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Releases: empiricaly/empirica


15 Jul 12:30
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Patch Changes

  • 1fff425: This release introduces a very early closed preview of empirica deployments. This is very different from the final version, it is not meant for general use, and comes with no guarantee of working whatsoever.


15 Jul 02:53
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Patch Changes

  • 52f3097: Fix empirica upgrade and overall simplify and fix binary downloading and

    The caching directory for binaries changed to $XDG_CACHE_HOME/empirica.


06 Jul 03:48
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Patch Changes

  • 41f154a: The intro steps should wait for the game to be loaded before rendering.
  • 41f154a: Show the lobby if the game is available but the game is not started yet.


01 Jul 11:55
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Patch Changes

  • 079267f: The game is now assigned to the player as soon as they are assigned to a game,
    which means the game will be available in the introduction steps.


24 Jun 14:34
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Minor Changes

  • 1e40bf0: Minor Player UI Improvements:

    • slider css in the empirica core package
    • lighter header
    • better score and timer font configuration
    • remove chat in solo games


24 Jun 08:37
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Patch Changes

  • c7bd8e6: Falsey values were casted to null on .set() since the addition of .append().


24 Jun 05:39
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Patch Changes

  • 900b70a: Use @empirica/core@latest for empirica export if the version is not found.
    We used to npm link to the local version, assuming we were in development
    mode. To use the locally linked version, use export EMPIRICA_DEV=1.

  • 900b70a: Improve server restart mechanics. The server will only try to restart
    automatically 3 times, and then it will stop. This is to prevent the server from
    getting stuck in a restart loop. It will only do this if the restart is
    happening less than 5 seconds after the previous restart.

    We have also improved the error management for new projects. See
    internal/templates/source/callbacks/package.json and
    internal/templates/source/callbacks/src/index.js if you want to replicate the
    changes in your already created project.

  • 900b70a: Enforce a max duration for stages. It is set to 1 billion seconds (~31 years) in
    order to safely stay under the max value of a Go time.Duration object. See #319
    for details.


12 Jun 08:03
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Patch Changes

  • 4970481: Fixes to the scope updates tracking released in the previous version.


12 Jun 03:15
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Patch Changes

  • 229069a: Player scopes updated was not tracking composite scopes (playerRound,
    playerStage...) correctly. This is now fixed.


11 Jun 08:30
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Patch Changes

  • 56b7c88: On a server restart (callbacks), we were not waiting for all the attributes to
    be loaded on a scope before running callbacks. This could lead to errors when
    trying to access attributes that were not yet loaded. Notably, the on.once
    callbacks would run multiple times, instead of... once.

    We also had a bug in the on.once callbacks, where we were not checking the
    correct attribute key to see if the callback had already been run. (☉_☉)

  • ac3bb60: The serve command would ignore the --addr flag to specify the address to
    listen on. This is now fixed. Thanks to @malsobay for the report. Fixes #315.