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Sweep: fix comment whitespace issues in #7024

nwinter opened this issue Jun 22, 2023 · 3 comments

Sweep: fix comment whitespace issues in #7024

nwinter opened this issue Jun 22, 2023 · 3 comments
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nwinter commented Jun 22, 2023

In app/lib/, some of the comments aren't indented correctly, instead just starting at the beginning of the line. We should fix the comment whitespace on all the improperly indented comments in this file.

@sweep-ai sweep-ai bot added the sweep Assigns Sweep to an issue or pull request. label Jun 22, 2023
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wwzeng1 commented Jun 23, 2023

Hi @nwinter! Sweep timed out due to your repository size. We're increasing our timeouts, expect this to be fixed shortly!

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sweep-ai bot commented Jul 25, 2023

Here's the PR! #7057.

⚡ Sweep Free Trial: I used GPT-4 to create this ticket. You have 5 GPT-4 tickets left. For more GPT-4 tickets, visit our payment portal.

Step 1: 🔍 Code Search

I found the following snippets in your repository. I will now analyze these snippets and come up with a plan.

Some code snippets I looked at (click to expand). If some file is missing from here, you can mention the path in the ticket description.

module.exports.translateJS = (jsCode, language='cpp', fullCode=true) ->
return translateJSBrackets(jsCode, language, fullCode) if language in ['cpp', 'java']
return translateJSWhitespace(jsCode, language) if language in ['python', 'lua', 'coffeescript']
return jsCode if language is 'javascript'
console.warn 'Unsupported language translation: from javascript to', language
return jsCode
translateJSBrackets = (jsCode, language='cpp', fullCode=true) ->
# Supports cpp or java
# Find all global statement(except global variables) and move into main function
reorderGlobals = (strs) ->
insertPlace = strs.length-1
for i in [strs.length-2..0] by -1
continue if /\n?function/.test(strs[i])
continue if /^[ \t]+\/\//.test(strs[i])
insertPlace -= 1
strs.splice(insertPlace, 0, strs.splice(i,1)[0])
mainLen = strs[strs.length-1].split('\n').length
final = strs.splice(insertPlace).join('')
finals = final.split('\n')
insertPlace = finals.length - mainLen
for i in [finals.length-mainLen-1..0] by -1
continue unless finals[i]
continue if /var /.test(finals[i])
insertPlace -= 1
finals.splice(insertPlace, 0, finals.splice(i,1)[0])
return strs.concat([finals.slice(0, insertPlace).join('\n'), finals.slice(insertPlace).join('\n')])
# Find header comments function definitions in order to hoist them out of the main function
matchBrackets = (str, startIndex) ->
cc = 0
for i in [startIndex...str.length]
cc += 1 if str[i] == '{'
if str[i] == '}'
cc -= 1
return i+2 unless cc
splitFunctions = (str) ->
creg = /\n?[ \t]*[^\/]/
startCommentReg = /^\n?(\/\/.*?\n)*\n/
comments = startCommentReg.exec(str)
if comments
startComments = comments[0].slice(0, -1) # left the tailing \n
str = str.slice startComments.length
unless creg.exec str
return [startComments, str]
strComments = ''
indices = []
reg = /\n(\/\/.*?\n)*function/gi
indices.push 0 if str.startsWith("function ")
while (result = reg.exec(str))
indices.push result.index+1
split = []
end = 0
# split.push {s: 0, e: indices[0]} if indices.length
for i in indices
split.push {s: end, e: i} if end != i
end = matchBrackets str, i
split.push {s: i, e: end}
split.push {s: end, e: str.length}
header = if startComments then [startComments] else []
return header.concat(reorderGlobals( (s) -> str.slice s.s, s.e ))
jsCodes = splitFunctions jsCode
if fullCode
# Remove whitespace-only pieces, except for in the last piece
jsCodes = _.filter(jsCodes.slice(0, jsCodes.length - 1), (piece) -> piece.replace(/\s/g, '').length).concat(jsCodes[jsCodes.length - 1])
# Remove all whitespace-only pieces
jsCodes = _.filter jsCodes, (piece) -> piece.replace(/\s/g, '').length
len = jsCodes.length
if len
lines = jsCodes[len-1].trimStart().split '\n'
lines = []
#console.log "Split code segments into", _.cloneDeep(jsCodes)
if fullCode
if language is 'cpp'
