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MGREML (Multivariate GREML) beta v1.1.1


mgreml is a command-line tool for rapid estimation of SNP-based heritability and genetic correlations for (nearly) balanced data on many traits in a single analysis, using a genomic-relatedness matrix (GRM) derived from SNP data on unrelated individuals. mgreml can easily estimate the full genetic correlation matrix for up to 100 traits in a sample of 20,000 individuals. Moreover, mgreml can handle a considerable number of fixed-effect covariates and a minor degree of phenotypic missingness (De Vlaming et al. 2021; see Citations).

The mgreml tool also allows users to specify structural models and test hypotheses regarding nested models, for instance regarding the absence of genetic correlations or specific shared genetic factors between traits (De Vlaming et al. 2022; see Citations).

The tool has built-in options to return the full set of factor coefficients and variance components, as well as the complete covariance matrix of those estimates.

Finally, mgreml can be used to estimate the degree to which the genetic variance of one trait is mediated by another trait (Rietveld et al. 2023; see Citations).


⚠️ Before downloading mgreml, please make sure Git and Anaconda with Python 3.x are installed.

In order to download mgreml, open a command-line interface by starting Anaconda Prompt, navigate to your working directory, and clone the mgreml repository using the following command:

git clone

Now, enter the newly created mgreml directory using:

cd mgreml

Then run the following commands to create a custom Python environment which has all of mgreml's dependencies (i.e. an environment that has packages such as numpy and pandas pre-installed):

conda env create --file mgreml.yml
conda activate mgreml

(or activate mgreml instead of conda activate mgreml on some machines).

In case you cannot create a customised conda environment (e.g. because of insufficient user rights) or simply prefer to use Anaconda Navigator or pip to install packages e.g. in your base environment rather than a custom environment, please note that mgreml only requires Python 3.x with the packages networkx, numpy, pandas, psutil, scipy, and tqdm installed. To all SURFsara users: please note that the default Python 3.x environment already has all necessary packages pre-installed.

Once the above has completed, you can now run

python ./ -h

to print a list of all command-line options. If this command fails, something has gone wrong during installation.

⚠️ Windows users: in case the preceding command fails, try replacing slashes (i.e. /) in all mgreml commands by backslashes (i.e. \), so e.g. try

python .\ -h


In this tutorial, you will learn how to use mgreml. Before you start using mgreml, please go over the steps under Installation. The following topics will be covered in this tutorial:

  1. Tutorial data
  2. Basic estimation
  3. Controlling for covariates
  4. Population stratification
  5. Standard errors
  6. Different traits with different covariates
  7. Specifying structural models
  8. Factor coefficients
  9. Variance components
  10. Nested models and likelihood-ratio tests
  11. Estimation reinitialisation
  12. Mediation analysis using GREML
  13. Data formats and management
  14. Missing data and unbalancedness
  15. Advanced options

Tutorial data

Now that you have cloned the mgreml repository, and mgreml is up-and-running, the main directory of mgreml should contain a subdirectory called tutorial. This directory in turn contains several files, including pheno.txt and covar.txt. Details on how this dataset has been generated using simulation can be found in the python script in ./tutorial/

Let us first inspect the pheno.txt file. This file contains data in tab-separated format on ten phenotypes observed in a set of 5,000 individuals. The first two columns list family and individual ID, followed by the phenotypes:

FID IID Some pheno 101 Some pheno 102 ... Some pheno 109 Some pheno 110
FID 1 IID 5001 3.738 1.447 ... 0.585 1.848
FID 2 IID 5002 -3.667 -1.704 ... 0.317 -0.946
FID 3 IID 5003 -2.644 -0.737 ... -2.647 0.093
... ... ...
FID 4998 IID 9998 -2.487 0.550 ... 2.467 -2.093
FID 4999 IID 9999 -2.460 -2.980 ... 6.344 -0.201
FID 5000 IID 10000 -2.192 -3.691 ... 0.024 -0.906

Although mgreml in principle can handle phenotype data without header (using a modifier that we discuss later on), we recommend always including headers in your data, so e.g. your phenotypes are labelled, allowing mgreml output to refer to specific phenotype names rather than ambiguous indices such as 1, 2, 3 etc.

For the same set of individuals, you have a binary genomic-relatedness matrix (a.k.a. GRM) e.g. computed using LDAK, PLINK, or GCTA. In this case, the set of binary GRM files comprises data.grm.bin, data.grm.N.bin, and (mgreml ignores whether or not the .grm.N.bin file is present). We refer to this set of binary GRM files by its prefix, i.e. data.

Basic estimation

The command for running an mgreml analysis on this data without correcting for any covariates at all is as follows:

python ./ --grm ./tutorial/data --pheno ./tutorial/pheno.txt \ 
                   --no-intercept --out ./tutorial/nocovs

⚠️ The phenotypic data itself may only be numerical. E.g. values such as yes and no are not permitted as phenotypic values. Instead, please use values such as 1 and 0.

Please notice that the labels of the phenotypes (i.e, in the header row) do not need to be numerical, of course. Also, missing values can be encoded non-numerically (e.g. as NA or NaN), see Missing data and unbalancedness for more details.

When carrying out this command, mgreml will first show the welcome screen and directly after that summarise the input options that you specified:

Your call:
./ \
--grm ./tutorial/data \
--pheno ./tutorial/pheno.txt \
--no-intercept \
--out ./tutorial/nocovs

After a few hundred BFGS iterations, mgreml will have finished, and have written e.g. heritability estimates to ./tutorial/nocovs.HSq.out and genetic correlation estimates to ./tutorial/nocovs.RhoG.out.

The estimated heritabilities are as follows:

trait heritability standard error
Some pheno 101 0.088 0.016
Some pheno 102 0.063 0.016
Some pheno 103 0.088 0.016
Some pheno 104 0.064 0.016
Some pheno 105 0.059 0.016
Some pheno 106 0.063 0.016
Some pheno 107 0.085 0.016
Some pheno 108 0.145 0.017
Some pheno 109 0.037 0.015
Some pheno 110 0.154 0.017

Comparing these estimates to the true values in ./tutorial/true.HSq.txt, printed below, we see that our estimates seem to be biased.

trait heritability
Some pheno 101 0.249
Some pheno 102 0.252
Some pheno 103 0.248
Some pheno 104 0.249
Some pheno 105 0.253
Some pheno 106 0.252
Some pheno 107 0.248
Some pheno 108 0.250
Some pheno 109 0.249
Some pheno 110 0.249

The simple reason for this bias is that we did not control for any fixed-effect covariates.

