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Specification changelog.

This changelog is organized by specification version and notes all changes with respect to the previous version. Within the section for a specific version (e.g., v2022.12), separate sections are used for (a) changes to existing APIs and requirements, (b) new APIs and new requirements, and (c) errata.



Updates to existing APIs and requirements.


  • Clarify expectations concerning exception handling (gh-613)
  • Clarify that the constant newaxis is an alias of None (gh-687)
  • Add design discussion on lazy versus eager implementations (gh-708)
  • Revise guidance to require a minimum upper bound for supported ranks (gh-702)
  • Relax design requirements for positional and keyword-only arguments (gh-730)
  • Add recommendation to __dlpack__ for handling read-only arrays (gh-749)


  • __bool__: allow lazy implementations to raise from intrinsically eager functions (gh-652)
  • __complex__: allow lazy implementations to raise from intrinsically eager functions (gh-652)
  • __dlpack__: add max_version keyword argument to support versioning (gh-602)
  • __dlpack__: add dl_device and copy keyword arguments (gh-741)
  • __float__: allow lazy implementations to raise from intrinsically eager functions (gh-652)
  • __index__: allow lazy implementations to raise from intrinsically eager functions (gh-652)
  • __int__: allow lazy implementations to raise from intrinsically eager functions (gh-652)
  • astype: add support for an optional device keyword argument (gh-665)
  • from_dlpack: require exceptions to address unsupported use cases (gh-709)
  • from_dlpack: add support for copy and device keywords (gh-741)
  • max: clarify that the order of signed zeros is unspecified (gh-751)
  • min: clarify that the order of signed zeros is unspecified (gh-751)
  • take: explicitly leave out-of-bounds behavior unspecified (gh-701)
  • tensordot: allow negative axes (gh-625)
  • to_device: clarify behavior when a provided device object corresponds to the same device on which an array instance resides (gh-742)
  • unique_all: clarify the shape of the array containing unique values and the order of returned counts (gh-752)
  • unique_counts: clarify the shape of the array containing unique values and the order of returned counts (gh-752)
  • unique_inverse: clarify the shape of the array containing unique values (gh-752)
  • unique_values: clarify the shape of the returned array (gh-752)


Updates to APIs and requirements included as part of specification extensions.

  • fft.*: clarify behavior of the n and s keyword arguments and the expected output array shape (gh-720 and gh-746; backported to v2022.12 revision of Array API specification)


New APIs and requirements added to the specification.


The following APIs were added to the specification:

  • __array_namespace_info__: namespace with Array API namespace inspection utilities (gh-689)
  • clip: clamp each element of an input array to a specified range (gh-715)
  • copysign: compose a floating-point value with the magnitude of a x1_i and the sign of x2_i (gh-693)
  • cumulative_sum: calculate the cumulative sum (gh-653)
  • hypot: compute the square root of the sum of squares for each element in an array (gh-703)
  • maximum: compute the maximum value for each element of an array relative to the respective element in another array (gh-713)
  • minimum: compute the minimum value for each element of an array relative to the respective element in another array (gh-713)
  • moveaxis: move array axes to new positions, while leaving other axes in their original positions (gh-656)
  • repeat: repeat each element of an array a specified number of times (gh-690)
  • searchsorted: find the indices into x1 such that, if the corresponding elements in x2 were inserted before the indices, the order of x1, when sorted in ascending order, would be preserved (gh-699)
  • signbit: determine whether the sign bit is set for each element of an array (gh-705)
  • tile: construct an array by tiling an input array (gh-692)
  • unstack: split an array into a sequence of arrays along a given axis (gh-604)

Inspection APIs

The following inspection APIs were added to the specification:

  • capabilities: return a dictionary of array library capabilities (gh-689)
  • default_device: return the default device (gh-689)
  • default_dtypes: return a dictionary containing default data types (gh-689)
  • dtypes: return a dictionary support Array API data types (gh-689)
  • devices: return a list of supported devices (gh-689)

Breaking Changes

The following is a list of breaking changes relative to the previous version of the specification:

  • prod: when provided a floating-point array, the function must return a floating-point array having the same data type (gh-744)
  • sum: when provided a floating-point array, the function must return a floating-point array having the same data type (gh-744)
  • vecdot: only require a negative integer for the axis keyword argument (gh-740)


The following is a list of breaking changes in specification extensions relative to the previous version of the specification:

  • fft.fft: require the input array to have a complex-valued floating-point data type and require that the output array have the same data type as the input array (gh-720; backported to v2022.12 revision of Array API specification)
  • fft.fftn: require the input array to have a complex-valued floating-point data type and require that the output array have the same data type as the input array (gh-720; backported to v2022.12 revision of Array API specification)
  • fft.hfft: require the input array to have a complex-valued floating-point data type and require that the output array have a real-valued data type having the same precision as the input array (gh-720; backported to v2022.12 revision of Array API specification)
  • fft.ifft: require the input array to have a complex-valued floating-point data type and require that the output array have the same data type as the input array (gh-720; backported to v2022.12 revision of Array API specification)
  • fft.ifftn: require the input array to have a complex-valued floating-point data type and require that the output array have the same data type as the input array (gh-720; backported to v2022.12 revision of Array API specification)
  • fft.irfft: require the output array have a real-valued floating-point data type having the same precision as the input array (gh-720; backported to v2022.12 revision of Array API specification)
  • fft.irfftn: require the output array have a real-valued floating-point data type having the same precision as the input array (gh-720; backported to v2022.12 revision of Array API specification)
  • fft.fftfreq: require the output array have the default real-valued floating-point data type (gh-720; backported to v2022.12 revision of Array API specification)
  • fft.rfftfreq: require the output array have the default real-valued floating-point data type (gh-720; backported to v2022.12 revision of Array API specification)
  • linalg.cross: broadcast only along non-compute axes and only require a negative integer for the axis keyword argument (gh-740)
  • linalg.trace: when provided a floating-point array, the function must return a floating-point array having the same data type (gh-744)


