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SCALE: data-oriented material


Set within the context of side-channel attacks based on power analysis, the hardware material of SCALE has high-level goals that include reducing Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) wrt. the equipment involved. Whether or not it succeeds, it is useful to consider scenarios where the acquisition platform is eliminated: by offering a suite of example data sets, the SCALE data-oriented material aims to support use-cases such as

  • (offline) development of attacks, with zero infrastructure required to physically acquire traces,
  • fair comparison between or benchmarking of said attacks.

It has a strict remit, namely educational use (e.g., as a lab. exercise or assignment), which to some extent determines goals, design decisions, and, ultimately, the content.

  • The data sets relate to execution of AES-128 encryption on a given target board. More specifically, the implementation roughly matches FIPS-197 [Section 6.4, 1] (or at least the references it then cites): this implies that it focuses on use of an 8-bit data-path, but uses small, pre-computed look-up tables to support the S-box and xtime operations.

  • For each target board there are in fact two data sets, namely

    • one for traces acquired wrt. a known cipher key (which is the same for all target boards), and
    • for for traces acquired wrt. an unknown cipher key (which differs for each target board).

    Note that the known cipher key is 2B7E151628AED2A6ABF7158809CF4F3C, matching the test vector in FIPS-197 [Appendix B, 1].

  • Each trace

    • includes several fields, namely

      • a plaintext,
      • a ciphertext, and
      • a trace, or sequence of samples, that was acquired during encryption of said plaintext to produce said ciphertext,
    • was acquired using a Picoscope 2206B, tuned to roughly the highest sampling frequency possible to fit the trace; attacks are possible with a (much) lower sampling frequency, but this approach captures a best-case scenario wrt. attacks using said equipment,

    • is trimmed wrt. a trigger signal used to delineate and hence isolate execution of the encryption itself, meaning they are reasonably well aligned.


  • Install any pre-requisites, e.g., support for Git Large File Storage (LFS) (without this, some content will appear as a set of pointers to data vs. the data itself).

  • Clone the repo.

    git clone ./scale-data
    cd ./scale-data
    git submodule update --init --recursive
    source ./bin/
  • Create and populate a suitable Python virtual environment based on ${REPO_HOME}/requirements.txt by executing

    make venv

    then activate it by executing

    source ${REPO_HOME}/build/venv/bin/activate
  • Select a target board, e.g., by setting the environment variable

    export TARGET="lpc1313fbd48"
  • Make use of the material:

    • fix the working directory:

      cd ${REPO_HOME}/data/scale/known

      then decompress the data set:

      gunzip ${TARGET}.hdf5.gzip
    • start an interactive Python session:

    • open and inspect the data set:

      import os, h5py
      fd = h5py.File( os.environ[ 'TARGET' ] + '.hdf5', 'r' )
      print( fd[ 'm'     ] )
      print( fd[ 'c'     ] )
      print( fd[ 'trace' ] )
    • validate a plaintext/ciphertext pair wrt. the known cipher key:

      import binascii, Crypto.Cipher.AES as AES
      k = binascii.a2b_hex( '2B7E151628AED2A6ABF7158809CF4F3C' )
      print( bytes( fd[ 'c' ][ 0 ] ) == k, AES.MODE_ECB ).encrypt( bytes( fd[ 'm' ][ 0 ] ) ) )
      print( bytes( fd[ 'm' ][ 0 ] ) == k, AES.MODE_ECB ).decrypt( bytes( fd[ 'c' ][ 0 ] ) ) )
    • visualise a trace:

      import matplotlib.pyplot as mpl
    mpl.plot( fd[ 'trace' ][ 0 ] ) )


  1. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). Federal Information Processing Standards Publication (FIPS) 197, 2001.