Controlling for covariates

By removing the --no-intercept option, mgreml automatically adds one fixed effect per phenotype, namely a fixed effect that controls for differences in mean across phenotypes:

python ./ --grm ./tutorial/data --pheno ./tutorial/pheno.txt \
                   --out ./tutorial/intercept

Resulting SNP heritability estimates in ./tutorial/intercept.HSq.out, however, show our estimates still seem to be biased:

trait heritability standard error
Some pheno 101 0.084 0.016
Some pheno 102 0.083 0.016
Some pheno 103 0.088 0.016
Some pheno 104 0.076 0.016
Some pheno 105 0.058 0.016
Some pheno 106 0.072 0.016
Some pheno 107 0.088 0.016
Some pheno 108 0.151 0.017
Some pheno 109 0.055 0.016
Some pheno 110 0.159 0.017

The reason that this bias persists is that more fixed-effect covariates are at play than just the intercept. The file ./tutorial/covar.txt contains the other covariates that affect the traits of interest. So we need to use the --covar option to specify these additional fixed-effect covariates. This boils down to the following mgreml command:

python ./ --grm ./tutorial/data --pheno ./tutorial/pheno.txt \
                   --covar ./tutorial/covar.txt --out ./tutorial/covs

⚠️ As with the phenotypic data, the actual data on the covariates may also only be numerical. E.g. values such as female and male are not permitted as values of covariates. Instead, please use values such as 1 and 0.

Please notice that the labels of the covariates (i.e. in the header row) do not need to be numerical, of course. Also, missing values can be encoded non-numerically (e.g. as NA or NaN), see Missing data and unbalancedness for more details.

Notice that analyses including covariates are computationally slightly more demanding per BFGS iteration. E.g. in this case we have 10 covariates (i.e. the intercept + 9 additional covariates in ./tutorial/covar.txt), each of which is allowed to have a different effect on each trait. As we have 10 traits, this means we have 100 fixed effects in total, which our model needs to take into account.

If we compare the new SNP-based heritability estimates in file ./tutorial/covs.HSq.out to the true values, taking the standard errors of the estimates into account, we see the strong bias is gone:

trait heritability standard error
Some pheno 101 0.253 0.017
Some pheno 102 0.260 0.017
Some pheno 103 0.251 0.017
Some pheno 104 0.258 0.017
Some pheno 105 0.236 0.017
Some pheno 106 0.247 0.017
Some pheno 107 0.269 0.017
Some pheno 108 0.246 0.017
Some pheno 109 0.255 0.017
Some pheno 110 0.267 0.017

Moreover, when looking at the heatmaps of the genetic correlations as estimated by mgreml and the true genetic correlations, we see that mgreml provides highly accurate estimates in this simulation:

Comparison of mgreml estimates of genetic correlations and true genetic correlations

Population stratification

In the previous part, you may have noticed that covar.txt does not include any principal components (PCs) from the genetic data as fixed-effect covariates. Perhaps surprisingly, this is perfectly normal for an mgreml analysis.

In fact, in mgreml, the file with your covariates should NEVER contain PCs from your genetic data, as mgreml already removes the effects of population stratification in the so-called canonical transformation. By default, mgreml removes the effects of 20 leading PCs from your genetic data. The effective sample size is reduced by 20 as a result of this correction for PCs.

In case you want to change the number of PCs you control for, do NOT add these PCs to your file with covariate data. Instead, use the --adjust-pcs option, followed by the total number of leading PCs you want to control for. E.g. --adjust-pcs 20 is equivalent to the default setting, --adjust-pcs 40 controls for the 40 leadings PCs, and --adjust-pcs 0 controls for no PCs at all (not recommended). In these three cases, the sample size is reduced by 20, 40, and zero respectively.

For instance, the command

python ./ --grm ./tutorial/data --pheno ./tutorial/pheno.txt \
                   --covar ./tutorial/covar.txt \
                   --adjust-pcs 1000 --out ./tutorial/many_pcs

makes mgreml adjust for 1000 leading PCs from the genetic data.

As there is no population stratification in our data (by virtue of our simulation design), this means adjusting for that many PCs will just reduce precision of our estimates, without eliminating any bias. If we look at many_pcs.HSq.out we see that our estimates indeed have considerably higher standard errors:

trait heritability standard error
Some pheno 101 0.230 0.032
Some pheno 102 0.252 0.032
Some pheno 103 0.262 0.031
Some pheno 104 0.298 0.029
Some pheno 105 0.235 0.032
Some pheno 106 0.258 0.032
Some pheno 107 0.274 0.031
Some pheno 108 0.245 0.031
Some pheno 109 0.230 0.032
Some pheno 110 0.311 0.030

For advanced users, the --adjust-pcs option can also be followed by a second number, indicating the number of trailing eigenvectors from your GRM to adjust for. E.g. --adjust-pcs 100 1000 controls for 100 leading eigenvectors from your GRM and 1000 trailing eigenvectors. Doing this decreases the overall sample size by 100 + 1000 = 1100.

By default no trailing eigenvectors are adjusted for. However, if the trailing eigenvalues are sufficiently small, we may adjust for a considerable number of them, reducing CPU time (as the overall sample size becomes smaller), without diminishing statistical efficiency of the analysis too much (as effectively only less informative bits of data are ignored).

Please notice that adjusting for trailing eigenvectors may require you to use --no-intercept, as the last eigenvector from the GRM tends to be highly multicollinear with the intercept for technical reasons.

Standard errors

In addition to reporting the heritabilities, and genetic and environment correlations, mgreml also automatically reports the standard errors of all estimates.

In case you do not wish mgreml to compute standard errors after model estimation, you can use the --no-se option. Especially for a large number of traits, computing the standard errors is computationally demanding, as this requires calculating the average information matrix, which has a computational complexity of the order NT 4, where T denotes the number of traits and N the number of observations.

mgreml also automatically reports the fixed-effect estimates (a.k.a. GLS estimates), including the covariance matrix of those estimates, and their standard errors. If the --no-se option is used, the estimated covariance matrix and standard errors of the GLS estimates will not be included either.

Different traits with different covariates

Now, suppose each trait has a different set of covariates, mgreml can easily handle this using the --covar-model option. This option should be followed by a filename which contains a binary table, indicating which covariate affects which phenotype. E.g. the tutorial folder contains covar_model.txt, of which the content is shown below:

my covar 301 my covar 302 my covar 303 my covar 304 my covar 305 my covar 306 my covar 307 my covar 308 my covar 309
Some pheno 101 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Some pheno 102 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Some pheno 103 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Some pheno 104 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Some pheno 105 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
Some pheno 106 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
Some pheno 107 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
Some pheno 108 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
Some pheno 109 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
Some pheno 110 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

Clearly, each covariate affects a different trait. We can now perform mgreml estimation under this model for the fixed effects using the following command:

python ./ --grm ./tutorial/data --pheno ./tutorial/pheno.txt \
                   --covar ./tutorial/covar.txt --covar-model ./tutorial/covar_model.txt \
                   --out ./tutorial/different_covs

Notice here that we did not use --no-intercept. This means mgreml (1) adds the intercept to the set of covariates and (2) assumes the intercept applies to all phenotypes.

So in total, we have 10 fixed effects for the intercept (i.e. one fixed effect per trait), and 9 additional fixed effects for my covar 301 up until my covar 309.

