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File metadata and controls

522 lines (402 loc) · 24.4 KB

Customizing commitizen is not hard at all. We have two different ways to do so.

1. Customize in configuration file

The basic steps are:

  1. Define your custom committing or bumping rules in the configuration file.
  2. Declare name = "cz_customize" in your configuration file, or add -n cz_customize when running commitizen.


name = "cz_customize"

message_template = "{{change_type}}:{% if show_message %} {{message}}{% endif %}"
example = "feature: this feature enable customize through config file"
schema = "<type>: <body>"
schema_pattern = "(feature|bug fix):(\\s.*)"
bump_pattern = "^(break|new|fix|hotfix)"
bump_map = {"break" = "MAJOR", "new" = "MINOR", "fix" = "PATCH", "hotfix" = "PATCH"}
change_type_order = ["BREAKING CHANGE", "feat", "fix", "refactor", "perf"]
info_path = "cz_customize_info.txt"
info = """
This is customized info
commit_parser = "^(?P<change_type>feature|bug fix):\\s(?P<message>.*)?"
changelog_pattern = "^(feature|bug fix)?(!)?"
change_type_map = {"feature" = "Feat", "bug fix" = "Fix"}

type = "list"
name = "change_type"
choices = [{value = "feature", name = "feature: A new feature."}, {value = "bug fix", name = "bug fix: A bug fix."}]
# choices = ["feature", "fix"]  # short version
message = "Select the type of change you are committing"

type = "input"
name = "message"
message = "Body."

type = "confirm"
name = "show_message"
message = "Do you want to add body message in commit?"

The equivalent example for a json config file:

    "commitizen": {
        "name": "cz_customize",
        "customize": {
            "message_template": "{{change_type}}:{% if show_message %} {{message}}{% endif %}",
            "example": "feature: this feature enable customize through config file",
            "schema": "<type>: <body>",
            "schema_pattern": "(feature|bug fix):(\\s.*)",
            "bump_pattern": "^(break|new|fix|hotfix)",
            "bump_map": {
                "break": "MAJOR",
                "new": "MINOR",
                "fix": "PATCH",
                "hotfix": "PATCH"
            "change_type_order": ["BREAKING CHANGE", "feat", "fix", "refactor", "perf"],
            "info_path": "cz_customize_info.txt",
            "info": "This is customized info",
            "commit_parser": "^(?P<change_type>feature|bug fix):\\s(?P<message>.*)?",
            "changelog_pattern": "^(feature|bug fix)?(!)?",
            "change_type_map": {"feature": "Feat", "bug fix": "Fix"},
            "questions": [
                    "type": "list",
                    "name": "change_type",
                    "choices": [
                            "value": "feature",
                            "name": "feature: A new feature."
                            "value": "bug fix",
                            "name": "bug fix: A bug fix."
                    "message": "Select the type of change you are committing"
                    "type": "input",
                    "name": "message",
                    "message": "Body."
                    "type": "confirm",
                    "name": "show_message",
                    "message": "Do you want to add body message in commit?"

And the correspondent example for a yaml json file:

  name: cz_customize
    message_template: "{{change_type}}:{% if show_message %} {{message}}{% endif %}"
    example: 'feature: this feature enable customize through config file'
    schema: "<type>: <body>"
    schema_pattern: "(feature|bug fix):(\\s.*)"
    bump_pattern: "^(break|new|fix|hotfix)"
    commit_parser: "^(?P<change_type>feature|bug fix):\\s(?P<message>.*)?",
    changelog_pattern: "^(feature|bug fix)?(!)?",
      feature: Feat
      bug fix: Fix
      break: MAJOR
      new: MINOR
      fix: PATCH
      hotfix: PATCH
    change_type_order: ["BREAKING CHANGE", "feat", "fix", "refactor", "perf"]
    info_path: cz_customize_info.txt
    info: This is customized info
    - type: list
      name: change_type
      - value: feature
        name: 'feature: A new feature.'
      - value: bug fix
        name: 'bug fix: A bug fix.'
      message: Select the type of change you are committing
    - type: input
      name: message
      message: Body.
    - type: confirm
      name: show_message
      message: Do you want to add body message in commit?