jsCodes[len-1] = """
int main() {
#{( (line) -> ' ' + line).join '\n'}
return 0;
else if language is 'java'
if len > 2 and !(/function/.test jsCodes[len-2])
jsCodes[len-2] = (jsCodes[len-2].split('\n').map (line) ->
if / = /.test line
line = 'static ' + line
hasHeader = /^\/\//.test(jsCodes[0])
startIndex = if hasHeader then 1 else 0
functionLines = jsCodes.splice(startIndex, len - 1 - startIndex).join('\n').trimStart().split('\n')
functionLines.shift() while functionLines.length and not functionLines[0] # Trim starting whitespace lines
len = jsCodes.length
jsCodes[len-1] = """
public class AI {#{if functionLines.length then '\n' + ( (line) -> ' ' + line).join '\n' else ''}
public static void main(String[] args) {
#{( (line) -> ' ' + line).join '\n'}
else if len
jsCodes[len-1] = ( (line) -> ' ' + line).join('\n') # Add whitespace at beginning of each line to make regexes easier
functionReturnType = if language is 'cpp' then 'auto' else 'public static var' # TODO: figure out some auto return types for Java
functionParamType = if language is 'cpp' then 'auto' else 'Object' # TODO: figure out some auto/void param types for Java
for i in [0...len]
s = jsCodes[i]
s = s.replace /function (.+?)\((.*?)\)/g, (match, functionName, functionParams) ->
typedParameters = _.filter(functionParams.split(/, ?/)).map((e) -> "#{functionParamType} #{e}").join(', ')
"#{functionReturnType} #{functionName}(#{typedParameters})"
s = s.replace /var (x|y|z|dist)/g, 'float $1'
s = s.replace /var (\w+)Index/g, 'int $1Index'
s = s.replace /var (i|j|k)(?![a-zA-Z0-9_])/g, 'int $1'
s = s.replace /\ ===\ /g, ' == '
s = s.replace /\ !== /g, ' != '
s = s.replace /hero\.throw\(/g, 'hero.throwEnemy('
s = s.replace /\ = \[([^;]*)\];/g, ' = {$1};'
if language is 'cpp'
s = s.replace /\.length/g, '.size()'
s = s.replace /\.push\(/g, '.push_back('
s = s.replace /\.pop\(/g, '.pop_back('
s = s.replace /\.shift\(/g, '.pop('
s = s.replace /\ var /g, ' auto '
s = s.replace /\(var /g, '(auto '
s = s.replace /\nvar /g, '\nauto '
s = s.replace /\ const /g, ' const auto '
s = s.replace /\nconst /g, '\nconst auto '
s = s.replace /\ return \[([^;]*)\];/g, ' return {$1};'
# TODO: figure out how we are going to call other methods in Java
# TODO: figure out how we are going to handle {x: 34, y: 30} object literals in Java
# TODO: figure out how we are going to handle array methods in Java
# Don't substitute these within comments
noComment = '^( *[^/\\r\\n]*?)' # keep leading whitespace
if language is 'cpp'
newRegex = new RegExp(noComment + '([^*])new ', 'gm')
while newRegex.test(s)
s = s.replace newRegex, '$1$2*new '
quotesReg = new RegExp(noComment + "'(.*?)'", 'gm')
while quotesReg.test(s)
s = s.replace quotesReg, '$1"$2"'
# first replace ' to " then replace object
if language is 'cpp'
s = s.replace /\{\s*"?x"?\s*:\s*([^,]+),\s*"?y"?\s*:\s*([^\}]*)\}/g, '{$1, $2}' # {x:1, y:1} -> {1, 1}
else if language is 'java'
# Let's use Vectors instead of object literals in this case
s = s.replace /\{\s*"?x"?\s*:\s*([^,]+),\s*"?y"?\s*:\s*([^\}]*)\}/g, 'new Vector($1, $2)' # {x:1, y:1} -> new Vector(1, 1)
jsCodes[i] = s
unless fullCode
if len
lines = jsCodes[len-1].split '\n'
jsCodes[len-1] = ( (line) -> line.slice 1).join('\n') # Remove leading convenience whitespace that we added
jsCodes = []
jsCodes.join '\n'
translateJSWhitespace = (jsCode, language='lua') ->
# Supports python, lua, or coffeescript
s = jsCode.split('\n').map((line) -> ' ' + line).join('\n') # Add whitespace at beginning of each line to make regexes easier
if language is 'lua'
s = s.replace /function (.+?)\((.*)\) ?{/g, 'function $1($2)' # Just remove the trailing {
else if language is 'python'
s = s.replace /function (.+?)\((.*)\) ?{/g, 'def $1($2):' # Convert trailing { to :
else if language is 'coffeescript'
s = s.replace /function (.+?)\((.*)\) ?{/g, (match, functionName, functionParams) ->
if functionParams
"#{functionName} = (#{functionParams}) ->"
"#{functionName} = ->"
# Rewrite for-loops
# for(i=0; i < archers.length; i++) {
# var archer = archers[i];
cStyleForInLoopWithVariableAssignmentRegex = /for ?\((?:var )?(.+?) ?= ?0; ?\1 ?< ?(.+?).length; ?(?:.*?\+\+.*?)\) *\{?\n(.*)var (.+?) ?= ?\2\[\1\];? *$/gm
