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138 lines (99 loc) · 4.9 KB

File metadata and controls

138 lines (99 loc) · 4.9 KB


A barebones Ruby on Rails application for sending and tracking SMS messages in Louisiana via Twilio. This was used in the second half of 2019 to support the LA'MESSAGE pilot by the Integrated Benefits initiative. Specifically, this was used to send text messages to Medicaid clients.


This application is intended to be used via the Rails console bin/rails c and does not have a web-based UI.

There are two database-backed models:

  • Contact: represents a name, phone number, and additional metadata such as whether they have opted-in.
  • Message: represents an inbound or outbound SMS, including receiving and sending phone numbers and message body.

There is one set of objects called Campaign Messages that define outbound messages, and can optionally handle responses. These all inherit from the base class CampaignMessage.

Development Setup

This Ruby on Rails application tries to be as boring as possible.

Run $ bin/setup.

More details

You will need, assuming a standard Mac setup:

  1. Homebrew for MacOS.
  2. A ruby version manager, like rbenv.
  3. Locally installed Ruby of the version defined in .ruby-version. e.g. $ rbenv install 2.6.3
  4. Postgres, like
    • If setting up, you will also need to add the binary to your path. e.g. Add to your ~/.bashrc: export PATH="$PATH:/Applications/"
  5. Install system dependencies defined in Brewfile with $ brew bundle

Example scripts

Some examples of scripts for running within Rails console ($ bin/rails c):

Importing contacts

require 'csv'
CSV_PATH = '/path/to/file.csv'
RENEWAL_DATE = 'August 31, 2019'.to_date
csv =, headers: true)

csv.each.with_index do |row, index|
  next if row['CELLPH_NUM'] == 'NULL'

  contact = Contact.find_or_initialize_by(phone_number: PhoneNumberFormatter.format(row['CELLPH_NUM'])) do |c|
    c.first_name = row['FIRST_NAME']
    c.last_name = row['LAST_NAME']

  # Filter out anyone whose name doesn't match an existing record
  next if contact.first_name != row['FIRST_NAME'] || contact.last_name != row['LAST_NAME']

  contact.renewal_date = RENEWAL_DATE
  contact.opted_in = true if row['NOTIFICATION_TYPE'] == 'TEXT'!

  puts "\n\n\n\n==== ROW #{index} ====\n\n\n\n" if index.multiple_of?(10)

Validating mobile phone numbers

twilio_client =

Contact.where(carrier_type: nil).find_each do |contact|
  response = twilio_client.lookups.phone_numbers(contact.phone_number).fetch(type: ['carrier']).carrier
  if response['type'].present?
    contact.update(carrier_type: response['type'])
  elsif response['error_code'].present?
    contact.update(carrier_type: 'error')
rescue Twilio::REST::RestError
  contact.update(carrier_type: 'error')


Deployment / Architecture


  1. Docker is used to create an image.
  2. Docker images are stored in an ECR repository.
  3. EKS is used to manage a Kubernetes Cluster.
  4. The application is deployed to the cluster with an ELB-backed Ingress Service.
  5. The application uses an RDS database whose credentials are stored in a Kubernetes Secret.
  6. Some common workflows are captured in the Makefile:
    • $ make deploy: creates a new docker image, pushes it to ECR, creates a migration job, waits and cleans it up, and issues a rollout.
    • $ make kube-bash: Creates an interactive bash shell on one of the web pods.


To authorize:

# Sign in with the cluster-authorized IAM user
aws configure

# Set up ~/.kube/config to connect to the cluster
aws eks --region us-east-1 update-kubeconfig --name ibi-production

# Check that you can connect to the cluster
kubectl get svc

# For convenience, create a context to set the namespace for this application
kubectl config set-context la-message --namespace la-message \
  && kubectl config use-context la-message

Copying a CSV file to the first pod:

kubectl cp tmp.csv la-message/$(kubectl get pods --selector=app=web --output=jsonpath='{.items[0]}'):tmp.csv

Creating a new cluster

The Kubernetes cluster is created with eksctl which shouldn't be needed once the initial cluster is set up:

eksctl create cluster \
  --name ibi-production \
  --nodegroup-name standard-workers \
  --node-type m5.large \
  --nodes 2 \
  --nodes-min 1 \
  --nodes-max 4 \
  --node-ami auto \
  --region us-east-1 \
  --zones "us-east-1a,us-east-1b"