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File metadata and controls

3086 lines (3082 loc) · 149 KB
:spellingKey Description Type Default
:spellingMTU Configure the underlying network MTU to overwrite auto-detected MTU. This value doesn't change the host network interface MTU i.e. eth0 or ens0. It changes the MTU for cilium_net@cilium_host, cilium_host@cilium_net, cilium_vxlan and lxc_health interfaces. int 0
:spellingaffinity Affinity for cilium-agent. object {"podAntiAffinity":{"requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution":[{"labelSelector":{"matchLabels":{"k8s-app":"cilium"}},"topologyKey":""}]}}
:spellingagent Install the cilium agent resources. bool true
:spellingagentNotReadyTaintKey Configure the key of the taint indicating that Cilium is not ready on the node. When set to a value starting with, the Cluster Autoscaler will ignore the taint on its decisions, allowing the cluster to scale up. string ""
:spellingaksbyocni.enabled Enable AKS BYOCNI integration. Note that this is incompatible with AKS clusters not created in BYOCNI mode: use Azure integration (azure.enabled) instead. bool false
:spellingalibabacloud.enabled Enable AlibabaCloud ENI integration bool false
:spellingannotateK8sNode Annotate k8s node upon initialization with Cilium's metadata. bool false
:spellingannotations Annotations to be added to all top-level cilium-agent objects (resources under templates/cilium-agent) object {}
:spellingapiRateLimit The api-rate-limit option can be used to overwrite individual settings of the default configuration for rate limiting calls to the Cilium Agent API string nil
:spellingauthentication.enabled Enable authentication processing and garbage collection. Note that if disabled, policy enforcement will still block requests that require authentication. But the resulting authentication requests for these requests will not be processed, therefore the requests not be allowed. bool true
:spellingauthentication.gcInterval Interval for garbage collection of auth map entries. string "5m0s" Timeout for connecting to the remote node TCP socket string "5s" Port on the agent where mutual authentication handshakes between agents will be performed int 4250 SPIRE socket path where the SPIRE delegated api agent is listening string "/run/spire/sockets/admin.sock" SPIRE socket path where the SPIRE workload agent is listening. Applies to both the Cilium Agent and Operator string "/run/spire/sockets/agent/agent.sock" Annotations to be added to all top-level spire objects (resources under templates/spire) object {} SPIRE connection timeout string "30s" Enable SPIRE integration (beta) bool false SPIRE agent affinity configuration object {} SPIRE agent annotations object {} SPIRE agent image object {"digest":"sha256:99405637647968245ff9fe215f8bd2bd0ea9807be9725f8bf19fe1b21471e52b","override":null,"pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent","repository":"","tag":"1.8.5","useDigest":true} SPIRE agent labels object {} SPIRE agent nodeSelector configuration ref: ref: object {} Security context to be added to spire agent pods. SecurityContext holds pod-level security attributes and common container settings. ref: object {} Security context to be added to spire agent containers. SecurityContext holds pod-level security attributes and common container settings. ref: object {} SPIRE agent service account object {"create":true,"name":"spire-agent"} SPIRE Workload Attestor kubelet verification. bool true SPIRE agent tolerations configuration By default it follows the same tolerations as the agent itself to allow the Cilium agent on this node to connect to SPIRE. ref: list [{"effect":"NoSchedule","key":""},{"effect":"NoSchedule","key":""},{"effect":"NoSchedule","key":""},{"effect":"NoSchedule","key":"","value":"true"},{"key":"CriticalAddonsOnly","operator":"Exists"}] Enable SPIRE installation. This will only take effect only if is true bool true SPIRE namespace already exists. Set to true if Helm should not create, manage, and import the SPIRE namespace. bool false init container image of SPIRE agent and server object {"digest":"sha256:223ae047b1065bd069aac01ae3ac8088b3ca4a527827e283b85112f29385fb1b","override":null,"pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent","repository":"","tag":"1.36.1","useDigest":true} SPIRE namespace to install into string "cilium-spire" SPIRE server affinity configuration object {} SPIRE server annotations object {} SPIRE CA key type AWS requires the use of RSA. EC cryptography is not supported string "rsa-4096" SPIRE CA Subject object {"commonName":"Cilium SPIRE CA","country":"US","organization":"SPIRE"} Access mode of the SPIRE server data storage string "ReadWriteOnce" Enable SPIRE server data storage bool true Size of the SPIRE server data storage string "1Gi" StorageClass of the SPIRE server data storage string nil SPIRE server image object {"digest":"sha256:28269265882048dcf0fed32fe47663cd98613727210b8d1a55618826f9bf5428","override":null,"pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent","repository":"","tag":"1.8.5","useDigest":true} SPIRE server init containers list [] SPIRE server labels object {} SPIRE server nodeSelector configuration ref: ref: object {} Security context to be added to spire server pods. SecurityContext holds pod-level security attributes and common container settings. ref: object {} Security context to be added to spire server containers. SecurityContext holds pod-level security attributes and common container settings. ref: object {} Annotations to be added to the SPIRE server service object {} Labels to be added to the SPIRE server service object {} Service type for the SPIRE server service string "ClusterIP" SPIRE server service account object {"create":true,"name":"spire-server"} SPIRE server tolerations configuration ref: list [] SPIRE server address used by Cilium Operator If k8s Service DNS along with port number is used (e.g. :raw-html-m2r:<service-name>.:raw-html-m2r:<namespace>.svc(.*)::raw-html-m2r:<port-number> format), Cilium Operator will resolve its address by looking up the clusterIP from Service resource. Example values:, spire-server.cilium-spire.svc:8081 string nil SPIFFE trust domain to use for fetching certificates string "spiffe.cilium"
:spellingauthentication.queueSize Buffer size of the channel Cilium uses to receive authentication events from the signal map. int 1024
:spellingauthentication.rotatedIdentitiesQueueSize Buffer size of the channel Cilium uses to receive certificate expiration events from auth handlers. int 1024
:spellingautoDirectNodeRoutes Enable installation of PodCIDR routes between worker nodes if worker nodes share a common L2 network segment. bool false
:spellingazure.enabled Enable Azure integration. Note that this is incompatible with AKS clusters created in BYOCNI mode: use AKS BYOCNI integration (aksbyocni.enabled) instead. bool false
:spellingbandwidthManager Enable bandwidth manager to optimize TCP and UDP workloads and allow for rate-limiting traffic from individual Pods with EDT (Earliest Departure Time) through the "" Pod annotation. object {"bbr":false,"enabled":false}
:spellingbandwidthManager.bbr Activate BBR TCP congestion control for Pods bool false
:spellingbandwidthManager.enabled Enable bandwidth manager infrastructure (also prerequirement for BBR) bool false
:spellingbgp Configure BGP object {"announce":{"loadbalancerIP":false,"podCIDR":false},"enabled":false}
:spellingbgp.announce.loadbalancerIP Enable allocation and announcement of service LoadBalancer IPs bool false
:spellingbgp.announce.podCIDR Enable announcement of node pod CIDR bool false
:spellingbgp.enabled Enable BGP support inside Cilium; embeds a new ConfigMap for BGP inside cilium-agent and cilium-operator bool false
:spellingbgpControlPlane This feature set enables virtual BGP routers to be created via CiliumBGPPeeringPolicy CRDs. object {"enabled":false,"secretsNamespace":{"create":false,"name":"kube-system"},"v2Enabled":false}
:spellingbgpControlPlane.enabled Enables the BGP control plane. bool false
:spellingbgpControlPlane.secretsNamespace SecretsNamespace is the namespace which BGP support will retrieve secrets from. object {"create":false,"name":"kube-system"}
:spellingbgpControlPlane.secretsNamespace.create Create secrets namespace for BGP secrets. bool false The name of the secret namespace to which Cilium agents are given read access string "kube-system"
:spellingbgpControlPlane.v2Enabled Enable the BGPv2 APIs. bool false
:spellingbpf.authMapMax Configure the maximum number of entries in auth map. int 524288
:spellingbpf.autoMount.enabled Enable automatic mount of BPF filesystem When autoMount is enabled, the BPF filesystem is mounted at bpf.root path on the underlying host and inside the cilium agent pod. If users disable autoMount, it's expected that users have mounted bpffs filesystem at the specified bpf.root volume, and then the volume will be mounted inside the cilium agent pod at the same path. bool true
:spellingbpf.ctAnyMax Configure the maximum number of entries for the non-TCP connection tracking table. int 262144