if language is 'lua'
# for i, archer in pairs(archers) do
s = s.replace cStyleForInLoopWithVariableAssignmentRegex, 'for $1, $4 in pairs($2) do'
else if language is 'python'
#s = s.replace cStyleForInLoopWithVariableAssignmentRegex, 'for $1, $4 in enumerate($2):' # I guess we usually do the other way for scaffolding learning similar to how we do it in JS instead of teaching enumerate
s = s.replace cStyleForInLoopWithVariableAssignmentRegex, 'for $1 in range(len($2)):\n$3$4 = $2[$1]'
else if language is 'coffeescript'
# for archer in archers
s = s.replace cStyleForInLoopWithVariableAssignmentRegex, 'for $4, $1 in $2'
# for(i=0; i < archers.length; i++) {
cStyleForInLoopRegex = /for ?\((?:var )?(.+?) ?= ?0; ?\1 ?< ?(.+?).length; ?(?:.*?\+\+.*?)\) *\{?/g
if language is 'lua'
# for i in pairs(archers) do
s = s.replace cStyleForInLoopRegex, 'for $1 in pairs($2) do'
else if language is 'python'
# for i in range(0, len(archers)):
s = s.replace cStyleForInLoopRegex, 'for $1 in range(len($2)):'
else if language is 'coffeescript'
# for i in [0...archers.length]
s = s.replace cStyleForInLoopRegex, 'for $1 in [0...$2.length]'
# for(i=0; i < 10; i++) {
cStyleForLoopRegex = /for ?\((?:var )?(.+?) ?= ?(\d+); ?\1 ?< ?(.+?); ?(?:.*?\+\+.*?)\) *\{?/g
if language is 'lua'
# for i=0, 10 do
s = s.replace cStyleForLoopRegex, 'for $1=$2, $3 do'
else if language is 'python'
# for i in range(0, 10):
s = s.replace cStyleForLoopRegex, 'for $1 in range($2, $3):'
else if language is 'coffeescript'
# for i in [0...10]
s = s.replace cStyleForLoopRegex, 'for $1 [$2...$3]'
# for(y=110; y >= 38; i -= 18) {
# This is brittle and will not get inclusive vs. exclusive ranges right, but better than nothing
cStyleForLoopWithArithmeticRegex = /for ?\((?:var )?(.+?) ?= ?(\d+); ?\1 ?(<=|<|>=|>) ?(.+?); ?\1 ?\+?(-?)= ?(.*)\) *\{?/g
if language is 'lua'
# for y=110, 38, -18 do
s = s.replace cStyleForLoopWithArithmeticRegex, 'for $1=$2, $4, $5$6 do'
else if language is 'python'
# for y in range(110, 38, -18):
s = s.replace cStyleForLoopWithArithmeticRegex, 'for $1 in range($2, $4, $5$6):'
else if language is 'coffeescript'
# for y in [110...38, -18]
s = s.replace cStyleForLoopWithArithmeticRegex, 'for $1 [$2...$4, $5$6]'
# There are a lot of other for-loop possibilities, but we'll handle those with manual solutions
if language is 'lua'
s = s.replace /\ ===\ /g, ' == '
s = s.replace /\ !==? /g, ' ~= '
s = s.replace /(\S+)(\+|-){2}/g, '$1 = $1 $2 1' # Rewrite postfix ++ and --, like count++ -> count = count + 1
s = s.replace /(\+|-){2}(\S+)/g, '$2 = $2 $1 1' # Rewrite prefix ++ and --, like ++count -> count = count + 1
s = s.replace /(\S+) ?(\+|-|\*|\/)= ?(.+)/g, '$1 = $1 $2 $3' # Rewrite +=, -=, etc.
else if language is 'coffeescript'
s = s.replace /\ ===?\ /g, ' is '
s = s.replace /\ !==? /g, ' isnt '
else if language is 'python'
s = s.replace /\ ===?\ /g, ' == ' # Maybe we should rewrite to `is` instead?
s = s.replace /\ !==? /g, ' != '
s = s.replace /(\S+)(\+|-){2}/g, '$1 $2= 1' # Rewrite postfix ++ and --, like count++ -> count += 1
s = s.replace /(\+|-){2}(\S+)/g, '$2 $1= 1' # Rewrite prefix ++ and --, like ++count -> count += 1
s = s.replace /\ &&\ /g, ' and '
s = s.replace /\ \|\|\ /g, ' or '
s = s.replace /\!([$A-Z_(])/gi, 'not $1'
if language is 'python'
s = s.replace /\.push\(/g, '.append('
s = s.replace /\.shift\(0?\)/g, '.pop(0)'
else if language is 'lua'
s = s.replace /\.push\(/g, '.insert('
s = s.replace /\.pop\(/g, '.remove('
s = s.replace /\.shift\(0?\)/g, '.remove(0)'
if language is 'lua'
s = s.replace /\ var /g, ' local '
s = s.replace /\ = \[([^;]*)\];/g, ' = {$1};'
s = s.replace /\(var /g, '(local '
s = s.replace /\nvar /g, '\nlocal '
s = s.replace /\ return \[([^;]*)\];/g, ' return {$1};'
else if language in ['python', 'coffeescript']
s = s.replace /^ *var [^=\n]*$\n/gm, '' # Remove variable declarations without initialization
s = s.replace /\ var /g, ' '
s = s.replace /\(var /g, '('
s = s.replace /\nvar /g, '\n'
# Don't substitute these within comments
noComment = '^ *([^/\\r\\n]*?)'
if language in ['python', 'lua']
newRegex = new RegExp(noComment + 'new ', 'gm')
while newRegex.test(s)