Now, different_covs.GLS.est.out, in the folder tutorial, shows the fixed-effect estimates for the intercept affecting all traits and for the covariates that affect a given trait according to covar_model.txt:

trait covariate beta hat standard error
Some pheno 101 intercept -0.328 0.047
Some pheno 102 intercept -1.063 0.045
Some pheno 102 my covar 301 1.646 0.011
Some pheno 103 intercept -0.307 0.054
... ... ... ...
Some pheno 109 intercept 1.184 0.109
Some pheno 109 my covar 308 5.766 0.013
Some pheno 110 intercept 0.684 0.035
Some pheno 110 my covar 309 1.398 0.005

E.g. my covar 301 does not affect Some pheno 101 in this case.

Specifying structural models

Analogous to --covar-model, users can also specify which genetic factor affects which trait and which environment factor affects which trait. Such specifications can be passed to mgreml using the --genetic-model and --environment-model options. For a full description of the underlying methodology, please see our work on this extension of mgreml in BMC Bioinformatics (De Vlaming et al. 2022; see Citations).

These specifications are effectively binary tables with factor labels in the header row and traits labels in the column header. In case a given factor is permitted to have an effect on a given trait, the corresponding element is set equal to one and otherwise that element is set to zero. An element equal to one is, thus, a free coefficient.

For instance, block_model.txt (found in the tutorial folder) is a factor model where factors 0 – 4 constitute a saturated model for Some pheno 101 – 105 (Block 1) and factors 5 – 9 a saturated model Some pheno 106 – 110 (Block 2), without any overlap (i.e. there are no factors that affect traits from both Block 1 and Block 2):

factor 0 factor 1 factor 2 factor 3 factor 4 factor 5 factor 6 factor 7 factor 8 factor 9
Some pheno 101 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Some pheno 102 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Some pheno 103 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Some pheno 104 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Some pheno 105 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
Some pheno 106 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
Some pheno 107 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0
Some pheno 108 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0
Some pheno 109 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
Some pheno 110 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1

This block model actually aligns with the way in which the genetic components of these traits were simulated! We will use this factor model specification later on, in Nested models and likelihood-ratio tests.

Importantly, any such user-specified structural model must be identified. mgreml performs only one superficial tests on identification: the tool checks if there are at most T(T+1)/2 free genetic coefficients and at most T(T+1)/2 free environment coefficients (this is the so-called t-rule). Satisfying the t-rule is a minimum but not (!) sufficient condition for model identification.

⚠️ Responsibility for formulating a proper, identified model lies with you, the user.

To given another example of a user-specified model: we could impose a factor structure such that there is only one genetic factor, where that genetic factor affects all traits, and such that there are T=10 environment factors, each affecting only a single trait, and no trait being affected by two distinct environment factors.

Effectively, this boils down to a model with genetic correlations all equal to plus or minus one and environment correlations all equal to zero. These specifications of the genetic and environmental factor models are stored in the files gen_model.txt and env_model.txt respectively, both found in the tutorial folder. Both files contain a binary table, with elements equal to one, where a given factor is permitted to affect the given phenotype, and equal to zero otherwise.

To estimate this structural model, we can simply carry out the following command:

python ./ --grm ./tutorial/data --pheno ./tutorial/pheno.txt \
                   --covar ./tutorial/covar.txt \
                   --genetic-model ./tutorial/gen_model.txt \
                   --environment-model ./tutorial/env_model.txt \
                   --out ./tutorial/custom_model

The estimates in the resulting file, custom_model.RhoG.out, reveal that all genetic correlations are estimated at either zero or one, as expected under this model:

Some pheno 101 Some pheno 102 Some pheno 103 ... Some pheno 108 Some pheno 109 Some pheno 110
Some pheno 101 1 1 -1 ... 1 1 -1
Some pheno 102 1 1 -1 ... 1 1 -1
Some pheno 103 -1 -1 1 ... -1 -1 1
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Some pheno 108 1 1 -1 ... 1 1 -1
Some pheno 109 1 1 -1 ... 1 1 -1
Some pheno 110 -1 -1 1 ... -1 -1 1

Similarly, the estimates of environment correlations, in custom_model.RhoE.out, show these are all estimated at zero, also as expected under this model.

Notice that in mgreml, specifying --genetic-model does not require you to also specify --environment-model (nor the other way around).

For the specific cases of genetic correlations all equal to one or all equal to zero, and environment correlations all equal to zero, mgreml has two custom options that can be used for such cases instead of --genetic-model and --environment-model, namely --rho-genetic 0 or --rho-genetic 1 and --rho-environment 0.

So, effectively, we could have also estimated the last model using the following command:

python ./ --grm ./tutorial/data --pheno ./tutorial/pheno.txt \
                   --covar ./tutorial/covar.txt \
                   --rho-genetic 1 \
                   --rho-environment 0 \
                   --out ./tutorial/rhoG1_rhoE0

Inspection of the log-likelihoods in custom_model.loglik.out and rhoG1_rhoE0.loglik.out indeed reveal that these models yield an identical fit to the data:

Log-likelihood of model = -103463.59457446574,
based on data on 10 traits and 4980 observations,
with a model consisting of 1 genetic factors and 10 environment factors,
comprising 10 free genetic factor coefficients and 10 free environment factor coefficients in turn.
Controlled for 100 fixed-effect covariates in total in this model.
Estimates converged after 31 BFGS iterations.

Notice that the option --rho-genetic cannot be combined with --genetic-model and, similarly, that --rho-environment cannot be combined with --environment-model.

In addition, for the specific case of no genetic variance at all, mgreml also has the custom option --no-var-genetic. This enforces genetic variance to be absent for all traits in your data. E.g. the following command

python ./ --grm ./tutorial/data --pheno ./tutorial/pheno.txt \
                   --covar ./tutorial/covar.txt \
                   --no-var-genetic \
                   --out ./tutorial/novarG

yields heritability estimates all equal to zero, as expected, in novarG.HSq.out.

Notice that the option --no-var-genetic cannot be combined with --rho-genetic and/or --genetic-model.

Finally, please note that for models constraining correlations and genetic variances in such fashion, the standard errors can be highly misguiding! E.g. if genetic variance is constrained to be equal to zero so then is the resulting heritability estimate, which then in turn has a standard error of zero. But this zero standard error has little practical meaning. Intuitively: if we force the estimator of heritability to equal zero, the estimator will always yield zero with no sampling variability. More formally: so-called regularity conditions break down, messing up the asymptotic theory.

Factor coefficients

In case you estimate a model using mgreml, either according to some specific structural model (e.g. using --genetic-model) or the default saturated model we started with, mgreml can report the factor coefficients (i.e. the estimated effect of each factor on each trait) by using the --factor-coefficients option.

Poor identification diagnostic

In addition to the estimated coefficients, the --factor-coefficients also reports the standard error of each estimated coefficients, as well as a diagnostic indicating if the standard error of that coefficient is unreasonably high, which is indicative of poor model identification. Unreasonably high is here defined as a standard error in excess of the standard deviation of the corresponding trait (after correcting for the relevant fixed-effect covariates).

