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Building and running tests

Kishan Karunaratne edited this page Oct 9, 2015 · 19 revisions


To run the unit and integration tests you need to have NUnit 2.6 installed.

To run the integration tests you need a working ccm on your machine and make a ccm command accessible from command line path.

This way you should be able to run > cmd.exe /c ccm help using command line on Windows or $ /usr/local/bin/ccm help on Linux / OS X.


.NET 4.0+

Using Visual Studio

You can use Visual Studio 2012+ to build the solution and run the tests.

Using MSBuild

You can build the solution with msbuild using the build/build.proj file.

Example: > MSBuild.exe build\build.proj /v:m /t:test

Check out the MSBuild Command-Line Reference.

Build targets


Clean previous builds and compiles the solution.

> MSBuild.exe build/build.proj /v:m /t:compile


Execute compile target and runs the test located in the Cassandra.Tests project.

> MSBuild.exe build/build.proj /v:m /t:unit-test

To run the unit test, you will need to have the NUNIT_PATH environment variable pointing to the bin folder of the Nunit installation path, for example: C:\Program Files (x86)\NUnit 2.6.3\bin.

As an alternative, you can set NUNIT_PATH as a project-level property, using the switch /p:

> MSBuild.exe build\build.proj /v:m /t:unit-test "/p:NUNIT_PATH=C:\Program Files (x86)\NUnit 2.6.3\bin"


Runs unit-test target plus the tests located in the Cassandra.IntegrationTests project, of category short.

It also requires NUNIT_PATH environment variable.

You should set the Cassandra version you want to run the test against, using CASSANDRA_VERSION environment variable.

> MSBuild.exe build\build.proj /v:m /t:test


Until all integration tests run stable on all environment, you can select which tests to run using the ci target and specifying the test to include using the INCLUDE_TEST property.

> MSBuild.exe build/build.proj /v:n /t:ci /p:INCLUDE_TEST=Cassandra.IntegrationTests.Core.CollectionsTests,Cassandra.IntegrationTests.Core.ControlConnectionTests

Linux / OS X

Mono 3.12+

Using bash

You can build the solution with xbuild and run the test using nunit-console under Mono.

You should set the Cassandra version you want to run the test against, using CASSANDRA_VERSION environment variable.

$ export CASSANDRA_VERSION=2.2.2
$ nuget restore src/Cassandra.sln
$ nuget install NUnit.Runners -Version 2.6.4 -OutputDirectory testrunner
$ xbuild /p:Configuration=Release /v:m /p:restorepackages=false src/Cassandra.sln
$ mono ./testrunner/NUnit.Runners.2.6.4/tools/nunit-console.exe src/Cassandra.Tests/bin/Release/Cassandra.Tests.dll src/Cassandra.IntegrationTests/bin/Release/Cassandra.IntegrationTests.dll -labels -exclude=long,duration
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