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This repository is no longer maintained, and has been superseded by, which is kept up-to-date with newer versions of many of the same scripts found here.

Mission overview

These are single player missions only, though it might be possible to adapt the systems used for a networked game environment.

The included missions, Sahrani Civ Zones and Altis Civ Zones, are designed to demonstrate procedural mission generation using a genetic algorithm derived from the process of differential evolution (Price and Storn, 1997) and the multiobjective non-dominated sort from NSGA-II (Deb, Pratap, Agarwal, and Meyarivan, 2002).

The missions begin with the player in an infantry squad on board a helicopter. The helicopter may come to a stop before the mission is generated - this process can take up to around 3 minutes (but often completes within 45 seconds). Once a suitable landing area has been computed for a randomly chosen location on the map, the helicopter will fly there and let the squad disembark. As the helicopter approaches, strategically advantageous locations will be sought at which weapon crates will be placed. The dynamic civilians found inhabiting the map will then be compelled to go to these weapon crates, if in range, and then arm themselves and switch to side OPFOR.

This creates a variety of tactical situations, but in theory the idea is for the player squad to be engaged rather quickly with the enemies, but with enough cover that the battle lasts for at least a few minutes. Sometimes the random position generation doesn't work out exactly this way, but that's part of what keeps things interesting (it is occassionally the case that the helicopter will crash when trying to land in the event the pilot is killed or the chosen landing spot is extraordinarily poor - but such choices are relatively infrequent due to the genetic algorithm used to compute the landing zones).

The mission Altis Civ Zones is extended in that the player is given a green smoke grenade to use when the enemies have all been defeated (a hint will appear that says "watching for smoke"). When the grenade is launched and comes to rest, it is interpreted as a signal to the helicopter (now orbiting the player's group) to land at that position until the player squad reembarks, at which point the entire mission recycles to a new location.

Almost everything is in a WIP/debug state, so markers are drawn on the map as positions are being computed and some hints are provided that may break immersion. Watching the evolution of these positions can provide some insight into how the genetic algorithm works, but it is strongly advised to peruse the code in the classdef/LocationFinder.hpp, classdef/Insurgency.hpp and classdef/Headquarters.hpp class files (and also the classes/files in the opti/ folder) to get more details on the process. This algorithm is highly customizable and can be used to develop any conceivable type of position, given enough time.

There are plenty of gains to be had from optimizing various functions with the latest SQF commands and best practices, but this has not been a priority during development thus far (which has been highly experimental).

Modules overview

This repository contains a variety of scripts, functions, and classes to enhance the high-level abstraction capacity available in SQF (targeted for ArmA 3), as well as some assorted mission enhancement modules of varied quality.

I have tried below to outline how to use each individual module, particularly how to set up the files required, but I cannot guarantee I have covered all the dependencies involved. If you have trouble with a module, the first thing to try is to just add this entire repository to your mission folder. All dependencies are included here, whether or not they are outlined below in the documentation.

If you find a module with any undocumented dependencies, I would appreciate it if you let me know. Thanks, and good luck!


  • fnc_alist_get/fnc_alist_set - Use array of value pairs as a dictionary. Folder structure:

Config init.sqf:

#include <include\alist.h>


This system adds simple conversation windows and a rudimentary state machine for managing dialog trees on NPC's. The goal is extreme simplicity and minimalism, and conversations can branch three ways at a time (as in many console-style RPG's). To use, ensure these files are in the mission path:


Put the following at the top of Description.ext:

        #include <include\asinc_defines.h>
        #include <include\asinc_dialogs.h>

And the following at the head of init.sqf:

        #include <include\asinc.h>

Now edit asinc\initDialogs.sqf following the example to fill in dialog state variables and enable the dialog system on individual units. Currently this file expects a unit named "cman" somewhere in the editor, so expect an error message if this is included without taking care of it.


