  • updated a couple of tests to increase tests coverage
  • stalker.core.models.status.Status class instances now can be compared to string or unicode values
  • A stalker.core.models.status.Status object in a stalker.core.models.status.StatusList can now be accessed by its name as the index in stalker.core.models.status.StatusList only while getting the item.
  • Added stalker.core.models.mixin.ScheduleMixin which introduces date variables like, start, due_date and duration to the mixed in class.
  • Removed some parts of the stalker.core.models.project.Project class which are now satisfied by the stalker.core.models.mixin.ScheduleMixin
  • Improved the implementation of the stalker.db.auth module
  • removed the stalker.db.__setup__ module which were helping to reference the variables in stalker.db module but it is not needed any more
  • It is now possible to initialize a stalker.core.models.project.Project object without a stalker.core.models.repository.Repository, stalker.core.models.structure.Structure or an stalker.core.models.imageFormat.ImageFormat or a stalker.core.models.types.ProjectType
  • Updated the tutorial_toplevel
  • From now on, in a stalker.core.models.entity.SimpleEntity, setting the code attribute to None or empty string will not raise any ValueErrors but will re-initialize the code value from the nice_name attribute.
  • Implemented stalker.core.models.sequence.Sequence class along with its tests.
  • added stalker.core.models.sequence.Sequence equality tests.
  • improved stalker.core.models.project.Project equality tests.
  • Implemented stalker.core.models.assetBase.AssetBase class along with its tests.
  • The index.rst of the documentation now references the README from the project root.
  • added the basic implementation of stalker.core.models.task.Task and stalker.core.models.shot.Shot and mapped them very basically to be able to test the dependent classes like stalker.core.models.assetBase.AssetBase and stalker.core.models.sequence.Sequence
  • Added mappers and tables for stalker.core.models.assetBase.AssetBase
  • Now all the mixin classes have proper __init__ methods, and in a mixed class, the mixin classes' __init__ method can be called directly by giving the current object instance (self) like shown below:

    class ANewEntity(entity.SimpleEntity, mixin.StatusMixin):
        def __init__(self, **kwargs):
            super(ANewEntity, self).__init__(**kwargs)
            mixin.StatusMixin.__init__(self, **kwargs)

    and it can be repeated for any number of mixins in class inheritance path.

  • Added the CHANGELOG to the documentation, and updated all formating of the mentioned references inside the file.


  • removed the stalker.core.models.entity.StatusedEntity and its tests, with the introduction of stalker.core.models.mixin.StatusMixin, it is not necessary any more
  • added to the examples, which shows how to extend SOM in its very basic form, also added tests testing this example
  • changed the database uri for the DatabaseTester, it now uses an in memory SQLite database instead a file based one.
  • Updated the version numbers in the roadmap
  • Added last_login attribute to stalker.core.models.user.User class tables and mapped it
  • because it was taking too much space in the diffs the VUE file which shows the design sketches has been removed from the trunk
  • added the stalker.ext.validatedList.ValidatedList class which is a list derivative that accepts only one type of object.
  • these SOM classes listed below uses stalker.ext.validatedList.ValidatedList in their list attributes requiring specific types of objects to be assigned:
    • stalker.core.models.entity.Entity
    • stalker.core.models.status.StatusList
    • stalker.core.models.structure.Structure
    • stalker.core.models.types.AssetType
    • stalker.core.models.department.Department
    • stalker.core.models.user.User
    • stalker.core.models.mixin.ReferenceMixin
  • added tests of the stalker.core.models.project.Project class
  • completed the first implementation of the stalker.core.models.project.Project class
  • to be able to use assertIsInstance method of mocker.MockerTestCase all the unittest.TestCase test classes are converted to mocker.MockerTestCase
  • changed the design of the stalker.db.mixins.ReferenceMixin.setup and stalker.db.mixins.StatusMixin.setup to organize the mixin classes' database setup helper functions, now they are converted to classes with a classmethod called stalker.db.mixin.ReferenceMixinDB.setup doing all the functionality of the previous setup function and placed them under the stalker.db.mixin module.
  • added persistence tests for stalker.core.models.project.Project
  • fixed secondary table generation for stalker.core.models.mixin.ReferenceMixin, the table is now created only if it doesn't exists already, and it is retrieved from stalker.db.metadata if it exists