:spellingbpf.ctTcpMax Configure the maximum number of entries in the TCP connection tracking table. int 524288 Control events generated by the Cilium datapath exposed to Cilium monitor and Hubble. object {"drop":{"enabled":true},"policyVerdict":{"enabled":true},"trace":{"enabled":true}} Enable drop events. bool true Enable policy verdict events. bool true Enable trace events. bool true
:spellingbpf.hostLegacyRouting Configure whether direct routing mode should route traffic via host stack (true) or directly and more efficiently out of BPF (false) if the kernel supports it. The latter has the implication that it will also bypass netfilter in the host namespace. bool false
:spellingbpf.lbExternalClusterIP Allow cluster external access to ClusterIP services. bool false
:spellingbpf.lbMapMax Configure the maximum number of service entries in the load balancer maps. int 65536
:spellingbpf.mapDynamicSizeRatio Configure auto-sizing for all BPF maps based on available memory. ref: float64 0.0025
:spellingbpf.masquerade Enable native IP masquerade support in eBPF bool false
:spellingbpf.monitorAggregation Configure the level of aggregation for monitor notifications. Valid options are none, low, medium, maximum. string "medium"
:spellingbpf.monitorFlags Configure which TCP flags trigger notifications when seen for the first time in a connection. string "all"
:spellingbpf.monitorInterval Configure the typical time between monitor notifications for active connections. string "5s"
:spellingbpf.natMax Configure the maximum number of entries for the NAT table. int 524288
:spellingbpf.neighMax Configure the maximum number of entries for the neighbor table. int 524288
:spellingbpf.nodeMapMax Configures the maximum number of entries for the node table. int nil
:spellingbpf.policyMapMax Configure the maximum number of entries in endpoint policy map (per endpoint). @schema type: [null, integer] @schema int 16384
:spellingbpf.preallocateMaps Enables pre-allocation of eBPF map values. This increases memory usage but can reduce latency. bool false
:spellingbpf.root Configure the mount point for the BPF filesystem string "/sys/fs/bpf"
:spellingbpf.tproxy Configure the eBPF-based TPROXY to reduce reliance on iptables rules for implementing Layer 7 policy. bool false
:spellingbpf.vlanBypass Configure explicitly allowed VLAN id's for bpf logic bypass. [0] will allow all VLAN id's without any filtering. list []
:spellingbpfClockProbe Enable BPF clock source probing for more efficient tick retrieval. bool false
:spellingcertgen Configure certificate generation for Hubble integration. If, these values are used for the Kubernetes CronJob which will be scheduled regularly to (re)generate any certificates not provided manually. object {"affinity":{},"annotations":{"cronJob":{},"job":{}},"extraVolumeMounts":[],"extraVolumes":[],"image":{"digest":"sha256:89a0847753686444daabde9474b48340993bd19c7bea66a46e45b2974b82041f","override":null,"pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent","repository":"","tag":"v0.1.9","useDigest":true},"podLabels":{},"tolerations":[],"ttlSecondsAfterFinished":1800}
:spellingcertgen.affinity Affinity for certgen object {}
:spellingcertgen.annotations Annotations to be added to the hubble-certgen initial Job and CronJob object {"cronJob":{},"job":{}}
:spellingcertgen.extraVolumeMounts Additional certgen volumeMounts. list []
:spellingcertgen.extraVolumes Additional certgen volumes. list []
:spellingcertgen.podLabels Labels to be added to hubble-certgen pods object {}
:spellingcertgen.tolerations Node tolerations for pod assignment on nodes with taints ref: list []
:spellingcertgen.ttlSecondsAfterFinished Seconds after which the completed job pod will be deleted int 1800
:spellingcgroup Configure cgroup related configuration object {"autoMount":{"enabled":true,"resources":{}},"hostRoot":"/run/cilium/cgroupv2"}
:spellingcgroup.autoMount.enabled Enable auto mount of cgroup2 filesystem. When autoMount is enabled, cgroup2 filesystem is mounted at cgroup.hostRoot path on the underlying host and inside the cilium agent pod. If users disable autoMount, it's expected that users have mounted cgroup2 filesystem at the specified cgroup.hostRoot volume, and then the volume will be mounted inside the cilium agent pod at the same path. bool true
:spellingcgroup.autoMount.resources Init Container Cgroup Automount resource limits & requests object {}
:spellingcgroup.hostRoot Configure cgroup root where cgroup2 filesystem is mounted on the host (see also: cgroup.autoMount) string "/run/cilium/cgroupv2"
:spellingcleanBpfState Clean all eBPF datapath state from the initContainer of the cilium-agent DaemonSet. WARNING: Use with care! bool false
:spellingcleanState Clean all local Cilium state from the initContainer of the cilium-agent DaemonSet. Implies cleanBpfState: true. WARNING: Use with care! bool false Unique ID of the cluster. Must be unique across all connected clusters and in the range of 1 to 255. Only required for Cluster Mesh, may be 0 if Cluster Mesh is not used. int 0 Name of the cluster. Only required for Cluster Mesh and mutual authentication with SPIRE. string "default"
:spellingclustermesh.annotations Annotations to be added to all top-level clustermesh objects (resources under templates/clustermesh-apiserver and templates/clustermesh-config) object {}
:spellingclustermesh.apiserver.affinity Affinity for clustermesh.apiserver object {"podAntiAffinity":{"requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution":[{"labelSelector":{"matchLabels":{"k8s-app":"clustermesh-apiserver"}},"topologyKey":""}]}}
:spellingclustermesh.apiserver.etcd.init.extraArgs Additional arguments to clustermesh-apiserver etcdinit. list []
:spellingclustermesh.apiserver.etcd.init.extraEnv Additional environment variables to clustermesh-apiserver etcdinit. list []
:spellingclustermesh.apiserver.etcd.init.resources Specifies the resources for etcd init container in the apiserver object {}
:spellingclustermesh.apiserver.etcd.lifecycle lifecycle setting for the etcd container object {}
:spellingclustermesh.apiserver.etcd.resources Specifies the resources for etcd container in the apiserver object {}
:spellingclustermesh.apiserver.etcd.securityContext Security context to be added to clustermesh-apiserver etcd containers object {}
:spellingclustermesh.apiserver.extraArgs Additional clustermesh-apiserver arguments. list []
:spellingclustermesh.apiserver.extraEnv Additional clustermesh-apiserver environment variables. list []
:spellingclustermesh.apiserver.extraVolumeMounts Additional clustermesh-apiserver volumeMounts. list []
:spellingclustermesh.apiserver.extraVolumes Additional clustermesh-apiserver volumes. list []
:spellingclustermesh.apiserver.healthPort TCP port for the clustermesh-apiserver health API. int 9880
:spellingclustermesh.apiserver.image Clustermesh API server image. object {"digest":"","override":null,"pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent","repository":"","tag":"v1.16.0-pre.1","useDigest":false}
:spellingclustermesh.apiserver.kvstoremesh.enabled Enable KVStoreMesh. KVStoreMesh caches the information retrieved from the remote clusters in the local etcd instance. bool false
:spellingclustermesh.apiserver.kvstoremesh.extraArgs Additional KVStoreMesh arguments. list []
:spellingclustermesh.apiserver.kvstoremesh.extraEnv Additional KVStoreMesh environment variables. list []
:spellingclustermesh.apiserver.kvstoremesh.extraVolumeMounts Additional KVStoreMesh volumeMounts. list []
:spellingclustermesh.apiserver.kvstoremesh.healthPort TCP port for the KVStoreMesh health API. int 9881
:spellingclustermesh.apiserver.kvstoremesh.lifecycle lifecycle setting for the KVStoreMesh container object {}
:spellingclustermesh.apiserver.kvstoremesh.readinessProbe Configuration for the KVStoreMesh readiness probe. object {}
:spellingclustermesh.apiserver.kvstoremesh.resources Resource requests and limits for the KVStoreMesh container object {}
:spellingclustermesh.apiserver.kvstoremesh.securityContext KVStoreMesh Security context object {"allowPrivilegeEscalation":false,"capabilities":{"drop":["ALL"]}}
:spellingclustermesh.apiserver.lifecycle lifecycle setting for the apiserver container object {}
:spellingclustermesh.apiserver.metrics.enabled Enables exporting apiserver metrics in OpenMetrics format. bool true
:spellingclustermesh.apiserver.metrics.etcd.enabled Enables exporting etcd metrics in OpenMetrics format. bool true
:spellingclustermesh.apiserver.metrics.etcd.mode Set level of detail for etcd metrics; specify 'extensive' to include server side gRPC histogram metrics. string "basic"
:spellingclustermesh.apiserver.metrics.etcd.port Configure the port the etcd metric server listens on. int 9963
:spellingclustermesh.apiserver.metrics.kvstoremesh.enabled Enables exporting KVStoreMesh metrics in OpenMetrics format. bool true
:spellingclustermesh.apiserver.metrics.kvstoremesh.port Configure the port the KVStoreMesh metric server listens on. int 9964
:spellingclustermesh.apiserver.metrics.port Configure the port the apiserver metric server listens on. int 9962
:spellingclustermesh.apiserver.metrics.serviceMonitor.annotations Annotations to add to ServiceMonitor clustermesh-apiserver object {}
