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File metadata and controls

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This section desribes the CLI commands of the Clixon controller. A simple example is used to illustrate concepts.

5   General

5.1   Version

You can show the version either with the -V command-line option or with the CLI show version command:

> clixon_cli -V
Clixon version: 6.6.0
CLIgen:         6.6.0
Controller:     1.0.0
Controller GIT: 40290c0
Controller bld: 2024.02.15 13:19 by clixon on paradise

6   Modes

The CLI has two modes: operational and configure. The top-levels are as follows:

> clixon_cli
cli> ?
  configure             Change to configure mode
  connection            Change connection state of one or several devices
  debug                 Debugging parts of the system
  exit                  Quit
  processes             Process maintenance
  pull                  Pull config from one or multiple devices
  push                  Push config to one or multiple devices
  quit                  Quit
  save                  Save running configuration to XML file
  shell                 System command
  show                  Show a particular state of the system
  transaction           Controller transaction

cli> configure
cli[/]# set ?
  devices               Device configuration
  processes             Processes configuration
  services              Placeholder for services

7   Devices

Device configuration is separated into two domains:

  1. Local information about how to access the device (meta-data)
  2. Remote device configuration pulled from the device.

The user must be aware of this distinction when performing commit operations.

7.1   Local device configuration

The local device configuration contains information about how to access the device:

device clixon-example1 {
   description "Clixon example container";
   enabled true;
   conn-type NETCONF_SSH;
   user admin;
   yang-config VALIDATE;

A user makes a local commit and thereafter explicitly connects to a locally configured device:

# commit local
# exit
> connection open

7.2   Device profile

You can configure a device profile that applies to severaldevices. This is useful when configuring devices of a specific vendor.


device-profile myprofile {
   description "Clixon example container";
   conn-type NETCONF_SSH;
   user admin;
   yang-config VALIDATE;
   module-set {
      module openconfig-interfaces {
device clixon-example1 {
   device-profile myprofile;
   enabled true;
device clixon-example2 {
   device-profile myprofile;
   enabled true;

In the example, the myprofile device-profile defines a set of common fields, including the locally loaded openconfig YANG. See Section :ref:`YANG <controller_yang>` for more information on loading device YANGs.

7.3   Remote device configuration

The remote device configuration is present under the config mount-point:

device clixon-example1 {
   config {
      interfaces {
         interface eth0 {
            mtu 1500;

The remote device configuration is bound to device-specific YANG models downloaded from the device at connection time.

7.4   Device naming

The local device name is used for local selection:

device example1

Wild-cards (globbing) can be used to select multiple devices:

device example*

Further, device-groups can be configured and accessed as a single entity:

device-group all-examples


Device groups can be statically configured but not used in most operations

In the forthcoming sections, selecting <devices> means any of the methods described here.

7.5   Device state

Examine device connection state using the show command:

cli> show connections
Name                    State      Time                   Logmsg
example1                OPEN       2023-04-14T07:02:07
example2                CLOSED     2023-04-14T07:08:06    Remote socket endpoint closed

There is also a detailed variant of the command with more information in XML:

olof@zoomie> show connections detail
<devices xmlns="">
    <description>Example container</description>

7.6   (Re)connecting

When adding and enabling one a new device (or several), the user needs to explicitly connect:

cli> connection <devices> connect

The "connection" command can also be used to close, open or reconnect devices:

cli> connection <devices> reconnect

8   Syncing from devices

8.1   pull

Pull fetches the configuration from remote devices and replaces any existing device config:

cli> pull <devices>

The synced configuration is saved in the controller and can be used for diffs etc.

8.2   pull merge

cli> pull <devices> merge

This command fetches the remote device configuration and merges with the local device configuration. use this command with care.

9   Services

Network services are used to generate device configs.

9.1   Service process

To run services, the PyAPI service process must be enabled:

cli# set services enabled true
cli# commit local

To view or change the status of the service daemon:

cli> service process ?

9.2   Example

An example service could be:

cli> set service test 1 e* 1400

which adds MTU 1400 to all interfaces in the device config:

interfaces {
  interface eth0{
    mtu 1400;
  interface enp0s3{
    mtu 1400;

Service scripts are written in Python using the PyAPI, and are triggered by commit commands.

You can also trigger service scripts as follows:

cli# apply services
cli# apply services testA foo
cli# apply services testA foo diff

In the first variant, all services are applied. In the second variant, only a specific service is triggered.

9.3   Created objects

The system keeps track of which device objects are created, so that they can be be removed when the service is removed. A service tags device objects with a creator attribute which results in a set of created configure objects in the controller.