s = s.replace newRegex, '$1'
# Rewrite comments
commentStart = commentStarts[language] or '#'
commentStartRegex = new RegExp "([ \t]*?)//", 'gm'
s = s.replace commentStartRegex, "$1#{commentStart}" # ` // Comment` -> ` # Comment`
# No semicolons
s = s.replace /;/g, ''
# For Lua, replace periods with colons for method calls (but not other property accesses)
if language is 'lua'
s = s.replace /([$A-Z_][$0-9a-z_]*)\.([$A-Za-z_][0-9A-Za-z_$]*)\(/gi, '$1:$2('
# We still use periods for Math (still using the JavaScript library), it's static vs. instance method thing
# Hack: re-replace back to dots in those cases by looking at initial capital letter of variable name
s = s.replace /([$A-Z_][$0-9a-z_]*):([$A-Za-z_][0-9A-Za-z_$]*)\(/g, '$1.$2('
# Rewrite while loops
if language is 'lua'
s = s.replace /^(\s*while) ?\((.*)\) ?\{?/gm, '$1 $2 do'
else if language is 'python'
s = s.replace /^(\s*while) ?\((.*)\) ?\{?/gm, '$1 $2:'
else if language is 'coffeescript'
s = s.replace /^(\s*while) ?\((.*)\) ?\{?/gm, '$1 $2'
# Rewrite if conditions
if language is 'lua'
s = s.replace /else if/g, 'elseif'
s = s.replace /(} *)?( *(if|elseif)) ?\((.*)\) ?\{?/gm, '$2 $4 then'
else if language is 'python'
s = s.replace /else if/g, 'elif'
s = s.replace /(} *)?( *(if|elif)) ?\((.*)\) ?\{?/gm, '$2 $4:'
s = s.replace /(}\s*)?else\s*{/g, 'else:'
else if language is 'coffeescript'
s = s.replace /(} *)?( *(if|else if)) ?\((.*)\) ?\{?/gm, '$2 $4'
s = s.replace /(}\s*)?else\s*{/g, 'else'
# Rewrite else { to else
s = s.replace /(}\s*)?else\s*{/g, 'else'
if language is 'lua'
# Rewrite standalone `}` to `end`
s = s.replace /^(\s*)\} *$/gm, '$1end'
# Remove `end` as part of part of if/elseif/else chains
s = s.replace /^(\s*)end ?}?\n((\n|\s|--.*\n)*^\1)(elseif|else)/gm, '$2$4' # The ^\1 only matches the same level of indentation
else if language in ['python', 'coffeescript']
# Remove stanadlone `}`
s = s.replace /\n\s*\} *$/gm, ''
if language is 'lua'
s = s.replace /null/g, 'nil'
s = s.replace /(\S+)\.length/g, '#$1' # Do this after if/else paren/bracket replacement
else if language is 'python'
s = s.replace /true/g, 'True'
s = s.replace /false/g, 'False'
s = s.replace /null/g, 'None'
s = s.replace /(\S+)\.length/g, 'len($1)' # Do this after if/else paren/bracket replacement
if language is 'coffeescript'
# Remove unnecessary parenthesis in CofeeScript
s = s.replace /([$A-Z_][0-9A-Z_$]*)\(([^()]+)\)(?!\))$/gim, '$1 $2'
# Use simple loops in CoffeeScript
s = s.replace /while true$/gm, 'loop'
if language is 'lua'
# Convert : to =. {x:1, y:1} -> {x=1, y=1}
s = s.replace /\{\s*['"]?(\S+?)['"]?\s*:\s*([^,]+)\}/g, '{$1=$2}' # 1 element
s = s.replace /\{\s*['"]?(\S+?)['"]?\s*:\s*([^,]+),\s*['"]?(\S+?)['"]?\s*:\s*([^\}]*)\}/g, '{$1=$2, $3=$4}' # 2 elements
s = s.replace /\{\s*['"]?(\S+?)['"]?\s*:\s*([^,]+),\s*['"]?(\S+?)['"]?\s*:\s*([^\}]*),\s*['"]?(\S+?)['"]?\s*:\s*([^\}]*)\}/g, '{$1=$2, $3=$4, $4=6}' # 3 elements
# TODO: something flexible for arbitrary n elements
else if language is 'python'
# Add quotes. {x:1, y:1} -> {"x": 1, "y": 1}
s = s.replace /\{\s*['"]?(\S+?)['"]?\s*:\s*([^,]+)\}/g, '{"$1": $2}' # 1 element
s = s.replace /\{\s*['"]?(\S+?)['"]?\s*:\s*([^,]+),\s*['"]?(\S+?)['"]?\s*:\s*([^\}]*)\}/g, '{"$1": $2, "$3": $4}' # 2 elements
s = s.replace /\{\s*['"]?(\S+?)['"]?\s*:\s*([^,]+),\s*['"]?(\S+?)['"]?\s*:\s*([^\}]*),\s*['"]?(\S+?)['"]?\s*:\s*([^\}]*)\}/g, '{"$1": $2, "$3": $4, "$5": $6}' # 3 elements
# TODO: something flexible for arbitrary n elements
if language is 'lua'
# Try incrementing all literal array indexes under, say, 10 by 1 to offset 1-based indexing. Hack, but most of those levels will need manual attention anyway.
s = s.replace /\[(\d)\]/g, (match, index) -> "[#{parseInt(index, 10) + 1}]"
# TODO: see if we can do something about lack of a continue statement in Lua? Maybe too hard and we should give up.
lines = s.split '\n'
output = ( (line) -> line.slice 1).join('\n') # Remove leading convenience whitespace that we added
# Note: These need to be double-escaped for insertion into regexes
commentStarts =
javascript: '//'
python: '#'
coffeescript: '#'
lua: '--'
java: '//'
cpp: '//'
html: '<!--'
css: '/\\*'