:spellingclustermesh.apiserver.metrics.serviceMonitor.enabled Enable service monitor. This requires the prometheus CRDs to be available (see bool false
:spellingclustermesh.apiserver.metrics.serviceMonitor.etcd.interval Interval for scrape metrics (etcd metrics) string "10s"
:spellingclustermesh.apiserver.metrics.serviceMonitor.etcd.metricRelabelings Metrics relabeling configs for the ServiceMonitor clustermesh-apiserver (etcd metrics) string nil
:spellingclustermesh.apiserver.metrics.serviceMonitor.etcd.relabelings Relabeling configs for the ServiceMonitor clustermesh-apiserver (etcd metrics) string nil
:spellingclustermesh.apiserver.metrics.serviceMonitor.interval Interval for scrape metrics (apiserver metrics) string "10s"
:spellingclustermesh.apiserver.metrics.serviceMonitor.kvstoremesh.interval Interval for scrape metrics (KVStoreMesh metrics) string "10s"
:spellingclustermesh.apiserver.metrics.serviceMonitor.kvstoremesh.metricRelabelings Metrics relabeling configs for the ServiceMonitor clustermesh-apiserver (KVStoreMesh metrics) string nil
:spellingclustermesh.apiserver.metrics.serviceMonitor.kvstoremesh.relabelings Relabeling configs for the ServiceMonitor clustermesh-apiserver (KVStoreMesh metrics) string nil
:spellingclustermesh.apiserver.metrics.serviceMonitor.labels Labels to add to ServiceMonitor clustermesh-apiserver object {}
:spellingclustermesh.apiserver.metrics.serviceMonitor.metricRelabelings Metrics relabeling configs for the ServiceMonitor clustermesh-apiserver (apiserver metrics) string nil
:spellingclustermesh.apiserver.metrics.serviceMonitor.relabelings Relabeling configs for the ServiceMonitor clustermesh-apiserver (apiserver metrics) string nil
:spellingclustermesh.apiserver.nodeSelector Node labels for pod assignment ref: object {"":"linux"}
:spellingclustermesh.apiserver.podAnnotations Annotations to be added to clustermesh-apiserver pods object {}
:spellingclustermesh.apiserver.podDisruptionBudget.enabled enable PodDisruptionBudget ref: bool false
:spellingclustermesh.apiserver.podDisruptionBudget.maxUnavailable Maximum number/percentage of pods that may be made unavailable int 1
:spellingclustermesh.apiserver.podDisruptionBudget.minAvailable Minimum number/percentage of pods that should remain scheduled. When it's set, maxUnavailable must be disabled by maxUnavailable: null string nil
:spellingclustermesh.apiserver.podLabels Labels to be added to clustermesh-apiserver pods object {}
:spellingclustermesh.apiserver.podSecurityContext Security context to be added to clustermesh-apiserver pods object {}
:spellingclustermesh.apiserver.priorityClassName The priority class to use for clustermesh-apiserver string ""
:spellingclustermesh.apiserver.readinessProbe Configuration for the clustermesh-apiserver readiness probe. object {}
:spellingclustermesh.apiserver.replicas Number of replicas run for the clustermesh-apiserver deployment. int 1
:spellingclustermesh.apiserver.resources Resource requests and limits for the clustermesh-apiserver object {}
:spellingclustermesh.apiserver.securityContext Security context to be added to clustermesh-apiserver containers object {}
:spellingclustermesh.apiserver.service.annotations Annotations for the clustermesh-apiserver For GKE LoadBalancer, use annotation "Internal" For EKS LoadBalancer, use annotation "true" object {}
:spellingclustermesh.apiserver.service.externalTrafficPolicy The externalTrafficPolicy of service used for apiserver access. string "Cluster"
:spellingclustermesh.apiserver.service.internalTrafficPolicy The internalTrafficPolicy of service used for apiserver access. string "Cluster"
:spellingclustermesh.apiserver.service.nodePort Optional port to use as the node port for apiserver access. WARNING: make sure to configure a different NodePort in each cluster if kube-proxy replacement is enabled, as Cilium is currently affected by a known bug (#24692) when NodePorts are handled by the KPR implementation. If a service with the same NodePort exists both in the local and the remote cluster, all traffic originating from inside the cluster and targeting the corresponding NodePort will be redirected to a local backend, regardless of whether the destination node belongs to the local or the remote cluster. int 32379
:spellingclustermesh.apiserver.service.type The type of service used for apiserver access. string "NodePort"
:spellingclustermesh.apiserver.terminationGracePeriodSeconds terminationGracePeriodSeconds for the clustermesh-apiserver deployment int 30
:spellingclustermesh.apiserver.tls.admin base64 encoded PEM values for the clustermesh-apiserver admin certificate and private key. Used if 'auto' is not enabled. object {"cert":"","key":""}
:spellingclustermesh.apiserver.tls.authMode Configure the clustermesh authentication mode. Supported values: - legacy: All clusters access remote clustermesh instances with the same username (i.e., remote). The "remote" certificate must be generated with CN=remote if provided manually. - migration: Intermediate mode required to upgrade from legacy to cluster (and vice versa) with no disruption. Specifically, it enables the creation of the per-cluster usernames, while still using the common one for authentication. The "remote" certificate must be generated with CN=remote if provided manually (same as legacy). - cluster: Each cluster accesses remote etcd instances with a username depending on the local cluster name (i.e., remote-:raw-html-m2r:<cluster-name>). The "remote" certificate must be generated with CN=remote-:raw-html-m2r:<cluster-name> if provided manually. Cluster mode is meaningful only when the same CA is shared across all clusters part of the mesh. string "legacy" Configure automatic TLS certificates generation. A Kubernetes CronJob is used the generate any certificates not provided by the user at installation time. object {"certManagerIssuerRef":{},"certValidityDuration":1095,"enabled":true,"method":"helm"} certmanager issuer used when object {} Generated certificates validity duration in days. int 1095 When set to true, automatically generate a CA and certificates to enable mTLS between clustermesh-apiserver and external workload instances. If set to false, the certs to be provided by setting appropriate values below. bool true
:spellingclustermesh.apiserver.tls.client base64 encoded PEM values for the clustermesh-apiserver client certificate and private key. Used if 'auto' is not enabled. object {"cert":"","key":""}
:spellingclustermesh.apiserver.tls.remote base64 encoded PEM values for the clustermesh-apiserver remote cluster certificate and private key. Used if 'auto' is not enabled. object {"cert":"","key":""}
:spellingclustermesh.apiserver.tls.server base64 encoded PEM values for the clustermesh-apiserver server certificate and private key. Used if 'auto' is not enabled. object {"cert":"","extraDnsNames":[],"extraIpAddresses":[],"key":""}
:spellingclustermesh.apiserver.tls.server.extraDnsNames Extra DNS names added to certificate when it's auto generated list []
:spellingclustermesh.apiserver.tls.server.extraIpAddresses Extra IP addresses added to certificate when it's auto generated list []
:spellingclustermesh.apiserver.tolerations Node tolerations for pod assignment on nodes with taints ref: list []
:spellingclustermesh.apiserver.topologySpreadConstraints Pod topology spread constraints for clustermesh-apiserver list []
:spellingclustermesh.apiserver.updateStrategy clustermesh-apiserver update strategy object {"rollingUpdate":{"maxUnavailable":1},"type":"RollingUpdate"}
:spellingclustermesh.config Clustermesh explicit configuration. object {"clusters":[],"domain":"","enabled":false}
:spellingclustermesh.config.clusters List of clusters to be peered in the mesh. list []
:spellingclustermesh.config.domain Default dns domain for the Clustermesh API servers This is used in the case cluster addresses are not provided and IPs are used. string ""
:spellingclustermesh.config.enabled Enable the Clustermesh explicit configuration. bool false
:spellingclustermesh.maxConnectedClusters The maximum number of clusters to support in a ClusterMesh. This value cannot be changed on running clusters, and all clusters in a ClusterMesh must be configured with the same value. Values > 255 will decrease the maximum allocatable cluster-local identities. Supported values are 255 and 511. int 255
:spellingclustermesh.useAPIServer Deploy clustermesh-apiserver for clustermesh bool false
:spellingcni.binPath Configure the path to the CNI binary directory on the host. string "/opt/cni/bin"
:spellingcni.chainingMode Configure chaining on top of other CNI plugins. Possible values: - none - aws-cni - flannel - generic-veth - portmap string nil
:spellingcni.chainingTarget A CNI network name in to which the Cilium plugin should be added as a chained plugin. This will cause the agent to watch for a CNI network with this network name. When it is found, this will be used as the basis for Cilium's CNI configuration file. If this is set, it assumes a chaining mode of generic-veth. As a special case, a chaining mode of aws-cni implies a chainingTarget of aws-cni. string nil