To put this diagnostic into perspective: in an ordinary least squares context where we are interested in the effect of some regressor X on outcome Y, the estimated coefficient for that regressor only has such an extreme standard error if X (after partialling out the other regressors) is highly unstable (i.e. with a squared sum less than or equal to one), thus constituting a poorly identified coefficient.

Although we here look at latent factors rather than observed regressors, in our experience, such a high standard error of an estimated path coefficient in mgreml is typically also indicative of poor model identification, in which case you should consider reformulating your model (e.g. with fewer factors and/or fewer free path coefficients).

⚠️ please keep in mind that this diagnostic does not necessarily flag all cases of poor identification. E.g. there may be models that are poorly identified, were the standard error falls only marginally below the threshold that our diagnostic uses. In the end, model identification is the responsibility of you, the user. The diagnostic just provides some small guidance in that process.

In addition to standard errors, --factor-coefficients also returns the complete covariance matrix of those estimates in a separate file. ⚠️ This covariance matrix may grow very large for large T.

Please notice that if --factor-coefficients is combined with --no-se, the standard errors, diagnostic for large standard erros, and the covariance matrix of estimated coefficients are all NOT reported.

E.g. the command

python ./ --grm ./tutorial/data --pheno ./tutorial/pheno.txt \
                   --covar ./tutorial/covar.txt \
                   --factor-coefficients \
                   --out ./tutorial/factors

generates, amongst others, the file factors.coeff.out, which contains 110 estimated factor coefficients in this case, of which a few lines are shown below:

trait factor estimate standard error large (1=yes)
Some pheno 101 genetic factor 0 1.005 0.039 0
Some pheno 102 genetic factor 0 -0.197 0.056 0
Some pheno 103 genetic factor 0 0.285 0.056 0
Some pheno 104 genetic factor 0 -0.341 0.054 0
... ... ... ... ...
Some pheno 110 environment factor 7 0.034 0.005 0
Some pheno 109 environment factor 8 0.929 0.013 0
Some pheno 110 environment factor 8 0.230 0.004 0
Some pheno 110 environment factor 9 0.106 0.001 0

For these estimates, the standard errors are all relatively small (largest standard error is 0.205). In line with this observation, the diagnostic in the last column does not flag any of the standard errors as suspiciously high.

The file factors.coeff.var.out contains a 110-by-110 matrix representing the covariance matrix of those estimates.

Variance components

Similarly, mgreml can also return the estimated variance components (again either based on some structural model, or just the saturated model), also including the covariance matrix of those estimated variance components (unless --no-se is used). To get these results, use the --variance-components option. E.g. the command

python ./ --grm ./tutorial/data --pheno ./tutorial/pheno.txt \
                   --covar ./tutorial/covar.txt \
                   --variance-components \
                   --out ./tutorial/components

generates, amongst others, the file components.VCs.out, which contains 110 estimated covariance components in this case, of which a few lines are shown below:

component type first trait second trait estimate standard error
genetic covariance Some pheno 101 Some pheno 101 1.010 0.078
genetic covariance Some pheno 101 Some pheno 102 -0.198 0.055
genetic covariance Some pheno 101 Some pheno 103 0.286 0.055
genetic covariance Some pheno 101 Some pheno 104 -0.343 0.055
... ... ... ... ...
environment covariance Some pheno 108 Some pheno 110 0.006 0.054
environment covariance Some pheno 109 Some pheno 109 2.977 0.076
environment covariance Some pheno 109 Some pheno 110 0.985 0.057
environment covariance Some pheno 110 Some pheno 110 2.959 0.076

The file components.VCs.var.out contains a 110-by-110 matrix representing the covariance matrix of those estimates.

⚠️ please notice that --variance-components does NOT have a diagnostic for unreasonably large standard errors: that diagnostic is only reported for factor coefficients (i.e. when using --factor-coefficients).

Nested models and likelihood-ratio tests

mgreml can also be used to specify two models at once, to compare them using a likelihood-ratio test, provided the null model is nested with respect to the alternative. E.g. one can use the following command to compare the saturated model to the previously considered model assuming perfect genetic correlations and no environment correlations at all:

python ./ --grm ./tutorial/data --pheno ./tutorial/pheno.txt \
                   --covar ./tutorial/covar.txt \
                   --restricted-rho-genetic 1 \
                   --restricted-rho-environment 0 \
                   --out ./tutorial/restricted_rhoG1_rhoE0

Inspection of restricted_rhoG1_rhoE0.loglik.out reveals that the saturated model fits the data significantly better than this restricted model:

Log-likelihood of nested model (null hypothesis) = -103463.59457446574,
based on data on 10 traits and 4980 observations,
with a model consisting of 1 genetic factors and 10 environment factors,
comprising 10 free genetic factor coefficients and 10 free environment factor coefficients in turn.
Controlled for 100 fixed-effect covariates in total in this model.
Estimates converged after 31 BFGS iterations.

Log-likelihood of parent model (alternative hypothesis) = -85227.36758415299,
based on data on 10 traits and 4980 observations,
with a model consisting of 10 genetic factors and 10 environment factors,
comprising 55 free genetic factor coefficients and 55 free environment factor coefficients in turn.
Controlled for 100 fixed-effect covariates in total in this model.
Estimates converged after 53 BFGS iterations.

Results of likelihood-ratio test with 90 degrees of freedom:
Chi-square test statistic is 36472.45398062549
with P-value = 0.0

Notice that --no-var-genetic, --genetic-model, and --environment-model also have their restricted counterparts, i.e. --restricted-no-var-genetic, --restricted-genetic-model, and --restricted-environment-model. This means we could have also carried out the preceding comparison of the two models using the following command:

python ./ --grm ./tutorial/data --pheno ./tutorial/pheno.txt \
                   --covar ./tutorial/covar.txt \
                   --restricted-genetic-model ./tutorial/gen_model.txt \
                   --restricted-environment-model ./tutorial/env_model.txt \
                   --out ./tutorial/restricted_custom_model

As expected, the file restricted_custom_model.loglik.out contains results that are identical to those found in restricted_rhoG1_rhoE0.loglik.out.

As a further example, to test if the genetic components even improve the fit of the model in the first place, we could carry out the command

python ./ --grm ./tutorial/data --pheno ./tutorial/pheno.txt \
                   --covar ./tutorial/covar.txt \
                   --restricted-no-var-genetic \
                   --out ./tutorial/restricted_novarG

where output file restricted_novarG.loglik.out reveals that allowing for genetic variance significantly improves the fit of the model:

Log-likelihood of nested model (null hypothesis) = -94524.01375204933,
based on data on 10 traits and 4980 observations,
with a model consisting of 1 genetic factors and 10 environment factors,
comprising 0 free genetic factor coefficients and 55 free environment factor coefficients in turn.
Controlled for 100 fixed-effect covariates in total in this model.
Estimates converged after 20 BFGS iterations.