@setLanguage codeLanguage
else if @otherSession and @team is @otherSession.get 'team'
@setLanguage @otherSession.get('submittedCodeLanguage') or @otherSession.get('codeLanguage')
@setLanguage 'javascript'
@source = @originalSource
@parameters = p.parameters
if @otherSession and @team is @otherSession.get('team') and sessionSource = @otherSession.getSourceFor(@spellKey)
# Load opponent code from other session (new way, not relying on PlayLevelView loadOpponentTeam)
@source = replaceSimpleLoops sessionSource, @language
else if @permissions.readwrite.length and sessionSource = @session.getSourceFor(@spellKey)
# Load either our code or opponent code (old way, opponent code copied into our session in PlayLevelView loadOpponentTeam)
if sessionSource isnt '// Should fill in some default source\n' # TODO: figure out why session is getting this default source in there and stop it
@source = replaceSimpleLoops sessionSource, @language
if p.aiSource and not @otherSession and not @canWrite()
@source = @originalSource = p.aiSource
@isAISource = true
destroy: ->
@thang = null
@worker = null
setLanguage: (@language) ->
@language = 'html' if @level.isType('web-dev')
@displayCodeLanguage = utils.capitalLanguages[@language]
if @language in ['cpp', 'java', 'lua', 'coffeescript', 'python'] and not @languages[@language]
@languages[@language] = translateJS @languages.javascript, @language
@originalSource = @languages[@language] ? @languages.javascript
@originalSource = @addPicoCTFProblem() if window.serverConfig.picoCTF
if @level.isType('web-dev')
# Pull apart the structural wrapper code and the player code, remember the wrapper code, and strip indentation on player code.
playerCode = utils.extractPlayerCodeTag(@originalSource)
@wrapperCode = @originalSource.replace /<playercode>[\s\S]*<\/playercode>/, '' # ☃ serves as placeholder for constructHTML
@originalSource = playerCode
# Translate comments chosen spoken language.
return unless @commentContext
context = $.extend true, {}, @commentContext
spokenLanguage = me.get 'preferredLanguage'
@originalSource = @translateCommentContext source: @originalSource, commentContext: @commentContext, commentI18N: @commentI18N, spokenLanguage: spokenLanguage, codeLanguage: @language
@wrapperCode = @translateCommentContext source: @wrapperCode, commentContext: @commentContext, commentI18N: @commentI18N, spokenLanguage: spokenLanguage, codeLanguage: @language
if /loop/.test(@originalSource) and @level.isType('course', 'course-ladder', 'hero', 'hero-ladder')
# Temporary hackery to make it look like we meant while True: in our sample code until we can update everything
@originalSource = replaceSimpleLoops @originalSource, @language
translateCommentContext: ({ source, commentContext, commentI18N, codeLanguage, spokenLanguage }) ->
commentContext = $.extend true, {}, commentContext
if codeLanguage is 'lua'
for k, v of commentContext
commentContext[k] = v.replace /\b([a-zA-Z]+)\.([a-zA-Z_]+\()/, '$1:$2'
if commentI18N
while spokenLanguage
spokenLanguage = spokenLanguage.substr 0, spokenLanguage.lastIndexOf('-') if fallingBack?
if spokenLanguageContext = commentI18N[spokenLanguage]?.context
commentContext = _.merge commentContext, spokenLanguageContext
fallingBack = true
translatedSource = _.template source, commentContext
catch e
console.error "Couldn't create example code template of", source, "\nwith commentContext", commentContext, "\nError:", e
translatedSource = source
untranslateCommentContext: ({ source, commentContext, commentI18N, codeLanguage, spokenLanguage }) ->
commentContext = $.extend true, {}, commentContext
if codeLanguage is 'lua'
for k, v of commentContext
commentContext[k] = v.replace /\b([a-zA-Z]+)\.([a-zA-Z_]+\()/, '$1:$2'
if commentI18N
while spokenLanguage
spokenLanguage = spokenLanguage.substr 0, spokenLanguage.lastIndexOf('-') if fallingBack?
if spokenLanguageContext = commentI18N[spokenLanguage]?.context
commentContext = _.merge commentContext, spokenLanguageContext
fallingBack = true
for k, v of commentContext
source = source.replace v, "<%= #{k} %>"
getSolution: (codeLanguage) ->
hero = _.find (@level.get('thangs') ? []), id: 'Hero Placeholder'
component = _.find(hero.components ? [], (x) -> x?.config?.programmableMethods?.plan)
plan = component.config?.programmableMethods?.plan
solutions = _.filter (plan?.solutions ? []), (s) -> not s.testOnly and s.succeeds
rawSource = _.find(solutions, language: codeLanguage)?.source
constructHTML: (source) ->
@wrapperCode.replace '', source
addPicoCTFProblem: ->
return @originalSource unless problem = @level.picoCTFProblem
description = """
-- #{} --
""".replace /<p>(.*?)<\/p>/gi, '$1'
("// #{line}" for line in description.split('\n')).join('\n') + '\n' + @originalSource
addThang: (thang) ->
if @thang? is
@thang.thang = thang
@thang = {thang: thang, aether: @createAether(thang), castAether: null}
removeThangID: (thangID) ->
@thang = null if @thang? is thangID
canRead: (team) ->
(team ? in or (team ? in @permissions.readwrite
canWrite: (team) ->
(team ? in @permissions.readwrite
getSource: ->

