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Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum


  1. collection collection Public

    Collection Data for Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum

    226 46

  2. cooperhewitt-api-tools cooperhewitt-api-tools Public

    A collection of open-source tools for working with the Cooper Hewitt collections API. Contributions welcome!


  3. the-pen-data the-pen-data Public

    Open Data generated by Cooper Hewitt's Pen

    11 5

  4. cooperhewitt-typeface cooperhewitt-typeface Public

    Cooper Hewitt: The Typeface created by Chester Jenkins

    377 43

  5. what-would-micah-say what-would-micah-say Public

    @micahwalter as a service

    Python 2 1

  6. Planetary Planetary Public

    the all new clean and UI callback enabled app formerly known as Kepler (AKA pollen-planets)

    C++ 201 33


Showing 10 of 102 repositories