:spellingcni.confFileMountPath Configure the path to where to mount the ConfigMap inside the agent pod. string "/tmp/cni-configuration"
:spellingcni.confPath Configure the path to the CNI configuration directory on the host. string "/etc/cni/net.d"
:spellingcni.configMapKey Configure the key in the CNI ConfigMap to read the contents of the CNI configuration from. string "cni-config"
:spellingcni.customConf Skip writing of the CNI configuration. This can be used if writing of the CNI configuration is performed by external automation. bool false
:spellingcni.exclusive Make Cilium take ownership over the /etc/cni/net.d directory on the node, renaming all non-Cilium CNI configurations to *.cilium_bak. This ensures no Pods can be scheduled using other CNI plugins during Cilium agent downtime. bool true
:spellingcni.hostConfDirMountPath Configure the path to where the CNI configuration directory is mounted inside the agent pod. string "/host/etc/cni/net.d"
:spellingcni.install Install the CNI configuration and binary files into the filesystem. bool true
:spellingcni.logFile Configure the log file for CNI logging with retention policy of 7 days. Disable CNI file logging by setting this field to empty explicitly. string "/var/run/cilium/cilium-cni.log"
:spellingcni.resources Specifies the resources for the cni initContainer object {"requests":{"cpu":"100m","memory":"10Mi"}}
:spellingcni.uninstall Remove the CNI configuration and binary files on agent shutdown. Enable this if you're removing Cilium from the cluster. Disable this to prevent the CNI configuration file from being removed during agent upgrade, which can cause nodes to go unmanageable. bool false
:spellingconntrackGCInterval Configure how frequently garbage collection should occur for the datapath connection tracking table. string "0s"
:spellingconntrackGCMaxInterval Configure the maximum frequency for the garbage collection of the connection tracking table. Only affects the automatic computation for the frequency and has no effect when 'conntrackGCInterval' is set. This can be set to more frequently clean up unused identities created from ToFQDN policies. string ""
:spellingcontainerRuntime Configure container runtime specific integration. Deprecated in favor of bpf.autoMount.enabled. To be removed in 1.15. object {"integration":"none"}
:spellingcontainerRuntime.integration Enables specific integrations for container runtimes. Supported values: - crio - none string "none"
:spellingcrdWaitTimeout Configure timeout in which Cilium will exit if CRDs are not available string "5m"
:spellingcustomCalls Tail call hooks for custom eBPF programs. object {"enabled":false}
:spellingcustomCalls.enabled Enable tail call hooks for custom eBPF programs. bool false
:spellingdaemon.allowedConfigOverrides allowedConfigOverrides is a list of config-map keys that can be overridden. That is to say, if this value is set, config sources (excepting the first one) can only override keys in this list. This takes precedence over blockedConfigOverrides. By default, all keys may be overridden. To disable overrides, set this to "none" or change the configSources variable. string nil
:spellingdaemon.blockedConfigOverrides blockedConfigOverrides is a list of config-map keys that may not be overridden. In other words, if any of these keys appear in a configuration source excepting the first one, they will be ignored This is ignored if allowedConfigOverrides is set. By default, all keys may be overridden. string nil
:spellingdaemon.configSources Configure a custom list of possible configuration override sources The default is "config-map:cilium-config,cilium-node-config". For supported values, see the help text for the build-config subcommand. Note that this value should be a comma-separated string. string nil
:spellingdaemon.runPath Configure where Cilium runtime state should be stored. string "/var/run/cilium"
:spellingdashboards Grafana dashboards for cilium-agent grafana can import dashboards based on the label and value ref: object {"annotations":{},"enabled":false,"label":"grafana_dashboard","labelValue":"1","namespace":null}
:spellingdebug.enabled Enable debug logging bool false
:spellingdebug.verbose Configure verbosity levels for debug logging This option is used to enable debug messages for operations related to such sub-system such as (e.g. kvstore, envoy, datapath or policy), and flow is for enabling debug messages emitted per request, message and connection. Multiple values can be set via a space-separated string (e.g. "datapath envoy"). Applicable values: - flow - kvstore - envoy - datapath - policy string nil
:spellingdisableEndpointCRD Disable the usage of CiliumEndpoint CRD. bool false
:spellingdnsPolicy DNS policy for Cilium agent pods. Ref: string ""
:spellingdnsProxy.dnsRejectResponseCode DNS response code for rejecting DNS requests, available options are '[nameError refused]'. string "refused"
:spellingdnsProxy.enableDnsCompression Allow the DNS proxy to compress responses to endpoints that are larger than 512 Bytes or the EDNS0 option, if present. bool true
:spellingdnsProxy.endpointMaxIpPerHostname Maximum number of IPs to maintain per FQDN name for each endpoint. int 50
:spellingdnsProxy.idleConnectionGracePeriod Time during which idle but previously active connections with expired DNS lookups are still considered alive. string "0s"
:spellingdnsProxy.maxDeferredConnectionDeletes Maximum number of IPs to retain for expired DNS lookups with still-active connections. int 10000
:spellingdnsProxy.minTtl The minimum time, in seconds, to use DNS data for toFQDNs policies. If the upstream DNS server returns a DNS record with a shorter TTL, Cilium overwrites the TTL with this value. Setting this value to zero means that Cilium will honor the TTLs returned by the upstream DNS server. int 0
:spellingdnsProxy.preCache DNS cache data at this path is preloaded on agent startup. string ""
:spellingdnsProxy.proxyPort Global port on which the in-agent DNS proxy should listen. Default 0 is a OS-assigned port. int 0
:spellingdnsProxy.proxyResponseMaxDelay The maximum time the DNS proxy holds an allowed DNS response before sending it along. Responses are sent as soon as the datapath is updated with the new IP information. string "100ms"
:spellingegressGateway.enabled Enables egress gateway to redirect and SNAT the traffic that leaves the cluster. bool false
:spellingegressGateway.installRoutes Deprecated without a replacement necessary. bool false
:spellingegressGateway.reconciliationTriggerInterval Time between triggers of egress gateway state reconciliations string "1s"
:spellingenableCiliumEndpointSlice Enable CiliumEndpointSlice feature. bool false
:spellingenableCriticalPriorityClass Explicitly enable or disable priority class. .Capabilities.KubeVersion is unsettable in helm template calls, it depends on k8s libraries version that Helm was compiled against. This option allows to explicitly disable setting the priority class, which is useful for rendering charts for gke clusters in advance. bool true
:spellingenableIPv4BIGTCP Enables IPv4 BIG TCP support which increases maximum IPv4 GSO/GRO limits for nodes and pods bool false
:spellingenableIPv4Masquerade Enables masquerading of IPv4 traffic leaving the node from endpoints. bool true
:spellingenableIPv6BIGTCP Enables IPv6 BIG TCP support which increases maximum IPv6 GSO/GRO limits for nodes and pods bool false
:spellingenableIPv6Masquerade Enables masquerading of IPv6 traffic leaving the node from endpoints. bool true
:spellingenableK8sTerminatingEndpoint Configure whether to enable auto detect of terminating state for endpoints in order to support graceful termination. bool true
:spellingenableMasqueradeRouteSource Enables masquerading to the source of the route for traffic leaving the node from endpoints. bool false
:spellingenableRuntimeDeviceDetection Enables experimental support for the detection of new and removed datapath devices. When devices change the eBPF datapath is reloaded and services updated. If "devices" is set then only those devices, or devices matching a wildcard will be considered. bool false
:spellingenableXTSocketFallback Enables the fallback compatibility solution for when the xt_socket kernel module is missing and it is needed for the datapath L7 redirection to work properly. See documentation for details on when this can be disabled: bool true
:spellingencryption.enabled Enable transparent network encryption. bool false
:spellingencryption.ipsec.encryptedOverlay Enable IPSec encrypted overlay bool false
:spellingencryption.ipsec.interface The interface to use for encrypted traffic. string ""
:spellingencryption.ipsec.keyFile Name of the key file inside the Kubernetes secret configured via secretName. string "keys"
:spellingencryption.ipsec.keyRotationDuration Maximum duration of the IPsec key rotation. The previous key will be removed after that delay. string "5m"
:spellingencryption.ipsec.keyWatcher Enable the key watcher. If disabled, a restart of the agent will be necessary on key rotations. bool true
:spellingencryption.ipsec.mountPath Path to mount the secret inside the Cilium pod. string "/etc/ipsec"