CocoCollection = require 'collections/CocoCollection'
Level = require 'models/Level'
utils = require 'core/utils'
translateUtils = require 'lib/translate-utils'
module.exports = class LevelCollection extends CocoCollection
url: '/db/level'
model: Level
fetchForClassroom: (classroomID, options={}) ->
options.url = "/db/classroom/#{classroomID}/levels"
fetchForClassroomAndCourse: (classroomID, courseID, options={}) ->
options.url = "/db/classroom/#{classroomID}/courses/#{courseID}/levels"
fetchForCampaign: (campaignSlug, options={}) ->
options.url = "/db/campaign/#{campaignSlug}/levels"
getSolutionsMap: (languages) ->
@models.reduce((map, level) =>
targetLangs = if level.get('primerLanguage') then [level.get('primerLanguage')] else languages
allSolutions = _.filter level.getSolutions(), (s) -> not s.testOnly
solutions = @constructor.getSolutionsHelper({ targetLangs, allSolutions })
map[level.get('original')] = solutions?.map((s) => {source: @fingerprint(s.source, s.language), description: s.description})
, {})
@getSolutionsHelper: ({ targetLangs, allSolutions }) ->
solutions = []
for lang in targetLangs
if lang is 'html'
for s in allSolutions when s.language is 'html'
strippedSource = utils.extractPlayerCodeTag(s.source or '')
s.source = strippedSource if strippedSource
solutions.push s
else if lang isnt 'javascript' and not _.find(allSolutions, language: lang)
for s in allSolutions when s.language is 'javascript'
s.language = lang
s.source = translateUtils.translateJS(s.source, lang)
solutions.push s
for s in allSolutions when s.language is lang
solutions.push s
fingerprint: (code, language) ->
# Add a zero-width-space at the end of every comment line
@constructor.fingerprintHelper(code, language)
@fingerprintHelper: (code, language) ->
switch language
when ['javascript', 'java', 'cpp'] then code.replace /^(\/\/.*)/gm, "$1​"
when 'lua' then code.replace /^(--.*)/gm, "$1​"
when 'html' then code.replace /^(<!--.*)-->/gm, "$1​-->"
else code.replace /^(#.*)/gm, "$1​"