  • changed the arguments of the stalker.db.mixins.ReferenceMixin.setup function, to allow carrying the data from one to the next mixin (this part still needs a lot of attention)
  • removed the unnecessary statusedEntity_statuses secondary table, because one stalker.core.models.entity.StatusedEntity owns just one stalker.core.models.status.StatusList its a many2one relation, so no need to have a secondary table
  • introduced the stalker.core.models.mixin.StatusMixin (will replace StatusedEntity soon)
  • Added a new example for the usage of stalker.core.models.mixin.StatusMixin
  • Updated the stalker.db.mixins.ReferenceMixin.setup function, now it takes three arguments, the class, the table and the mapper_options dictionary.


  • Removed the included tests from the egg build
  • Added/fixed equality and inequality operators for classes:
    • stalker.core.models.department.Department
    • stalker.core.models.entity.StatusedEntity
  • stalker.core.models.entity.SimpleEntity now has a **kwargs in the __init__ so it doesn't give TypeError for extra keywords
  • added stalker.core.models.entity.EntityMeta metaclass which adds entity_type attribute and sets its value to the unicode version of the name of the class
  • the stalker.core.models.entity.SimpleEntity uses the stalker.core.models.entity.EntityMeta metaclass to automatically add all the entity_type attribute to all the derived classes
  • all the mappers now uses the ClassName.entity_type class attribute as the polymorphic discriminator (polymorphic identity)
  • instead of LBYL moving toward EAFP idiom for all the models in the stalker.core
  • stalker.core.models.status.StatusList now supports indexing
  • stalker.core.models.status.StatusList now has an target_entity_type attribute which accepts strings with the class name and shows the compatible class of this stalker.core.models.status.StatusList
  • stakler.core.models.status.StatusList.__eq__ now checks for the target_entity_type also
  • stalker.core.models.status.StatusedEntity now checks for the given stalker.core.models.StatusList.target_entity_type for compatibility with the current class
  • All the validation methods in the stalker.core.models now has the validate word in their name instead of check
  • Little fixes:
    • the mapper of stalker.core.models.types.TypeTemplate was trying

      to setup a synonym to a parameter with the same name (file_code)

    • stalker.core.models.user.User classes _sequence_lead

      attribute renamed to _sequences_lead

  • Added persistence tests for stalker.core.models.entity.StatusedEntity
  • Added stalker.utils.path_to_exec which converts the given module full paths to an executable python code which imports the given python object to the current namespace
  • Added entity_types table to hold the possible entity types in Stalker. The content of the table comes from the stalker.conf.defaults.CORE_MODEL_CLASSES list. And possibly going to be extended by the users.
  • Added stalker.db.__setup__.__fill_entity_types_table__ which fills the entity_types table with default values.
  • stalker.core.models.user.User class now has initials attribute, which is automatically calculated from the first and last name if there is no one given.
  • Started developing the stalker.core.models.message.Message class
  • Added the stalker.core.models.mixin module which holds the common mixins.
  • Added the stalker.core.models.mixin.ReferenceMixin class which gives reference abilities to mixed in classes.
  • Added the database part of the stalker.core.models.mixin.ReferenceMixin. Now it is possible to create a new type of entity and mix it with ReferenceMixin and also persist it in the database. But it needs a lot of effort before to have something usable.
  • Added examples module, which holds usage examples and recipes
  • Added an example about how to create a new mixed in entity type for SOM.


