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File metadata and controls

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Linux LXC container setup

I have used standard Debian 8 base images for the LXC containers.

First, To create a new LXC container

In proxmox perform the following steps to create a new container.

  • Create a Debian 8 LXC container.

  • I have used the following naming convention for the node roles, the puppet scripts use this to map the role to the container.

    • [p|t|d]-app-[n] for the Node.js Express backend servers.
    • [p|t|d]-db-[n] for the primary database.
    • [p|t|d]-lb-[n] for nginx reverse proxy servers that serve content in the dmz infront of the app-servers.
    • router-1 for the primary firewall.
    • [p|t|d]-ci-[n] for Jenkins continuous integration server.
    • [p|t|d]-log-[n] for the Elasticsearch and Kibana backend for centralized logging.
    • [p|t|d]-chat-[n] for mattermost
    • [p|t|d]-cfg-[n] for consul
  • The prefix p, t and d in the hostname is

  • Assign correct virtual network device depending on which subnet you want.

  • Assign VLAN-tag to network device. See Network configuration

  • Assign 1gb of ram.

  • Assign 1gb of swap.

  • Assign 4gb of storage space.


Perform manual steps that must be performed on each virtual container.
  • Copy the eyaml private and public keys to /etc/puppetlabs/keys to be able to decrypt values with scp command to the new LXC Container.
    • the keys must be generated for your own system beacuse they provide the encryption/decryption of eyaml files and should be held secret so that usernames and passwords and other sensitive info is readable only by you.
  • Copy the hiera.yaml file to /etc/puppetlabs/puppet for configuration of hiera.

From the Proxmox server perform on the newly created container

$ lxc exec <containerid> -- apt-get update
$ lxc exec <containerid> -- apt-get upgrade
$ lxc exec <containerid> -- apt-get install git ca-certificates
$ lxc exec <containerid> -- git clone /opt/puppet/pve
$ lxc exec <containerid> -- /opt/puppet/pve/

This will execute remote commands on the container to bootstrap the container with initial puppet-scripts and depending on the hostname a role in the puppet script will be selected for the container and executed.