:spellingencryption.ipsec.secretName Name of the Kubernetes secret containing the encryption keys. string "cilium-ipsec-keys"
:spellingencryption.nodeEncryption Enable encryption for pure node to node traffic. This option is only effective when encryption.type is set to "wireguard". bool false
:spellingencryption.strictMode Configure the WireGuard Pod2Pod strict mode. object {"allowRemoteNodeIdentities":false,"cidr":"","enabled":false}
:spellingencryption.strictMode.allowRemoteNodeIdentities Allow dynamic lookup of remote node identities. This is required when tunneling is used or direct routing is used and the node CIDR and pod CIDR overlap. bool false
:spellingencryption.strictMode.cidr CIDR for the WireGuard Pod2Pod strict mode. string ""
:spellingencryption.strictMode.enabled Enable WireGuard Pod2Pod strict mode. bool false
:spellingencryption.type Encryption method. Can be either ipsec or wireguard. string "ipsec"
:spellingencryption.wireguard.persistentKeepalive Controls Wireguard PersistentKeepalive option. Set 0s to disable. string "0s"
:spellingencryption.wireguard.userspaceFallback Enables the fallback to the user-space implementation. bool false
:spellingendpointHealthChecking.enabled Enable connectivity health checking between virtual endpoints. bool true
:spellingendpointRoutes.enabled Enable use of per endpoint routes instead of routing via the cilium_host interface. bool false
:spellingeni.awsEnablePrefixDelegation Enable ENI prefix delegation bool false
:spellingeni.awsReleaseExcessIPs Release IPs not used from the ENI bool false
:spellingeni.ec2APIEndpoint EC2 API endpoint to use string ""
:spellingeni.enabled Enable Elastic Network Interface (ENI) integration. bool false
:spellingeni.eniTags Tags to apply to the newly created ENIs object {}
:spellingeni.gcInterval Interval for garbage collection of unattached ENIs. Set to "0s" to disable. string "5m"
:spellingeni.gcTags Additional tags attached to ENIs created by Cilium. Dangling ENIs with this tag will be garbage collected object {"io.cilium/cilium-managed":"true,"io.cilium/cluster-name":"<auto-detected>"}
:spellingeni.iamRole If using IAM role for Service Accounts will not try to inject identity values from cilium-aws kubernetes secret. Adds annotation to service account if managed by Helm. See string ""
:spellingeni.instanceTagsFilter Filter via AWS EC2 Instance tags (k=v) which will dictate which AWS EC2 Instances are going to be used to create new ENIs list []
:spellingeni.subnetIDsFilter Filter via subnet IDs which will dictate which subnets are going to be used to create new ENIs Important note: This requires that each instance has an ENI with a matching subnet attached when Cilium is deployed. If you only want to control subnets for ENIs attached by Cilium, use the CNI configuration file settings (cni.customConf) instead. list []
:spellingeni.subnetTagsFilter Filter via tags (k=v) which will dictate which subnets are going to be used to create new ENIs Important note: This requires that each instance has an ENI with a matching subnet attached when Cilium is deployed. If you only want to control subnets for ENIs attached by Cilium, use the CNI configuration file settings (cni.customConf) instead. list []
:spellingeni.updateEC2AdapterLimitViaAPI Update ENI Adapter limits from the EC2 API bool true
:spellingenvoy.affinity Affinity for cilium-envoy. object {"nodeAffinity":{"requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution":{"nodeSelectorTerms":[{"matchExpressions":[{"key":"","operator":"NotIn","values":["true"]}]}]}},"podAffinity":{"requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution":[{"labelSelector":{"matchLabels":{"k8s-app":"cilium"}},"topologyKey":""}]},"podAntiAffinity":{"requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution":[{"labelSelector":{"matchLabels":{"k8s-app":"cilium-envoy"}},"topologyKey":""}]}}
:spellingenvoy.annotations Annotations to be added to all top-level cilium-envoy objects (resources under templates/cilium-envoy) object {}
:spellingenvoy.baseID Set Envoy'--base-id' to use when allocating shared memory regions. Only needs to be changed if multiple Envoy instances will run on the same node and may have conflicts. Supported values: 0 - 4294967295. Defaults to '0' int 0
:spellingenvoy.connectTimeoutSeconds Time in seconds after which a TCP connection attempt times out int 2
:spellingenvoy.debug.admin.enabled Enable admin interface for cilium-envoy. This is useful for debugging and should not be enabled in production. bool false
:spellingenvoy.debug.admin.port Port number (bound to loopback interface). kubectl port-forward can be used to access the admin interface. int 9901
:spellingenvoy.dnsPolicy DNS policy for Cilium envoy pods. Ref: string nil
:spellingenvoy.enabled Enable Envoy Proxy in standalone DaemonSet. bool true
:spellingenvoy.extraArgs Additional envoy container arguments. list []
:spellingenvoy.extraContainers Additional containers added to the cilium Envoy DaemonSet. list []
:spellingenvoy.extraEnv Additional envoy container environment variables. list []
:spellingenvoy.extraHostPathMounts Additional envoy hostPath mounts. list []
:spellingenvoy.extraVolumeMounts Additional envoy volumeMounts. list []
:spellingenvoy.extraVolumes Additional envoy volumes. list []
:spellingenvoy.healthPort TCP port for the health API. int 9878
:spellingenvoy.idleTimeoutDurationSeconds Set Envoy upstream HTTP idle connection timeout seconds. Does not apply to connections with pending requests. Default 60s int 60
:spellingenvoy.image Envoy container image. object {"digest":"sha256:9c45b847f0d6689b537000257dc26a1db3799fd40cb2d430397fd0aec375a562","override":null,"pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent","repository":"","tag":"v1.28.1-0a4c2d1a90a7e13116bed4b0c1d4aacaf0e49686","useDigest":true}
:spellingenvoy.livenessProbe.failureThreshold failure threshold of liveness probe int 10
:spellingenvoy.livenessProbe.periodSeconds interval between checks of the liveness probe int 30
:spellingenvoy.log.format The format string to use for laying out the log message metadata of Envoy. string "[%Y-%m-%d %T.%e][%t][%l][%n] [%g:%#] %v"
:spellingenvoy.log.path Path to a separate Envoy log file, if any. Defaults to /dev/stdout. string ""
:spellingenvoy.maxConnectionDurationSeconds Set Envoy HTTP option max_connection_duration seconds. Default 0 (disable) int 0
:spellingenvoy.maxRequestsPerConnection ProxyMaxRequestsPerConnection specifies the max_requests_per_connection setting for Envoy int 0
:spellingenvoy.nodeSelector Node selector for cilium-envoy. object {"":"linux"}
:spellingenvoy.podAnnotations Annotations to be added to envoy pods object {}
:spellingenvoy.podLabels Labels to be added to envoy pods object {}
:spellingenvoy.podSecurityContext Security Context for cilium-envoy pods. object {}
:spellingenvoy.priorityClassName The priority class to use for cilium-envoy. string nil
:spellingenvoy.prometheus Configure Cilium Envoy Prometheus options. Note that some of these apply to either cilium-agent or cilium-envoy. object {"enabled":true,"port":"9964","serviceMonitor":{"annotations":{},"enabled":false,"interval":"10s","labels":{},"metricRelabelings":null,"relabelings":[{"replacement":"${1}","sourceLabels":["__meta_kubernetes_pod_node_name"],"targetLabel":"node"}]}}
:spellingenvoy.prometheus.enabled Enable prometheus metrics for cilium-envoy bool true
:spellingenvoy.prometheus.port Serve prometheus metrics for cilium-envoy on the configured port string "9964"
:spellingenvoy.prometheus.serviceMonitor.annotations Annotations to add to ServiceMonitor cilium-envoy object {}
:spellingenvoy.prometheus.serviceMonitor.enabled Enable service monitors. This requires the prometheus CRDs to be available (see Note that this setting applies to both cilium-envoy and cilium-agent with Envoy enabled. bool false
:spellingenvoy.prometheus.serviceMonitor.interval Interval for scrape metrics. string "10s"
:spellingenvoy.prometheus.serviceMonitor.labels Labels to add to ServiceMonitor cilium-envoy object {}
:spellingenvoy.prometheus.serviceMonitor.metricRelabelings Metrics relabeling configs for the ServiceMonitor cilium-envoy or for cilium-agent with Envoy configured. string nil
:spellingenvoy.prometheus.serviceMonitor.relabelings Relabeling configs for the ServiceMonitor cilium-envoy or for cilium-agent with Envoy configured. list [{"replacement":"${1}","sourceLabels":["__meta_kubernetes_pod_node_name"],"targetLabel":"node"}]
:spellingenvoy.readinessProbe.failureThreshold failure threshold of readiness probe int 3
:spellingenvoy.readinessProbe.periodSeconds interval between checks of the readiness probe int 30
:spellingenvoy.resources Envoy resource limits & requests ref: object {}
:spellingenvoy.rollOutPods Roll out cilium envoy pods automatically when configmap is updated. bool false
:spellingenvoy.securityContext.capabilities.envoy Capabilities for the cilium-envoy container list ["NET_ADMIN","SYS_ADMIN"]
:spellingenvoy.securityContext.privileged Run the pod with elevated privileges bool false
