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4. Simulating in the Gazebo Simulation Environment

Syropod Banner

Previous: Creating the Catkin Workspace

To simulate a hexapod in the Gazebo simulation environment, you have to create the required graphical objects. (URDF files, xacro files, Gazebo worlds etc...) You can clone the bullet syropod package which contains the required graphical objects for the syropod named bullet syropod.

4.1 Open the src folder in the created workspace by,

cd ~/openshc_ws/src

4.2 Clone the bullet_syropod package to the src folder in your workspace by,

git clone

4.3 Open your workspace by,

cd ~/openshc_ws

4.4 Compile your workspace by,

catkin build

4.5 Source the devel/setup.bash file from your workspace by,

source ~/openshc_ws/devel/setup.bash

4.6 Plug a gamepad controller into your machine such as the Logitech F710 Wireless Gamepad for control. Ensure the controller is in XInput mode. Other gamepads may be used, but the mapping may differ.


4.7 Launch the Gazebo simulation from the terminal by,

roslaunch bullet_syropod bullet_highlevel.launch gazebo:=true

4.8 Start the simulation by clicking the play button on the Gazebo environment.


4.9 Press the Logitech button after acquiring the robot state and press the start button to change it to the running state. If the simulation doesn't respond to the controller commands or if you have trouble getting the gamepad controller talking to ROS, please refer to the ROS joystick tutorials here.

4.10 After generating the workspace press the start button again to proceed.

4.11 Visit How to Control the Legged Robot to learn how to control the hexapod from the joystick.

  • This simulation displays the Bullet Syropod. For other syropods you have to modify the configuration file ~/openshc_ws/src/<name_syropod>/config/<name>.yaml accordingly and simulate them in the Rviz environment by the following command.

      roslaunch <name_syropod> <name>_highlevel.launch rviz:=true


  • You can simulate any syropod in the Rviz environment just by changing the configuration parameters in ~/openshc_ws/src/<name_syropod>/config/<name>.yaml according to the syropod. However to simulate in the Gazebo simulation environment, you have to create the required model for that specific syropod. (URDF files, xacro files, Gazebo worlds etc...)

Next: Preparing the Legged Robot