  • Updated the Tutorial
  • Added code attribute to stalker.core.models.entity.SimpleEntity
  • Updated the stalker.core.models.user.User class for the new code attribute, and also updated the tests to add tests for code attribute (simply copied the test code from SimpleEntityTester, bad code repetition, need to change it later, by may be inheriting the test case from the other one)
  • Updated the database tables and mappers for the new code attribute
  • Removed the clashing code attribute from stalker.core.models.pipelineStep.PipelineStep class and the tables and mappers.
  • Added stalker.core.models.note.Note class
  • Added notes table and a mapper for stalker.core.models.note.Note class
  • Added note attribute to stalker.core.models.entity.Entity class
  • Fixed EntityTester in tests
  • Added __repr__ to entity classes
  • Added tests for persistence of stalker.core.models.note.Note` class
  • Added equality (__eq__) and inequality (__ne__) operators for classes:
    • stalker.core.models.user.User
    • stalker.core.models.tag.Tag
    • stalker.core.models.status.Status
    • stalker.core.models.status.StatusList
    • stalker.core.models.imageFormat.ImageFormat
    • stalker.core.models.repository.Repository
    • stalker.core.models.pipelineStep.PipelineStep
    • stalker.core.models.structure.Structure
    • stalker.core.models.types.AssetType
    • stalker.core.models.types.LinkType
    • stalker.core.models.entity.TypeEntity
    • stalker.core.models.types.ProjectType
  • stalker.core.models.Status classes' short_name attribute has been removed, from now on the code attribute will be used, also updated the database tables and mappers
  • The stalker.core.models.user.User.login_name is now superior to the attribute, giving both of them as arguments will lead the login_name to be used as both the login_name and the name


  • Fixed a couple of documentation errors like:
    • inheritance_diagram_toplevel had references to modules
    • A couple of docstring documentation errors in

      stalker.core.models.structure.Structure, stalker.core.models.user.User and stalker.core.models.types.TypeTemplate classes

  • Updated installation_toplevel
  • Added tutorial_toplevel page to the documentation
  • All the classes, functions from SQLAlchemy are now imported to the sqlalchemy namespace, this will let the Sphinx to correctly include classes, functions from Stalker only
  • Removed the db.meta module, now all the functionalities supplied by stalker.db.meta are supplied by db itself (db.meta.session --> db.session etc.)
  • Added query variable to stalker.db module so instead of db.session.query now db.query can be used
  • Updated stalker.db.auth.login_required decorator function, it now accepts a view function
  • Added stalker.db.auth.permission_required decorator function
  • name attribute of stalker.core.models.entity.SimpleEntity is not any more forced to start with an upper case letter
  • From now on login_name is now a synonym for name in stalker.core.models.user.User class and just the name attribute is going to be stored in the database
  • To make things simple all the properties with name type_ is now using the name type even though it is a Python keyword, Python is clever enough to understand what is meant


  • Changed the version number scheme a little bit to follow the setuptools guide

  • Persistence tests for Link is now fixed
  • Now every table correctly has a primary_key

  • Added installation_toplevel to the documentation
  • Updated README file for PyPI
  • Added the package to PyPI
  • Fixed StatusedEntityTester test suit, now it properly creates mock satlker.coer.models.status.StatusList object for the __eq__ and __ne__ tests
  • Updated tables and mappers for stalker.core.models.typeEntity.TypeTemplate
  • Updated mappers for stalker.core.models.typeEntity.AssetType
  • stalker.core.models.entity.TypeEntity class is moved to, right beside the other entity classes
  • renamed to
  • Created tables and mappers for:
    • stalker.core.models.structure.Structure
    • stalker.core.models.entity.TypeEntity
    • stalker.core.models.types.TypeTemplate
    • stalker.core.models.types.AssetType
    • stalker.core.models.types.LinkType
    • stalker.core.models.types.ProjectType
  • Updated simpleEntities table, now the name by itself is not a unique constraint, but added an explicit UniqueConstraint on name and entity_type columns to allow entities with different types to have the same name, also added test for that.
  • Fixed all the errors in, there are only failures left.
  • Added tests for, all the test are green for except the persistence tests.

  • Template class is renamed to TypeTemplate and moved inside stalker.core.models.typeEntity to prevent the name clashing with Jinja2 Template class
  • added __eq__ to stalker.core.models.entity.SimpleEntity and still trying to add it to the derived classes
  • organized the project structure to conform setup tools for PyPI

  • updating the db tests
  • stalker.core.models.user.User class is now allowed to have its department to be set None

  • organized the existent tests

  • added nice_name property to the stalker.core.models.entity.SimpleEntity class
  • added tests for stalker.core.models.structure.Structure class
  • implemented the stalker.core.models.structure.Structure class
  • added last_login attribute to the stalker.core.models.user.User class and added all the tests

  • re-introduced the link.Link, which has a general meaning than reference.Reference (I bet it will be reference again tomorrow)
  • stalker.models moved to stalker.core.models
  • renamed tests/z_db to tests/db, because the sqlalchemy/mocker problem is solved by moving the models to core/models

  • improved the stalker.models.template.Template class documentation, and added an example showing the usage of it.