This is a highly experimental but very powerful module to enable a simplistic system of classes to support primitive custom object-oriented-programming beyond the confines of the game's object system and separate functions. Now it is possible to assign game objects as instances of one or more class, responding appropriately to methods defined on those classes. In these examples, class definitions are grouped in the classdef/ folder in a single file per class listing the initialization and other methods for each instance. Dependencies:

        include\vectools.h  // Used for examples
        classdef\*.*  // Example classes
        vectools\*.*  // Used for examples

Init.sqf configuration:

        #include <include\alist.h>
        #include <include\lambda.h>
        #include <include\vectools.h>
        #include <include\classes.h>
        #include <classdef\Dictionary.h>
        #include <classdef\... >
          [... this is where classdefs should be imported ...]
        ClassesInitialized = true;  // Allow starting units to initialize

To use the provided Dictionary class example, drop a game logic in the editor, then in its initialization field put:

    _nil = this spawn {
	    waitUntil {not isNil "ClassesInitialized"};
		[_this, "Dictionary"] call fnc_instance;

Now, in fact, classes can be created without a preexisting object using fnc_new. Each new class will be created as a Game Logic in a dedicated group called Group_ClassLogic. This is done like so:

    // General form:
    _newObject = ["ObjectClassname", <parameter-1>, <parameter-2>, ...]
                     call fnc_new;

    // Dictionary class example:
    MyDict = ["Dictionary"] call fnc_new;  // (no parameters for constructor)

Some example usage of the dictionary is as follows (assuming the Game Logic was named "TestDictionary" in the editor):

        // Add a key, value to the dictionary:
        [TestDictionary, "set", "test key", "some test data"] call fnc_tell;

        // Look up the stored value from a key:
        _v = [TestDictionary, "get", "test key"] call fnc_tell;

        // Get all keys stored in the dictionary:
        _keys = [TestDictionary, "keys"] call fnc_tell;

        // Get an alist of all key, value pairs stored using this interface:
        _kvps = [TestDictionary, "items"] call fnc_tell;

In include\classes.h there is a series of macros to facilitate the construction of class definition files as found in classdef\ in Dictionary.h and some others. These macros are not required at all, but provide a slightly cleaner syntax for making a file with several class or method definitions. Do not think this means classes must be formed in this way - it is possible to declare and instantiate classes from scratch all while the simulation is running. See classdef\testWorldEntity.h for a trivial class that shows how to initialize everything without the use of preprocessor macros (the syntax is not much different and I almost didn't include macros in the first place).

This module, like all of these modules, is still under development.


This is not documented and highly experimental - use at your own risk. With the right triggers these functions can be used to evolve vantage positions around a given area.


These functions realize a directed graph in the editor made up of synchronized Game Logic entities. Each node needs only be initialized with the following:

        this setVariable ["dg_isNode", true];

You may start the graph with a single node. A directed edge is terminated by two consecutive nodes spaced within a sufficiently small distance (currently within a couple of meters). Ending a path is done with three consecutive nodes grouped similarly. The function fnc_dg_next takes a node and makes two steps from it, going to the next "full" node (every other node can be viewed as merely a transition, or edge state). When multiple paths are available, then fnc_randint is called to pick one.

NOTE: This module requires the randint module. Your path should be as follows:


The following two lines should be in init.sqf:

        #include <include\randint.h>
        #include <include\directed_graph.h>


This is a barebones implementation of a functional programming layer on top of SQF. In addition to fnc_lambda for creating anonymous functions, we have fnc_map and fnc_mapwith, fnc_reduce, and fnc_filter for processing arrays.

There are only a few things to keep in mind - the functions created with fnc_lambda will always take an array of parameters (never an atomic value). Code for fnc_lambda cannot close over variables, so anything you want accessed from within the lambda body must be added as an additional parameter to the anonymous function and then handed off to anything that will be using the function so it can be plugged-in at call time. The typical pattern can be seen in mkcivs\fnc_closest and vectools\fnc_sorted, and an extra-parameters argument is available in fnc_mapwith, fnc_reduce, and fnc_filter.

In case that wasn't already unclear enough, there is also a fnc_vlambda that implements a very limited form of variable-argument-count support. In effect, any function that was created with fnc_vlambda can be designed to dynamically accept any number of parameters in sequence. The only caveat is that passing nil to a function signals the end of the parameter list, so you cannot call a function with non-nil arguments following any nil arguments. Every subsequent parameter will be defaulted to nil.