Log-likelihood of parent model (alternative hypothesis) = -85227.36758415299,
based on data on 10 traits and 4980 observations,
with a model consisting of 10 genetic factors and 10 environment factors,
comprising 55 free genetic factor coefficients and 55 free environment factor coefficients in turn.
Controlled for 100 fixed-effect covariates in total in this model.
Estimates converged after 53 BFGS iterations.

Results of likelihood-ratio test with 55 degrees of freedom:
Chi-square test statistic is 18593.292335792677
with P-value = 0.0

As before, --restricted-no-var-genetic, --restricted-rho-genetic, and/or --restricted-genetic-model cannot be combined with one another. Similarly, --restricted-rho-environment and --restricted-environment-model cannot be combined with each other.

⚠️ when using options such as --restricted-genetic-model and --genetic-model, it is your own responsibility to ensure the restricted model is nested with respect to the other model. mgreml only inspects nestedness superficially. The best way to allow mgreml to assert nestedness is to appropriately label the factors in both models.

A further example of estimating factor structures

As indicated previously, the genetic components of the traits in truth follow the block structure shown in block_model.txt, where there at two blocks of five traits, where each block has its own block-specific genetic factors, ensuring genetic correlations within each block and no genetic correlation between the blocks.

Thus, an interesting sequence of analyses would be to estimate and compare three models. Model I: no genetic variance at all, Model II: a genetic factor model in accordance with block_model.txt, and Model III: a saturated genetic factor model. In all three models we then assume the environmental model is saturated.

First, let's compare Model I (restricted) and Model II (main) using the following mgreml command:

python ./ --grm ./tutorial/data --pheno ./tutorial/pheno.txt \
                   --covar ./tutorial/covar.txt \
                   --restricted-no-var-genetic \
                   --genetic-model ./tutorial/block_model.txt \
                   --out ./tutorial/restricted_novarG_main_blockG

Output in restricted_novarG_main_blockG.loglik.out reveals that the genetic factor model in accordance with block_model.txt fits the data far better than the model with no genetic variance:

Log-likelihood of nested model (null hypothesis) = -94524.01375204933,
based on data on 10 traits and 4980 observations,
with a model consisting of 1 genetic factors and 10 environment factors,
comprising 0 free genetic factor coefficients and 55 free environment factor coefficients in turn.
Controlled for 100 fixed-effect covariates in total in this model.
Estimates converged after 20 BFGS iterations.

Log-likelihood of parent model (alternative hypothesis) = -85233.78515817931,
based on data on 10 traits and 4980 observations,
with a model consisting of 10 genetic factors and 10 environment factors,
comprising 30 free genetic factor coefficients and 55 free environment factor coefficients in turn.
Controlled for 100 fixed-effect covariates in total in this model.
Estimates converged after 54 BFGS iterations.

Results of likelihood-ratio test with 30 degrees of freedom:
Chi-square test statistic is 18580.457187740045
with P-value = 0.0

Second, let's compare Model II (restricted) and Model III (main) using the following command:

python ./ --grm ./tutorial/data --pheno ./tutorial/pheno.txt \
                   --covar ./tutorial/covar.txt \
                   --restricted-genetic-model ./tutorial/block_model.txt \
                   --out ./tutorial/restricted_blockG_main_satG

Now, the output in restricted_blockG_main_satG.loglik.out reveals that Model III does not yield a better fit than Model II (i.e. comparison of the models yields a likehood-ratio test statistic equals 12.8, which under the 25 additional degrees of freedom that Model III has over Model II, gives an insignificant p-value):

Log-likelihood of nested model (null hypothesis) = -85233.78515817931,
based on data on 10 traits and 4980 observations,
with a model consisting of 10 genetic factors and 10 environment factors,
comprising 30 free genetic factor coefficients and 55 free environment factor coefficients in turn.
Controlled for 100 fixed-effect covariates in total in this model.
Estimates converged after 54 BFGS iterations.

Log-likelihood of parent model (alternative hypothesis) = -85227.36758415299,
based on data on 10 traits and 4980 observations,
with a model consisting of 10 genetic factors and 10 environment factors,
comprising 55 free genetic factor coefficients and 55 free environment factor coefficients in turn.
Controlled for 100 fixed-effect covariates in total in this model.
Estimates converged after 53 BFGS iterations.

Results of likelihood-ratio test with 25 degrees of freedom:
Chi-square test statistic is 12.835148052632576
with P-value = 0.9784583536238805

Also, notice how close the estimated genetic correlations in restricted_blockG_main_satG.RhoG.null.out (i.e. from Model II) are to the true genetic correlations. Finally, observe that the standard errors for the non-zero genetic correlations in Model II are considerably smaller than those in Model III (i.e. comparing restricted_blockG_main_satG.RhoG.null.SE.out and restricted_blockG_main_satG.RhoG.alt.SE.out).

Estimation reinitialisation

By default, mgreml will not store any intermediate results. However, using the --store-iter option, users can specify every how many iterations they want the current parameter estimates to be stored. E.g. --store-iter 10 will make mgreml store estimates every ten iterations. The estimates will be stored in a so-called .pkl with a prefix a set by the --out option. This .pkl file contains the model specification as well as the estimates of that model in a given iteration.

Such a .pkl file can also be used to reinitialise mgreml e.g. if you accidentally switched off your computer halfway through an analysis. For instance

python ./ --grm ./tutorial/data --pheno ./tutorial/pheno.txt \
                   --covar ./tutorial/covar.txt \
                   --store-iter 50 \
                   --out ./tutorial/covar

makes mgreml store results every 50 iterations. Then, if the preceding analysis has reached e.g. up until iteration 52 before a power outage, we could reinitialise later on using the following command:

python ./ --grm ./tutorial/data --pheno ./tutorial/pheno.txt \
                   --covar ./tutorial/covar.txt \
                   --reinitialise ./tutorial/covar.estimates.iter.50.bfgs.pkl \
                   --out ./tutorial/covar_reinitialised

Notice that as such .pkl files already implicitly contain the full model specification, the option --reinitialise cannot be combined with options such as --genetic-model, --rho-environment, --no-var-genetic, and so on.

In case --store-iter is used when estimating a nested versus alternative model (i.e. in conjunction with one of the --restricted-... options), --store-iter stores two sets of .pkl files, namely one set with filenames containing .estimates. (denoting the alternative model) and the other containing .estimates0. (denoting the nested model).

.pkl files can also be used to reinitialise a restricted model, using the --restricted-reinitialise option. E.g. the command

python ./ --grm ./tutorial/data --pheno ./tutorial/pheno.txt \
                   --covar ./tutorial/covar.txt \
                   --restricted-rho-genetic 1 \
                   --restricted-rho-environment 0 \
                   --store-iter 10 \
                   --out ./tutorial/restricted_rhoG1_rhoE0

makes mgreml store two sets of .pkl files (i.e. a file for every ten iterations, for both the restricted and alternative model) and

python ./ --grm ./tutorial/data --pheno ./tutorial/pheno.txt \
                   --covar ./tutorial/covar.txt \
                   --reinitialise ./tutorial/restricted_rhoG1_rhoE0.estimates.iter.30.bfgs.pkl \
                   --restricted-reinitialise ./tutorial/restricted_rhoG1_rhoE0.estimates0.iter.30.bfgs.pkl \
                   --out ./tutorial/restricted_rhoG1_rhoE0_reinitialised

reinitialises estimation for the null and alternative model from appropriate .pkl files. Notice that analogous to --reinitialise, the --restricted-reinitialise option cannot be combined with options such as --restricted-environment-model and --restricted-rho-genetic, as the .pkl file already contains the full model specification.