  • removed the link.Link and introduced reference.Reference and typeEntity.ReferenceType classes, which I think are more organized then the previous design.
  • reorganized the AssetType and ReferenceType objects by introducing the new TypeEntity class and deriving the AssetType and ReferenceType from this class
  • added ProjectType class to hold different project types (like Commercial, Film, Still etc., it is different than having a Commercial Structure object)
  • removed AssetTemplate and ReferenceTemplate concepts and generalized the Template class by adding a type parameter to it, which accepts TypeEntity and classes derived from TypeEntity.

  • added login_required decorator to the stalker.db.auth module, but the implementation is not done yet

  • user.User._password is now scrambled, but the password property uses the raw password
  • added stalker.db.auth for authentication, removed the db.login function.

  • added the error.LoginError exception for login errors
  • started to add tests for db.login function

  • moved the login function to the db.__init__ to let it used just after setting up the database without importing any new module
  • updated the example in the docstring of the template.AssetTemplate

  • generalized the Template class. Now every Entity can be assigned to a template, it is not limited with Assets or References.

  • now can have white spaces, but not at the beginning or end, just in the middle
  • done mapping template.Template class

  • trying to create a session system with Beaker, to hold user login information
  • done mapping assetType.AssetType class
  • done mapping pipelineStep class

  • added repositories table and mapper for the repository.Repository class
  • added imageFormats table and mapper for the imageFormat.ImageFormat class
  • renamed extensions module to ext
  • added roadmap to docs

  • created the block of database tests
  • added stalker.db.meta.__mappers__ list to hold the mappers and use it to check if anything is already mapped
  • added tests for db initialization
  • removed the whole stalker.models.unit module from SOM, only TimeUnit was usable in some cases, but in fact it is also not important, the only object using TimeUnit was the Project class and it can go well without it. Don't need to make things more complex than it needs to be.
  • increased the version number to 0.1.0 to follow the stalker roadmap

  • the test_db is converted to a proper unittest which is testing all the models one by one
  • test/db renamed to test/z_db to let nose run it latest to solve the problem about mocker and sqlalchemy fighting each other.
  • Mapping syntax is changed a little bit, now to do the mapping, the <mapper>.setup() function needs to be called to be able to do the mapping any time
  • started adding tests for every class in SOM

  • in user.User the last_name attribute could be an empty string
  • removed SimpleEntity, TaggedEntity and introduced StatusedEntity to make the inheritance clear and let users to find somebody to blame by moving all the audit information to the the SimpleEntity class in which everything is inherited from. Now even a Tag has audit information.

  • entity.AuditEntity.created_by can now be None (for now)
  • user.User.last_name can now be None, to let users like admin have no last name
  • creating tables for catch the general inheritance of the entity classes
  •'s first letter is not capitalized any more
  • department.Department class now accepts Null for lead attribute (for now again)

  • started playing with the SQLAlchemy side of the system

  • updating the documentation
  • AuditEntity now accepts None for updated_by attribute when it an object is created, but sets it to the same value with created_by attribute

  • started to implement:
    • a database entry point
    • a customizable object model and database tables
    • an automatic mapper to map the objects and tables together according to

      user settings

    things can change a lot in this phase, I'm just trying to figure out the best possible way to do it.

  • added a new entity type called TaggedEntity which derives from SimpleEntity, and moved all the tag related attributes of SimpleEntity to TaggedEntity, and all the child classes deriving from SimpleEntity now derives from TaggedEntity, also moved the tests related with tag in SimpleEntity to TaggedEntity.
  • tag.Tag now derives from the SimpleEntity and doesn't add any other attribute to its super.
  • updated tests for tag.Tag
  • updated docs for TaggedEntity
  • finished implementing the Department object and its tests
  • removed the notes attribute from the Entity class

  • added the inheritance diagram as an rst page to reference it anywhere needed
  • added the empty classes for:
    • Asset
    • AssetBase
    • Booking
    • Shot
    • Structure
    • Template
    • Version
  • added the Department class
  • added inheritance diagrams to the autosummary pages of the classes