:spellingenvoy.securityContext.seLinuxOptions SELinux options for the cilium-envoy container object {"level":"s0","type":"spc_t"}
:spellingenvoy.startupProbe.failureThreshold failure threshold of startup probe. 105 x 2s translates to the old behaviour of the readiness probe (120s delay + 30 x 3s) int 105
:spellingenvoy.startupProbe.periodSeconds interval between checks of the startup probe int 2
:spellingenvoy.terminationGracePeriodSeconds Configure termination grace period for cilium-envoy DaemonSet. int 1
:spellingenvoy.tolerations Node tolerations for envoy scheduling to nodes with taints ref: list [{"operator":"Exists"}]
:spellingenvoy.updateStrategy cilium-envoy update strategy ref: object {"rollingUpdate":{"maxUnavailable":2},"type":"RollingUpdate"}
:spellingenvoyConfig.enabled Enable CiliumEnvoyConfig CRD CiliumEnvoyConfig CRD can also be implicitly enabled by other options. bool false
:spellingenvoyConfig.retryInterval Interval in which an attempt is made to reconcile failed EnvoyConfigs. If the duration is zero, the retry is deactivated. string "15s"
:spellingenvoyConfig.secretsNamespace SecretsNamespace is the namespace in which envoy SDS will retrieve secrets from. object {"create":true,"name":"cilium-secrets"}
:spellingenvoyConfig.secretsNamespace.create Create secrets namespace for CiliumEnvoyConfig CRDs. bool true The name of the secret namespace to which Cilium agents are given read access. string "cilium-secrets"
:spellingetcd.annotations Annotations to be added to all top-level etcd-operator objects (resources under templates/etcd-operator) object {}
:spellingetcd.clusterDomain Cluster domain for cilium-etcd-operator. string "cluster.local"
:spellingetcd.enabled Enable etcd mode for the agent. bool false
:spellingetcd.endpoints List of etcd endpoints (not needed when using managed=true). list ["https://CHANGE-ME:2379"]
:spellingetcd.extraArgs Additional cilium-etcd-operator container arguments. list []
:spellingetcd.extraVolumeMounts Additional cilium-etcd-operator volumeMounts. list []
:spellingetcd.extraVolumes Additional cilium-etcd-operator volumes. list []
:spellingetcd.image cilium-etcd-operator image. object {"digest":"sha256:04b8327f7f992693c2cb483b999041ed8f92efc8e14f2a5f3ab95574a65ea2dc","override":null,"pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent","repository":"","tag":"v2.0.7","useDigest":true}
:spellingetcd.k8sService If etcd is behind a k8s service set this option to true so that Cilium does the service translation automatically without requiring a DNS to be running. bool false
:spellingetcd.nodeSelector Node labels for cilium-etcd-operator pod assignment ref: object {"":"linux"}
:spellingetcd.podAnnotations Annotations to be added to cilium-etcd-operator pods object {}
:spellingetcd.podDisruptionBudget.enabled enable PodDisruptionBudget ref: bool false
:spellingetcd.podDisruptionBudget.maxUnavailable Maximum number/percentage of pods that may be made unavailable int 1
:spellingetcd.podDisruptionBudget.minAvailable Minimum number/percentage of pods that should remain scheduled. When it's set, maxUnavailable must be disabled by maxUnavailable: null string nil
:spellingetcd.podLabels Labels to be added to cilium-etcd-operator pods object {}
:spellingetcd.podSecurityContext Security context to be added to cilium-etcd-operator pods object {}
:spellingetcd.priorityClassName The priority class to use for cilium-etcd-operator string ""
:spellingetcd.resources cilium-etcd-operator resource limits & requests ref: object {}
:spellingetcd.securityContext Security context to be added to cilium-etcd-operator pods object {}
:spellingetcd.ssl Enable use of TLS/SSL for connectivity to etcd. (auto-enabled if managed=true) bool false
:spellingetcd.tolerations Node tolerations for cilium-etcd-operator scheduling to nodes with taints ref: list [{"operator":"Exists"}]
:spellingetcd.topologySpreadConstraints Pod topology spread constraints for cilium-etcd-operator list []
:spellingetcd.updateStrategy cilium-etcd-operator update strategy object {"rollingUpdate":{"maxSurge":1,"maxUnavailable":1},"type":"RollingUpdate"}
:spellingexternalIPs.enabled Enable ExternalIPs service support. bool false
:spellingexternalWorkloads Configure external workloads support object {"enabled":false}
:spellingexternalWorkloads.enabled Enable support for external workloads, such as VMs (false by default). bool false
:spellingextraArgs Additional agent container arguments. list []
:spellingextraConfig extraConfig allows you to specify additional configuration parameters to be included in the cilium-config configmap. object {}
:spellingextraContainers Additional containers added to the cilium DaemonSet. list []
:spellingextraEnv Additional agent container environment variables. list []
:spellingextraHostPathMounts Additional agent hostPath mounts. list []
:spellingextraVolumeMounts Additional agent volumeMounts. list []
:spellingextraVolumes Additional agent volumes. list []
:spellinggatewayAPI.enableProxyProtocol Enable proxy protocol for all GatewayAPI listeners. Note that only Proxy protocol traffic will be accepted once this is enabled. bool false
:spellinggatewayAPI.enabled Enable support for Gateway API in cilium This will automatically set enable-envoy-config as well. bool false
:spellinggatewayAPI.hostNetwork.enabled Configure whether the Envoy listeners should be exposed on the host network. bool false
:spellinggatewayAPI.hostNetwork.nodes.matchLabels Specify the labels of the nodes where the Ingress listeners should be exposed matchLabels: linux kind-worker object {}
:spellinggatewayAPI.secretsNamespace SecretsNamespace is the namespace in which envoy SDS will retrieve TLS secrets from. object {"create":true,"name":"cilium-secrets","sync":true}
:spellinggatewayAPI.secretsNamespace.create Create secrets namespace for Gateway API. bool true Name of Gateway API secret namespace. string "cilium-secrets"
:spellinggatewayAPI.secretsNamespace.sync Enable secret sync, which will make sure all TLS secrets used by Ingress are synced to If disabled, TLS secrets must be maintained externally. bool true
:spellinggatewayAPI.xffNumTrustedHops The number of additional GatewayAPI proxy hops from the right side of the HTTP header to trust when determining the origin client's IP address. int 0
:spellinggke.enabled Enable Google Kubernetes Engine integration bool false
:spellinghealthChecking Enable connectivity health checking. bool true
:spellinghealthPort TCP port for the agent health API. This is not the port for cilium-health. int 9879
:spellinghighScaleIPcache EnableHighScaleIPcache enables the special ipcache mode for high scale clusters. The ipcache content will be reduced to the strict minimum and traffic will be encapsulated to carry security identities. object {"enabled":false}
:spellinghighScaleIPcache.enabled Enable the high scale mode for the ipcache. bool false
:spellinghostFirewall Configure the host firewall. object {"enabled":false}
:spellinghostFirewall.enabled Enables the enforcement of host policies in the eBPF datapath. bool false
:spellinghostPort.enabled Enable hostPort service support. bool false
:spellinghubble.annotations Annotations to be added to all top-level hubble objects (resources under templates/hubble) object {}
:spellinghubble.dropEventEmitter Emit v1.Events related to pods on detection of packet drops. object {"enabled":false,"interval":"2m","reasons":["auth_required","policy_denied"]}
  • Minimum time between emitting same events.
string "2m"
:spellinghubble.dropEventEmitter.reasons list ["auth_required","policy_denied"]
:spellinghubble.enabled Enable Hubble (true by default). bool true
:spellinghubble.export Hubble flows export. object {"dynamic":{"config":{"configMapName":"cilium-flowlog-config","content":[{"excludeFilters":[],"fieldMask":[],"filePath":"/var/run/cilium/hubble/events.log","includeFilters":[],"name":"all"}],"createConfigMap":true},"enabled":false},"fileMaxBackups":5,"fileMaxSizeMb":10,"static":{"allowList":[],"denyList":[],"enabled":false,"fieldMask":[],"filePath":"/var/run/cilium/hubble/events.log"}}
  • Dynamic exporters configuration. Dynamic exporters may be reconfigured without a need of agent restarts.
object {"config":{"configMapName":"cilium-flowlog-config","content":[{"excludeFilters":[],"fieldMask":[],"filePath":"/var/run/cilium/hubble/events.log","includeFilters":[],"name":"all"}],"createConfigMap":true},"enabled":false}
:spellinghubble.export.dynamic.config.configMapName -- Name of configmap with configuration that may be altered to reconfigure exporters within a running agents. string "cilium-flowlog-config"
:spellinghubble.export.dynamic.config.content -- Exporters configuration in YAML format. list [{"excludeFilters":[],"fieldMask":[],"filePath":"/var/run/cilium/hubble/events.log","includeFilters":[],"name":"all"}]
:spellinghubble.export.dynamic.config.createConfigMap -- True if helm installer should create config map. Switch to false if you want to self maintain the file content. bool true
  • Defines max number of backup/rotated files.
int 5
  • Defines max file size of output file before it gets rotated.
int 10
  • Static exporter configuration. Static exporter is bound to agent lifecycle.