Files needed:


Headers required in init.sqf:

        #include <include\lambda.h>

Setting up an anonymous function of three variables to compute the volume of a cube:

        _fn = [["_l", "_w", "_h"], {_l * _w * _h}] call fnc_lambda;
        _vol = [2, 2, 2] call _fn;
        // _vol = 8


Here are a few scripts that are not part of any comprehensive module.

  • randomTime.sqf - sets the simulation to sunrise, sunset, or any random time.
  • randomWeather.sqf - sets an assortment of random weather parameters.
  • rube_fn_sun.sqf - function used in randomTime to determine sunrise/set.
  • shove.sqf - experimental function to allow the pushing-away of an object.


To add the ambient civilian subsystem, ensure the following files are in your mission path (NOTE: This module requires the lambda, randint, & vectools modules):


Then, place the following at the top of your misson's init.sqf file:

        #include <include\lambda.h>
        #include <include\randint.h>
        #include <include\vectools.h>
        #include <include\mkcivs.h>

To create an ambient civilian zone, place a named Game Logic at the center and in its initialization field, put the following:

        _nil = [this,
                <despawn-radius>] execVM "mkcivs\civtriggers.sqf";

Because of the way civtriggers.sqf works, the Game Logic must be given a name. To set up an ambush from the ambient civilians, place one or more objects in the area to represent weapon caches, giving each a unique name in the editor. Then, set up a trigger and in its on-activation field put the following:

        _nil = [<civ-muster-distance-from-weapon-cache>,
                 ...]] execVM "mkcivs\layAmbush.sqf";

To set up an IED, create or select an object to specify its target and a trigger to activate the bomb. In the trigger on-activation field put one of these:

        _nil = [<target-name>] execVM "mkcivs\bomb.sqf";  // Standard, or

        _nil = [<target-name>] execVM "mkcivs\fragbomb.sqf";  // Fragmentation

I included a couple of functions with this module that make use of the features in lambda/: fnc_neighbors and fnc_closest. fnc_neighbors accepts a target object, array, and distance parameter, returning all objects from the array within the specified distance of the target. fnc_closest works similarly but accepts an (optional) integer n instead of distance, returning the [n] closest objects. There are also special classes in classdef/ that can be used to help initialize mission props.


This module is purely experimental and does nothing but attempt to add another flavor to the random number generation in the simulation. No guarantees are made as to the quality of these random numbers except that they are possibly worse than the stock PRNG. There is a crude attempt to apply von Neumann's whitening algorithm to randomly selected bits generated with the stock function.

  • fnc_bits2int - Convert a binary string to an integer
  • fnc_logarithm - Take the logarithm in any base of a number
  • fnc_randint - Random integer from [lo..hi)
  • fnc_choose - Choose [n=1] values at random from an array
  • fnc_shuffle - Return a shuffled copy of an array Folder setup:

Init.sqf setup:

#include <randint.h>


This is a module of various functions used to manipulate arrays. Many of these derive syntax from Python functions, and the usage with respect to lower and upper bound specifiers is the same. Particularly, the subsequence function is inclusive of the lower bound only (contrast this with SQF control structures in which a for-from-to-do-loop covers both lower and upper bounds). Negative values can also be used for indexing from the right instead of left just as in Python.

  • fnc_range - Generate a range of integers, with optional step size.
  • fnc_sorted - Sort array with a given comparator function of at least two variables. If > 2, an array of extra variables to insert to each comparison call must be provided.
  • fnc_subseq - Return a subsequence of an array (supports negative indices).
  • fnc_zip - Matrix transpose, or, transform n-lists-of-m to m-lists-of-n.
  • fnc_homogenize - Take a list of coordinates and convert to homogeneous representation.
  • fnc_dehomogenize - Take a list of homogeneous coordinates and divide each by its last element, then remove the last element. File setup:

Setup of init.sqf:

        #include <include\lambda.h>
        #include <include\vectools.h>


This is a simple dialog module to allow the purchasing of weapons and their associated magazines within the simulation. To show the dialog, execute the following:

        _nil = execVM "weapon_shop\openshop.sqf";

To use, the following files are required:


In Description.ext:

        #include <include\weapon_shop_defines.h>
        #include <include\weapon_shop_dialogs.h>

And in init.sqf:

        #include <include\weapon_shop.h>


This software is released under The MIT License. See the file LICENSE.txt for license details.