thresholdAchieved = Level.thresholdForScore(_.assign(_.pick(sessionScore, 'score', 'type'), {level}))
if thresholdAchieved
sessionScore.thresholdAchieved = thresholdAchieved
@fakeID: 'ateacherfakesessionidval' # 24 characters like other IDs for schema validation
isFake: -> @id is LevelSession.fakeID
inLeague: (leagueId) ->
return false unless @get('leagues')
for league in @get('leagues')
return true if league.leagueID is leagueId
return false
updateKeyValueDb: (keyValueDb) ->
oldDb = @get('keyValueDb') ? {}
@originalKeyValueDb ?= oldDb
@set('keyValueDb', keyValueDb) if _.size keyValueDb
saveKeyValueDb: ->
keyValueDb = @get('keyValueDb') ? {}
return unless @originalKeyValueDb
return if @isFake()
for key, value of keyValueDb
oldValue = @originalKeyValueDb[key]
continue if value is oldValue
if not oldValue? or typeof(oldValue) is 'string' or typeof(value) is 'string'
api.levelSessions.setKeyValue({ sessionID: @id, key, value})
else if typeof(oldValue) is 'number' and typeof(value) is 'number'
increment = value - oldValue
api.levelSessions.incrementKeyValue({ sessionID: @id, key, value: increment})
@set('keyValueDb', keyValueDb) if _.size keyValueDb
delete @originalKeyValueDb
countOriginalLinesOfCode: (level) ->
# Count non-whitespace, non-comment lines starting at first unique code line
# TODO: diff better to find truly changed lines
sampleCodeByLanguage = level.getSampleCode @get('team')
sampleCode = sampleCodeByLanguage[@get('codeLanguage')] ? sampleCodeByLanguage.html ? sampleCodeByLanguage.python ? ''
sampleCode = sampleCode.replace @singleLineCommentOnlyRegex(), ''
sampleCodeLines = sampleCode.split(/\n+/)
sampleCodeLines = _.filter sampleCodeLines
thang = if @get('team') is 'ogres' then 'hero-placeholder-1' else 'hero-placeholder'
code = @getSourceFor("#{thang}/plan") ? ''
code = code.replace @singleLineCommentOnlyRegex(), ''
codeLines = code.split(/\n+/)
codeLines = _.filter codeLines
i = 0
while i < codeLines.length and i < sampleCodeLines.length
break if codeLines[i] isnt sampleCodeLines[i]
count = codeLines.length - i
#console.log "Got", count, "original lines from\n", code, "\n-----------\n", sampleCode
Math.min count, 1000
singleLineCommentOnlyRegex: ->
if @get('codeLanguage') is 'html'
commentStart = "#{commentStarts.html}|#{commentStarts.css}|#{commentStarts.javascript}"
commentStart = commentStarts[@get('codeLanguage')] or '#'
new RegExp "^[ \t]*(#{commentStart}).*$", 'gm'
# Note: These need to be double-escaped for insertion into regexes
commentStarts =
javascript: '//'
python: '#'
coffeescript: '#'
lua: '--'
java: '//'
cpp: '//'
html: '<!--'
css: '/\\*'

