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File metadata and controls

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Docker OpenVPN 3 Image

About the image

Connect to a VPN Server using the newer OpenVPN 3 client.

This can be used by other containers in the following way:

  1. Set a container to use the OpenVPN container network. This way you keep the VPN and the apps using it seprately from one another. It also allows you to use the same VPN connection for multiple containers.

  2. Extend this image and build your application into it. Preparations for this is already included in this image.

  3. Launch this image and mount your app directory to /app in the container (#See: Extending the image)

Extending the image

To extend this image you simply need to place a single file into the /app directory called This file will be executed on container start after the VPN has been configured and started. This file is executed as the PUID user.

You can optionally include which is executed before anything else, even before the VPN has been setup. This file is executed as root and allows for app configurations before luanch.

Another optional file is which is periodically called to check the health state of the app. This should exit with status codes such as 0 for HEALTHY.

Lastly there are the optional files and These are executed whenever the VPN state changes.

Keep running

When the file is available, it becomes it's job to keep the container alive. If the file exists then the container will shut down. This control is passed to the to give custom applications full control of the containers lifecicle.

It is also a good idea to update /var/run/ with the correct pid that keeps the container running so to allow things like health check to signal the process to stop.


You could add something like this to the end of the script.

trap : TERM INT; sleep infinity & echo $! > /var/run/; wait



docker create \
  --name=docker-openvpn3 \
  -e PUID=1000 \
  -e PGID=1000 \
  -e TZ=America/New_York \
  -e DNS=, \
  -e OVPN=/app/myconf.ovpn \
  -v /location/on/host:/app \
  --cap-add NET_ADMIN \
  --restart unless-stopped \


Parameter Example Description
PUID 1000 The nummeric user ID to run the application as, and assign to the user docker_user
PGID 1000 The numeric group ID to run the application as, and assign to the group docker_group
TZ Europe/London The timezone to run the container in
DNS, DNS Servers to use when connected to the VPN
OVPN /app/myconf.ovpn The Configuration file for OpenVPN


Volume Description
/app The home directory of docker_user PUID

Building locally

git clone
cd docker-openvpn3
docker build \
  --no-cache \
  -t <BUILD_NAME>/docker-openvpn3:latest .