object {"allowList":[],"denyList":[],"enabled":false,"fieldMask":[],"filePath":"/var/run/cilium/hubble/events.log"}
:spellinghubble.listenAddress An additional address for Hubble to listen to. Set this field ":4244" if you are enabling Hubble Relay, as it assumes that Hubble is listening on port 4244. string ":4244"
:spellinghubble.metrics Hubble metrics configuration. See for more comprehensive documentation about Hubble metrics. object {"dashboards":{"annotations":{},"enabled":false,"label":"grafana_dashboard","labelValue":"1","namespace":null},"enableOpenMetrics":false,"enabled":null,"port":9965,"serviceAnnotations":{},"serviceMonitor":{"annotations":{},"enabled":false,"interval":"10s","jobLabel":"","labels":{},"metricRelabelings":null,"relabelings":[{"replacement":"${1}","sourceLabels":["__meta_kubernetes_pod_node_name"],"targetLabel":"node"}]}}
:spellinghubble.metrics.dashboards Grafana dashboards for hubble grafana can import dashboards based on the label and value ref: object {"annotations":{},"enabled":false,"label":"grafana_dashboard","labelValue":"1","namespace":null}
:spellinghubble.metrics.enableOpenMetrics Enables exporting hubble metrics in OpenMetrics format. bool false
:spellinghubble.metrics.enabled Configures the list of metrics to collect. If empty or null, metrics are disabled. Example: enabled: - dns:query;ignoreAAAA - drop - tcp - flow - icmp - http You can specify the list of metrics from the helm CLI: --set hubble.metrics.enabled="{dns:query;ignoreAAAA,drop,tcp,flow,icmp,http}" string nil
:spellinghubble.metrics.port Configure the port the hubble metric server listens on. int 9965
:spellinghubble.metrics.serviceAnnotations Annotations to be added to hubble-metrics service. object {}
:spellinghubble.metrics.serviceMonitor.annotations Annotations to add to ServiceMonitor hubble object {}
:spellinghubble.metrics.serviceMonitor.enabled Create ServiceMonitor resources for Prometheus Operator. This requires the prometheus CRDs to be available. ref: bool false
:spellinghubble.metrics.serviceMonitor.interval Interval for scrape metrics. string "10s"
:spellinghubble.metrics.serviceMonitor.jobLabel jobLabel to add for ServiceMonitor hubble string ""
:spellinghubble.metrics.serviceMonitor.labels Labels to add to ServiceMonitor hubble object {}
:spellinghubble.metrics.serviceMonitor.metricRelabelings Metrics relabeling configs for the ServiceMonitor hubble string nil
:spellinghubble.metrics.serviceMonitor.relabelings Relabeling configs for the ServiceMonitor hubble list [{"replacement":"${1}","sourceLabels":["__meta_kubernetes_pod_node_name"],"targetLabel":"node"}]
:spellinghubble.peerService.clusterDomain The cluster domain to use to query the Hubble Peer service. It should be the local cluster. string "cluster.local"
:spellinghubble.peerService.targetPort Target Port for the Peer service, must match the hubble.listenAddress' port. int 4244
:spellinghubble.preferIpv6 Whether Hubble should prefer to announce IPv6 or IPv4 addresses if both are available. bool false
:spellinghubble.redact Enables redacting sensitive information present in Layer 7 flows. object {"enabled":false,"http":{"headers":{"allow":[],"deny":[]},"urlQuery":false,"userInfo":true},"kafka":{"apiKey":false}}
:spellinghubble.redact.http.headers.allow List of HTTP headers to allow: headers not matching will be redacted. Note: allow and deny lists cannot be used both at the same time, only one can be present. Example: redact: enabled: true http: headers: allow: - traceparent - tracestate - Cache-Control You can specify the options from the helm CLI: --set hubble.redact.enabled="true" --set hubble.redact.http.headers.allow="traceparent,tracestate,Cache-Control" list []
:spellinghubble.redact.http.headers.deny List of HTTP headers to deny: matching headers will be redacted. Note: allow and deny lists cannot be used both at the same time, only one can be present. Example: redact: enabled: true http: headers: deny: - Authorization - Proxy-Authorization You can specify the options from the helm CLI: --set hubble.redact.enabled="true" --set hubble.redact.http.headers.deny="Authorization,Proxy-Authorization" list []
:spellinghubble.redact.http.urlQuery Enables redacting URL query (GET) parameters. Example: redact: enabled: true http: urlQuery: true You can specify the options from the helm CLI: --set hubble.redact.enabled="true" --set hubble.redact.http.urlQuery="true" bool false
:spellinghubble.redact.http.userInfo Enables redacting user info, e.g., password when basic auth is used. Example: redact: enabled: true http: userInfo: true You can specify the options from the helm CLI: --set hubble.redact.enabled="true" --set hubble.redact.http.userInfo="true" bool true
:spellinghubble.redact.kafka.apiKey Enables redacting Kafka's API key. Example: redact: enabled: true kafka: apiKey: true You can specify the options from the helm CLI: --set hubble.redact.enabled="true" --set hubble.redact.kafka.apiKey="true" bool false
:spellinghubble.relay.affinity Affinity for hubble-replay object {"podAffinity":{"requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution":[{"labelSelector":{"matchLabels":{"k8s-app":"cilium"}},"topologyKey":""}]}}
:spellinghubble.relay.annotations Annotations to be added to all top-level hubble-relay objects (resources under templates/hubble-relay) object {}
:spellinghubble.relay.dialTimeout Dial timeout to connect to the local hubble instance to receive peer information (e.g. "30s"). string nil
:spellinghubble.relay.enabled Enable Hubble Relay (requires hubble.enabled=true) bool false
:spellinghubble.relay.extraEnv Additional hubble-relay environment variables. list []
:spellinghubble.relay.extraVolumeMounts Additional hubble-relay volumeMounts. list []
:spellinghubble.relay.extraVolumes Additional hubble-relay volumes. list []
:spellinghubble.relay.gops.enabled Enable gops for hubble-relay bool true
:spellinghubble.relay.gops.port Configure gops listen port for hubble-relay int 9893
:spellinghubble.relay.image Hubble-relay container image. object {"digest":"","override":null,"pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent","repository":"","tag":"v1.16.0-pre.1","useDigest":false}
:spellinghubble.relay.listenHost Host to listen to. Specify an empty string to bind to all the interfaces. string ""
:spellinghubble.relay.listenPort Port to listen to. string "4245"
:spellinghubble.relay.nodeSelector Node labels for pod assignment ref: object {"":"linux"}
:spellinghubble.relay.podAnnotations Annotations to be added to hubble-relay pods object {}
:spellinghubble.relay.podDisruptionBudget.enabled enable PodDisruptionBudget ref: bool false
:spellinghubble.relay.podDisruptionBudget.maxUnavailable Maximum number/percentage of pods that may be made unavailable int 1
:spellinghubble.relay.podDisruptionBudget.minAvailable Minimum number/percentage of pods that should remain scheduled. When it's set, maxUnavailable must be disabled by maxUnavailable: null string nil
:spellinghubble.relay.podLabels Labels to be added to hubble-relay pods object {}
:spellinghubble.relay.podSecurityContext hubble-relay pod security context object {"fsGroup":65532}
:spellinghubble.relay.pprof.address Configure pprof listen address for hubble-relay string "localhost"
:spellinghubble.relay.pprof.enabled Enable pprof for hubble-relay bool false
:spellinghubble.relay.pprof.port Configure pprof listen port for hubble-relay int 6062
:spellinghubble.relay.priorityClassName The priority class to use for hubble-relay string ""
:spellinghubble.relay.prometheus Enable prometheus metrics for hubble-relay on the configured port at /metrics object {"enabled":false,"port":9966,"serviceMonitor":{"annotations":{},"enabled":false,"interval":"10s","labels":{},"metricRelabelings":null,"relabelings":null}}
:spellinghubble.relay.prometheus.serviceMonitor.annotations Annotations to add to ServiceMonitor hubble-relay object {}
:spellinghubble.relay.prometheus.serviceMonitor.enabled Enable service monitors. This requires the prometheus CRDs to be available (see bool false
:spellinghubble.relay.prometheus.serviceMonitor.interval Interval for scrape metrics. string "10s"
:spellinghubble.relay.prometheus.serviceMonitor.labels Labels to add to ServiceMonitor hubble-relay object {}
:spellinghubble.relay.prometheus.serviceMonitor.metricRelabelings Metrics relabeling configs for the ServiceMonitor hubble-relay string nil
:spellinghubble.relay.prometheus.serviceMonitor.relabelings Relabeling configs for the ServiceMonitor hubble-relay string nil
:spellinghubble.relay.replicas Number of replicas run for the hubble-relay deployment. int 1
:spellinghubble.relay.resources Specifies the resources for the hubble-relay pods object {}
:spellinghubble.relay.retryTimeout Backoff duration to retry connecting to the local hubble instance in case of failure (e.g. "30s"). string nil
:spellinghubble.relay.rollOutPods Roll out Hubble Relay pods automatically when configmap is updated. bool false
:spellinghubble.relay.securityContext hubble-relay container security context object {"capabilities":{"drop":["ALL"]},"runAsGroup":65532,"runAsNonRoot":true,"runAsUser":65532}
:spellinghubble.relay.service hubble-relay service configuration. object {"nodePort":31234,"type":"ClusterIP"}
  • The port to use when the service type is set to NodePort.
