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Building and running tests

Jorge Bay Gondra edited this page May 8, 2014 · 19 revisions

Building and running tests

Visual Studio

You can use Visual Studio 2012 and above to build the solution and run the tests.

Using MSBuild

You can build the solution with msbuild using the build/build.proj file.

Example: MSBuild.exe build/build.proj /v:m /t:test

Check out the MSBuild Command-Line Reference.

Build targets


Clean previous builds and compiles the solution.

$ MSBuild.exe build/build.proj /v:m /t:compile


Execute compile target and runs the test located in the Cassandra.Tests project.

$ MSBuild.exe build/build.proj /v:m /t:unit-test

To run the unit test, you will need to have the NUNIT_PATH environment variable pointing to the bin folder of the Nunit installation path, for example: C:\Program Files (x86)\NUnit 2.6.3\bin.

As an alternative, you can set NUNIT_PATH as a project-level property, using the switch /p:

$ MSBuild.exe build/build.proj /v:m /t:unit-test "/p:NUNIT_PATH=C:\Program Files (x86)\NUnit 2.6.3\bin"


Runs unit-test target and runs the tests located in the Cassandra.IntegrationTests project.

It also requires NUNIT_PATH environment variable.


Modifies the assembly info to include the build number and runs test target.

You will need to set the BUILD_NUMBER environment variable.

Example using environment variables:

$ MSBuild.exe build/build.proj /v:n /t:ci

Example using command line arguments:

Example using environment variables:

$ MSBuild.exe build/build.proj /v:n /t:ci "/p:NUNIT_PATH=C:\Program Files (x86)\NUnit 2.6.3\bin" /p:BUILD_NUMBER=12345
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