Mediation analysis using GREML

Rietveld et al. (2023; see Citations) propose a structural equation model (SEM), which can be used to answer the question to which degree the genetic variance of outcome Y is mediated by supposed mediator M. This approach is referred to as Mediation Analysis using GREML (MA-GREML).

mgreml has a --mediation option which estimates the relevant parameters from this SEM by, first, fitting a bivariate saturated model for Y and M and, second, by transforming the estimated variance components and their sampling variance matrix to estimates and standard errors of the parameters in the SEM.

The --mediation option forces mgreml to only consider the first two phenotypes in your phenotype file, where the first phenotype is treated as outcome Y and the second phenotype as mediator M. Any subsequent phenotypes will be ignored.

In case you do not wish standard errors to be reported, you can combine --mediation with the --no-se option. Please note that --mediation cannot be combined with any of the following options: --(restricted-)genetic-model, --(restricted-)rho-genetic, --(restricted-)no-var-genetic, --(restricted-)environment-model, --(restricted-)rho-environment, --(restricted-)reinitialise, and --store-iter.

The resulting SEM estimates will be stored in an output file ending in .mediation.out.

As an example, consider mediation.txt in the subdirectory tutorial. This file comprises two phenotypes, labelled Outcome and Mediator. A few lines from this file are shown below:

FID IID Outcome Mediator
FID 1 IID 5001 -11.437 -10.670
FID 2 IID 5002 2.618 1.947
FID 3 IID 5003 10.586 5.800
... ... ... ...
FID 4998 IID 9998 -11.536 -12.892
FID 4999 IID 9999 -3.536 -2.089
FID 5000 IID 10000 -9.323 -13.177

An overview of the SEM that underlies this data is shown in the figure below:

Structural equation model used to generate phenotypes mediation.txt

This SEM for M and Y is equivalent to the following two equations: (1) M = 3G + 4G* + 5E* and (2) Y = M + 2G + 4E = 5G + 4G* + 5E* + 4E. The last expression in Equation (2) is found by substituting M by its underlying terms.

In this model, M has a genetic variance of 25, of which 9 is caused by a genetic factor that also has a direct effect on the outcome Y. The remaining genetic variance is caused by a genetic factor that has no direct bearing on Y. In addition, M has an environment variance of 25. Thus, the SNP-based heritability of M is 50%. Finally, M is affected by the fixed-effect covariates in covariates.txt.

Under this model, M has an effect on Y equal to 1. Moreover, the aforementioned genetic factor G that directly affects both M and Y, has a direct effect of 2 on Y. In addition, Y has an idiosyncratic environment factor, which adds 16 to its variance. The total genetic variance and environment variance of Y are both equal 41, putting the SNP-based heritability of Y also at 50%. Finally, Y is also affected by the fixed-effect covariates in covariates.txt.

Under this model, the genetic variance of Y that is mediated by M equals 25. This we refer to as the indirect effect (analogous to the mediation literature). If we now consider R = Y - Mb, where b is the true effect of M on Y (here, b = 1) and, thus, R is the part of Y that is free from the true contribution of M to Y, then R = 2G + 4E. In other words, R has an idiosyncratic genetic variance equal to four. Put differently, out of the full genetic variance of Y (which equals 41), only 4 is truly non-mediated. This non-mediated genetic variance we refer to as the direct effect. Thus, the direct effect here equals 4, and the proportion of genetic variance of Y that is not mediated by M then equals 4/41 = 9.76%.

Bearing these considerations, let's run the following mgreml command:

python ./ --grm ./tutorial/data --pheno ./tutorial/mediation.txt \
                   --covar ./tutorial/covar.txt --mediation \
                   --out ./tutorial/try_mediation

Now, let's have a look at the output file try_mediation.mediation.out:

MA-GREML (Rietveld et al., 2023) results:
Mediator M = Mediator; Outcome Y = Outcome
Genetic variance M (S.E.) = 24.842148570667977 (1.196723311443547)
Genetic variance Y (S.E.) = 42.45409805220828 (2.0056705514777766)
Effect M on Y (S.E.; Wald test statistic; asymptotic P value)* = 0.9852851661820797 (0.015112075740820264; 4250.848682017674; 0.0)
Indirect effect (S.E.; Wald test statistic; asymptotic P value)* = 24.116431374238918 (1.3575738009054434; 315.57252934910156; 0.0)
Direct effect (S.E.; Wald test statistic; asymptotic P value)* = 4.465297347901618 (0.4541251486913681; 96.68289860365418; 0.0)
Proportion of genetic variance Y not mediated by M (S.E.) = 0.10517941854306695 (0.009209180342654846)
* Wald test statistic and P value under null hypothesis that parameter of interest = 0
Log-likelihood restricted model where M has no genetic variance = -31083.96823086367
Log-likelihood restricted model where M has no effect on Y = -32233.66196536825
Supremum restricted models is achieved when M has no genetic variance: test has 2 degrees of freedom 
Log-likelihood unrestricted model with indirect effect = -30531.931576827894
Chi-square test statistic for presence of indirect effect = 1104.0733080715509
with P-value = 0.0

Estimates are all less than two standard errors away from the true parameters of the structural model. Moreover, estimates in try_mediation.HSq.out also show that the estimated heritabilities are less than two standard errors removed from the true value (50% for both). In addition, according to the Wald test, the estimated effect of M on Y is significant, the indirect effect of genes on Y via M is significant, and the direct effect of genes on Y is also significant. Finally, observe that the likelihood-ratio test (more reliable than the Wald test) also finds the estimated indirect genetic effect on Y (i.e. mediated by M) to be highly significant.

Data formats and management

The input files that follow the options --pheno, --covar, --covar-model, --genetic-model, --environment-model, --restricted-genetic-model, --restricted-environment-model can be comma-, tab-, or space-separated. Just make sure to be completely consistent within each file. ⚠️ Please make sure your labels (e.g. phenotype labels, covariate labels, etc.) do not contain commas.

The options --pheno, --covar, --covar-model, --genetic-model, --environment-model, --restricted-genetic-model, --restricted-environment-model have modifiers nolabelpheno, nolabelcovar, and nolabelfactor to indicate when headers (e.g. phenotype labels) are absent. E.g. the following options are possible in mgreml: --pheno myphen.txt nolabelpheno and --covar-model mycovmodel.txt nolabelpheno nolabelcovar). However, as mgreml is a multivariate method, we strongly recommend always providing headers to mgreml, so everything is labelled in terms of input as well as output.

