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Added some functions (transfer and loc)
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eko committed Nov 19, 2017
1 parent b2d4360 commit 7eb5086
Showing 1 changed file with 56 additions and 1 deletion.
57 changes: 56 additions & 1 deletion .functions
Expand Up @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ function dig_in_parallel() {
function digscan() {
set +m;

subdomains=( a alert adm admin administration api apis api-gateway assets b back backend b2b b2c black blog bo board brown build builds c cache cached ceph cli client clients ci cloud conf config configuration console consul contact contacts contract contracts cust customer customers d dark dashboard database db dev demo directory display dl dns doc documentation domain domains download downloads e elasticsearch elb elk endpoint exchange exchanges ext extern external externals extra extranet f factory free files front frontend ftp g gateway geo git gitlab github go golang grafana graph graphs grey green group h ha haproxy health healths home host hosting hub hubs i int integ integration intra intranet j jenkins jira k kibana k8s kube kubectl kubernetes l light live lb loadbalancer loader logs m mail manager market marketing minio mobile monitor monitoring mongo mongodb mysql movie movies n nas new news no o open openshift opensource order orders p package packages packagist partner partners perso preprod priv private prive portal postgres postgresql pro pros purple q quality qualys r recette red redis reg registry rule rules root roots s s3 secret secrets share sale sales serv server servers smtp source sources ssh sso stat static statistics stats status storage store stream t test tests time timeline u v vault view views vol vols volume volumes vpn w web webmail white wiki work worker workers www x y yellow yes z zoo )
subdomains=( a alert adm admin administration api apis api-gateway assets auth authentication b back backend b2b b2c black blog bo board brown build builds c cache cached ceph cli client clients ci cloud conf config configuration console consul contact contacts contract contracts cust customer customers d dark dashboard database db dev demo directory display dl dns doc documentation domain domains download downloads e elasticsearch elb elk endpoint exchange exchanges ext extern external externals extra extranet f factory free files front frontend ftp g gateway geo git gitlab github go golang grafana graph graphs grey green group h ha haproxy health healths home host hosting hub hubs i int integ integration intra intranet j jenkins jira k kibana k8s kube kubectl kubernetes l light live lb loadbalancer loader logs m mail manager market marketing minio mobile monitor monitoring mongo mongodb mysql movie movies n nas new news no o open openshift opensource order orders p package packages packagist partner partners perso preprod priv private prive portal postgres postgresql pro pros purple q quality qualys r recette red redis reg registry rule rules root roots s s3 secret secrets share sale sales serv server servers smtp source sources ssh sso stat static statistics stats status storage store stream t test tests time timeline u v vault view views vol vols volume volumes vpn w web webmail white wiki work worker workers www x y yellow yes z zoo )

echo "Checking...\n";

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -126,3 +126,58 @@ function track() {

echo "$artist - $name"

# Find files and exec commands at them.
# $ find-exec .coffee cat | wc -l
# # => 9762
function find-exec() {
find . -type f -iname "*${1:-}*" -exec "${2:-file}" '{}' \;

# Count code lines in some directory.
# $ loc py js css
# # => Lines of code for .py: 3781
# # => Lines of code for .js: 3354
# # => Lines of code for .css: 2970
# # => Total lines of code: 10105
function loc() {
local total
local firstletter
local ext
local lines
for ext in $@; do
firstletter=$(echo $ext | cut -c1-1)
if [[ firstletter != "." ]]; then
lines=`find-exec "*$ext" cat | wc -l`
lines=${lines// /}
total=$(($total + $lines))
echo "Lines of code for ${fg[white]}$ext${reset_color}: ${fg[yellow]}$lines${reset_color}"
echo "${fg[white]}Total${reset_color} lines of code: ${fg[yellow]}$total${reset_color}"

# Uploads a file to and returns the public URL
# Usage: transfer <file>
transfer() {
if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
echo -e "No arguments specified. Usage:\necho transfer /tmp/\ncat /tmp/ | transfer";
return 1;

tmpfile=$( mktemp -t transferXXX );

if tty -s; then
basefile=$(basename "$1" | sed -e 's/[^a-zA-Z0-9._-]/-/g');
curl --progress-bar --upload-file "$1" "$basefile" >> $tmpfile;
curl --progress-bar --upload-file "-" "$1" >> $tmpfile;

cat $tmpfile;
echo "\n";
rm -f $tmpfile;

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