solutionsByLanguage = javascript: {}, lua: {}, python: {}, coffeescript: {}, java: {}, cpp: {}
solutionsByLanguage.javascript.dungeonsOfKithgard = """
// Move towards the gem.
// Don’t touch the spikes!
// Type your code below and click Run when you’re done.
solutionsByLanguage.javascript.peekABoom = """
// Build traps on the path when the hero sees a munchkin!
while(true) {
var enemy = hero.findNearestEnemy();
if(enemy) {
// Build a "fire-trap" at the Red X (41, 24)
hero.buildXY("fire-trap", 41, 24);
// Add an else below to move back to the clearing
else {
// Move to the Wooden X (19, 19)
hero.moveXY(19, 19);
solutionsByLanguage.javascript.woodlandCleaver = """
// Use your new "cleave" skill as often as you can.
hero.moveXY(23, 23);
while(true) {
var enemy = hero.findNearestEnemy();
if(hero.isReady("cleave")) {
// Cleave the enemy!
} else {
// Else (if cleave isn't ready), do your normal attack.
solutionsByLanguage.javascript.aFineMint = """
// Peons are trying to steal your coins!
// Write a function to squash them before they can take your coins.
function pickUpCoin() {
var coin = hero.findNearestItem();
if(coin) {
hero.moveXY(coin.pos.x, coin.pos.y);
// Write the attackEnemy function below.
// Find the nearest enemy and attack them if they exist!
function attackEnemy() {
var enemy = hero.findNearestEnemy();
if(enemy) {
while(true) {
attackEnemy(); // Δ Uncomment this line after you write an attackEnemy function.
solutionsByLanguage.javascript.libraryTactician = """
// Hushbaum has been ambushed by ogres!
// She is busy healing her soldiers, you should command them to fight!
// The ogres will send more troops if they think they can get to Hushbaum or your archers, so keep them inside the circle!
var archerTarget = null;
// Soldiers spread out in a circle and defend.
function commandSoldier(soldier, soldierIndex, numSoldiers) {
var angle = Math.PI * 2 * soldierIndex / numSoldiers;
var defendPos = {x: 41, y: 40};
defendPos.x += 10 * Math.cos(angle);
defendPos.y += 10 * Math.sin(angle);
hero.command(soldier, "defend", defendPos);

Step 2: 🧐 Snippet Analysis

From looking through the relevant snippets, I decided to make the following modifications:

File Path Proposed Changes
app/lib/ Go through the file and adjust the indentation for each comment that is not properly indented. Ensure that each comment starts at the same column as the code it is commenting on.

Step 3: 📝 Planning

I have created a plan for writing the pull request. I am now working my plan and coding the required changes to address this issue. Here is the planned pull request:

Fix comment whitespace issues in


This PR fixes the comment whitespace issues in the file. Some of the comments were not indented correctly and were starting at the beginning of the line. This PR adjusts the indentation of the comments to align with the code they are associated with.

Changes Made

  • Adjusted the indentation of comments in the file to align with the code they are commenting on.


No functional changes were made, so no additional testing is required.

Related Issue

Fixes #[issue_number]

Step 4: ⌨️ Coding

I have finished coding the issue. I am now reviewing it for completeness.

Step 5: 🔁 Code Review

Success! 🚀

I'm a bot that handles simple bugs and feature requests but I might make mistakes. Please be kind!
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wwzeng1 commented Jul 25, 2023

sweep: retry

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