Naturally, mgreml performs basic data management, e.g. in terms of figuring out for which individuals we have phenotypic data as well as GRM data (and data on covariates, if applicable). In case --covar-model is used, mgreml also tests if there are any covariates that affect no phenotype at all, and if so, excludes such covariates.

Finally, mgreml can also perform relatedness pruning when using the --grm-cutoff option. E.g. the following command selects a subset of individuals such that relatedness in the GRM is nowhere in excess of 0.1:

python ./ --grm ./tutorial/data --pheno ./tutorial/pheno.txt \
                   --covar ./tutorial/covar.txt \
                   --grm-cutoff 0.1 \
                   --out ./tutorial/pruned

which, in this case, causes the sample size to decrease by 44, as in shown in part of the log-file below:

Current memory usage is 284MB
Removing individuals such that there is no relatedness in excess of 0.1 in GRM
First pass: dropped 40 individuals with only one relatedness value in excess of 0.1
Second pass: dropped 4 individuals with relatedness values in excess of 0.1
Relatedness cutoff has been applied
Remaining sample size is 4956

Here, mgreml follows the greedy algorithm developed by Boppana and Halldórsson (1992); doi:10.1007/BF01994876. Importantly, mgreml does this pruning at such a stage and in such a manner that sample size is maximised. E.g. for a pair of individuals with a relatedness in excess of the threshold, we try to keep the observation with the lowest missingness in terms of phenotypes and covariates.

Missing data and unbalancedness

In general, mgreml simply tries to preserve sample size at each turn. E.g. if an individual has missing values only for a subset of the phenotypes, mgreml keeps that individual in the data, by introducing phenotype-by-individual-specific dummies (i.e. dummies that control for individual i having a missing value for trait t). Even when a covariate is missing, sometimes parts of that observation can still be salvaged (i.e. if the missing covariate does not affect all phenotypes according to --covar-model).

Introducing dummies to control for gaps in the data can become computationally highly demanding. Controlling for fixed-effect covariates has a computational complexity of the order NT 2 provided the number of unique covariates is of the order 1. However, if the missingness in each trait is on average proportional to sample size (N), then the total number of unique covariates needed to control for this missingness becomes of the order NT, and thereby the computational complexity of controlling for this missingness of the order N 3T 2, which is prohibitively complex for large N and T.

Therefore, mgreml has a --drop-missings option, whereby all individuals are dropped that have at least one missing phenotype and/or at least one missing covariate that is relevant (either because --covar-model has not been used, or because the file following --covar-model indicates the covariate with a missing value for a given individual affects at least one trait).

mgreml can handle missing values in the phenotype and/or covariate file when encoded using one of the following formats (comma-separated list of formats, with each format between single quotation marks):

‘’, ‘-999’, ‘#N/A’, ‘#N/A N/A’, ‘#NA’, ‘-1.#IND’, ‘-1.#QNAN’, ‘-NaN’, ‘-nan’, ‘1.#IND’, ‘1.#QNAN’, ‘’, ‘N/A’, ‘NA’, ‘NULL’, ‘NaN’, ‘n/a’, ‘nan’, ‘null’.

This list is based on, which is the reference manual of the pandas function that mgreml uses to read in phenotype and covariate data.

⚠️ Your phenotypes and covariates should not contain non-numeric stuff other than missing values!

Advanced options

Note that mgreml has a few advanced options regarding the estimation algorithm. First, --newton forces mgreml to use a Newton algorithm for solving the optimisation problem instead of BFGS. Although in theory this approach requires fewer iterations than BFGS to converge, we recommend using BFGS: especially for large T, single BFGS iterations are so much faster than single Newton iterations, that the overall runtime of the BFGS algorithm is much lower than the runtime of the Newton algorithm.

In addition, mgreml considers the estimates to have converged if the root mean squared sum of the gradient vector (taking scale of traits and sample size into account) is below 10−5. For conceptual ease, we refer to this criterion as length of the gradient. The option --grad-tol can be used to specify a different treshold.

⚠️ We do NOT recommend deviating from 10−5 by more than one order of magnitude. E.g. you could use --grad-tol 5E-5 or --grad-tol 1e-6. However, we de NOT recommend e.g. --grad-tol 1E-9, as such a threshold requires a degree of convergence that is often beyond numerical precision, nor do we recommend e.g. --grad-tol 0.01, as this is too lenient; the optimisation procedure simply has not converged when the latter convergence criterion is met.

When mgreml finds there to be strong multicollinearity in your phenotypes when controlling for the fixed-effect covariates, mgreml will return an error. In general, models with very high collinearity between phenotypes are poorly identified. Thus, in case mgreml returns this error, we recommend you consider a modified set of phenotypes (e.g. a strict subset of your phenotypes, or at least one phenotype defined slightly differently). In case you want to override this error, please use the --ignore-collinearity option. However, when using this option, mgreml may fail to converge at all, and should mgreml converge, the resulting estimates should be interpreted with great caution. Therfore, this option should only be used as a last resort.

Finally, mgreml also provides the option to perform pairwise bivariate estimation when analysing three or more traits. Such pairwise estimation is performed by using the --pairwise option. In case of strong multicollinearity between your phenotypes, this option can sometimes be helpful. However, in general, we would recommend figuring out what exactly causes the multicollinearity and whether it can be resolved in some other fashion (e.g. by analysing a slightly different subset of phenotypes), rather than switchting from multivariate estimation to pairwise bivariate estimation. Also, note that --pairwise cannot be combined with the following options: --mediation, --(restricted-)genetic-model, --(restricted-)no-var-genetic, --(restricted-)environment-model, --factor-coefficients, --variance-components, --store-iter, and/or --(restricted-)reinitialise. ⚠️ The --pairwise option generates T×(T−1)/2 sets of output files (one set for each unique combination of two traits). Thus, the number of output files can be very large.