Customize configuration

Parameter Type Default Description
questions Questions None Questions regarding the commit message. Detailed below. The type Questions is an alias to Iterable[MutableMapping[str, Any]] which is defined in commitizen.defaults. It expects a list of dictionaries.
message_template str None The template for generating message from the given answers. message_template should either follow Jinja2 formatting specification, and all the variables in this template should be defined in name in questions
example str None (OPTIONAL) Provide an example to help understand the style. Used by cz example.
schema str None (OPTIONAL) Show the schema used. Used by cz schema.
schema_pattern str None (OPTIONAL) The regular expression used to do commit message validation. Used by cz check.
info_path str None (OPTIONAL) The path to the file that contains explanation of the commit rules. Used by cz info. If not provided cz info, will load info instead.
info str None (OPTIONAL) Explanation of the commit rules. Used by cz info.
bump_map dict None (OPTIONAL) Dictionary mapping the extracted information to a SemVer increment type (MAJOR, MINOR, PATCH)
bump_pattern str None (OPTIONAL) Regex to extract information from commit (subject and body)
change_type_order str None (OPTIONAL) List of strings used to order the Changelog. All other types will be sorted alphabetically. Default is ["BREAKING CHANGE", "Feat", "Fix", "Refactor", "Perf"]
commit_parser str None (OPTIONAL) Regex to extract information used in creating changelog. See more
changelog_pattern str None (OPTIONAL) Regex to understand which commits to include in the changelog
change_type_map dict None (OPTIONAL) Dictionary mapping the type of the commit to a changelog entry

Detailed questions content

Parameter Type Default Description
type str None The type of questions. Valid type: list, input and etc. [See More][different-question-types]
name str None The key for the value answered by user. It's used in message_template
message str None Detail description for the question.
choices list None (OPTIONAL) The choices when type = list. Either use a list of values or a list of dictionaries with name and value keys. Keyboard shortcuts can be defined via key. See examples above.
default Any None (OPTIONAL) The default value for this question.
filter str None (Optional) Validator for user's answer. (Work in Progress)

Shortcut keys

When the use_shortcuts config option is enabled, commitizen can show and use keyboard shortcuts to select items from lists directly. For example, when using the cz_conventional_commits commitizen template, shortcut keys are shown when selecting the commit type. Unless otherwise defined, keyboard shortcuts will be numbered automatically. To specify keyboard shortcuts for your custom choices, provide the shortcut using the key parameter in dictionary form for each choice you would like to customize.

2. Customize through customizing a class

The basic steps are:

  1. Inheriting from BaseCommitizen
  2. Give a name to your rules.
  3. Create a python package using, poetry, etc
  4. Expose the class as a commitizen.plugin entrypoint

Check an example on how to configure BaseCommitizen.

You can also automate the steps above through cookiecutter.

cookiecutter gh:commitizen-tools/commitizen_cz_template

See commitizen_cz_template for details.

Once you publish your rules, you can send us a PR to the Third-party section.

Custom commit rules

Create a Python module, for example

Inherit from BaseCommitizen, and you must define questions and message. The others are optional.

from import BaseCommitizen
from commitizen.defaults import Questions

class JiraCz(BaseCommitizen):
    # Questions = Iterable[MutableMapping[str, Any]]
    # It expects a list with dictionaries.
    def questions(self) -> Questions:
        """Questions regarding the commit message."""
        questions = [
            {"type": "input", "name": "title", "message": "Commit title"},
            {"type": "input", "name": "issue", "message": "Jira Issue number:"},
        return questions

    def message(self, answers: dict) -> str:
        """Generate the message with the given answers."""
        return "{0} (#{1})".format(answers["title"], answers["issue"])

    def example(self) -> str:
        """Provide an example to help understand the style (OPTIONAL)

        Used by `cz example`.
        return "Problem with user (#321)"

    def schema(self) -> str:
        """Show the schema used (OPTIONAL)

        Used by `cz schema`.
        return "<title> (<issue>)"

    def info(self) -> str:
        """Explanation of the commit rules. (OPTIONAL)

        Used by `cz info`.
        return "We use this because is useful"

The next file required is modified from flask version.

from setuptools import setup

    long_description="this is a long description",
    entry_points={"commitizen.plugin": ["cz_jira = cz_jira:JiraCz"]},

So in the end, we would have


And that's it. You can install it without uploading to pypi by simply doing pip install .

If you feel like it should be part of this repo, create a PR.

Custom bump rules

You need to define 2 parameters inside your custom BaseCommitizen.

Parameter Type Default Description
bump_pattern str None Regex to extract information from commit (subject and body)
bump_map dict None Dictionary mapping the extracted information to a SemVer increment type (MAJOR, MINOR, PATCH)

Let's see an example.

from import BaseCommitizen

class StrangeCommitizen(BaseCommitizen):
    bump_pattern = r"^(break|new|fix|hotfix)"
    bump_map = {"break": "MAJOR", "new": "MINOR", "fix": "PATCH", "hotfix": "PATCH"}

That's it, your commitizen now supports custom rules, and you can run.

cz -n cz_strange bump

Custom changelog generator

The changelog generator should just work in a very basic manner without touching anything. You can customize it of course, and this are the variables you need to add to your custom BaseCommitizen.