The list created objects can be viewed as part of the regular configuration:

cli> show configuration services ssh-users test1 created
<services xmlns="">
   <ssh-users xmlns="urn:example:test">

9.3.1   Debugging

If you enable debugging (-D app), an entry is logged to the syslog each time the created objects change:

Jan 22 11:24:35 totila clixon_backend[212183]: controller_edit_config:2728: Objects created in actions-db: <services xmlns="" xmlns:nc="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0"><ssh-users xmlns="urn:example:test"><name>test1</name><created nc:operation="merge"><path>/devices/device[name="openconfig1"]/config/system/aaa/authentication/users/user[username="test1"]</path><path>/devices/device[name="openconfig2"]/config/system/aaa/authentication/users/user[username="test1"]</path></created></ssh-users></services>

10   Editing

Editing can be made by modifying services:

cli# set services test 2 eth* 1500

Editing changes the controller candidate, changes can be viewed with:

cli# show compare
     services {
+       test 2 {
+          name eth*;
+          mtu 1500;
+       }

10.1   Editing devices

Device configurations can also be directly edited:

cli# set devices device example1 config interfaces interface eth0 mtu 1500

Show and editing commands can be made on multiple devices at once using "glob" patterns:

cli> show config xml devices device example* config interfaces interface eth0

Modifications using set, merge and delete can also be applied on multiple devices:

cli# set devices device example* config interfaces interface eth0 mtu 9600

11   Commits

This section describes remote commit, i.e., commit operations that have to do with modifying remote device configuration. See Section devices for how to make local commits for setting up device connections.

11.1   commit diff

Assuming a service has changed as shown in the previous secion, the commit diff command shows the result of running the service scripts modifying the device configs, but with no commits actually done:

cli# commit diff
     services {
+       test 2 {
+          name eth*;
+          add 1500;
+       }
     devices {
        device example1 {
           config {
              interfaces {
                 interface eth0 {
-                   mtu 1400;
+                   mtu 1500;
        device example33 {
           config {
              interfaces {
                 interface eth3 {
-                   mtu 1400;
+                   mtu 1500;

11.2   Commit push

The changes can now be pushed and committed to the devices:

cli# commit push

If there are no services, changes will be pushed and committed without invoking any service handlers.

If the commit fails for any reason, the error is printed and the changes remain as prior to the commit call:

cli# commit push
Failed: device example1 validation failed
Failed: device example2 out-of-sync

A non-recoverable error that requires manual intervention is shown as:

cli# commit push
Non-recoverable error: device example2: remote peer disconnected

To validate the configuration on the remote devices, use the following command:

cli# validate push

If you want to rollback the current edits, use discard:

cli# discard

One can also choose to not push the changes to the remote devices:

cli# commit local

This is useful for setting up device connections. If a local commit is performed for remote device config, you need to make an explicit push as described in Section Explicit push.

11.3   Limitations

The following combinations result in an error when making a remote commit:

  1. No devices are present. However, it is allowed if no remote validate/commit is made. You may want to dryrun service python code for example even if no devices are present.
  2. Local device fields are changed. These may potentially effect the device connection and should be made using regular netconf local commit followed by rpc connection-change, as described in Section devices.
  3. One of the devices is not in an OPEN state. Also in this case is it allowed if no remote valicate/commit is made, which means you can do local operations (like commit diff) even when devices are down.

Further, avoid doing BOTH local and remote edits simultaneously. The system detects local edits (according to (2) above) but if one instead uses local commit, the remote edits need to be explicitly pushed

Compare and check ===============-- The "show compare" command shows the difference between candidate and running, ie not committed changes. A variant is the following that compares with the actual remote config:

cli> show connections <name> diff

This is acheived by making a "transient" pull that does not replace the local device config.

Further, the following command checks whether devices are is out-of-sync:

cli> show connections <name> check
Failed: device example2 is out-of-sync

Out-of-sync means that a change in the remote device config has been made, such as a manual edit, since the last "pull". You can resolve an out-of-sync state with the "pull" command.

12   Explicit push

There are also explicit sync commands that are implicitly made in commit push. Explicit pushes may be necessary if local commits are made (eg commit local) which needs an explicit push. Or if a new device has been off-line:

cli> push <devices>

Push the configuration to the devices, validate it and then revert:

cli> push <devices> validate

13   Templates

The controller has a simple template mechanism for applying configurations to several devices at once. The template mechanism uses variable substitution.

A limitation is that the template itself need to be entered as XML or JSON, CLI editing is not available.


You need to enter the template as XML

Using of a template follows the following steps:

  1. Add a template using the load command and commit it
  2. Apply the template using variable binding on a set of devices
  3. Commit the change

13.1   Limitations

Templates are added as raw XML. The reason is that YANG-binding is not known at the time of template creation. To know the YANG, the template needs to be bound to some specific YANG files, or specific devices.

Since it is raw XML, there is no type-checking and any diffs (based on YANG) is limited.


Template XML is not type-checked and diffs are limited

13.2   Example

The following example first configures a template with the formal parameters $NAME and $TYPE using the load command to paste the template config directly:

> clixon_cli -f /usr/local/etc/clixon/controller.xml -m configure
olof@totila[/]# load merge xml
   <devices xmlns="">
      <template nc:operation="replace">
            <interfaces xmlns="">
                     <type xmlns:ianaift="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:iana-if-type">${TYPE}</type>
olof@totila[/]# commit

Then, the template is applied: A ǹew z interface is created on all openconfig devices:

olof@totila[/]# apply template interfaces openconfig* variables NAME z TYPE ianaift:v35
olof@totila[/]# show compare
            openconfig-interfaces:interfaces {
+              interface z {
+                 config {
+                    name z;
+                    type ianaift:v35;
+                 }
+              }
            openconfig-interfaces:interfaces {
+              interface z {
+                 config {
+                    name z;
+                    type ianaift:v35;
+                 }
+              }
olof@totila[/]# commit