Overview of commands

An overview of all mgreml commands is listed below:

Command Usage
-h, --help show help message and exit
--grm PREFIX prefix of binary GRM
--grm-cutoff THRESHOLD option to drop individuals using a greedy algorithm, such that there is no relatedness in GRM in excess of threshold for remaining individuals
--adjust-pcs INTEGER [INTEGER] option to specify for how many leading principal components (PCs) from genetic data to adjust (to control for population stratification) and for how many trailing PCs to adjust (for computational efficiency); if just one non-negative integer is specified this is taken as the number of leading PCs to adjust for
--pheno FILENAME [nolabelpheno] phenotype file: should be comma-, space-, or tab-separated, with one row per individual, with FID and IID as first two fields, followed by a field per phenotype; can be followed by optional flag nolabelpheno, e.g. --pheno mypheno.txt nolabelpheno, but we recommend to label phenotypes
--mediation option to perform mediation analysis using GREML (MA-GREML) based on estimates from a saturated bivariate model, in line with the structural equation model proposed by Rietveld et al. (2023); the second phenotype in the phenotype file is assumed to act as mediator for (part of) the genetic component of the first phenotype in the phenotype file; all further phenotypes are ignored; this flag cannot be combined with --(restricted-)genetic-model, --(restricted-)rho-genetic, --(restricted-)no-var-genetic, --(restricted-)environment-model, --(restricted-)rho-environment, --(restricted-)reinitialise, and --store-iter
--drop-missings option to drop all observations from data with at least one missing phenotype or at least one missing covariate
--no-intercept option to indicate an intercept should not be included automatically as covariate
--covar FILENAME [nolabelcovar] optional covariate file: should be comma-, space-, or tab- separated, with one row per individual, with FID and IID as first two fields, followed by a field per covariate; can be followed by optional flag nolabelcovar, e.g. --covar mycovar.txt nolabelcovar, but we recommend to label covariates; ⚠️ do not include principal components from genetic data as covariates, use --adjust-pcs instead
--covar-model FILENAME [nolabelpheno] [nolabelcovar] optional covariate model file: should be comma-, space-, or tab-separated, with one row per phenotype and one column per covariate; can be followed by optional flags nolabelpheno and/or nolabelcovar, but we recommend to label phenotypes and covariates; without --covar-model, all covariates are assumed to apply to all traits
--genetic-model FILENAME [nolabelpheno] [nolabelfactor] optional genetic model file: should be comma-, space-, or tab- separated, with one row per phenotype and one column per genetic factor; can be followed by optional flags nolabelpheno and/or nolabelfactor, but we recommend to label phenotypes and genetic factors
--rho-genetic 0, 1 option followed by 0 or 1, forcing all genetic correlations to take on the specified value; this flag cannot be combined with --genetic-model
--no-var-genetic option to force all genetic variances to equal zero; this flag cannot be combined with --genetic-model and/or --rho-genetic
--restricted-genetic-model FILENAME [nolabelpheno] [nolabelfactor] optional restricted genetic model file: should be comma-, space-, or tab-separated, with one row per phenotype and one column per genetic factor; can be followed by optional flags nolabelpheno and/or nolabelfactor, but we recommend to label phenotypes and genetic factors
--restricted-rho-genetic 0, 1 option followed by 0 or 1, forcing all genetic correlations in the restricted model to take on the specified value; this flag cannot be combined with --restricted-genetic-model
--restricted-no-var-genetic option to force all genetic variances in the restricted model to equal zero; this flag cannot be combined with --restricted-genetic-model and/or --restricted-rho-genetic
--environment-model FILENAME [nolabelpheno] [nolabelfactor] optional environment model file: should be comma-, space-, or tab-separated, with one row per phenotype and one column per environment factor; can be followed by optional flags nolabelpheno and/or nolabelfactor, but we recommend to label phenotypes and environment factors
--rho-environment 0 option followed by 0, forcing all environment correlations to zero; this flag cannot be combined with --environment-model
--restricted-environment-model FILENAME [nolabelpheno] [nolabelfactor] optional restricted environment model file: should be comma-, space-, or tab-separated, with one row per phenotype and one column per environment factor; can be followed by optional flags nolabelpheno and/or nolabelfactor, but we recommend to label phenotypes and environment factors
--restricted-rho-environment 0 option followed by 0, forcing all environment correlations in the restricted model to zero; this flag cannot be combined with --restricted-environment-model
--no-se option to skip calculation of standard errors and covariance matrix of estimates
--factor-coefficients option to report estimated factor coefficients
--variance-components option to report estimated variance components
--newton option to use Newton method instead of BFGS; not recommended, unless the model is well-defined, starting values are of good quality, and the number of traits is small
--grad-tol THRESHOLD option to set convergence threshold on the length of the gradient vector per parameter, per observation, different from the default value of 1E-5
--store-iter INTEGER option to specify every how many iterations you want to store results
--reinitialise FILENAME option to reinitialise mgreml for a model and its estimates from a .pkl file stored by --store-iter
--restricted-reinitialise FILENAME option to reinitialise mgreml for a restricted model and its estimates from a .pkl file generated by --store-iter
--pairwise option to perform pairwise bivariate estimation instead of multivariate estimation; cannot be combined with --mediation, --(restricted-)genetic-model, --(restricted-)no-var-genetic, --(restricted-)environment-model, --factor-coefficients, --variance-components, --store-iter, and/or --(restricted-)reinitialise; ⚠️ the number of output files can be very large
--ignore-collinearity option to ignore multicollinearity between phenotypes; please use this option only as a last resort; model may be poorly identified when your phenotype data is perfectly collinear; preferred route to solve collinearity is to consider e.g. a subset of phenotypes
--out PREFIX prefix of output files

Updating mgreml

You can update to the newest version of mgreml using git. First, navigate to your mgreml directory (e.g. cd mgreml), then run

git pull

If mgreml is up to date, you will see

Already up-to-date.

otherwise, you will see git output similar to

remote: Enumerating objects: 5, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (5/5), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (1/1), done.
remote: Total 3 (delta 2), reused 3 (delta 2), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (3/3), 304 bytes | 13.00 KiB/s, done.
   5b4ca9a..b18a8cc  master     -> origin/master
Updating 5b4ca9a..b18a8cc
Fast-forward | 6 +++---
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

which tells you which files were changed.

If you have modified the mgreml source code yourself, git pull may fail with an error such as error: Your local changes [...] would be overwritten by merge.

In case the Python dependencies have changed, you can update the mgreml environment with

conda env update --file mgreml.yml


Before contacting us, please try the following:

  1. Go over the tutorial in this file
  2. Go over the method, described in detail in the supplementary information of the relevant papers (see Citations)


In case you have a question that is not resolved by going over the preceding two steps, or in case you have encountered a bug, please send an e-mail to r[dot]devlaming[at]vu[dot]nl.


In general, if you use the software, please cite

R. de Vlaming, E.A.W. Slob, P.R. Jansen, A. Dagher, P.D. Koellinger, P.J.F. Groenen, and C.A. Rietveld (2021). Multivariate analysis reveals shared genetic architecture of brain morphology and human behavior. Commun Biol 4, 1180

If you use the options to estimate customised factor structures, such as --genetic-model, please also cite

R. de Vlaming, E.A.W. Slob, P.J.F. Groenen, and C.A. Rietveld (2022). Multivariate estimation of factor structures of complex traits using SNP-based genomic relationships. BMC Bioinform 23, 305

If you use the --mediation option, please also cite

C.A. Rietveld, R. de Vlaming, and E.A.W. Slob (2023). The identification of mediating effects using genome-based restricted maximum likelihood estimation. PLOS Genet 19, e1010638


For full details on the derivation of the mgreml method, see the Supplementary Information of the work by De Vlaming et al. (2021).

For derivations of the structural model used in the mediation analysis, see the Supplementary Information of the work by Rietveld et al. (2023).


This project is licensed under GNU GPL v3.


Ronald de Vlaming (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)

Eric Slob (University of Cambridge)