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325 lines (221 loc) · 9.18 KB

File metadata and controls

325 lines (221 loc) · 9.18 KB


Configuration files are mounted (or added in a child image) under /etc/wordpress. All files in this directory or any subdirectory which match *.conf will be sourced as Bash scripts. The valid variable names which are understood by the entrypoint script are listed below.

Any Bash commands are valid in the *.conf files, allowing the configuration process to be flexible.

It is recommended that when setting the array variables the "+=" operator be used to append, rather than replace values. This allows separate config files to cooperatively configure the service. It also appends to the default values, if any.

The order of file sourcing is Bash's wildcard matching; numeric then alphabetic for both files and directories together, and descending into directories as they are found. The following shows some example files in their sourced order:

$ ls -1f **/*.conf

Environment Variables

Any of the configuration values may also be passed as environment variables to the container, however:

  • Unlike the way most configuration systems treat environment variables, they do not overwrite options provided in the configuration files unless the files are specifically written to honour the environment variables.

  • For array options the value provided in the environment variable will become the first item (index 0).

Convenience Files

In addition to the values specified in *.conf files, for convenience the files specified by PLUGINS_LIST, THEMES_LIST and LANGUAGES_LIST options are optional plain text files listing additional entries (one per line) to append to the PLUGINS, THEMES and LANGUAGES option arrays respectively.



Type: string
Required: yes

The name of the MySQL database.


Type: string
Required: yes

The username if credential authentication is required to access the database.


Type: string
Required: no

The password if credential authentication is required to access the database.


Type: string
Required: no
Default: localhost

The hostname of the MySQL server providing the database.


Type: string
Format: comma or space separated list
Required: no
Example: "display,script"

If set (even if empty, unless it contains the value false) the Wordpress option WP_DEBUG is enabled which will cause error, warning and notice messages to be printed to the container output.

The value can contain any of the following, separated by commas or spaces (other values will cause an error):

Value Effect
true | yes | y | on Default if DEBUG is set
false | no | n | off Disables default behaviour, can be combined with others
all Shorthand for "display,script,s3"
display Enables displaying messages in output (not recommended)
script Enables SCRIPT_DEBUG
s3 Enables debug on S3 transfers (may cause memory issues)

Note: false can be combined with script or s3 to enable the latter features without WP_DEBUG.


Type: string
Required: no
Default: SITE_URL with path components removed

The URL where visitors should first be directed to when accessing the web site. It defaults to the root path of SITE_URL.


Type: array
Required: no

This is an array of language packs to install at startup. Items are POSIX locale language tags. (e.g. 'en_US'). If a locale is not available for Wordpress core the startup will fail. If it is not available for a plugin the missing language pack will be silently ignored.


Type: string
Required: no
Default: /etc/wordpress/languages.txt

The path to a file containing lines to append to LANGUAGES.


Type: array
Required: no

This is an array of plugins to install at startup. Items can be plugin names or URLs to .zip files. When given a name the version installed will be the latest stable available in the registry.


Type: string
Required: no
Default: /etc/wordpress/plugins.txt

The path to a file containing lines to append to PLUGINS.


Type: array
Required: no
Default: "upload_max_filesize=20M", "post_max_size=20M"

An array of "key=value" strings declaring PHP directives.

Note: These values may alternatively be supplied as container command arguments preceded by the '-d' flag: -d upload_max_filesize=20M -d post_max_size=20M


Type: string
Required: if using S3 for uploaded media
Format: URL
Example: ""

A URL to an S3 or S3-like API, including any region and bucket names, and any path in the bucket to append.


Type: string
Required: if using S3 for uploaded media

An access key allowing write access to the S3 endpoint given by S3_MEDIA_ENDPOINT.


Type: string
Required: if using S3 for uploaded media

The secret paired with the access key given in S3_MEDIA_KEY.


Type: string
Required: no
Format: URL
Example: ""

A base URL for viewers to access uploaded media. This allows caching proxies, such as CDNs, to be used for accessing files.


Type: flag
Required: no

If set, sandbox mode is enabled.

Do not set on production sites


Type: string
Required: no
Default: "admin"

A user name for the initial administrator account.

Note: This is only used for first-run setup; it can be changed from the admin interface.


Type: string
Required: no
Default: "admin@{DOMAIN}" where DOMAIN is extracted from SITE_URL

An email address for the new administrator account (see SITE_ADMIN).

Note: This is only used for first-run setup; it can be changed from the admin interface.


Type: string
Required: no

A password for the new administrator account (see SITE_ADMIN). If left unset a random password will be generated and reported in stderr logging; after sign-in the user SHOULD then create a new password through the user management interface.

Note: This is only used for first-run setup; it can be changed from the admin interface.


Type: string
Required: no
Default: "New Wordpress Site"

A title for the web site, displayed in various strategic locations.

Note: This is only used for first-run setup; it can be changed from the admin interface.


Type: string
Required: yes
Example: ""

The base URL where the Wordpress app is hosted externally. This MUST include at least a protocol scheme (e.g. "https://") and a host name; it MAY contain a port, when external access is via a non-standard port; if MAY contain a path component, when the Wordpress app is not accessed at the root path.


Type: array
Required: no
Default: various documentation files and formats, certificates and i18n data files

This is an array of shell wildcard patterns (non-GNU extensions) matching files which will NOT be copied to the static files directory.

Note: Files with a .php extension are never copied to the static files directory.


Type: array
Required: no

This is an array of themes to install at startup. Items can be theme names or URLs to .zip files. When given a name the version installed will be the latest stable available in the registry.


Type: string
Required: no
Default: /etc/wordpress/themes.txt

The path to a file containing lines to append to THEMES.


Type: array
Required: no
Default: /etc/wordpress/**/*config.php

This is an array of files to include in wp-config.php. The default includes a wildcard which is expanded. Wildcards in the environment variable will also be expanded.