Parameter Type Required Description
commit_parser str NO Regex which should provide the variables explained in the changelog description
changelog_pattern str NO Regex to validate the commits, this is useful to skip commits that don't meet your ruling standards like a Merge. Usually the same as bump_pattern
change_type_map dict NO Convert the title of the change type that will appear in the changelog, if a value is not found, the original will be provided
changelog_message_builder_hook `method: (dict, git.GitCommit) -> dict list None`
changelog_hook method: (full_changelog: str, partial_changelog: Optional[str]) -> str NO Receives the whole and partial (if used incremental) changelog. Useful to send slack messages or notify a compliance department. Must return the full_changelog
changelog_release_hook method: (release: dict, tag: git.GitTag) -> dict NO Receives each generated changelog release and its associated tag. Useful to enrich a releases before they are rendered. Must return the update release
from import BaseCommitizen
import chat
import compliance

class StrangeCommitizen(BaseCommitizen):
    changelog_pattern = r"^(break|new|fix|hotfix)"
    commit_parser = r"^(?P<change_type>feat|fix|refactor|perf|BREAKING CHANGE)(?:\((?P<scope>[^()\r\n]*)\)|\()?(?P<breaking>!)?:\s(?P<message>.*)?"
    change_type_map = {
        "feat": "Features",
        "fix": "Bug Fixes",
        "refactor": "Code Refactor",
        "perf": "Performance improvements",

    def changelog_message_builder_hook(
        self, parsed_message: dict, commit: git.GitCommit
    ) -> dict | list | None:
        rev = commit.rev
        m = parsed_message["message"]
        ] = f"{m} {rev} [{}]({commit.author_email})"
        return parsed_message

    def changelog_release_hook(self, release: dict, tag: git.GitTag) -> dict:
        release["author"] =
        return release

    def changelog_hook(
        self, full_changelog: str, partial_changelog: Optional[str]
    ) -> str:
        """Executed at the end of the changelog generation

        full_changelog: it's the output about to being written into the file
        partial_changelog: it's the new stuff, this is useful to send slack messages or

            the new updated full_changelog
        if partial_changelog:
        if full_changelog:
        full_changelog.replace(" fix ", " **fix** ")
        return full_changelog

Raise Customize Exception

If you want commitizen to catch your exception and print the message, you'll have to inherit CzException.

from import CzException

class NoSubjectProvidedException(CzException):

Migrating from legacy plugin format

Commitizen migrated to a new plugin format relying on importlib.metadata.EntryPoint. Migration should be straight-forward for legacy plugins:

  • Remove the discover_this line from you plugin module
  • Expose the plugin class under as a commitizen.plugin entrypoint.

The name of the plugin is now determined by the name of the entrypoint.


If you were having a CzPlugin class in a module like this:

from import BaseCommitizen

class PluginCz(BaseCommitizen):

discover_this = PluginCz

Then remove the discover_this line:

from import BaseCommitizen

class PluginCz(BaseCommitizen):

and expose the class as entrypoint in you setuptools:

from setuptools import setup

    entry_points={"commitizen.plugin": ["plugin = cz_plugin:PluginCz"]},

Then your plugin will be available under the name plugin.

Customizing the changelog template

Commitizen gives you the possibility to provide your own changelog template, by:

  • providing one with your customization class
  • providing one from the current working directory and setting it:
    • as configuration
    • as --template parameter to both bump and changelog commands
  • either by providing a template with the same name as the default template

By default, the template used is the file from the commitizen repository.

Providing a template with your customization class

There is 3 parameters available to change the template rendering from your custom BaseCommitizen.

Parameter Type Default Description
template str None Provide your own template name (default to
template_loader str None Override the default template loader (so you can provide template from you customization class)
template_extras dict None Provide some extra template parameters

Let's see an example.

from import BaseCommitizen
from jinja2 import PackageLoader

class MyPlugin(BaseCommitizen):
    template = ""
    template_loader = PackageLoader("my_plugin", "templates")
    template_extras = {"key": "value"}

This snippet will:

  • use as template name
  • search for it in the templates directory for my_plugin package
  • add the key=value variable in the template

Providing a template from the current working directory

Users can provides their own template from their current working directory (your project root) by:

  • providing a template with the same name ( unless overridden by your custom class)
  • setting your template path as template configuration
  • giving your template path as --template parameter to bump and changelog commands

!!! Note The path is relative to the current working directory, aka. your project root most of the time.

Template variables

The default template use a single tree variable which is a list of entries (a release) with the following format:

Name Type Description
version str The release version
date datetime The release date
changes list[tuple[str, list[Change]]] The release sorted changes list in the form (type, changes)

Each Change has the following fields:

Name Type Description
scope `str None`
message str The commit message body
sha1 str The commit sha1
author str The commit author name
author_email str The commit author email

!!! Note The field values depend on the customization class and/or the settings you provide

When using another template (either provided by a plugin or by yourself), you can also pass extra template variables by:

  • defining them in your configuration with the extras settings
  • providing them on the commandline with the --extra/-e parameter to bump and changelog commands