The following is a list of fixes and points of clarification with regard to the previous version of the specification:

  • __getitem__: clarify typing to allow None in indexing (gh-674 and gh-687)
  • __ge__: clarify that the operation is only defined for arrays having real-valued data types (gh-736)
  • __gt__: clarify that the operation is only defined for arrays having real-valued data types (gh-736)
  • __le__: clarify that the operation is only defined for arrays having real-valued data types (gh-736)
  • __lt__: clarify that the operation is only defined for arrays having real-valued data types (gh-736)
  • abs: fix typo in return value description (gh-633)
  • asarray: fix typo in device keyword argument description (gh-681)
  • conj: fix typo in parameter description (gh-706)
  • finfo_object: fix missing dtype attribute (gh-639)
  • fft.*: fix various typing issues (gh-720)
  • iinfo_object: fix missing dtype attribute (gh-639)
  • linalg.qr: fix typo in function description (gh-661)
  • linalg.cholesky: fix typo in function description (gh-677)
  • linalg.svd: fix return type (gh-619)
  • prod: clarify type promotion behavior when dtype=None (gh-666)
  • sum: clarify type promotion behavior when dtype=None (gh-666)
  • take: fix typing for optional axis keyword argument (gh-644)
  • tensordot: fix typo in parameter description (gh-622)
  • trace: clarify type promotion behavior when dtype=None (gh-666)
  • vecdot: fix definition of complex inner product (gh-723)



Updates to existing APIs and requirements.


  • __bool__: add support for non-boolean data types (gh-497)
  • __dlpack__: raise BufferError when data cannot be exported as DLPack (gh-498)
  • __float__: add support for non-floating-point data types (gh-497)
  • __int__: add support for non-integer data types (gh-497)
Complex Number Support

The following APIs were updated to support arrays having complex floating-point data types:


Updates to APIs and requirements included as part of specification extensions.

  • Mechanism by which to access extension APIs (gh-470)
  • linalg.cross: add support for broadcasting (gh-417)
  • linalg.trace: add support for specifying output array data type (gh-502)
Complex Number Support

The following APIs were updated to support arrays having complex floating-point data types:


New APIs and requirements added to the specification.

Data Types

The following data types were added to the specification:

  • complex64: single-precision complex floating-point numbers (gh-418)
  • complex128: double-precision complex floating-point numbers (gh-418)

To support complex floating-point numbers, the following requirements were added to the specification:

  • Type promotion rules: real-complex and complex-complex data type promotion guidance (gh-491)
  • Guidance for mixing arrays and Python complex scalars (gh-513)
  • Guidance for data type variability across devices (gh-515)
  • Guidance for complex number ordering (gh-527)
  • Guidance for complex number equality (gh-528)
  • Guidance for value-based promotion when results are outside of their real domain (gh-573)

note: conforming implementations must define a default complex floating-point data type.


The following APIs were added to the specification:

  • __array_api_version__: string representing the version of the array API specification (gh-480)
  • __complex__: convert a zero-dimensional array to a Python complex object (gh-497)
  • conj: return the complex conjugate of a complex number (gh-446)
  • finfo.dtype: floating-point data type (gh-485)
  • iinfo.dtype: integer data type (gh-485)
  • imag: return the imaginary component of a complex number (gh-496)
  • isdtype: test whether a provided dtype is of a specified data type kind (gh-503)
  • real: return the real component of a complex number (gh-427)
  • take: return elements of an array along a specified axis (gh-416)


The following optional extensions were added to the specification:

  • fft: Fast Fourier Transforms (FFT) (gh-189)

    • fft
    • ifft
    • fftn
    • ifftn
    • rfft
    • rfftn
    • irfft
    • irfttn
    • fftfreq
    • rfftfreq
    • fftshift
    • ifftshift


The following is a list of fixes and points of clarification with regard to the previous version of the specification:

  • Missing self parameter for array object properties (gh-464)
  • __setitem__: clarify that in-place element-wise operations must not change the shape of the in-place array as a result of broadcasting (gh-429)
  • full: missing type annotation for bool fill values (gh-435)
  • full_like: missing type annotation for bool fill values (gh-435)
  • iinfo: fix typo in description (gh-439)
  • linalg.eigh: fix input data type to allow non-floating-point data types for backward compat in alignment with other linalg APIs (gh-572)
  • linalg.eigvalsh: fix input data type to allow non-floating-point data types for backward compat in alignment with other linalg APIs (gh-572)
  • linalg.matrix_rank: fix return data type (gh-510)
  • linalg.trace: clarify special cases for floating-point operands and the empty sum (gh-502)
  • linspace: conversion of start and stop should follow type promotion rules (gh-568)
  • nonzero: clarify that, for arrays having a boolean data type, non-zero elements are those elements which equal True (gh-441)
  • trunc: fix description (gh-511)
  • vecdot: clarify broadcasting behavior (gh-417 and gh-473)