int 31234
  • The type of service used for Hubble Relay access, either ClusterIP or NodePort.
string "ClusterIP"
:spellinghubble.relay.sortBufferDrainTimeout When the per-request flows sort buffer is not full, a flow is drained every time this timeout is reached (only affects requests in follow-mode) (e.g. "1s"). string nil
:spellinghubble.relay.sortBufferLenMax Max number of flows that can be buffered for sorting before being sent to the client (per request) (e.g. 100). int nil
:spellinghubble.relay.terminationGracePeriodSeconds Configure termination grace period for hubble relay Deployment. int 1
:spellinghubble.relay.tls TLS configuration for Hubble Relay object {"client":{"cert":"","key":""},"server":{"cert":"","enabled":false,"extraDnsNames":[],"extraIpAddresses":[],"key":"","mtls":false,"relayName":""}}
:spellinghubble.relay.tls.client base64 encoded PEM values for the hubble-relay client certificate and private key This keypair is presented to Hubble server instances for mTLS authentication and is required when hubble.tls.enabled is true. These values need to be set manually if is false. object {"cert":"","key":""}
:spellinghubble.relay.tls.server base64 encoded PEM values for the hubble-relay server certificate and private key object {"cert":"","enabled":false,"extraDnsNames":[],"extraIpAddresses":[],"key":"","mtls":false,"relayName":""}
:spellinghubble.relay.tls.server.extraDnsNames extra DNS names added to certificate when its auto gen list []
:spellinghubble.relay.tls.server.extraIpAddresses extra IP addresses added to certificate when its auto gen list []
:spellinghubble.relay.tolerations Node tolerations for pod assignment on nodes with taints ref: list []
:spellinghubble.relay.topologySpreadConstraints Pod topology spread constraints for hubble-relay list []
:spellinghubble.relay.updateStrategy hubble-relay update strategy object {"rollingUpdate":{"maxUnavailable":1},"type":"RollingUpdate"}
:spellinghubble.skipUnknownCGroupIDs Skip Hubble events with unknown cgroup ids bool true
:spellinghubble.socketPath Unix domain socket path to listen to when Hubble is enabled. string "/var/run/cilium/hubble.sock"
:spellinghubble.tls TLS configuration for Hubble object {"auto":{"certManagerIssuerRef":{},"certValidityDuration":1095,"enabled":true,"method":"helm","schedule":"0 0 1 */4 *"},"enabled":true,"server":{"cert":"","extraDnsNames":[],"extraIpAddresses":[],"key":""}} Configure automatic TLS certificates generation. object {"certManagerIssuerRef":{},"certValidityDuration":1095,"enabled":true,"method":"helm","schedule":"0 0 1 */4 *"} certmanager issuer used when object {} Generated certificates validity duration in days. int 1095 Auto-generate certificates. When set to true, automatically generate a CA and certificates to enable mTLS between Hubble server and Hubble Relay instances. If set to false, the certs for Hubble server need to be provided by setting appropriate values below. bool true Set the method to auto-generate certificates. Supported values: - helm: This method uses Helm to generate all certificates. - cronJob: This method uses a Kubernetes CronJob the generate any certificates not provided by the user at installation time. - certmanager: This method use cert-manager to generate & rotate certificates. string "helm" Schedule for certificates regeneration (regardless of their expiration date). Only used if method is "cronJob". If nil, then no recurring job will be created. Instead, only the one-shot job is deployed to generate the certificates at installation time. Defaults to midnight of the first day of every fourth month. For syntax, see string "0 0 1 */4 *"
:spellinghubble.tls.enabled Enable mutual TLS for listenAddress. Setting this value to false is highly discouraged as the Hubble API provides access to potentially sensitive network flow metadata and is exposed on the host network. bool true
:spellinghubble.tls.server base64 encoded PEM values for the Hubble server certificate and private key object {"cert":"","extraDnsNames":[],"extraIpAddresses":[],"key":""}
:spellinghubble.tls.server.extraDnsNames Extra DNS names added to certificate when it's auto generated list []
:spellinghubble.tls.server.extraIpAddresses Extra IP addresses added to certificate when it's auto generated list []
:spellinghubble.ui.affinity Affinity for hubble-ui object {}
:spellinghubble.ui.annotations Annotations to be added to all top-level hubble-ui objects (resources under templates/hubble-ui) object {}
:spellinghubble.ui.backend.extraEnv Additional hubble-ui backend environment variables. list []
:spellinghubble.ui.backend.extraVolumeMounts Additional hubble-ui backend volumeMounts. list []
:spellinghubble.ui.backend.extraVolumes Additional hubble-ui backend volumes. list []
:spellinghubble.ui.backend.image Hubble-ui backend image. object {"digest":"sha256:1e7657d997c5a48253bb8dc91ecee75b63018d16ff5e5797e5af367336bc8803","override":null,"pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent","repository":"","tag":"v0.13.0","useDigest":true}
:spellinghubble.ui.backend.livenessProbe.enabled Enable liveness probe for Hubble-ui backend (requires Hubble-ui 0.12+) bool false
:spellinghubble.ui.backend.readinessProbe.enabled Enable readiness probe for Hubble-ui backend (requires Hubble-ui 0.12+) bool false
:spellinghubble.ui.backend.resources Resource requests and limits for the 'backend' container of the 'hubble-ui' deployment. object {}
:spellinghubble.ui.backend.securityContext Hubble-ui backend security context. object {}
:spellinghubble.ui.baseUrl Defines base url prefix for all hubble-ui http requests. It needs to be changed in case if ingress for hubble-ui is configured under some sub-path. Trailing / is required for custom path, ex. /service-map/ string "/"
:spellinghubble.ui.enabled Whether to enable the Hubble UI. bool false
:spellinghubble.ui.frontend.extraEnv Additional hubble-ui frontend environment variables. list []
:spellinghubble.ui.frontend.extraVolumeMounts Additional hubble-ui frontend volumeMounts. list []
:spellinghubble.ui.frontend.extraVolumes Additional hubble-ui frontend volumes. list []
:spellinghubble.ui.frontend.image Hubble-ui frontend image. object {"digest":"sha256:7d663dc16538dd6e29061abd1047013a645e6e69c115e008bee9ea9fef9a6666","override":null,"pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent","repository":"","tag":"v0.13.0","useDigest":true}
:spellinghubble.ui.frontend.resources Resource requests and limits for the 'frontend' container of the 'hubble-ui' deployment. object {}
:spellinghubble.ui.frontend.securityContext Hubble-ui frontend security context. object {}
:spellinghubble.ui.frontend.server.ipv6 Controls server listener for ipv6 object {"enabled":true}
:spellinghubble.ui.ingress hubble-ui ingress configuration. object {"annotations":{},"className":"","enabled":false,"hosts":["chart-example.local"],"labels":{},"tls":[]}
:spellinghubble.ui.nodeSelector Node labels for pod assignment ref: object {"":"linux"}
:spellinghubble.ui.podAnnotations Annotations to be added to hubble-ui pods object {}
:spellinghubble.ui.podDisruptionBudget.enabled enable PodDisruptionBudget ref: bool false
:spellinghubble.ui.podDisruptionBudget.maxUnavailable Maximum number/percentage of pods that may be made unavailable int 1
:spellinghubble.ui.podDisruptionBudget.minAvailable Minimum number/percentage of pods that should remain scheduled. When it's set, maxUnavailable must be disabled by maxUnavailable: null string nil
:spellinghubble.ui.podLabels Labels to be added to hubble-ui pods object {}
:spellinghubble.ui.priorityClassName The priority class to use for hubble-ui string ""
:spellinghubble.ui.replicas The number of replicas of Hubble UI to deploy. int 1
:spellinghubble.ui.rollOutPods Roll out Hubble-ui pods automatically when configmap is updated. bool false
:spellinghubble.ui.securityContext Security context to be added to Hubble UI pods object {"fsGroup":1001,"runAsGroup":1001,"runAsUser":1001}
:spellinghubble.ui.service hubble-ui service configuration. object {"annotations":{},"nodePort":31235,"type":"ClusterIP"}
:spellinghubble.ui.service.annotations Annotations to be added for the Hubble UI service object {}
  • The port to use when the service type is set to NodePort.
int 31235
  • The type of service used for Hubble UI access, either ClusterIP or NodePort.
string "ClusterIP"
:spellinghubble.ui.standalone.enabled When true, it will allow installing the Hubble UI only, without checking dependencies. It is useful if a cluster already has cilium and Hubble relay installed and you just want Hubble UI to be deployed. When installed via helm, installing UI should be done via helm upgrade and when installed via the cilium cli, then cilium hubble enable --ui bool false
:spellinghubble.ui.standalone.tls.certsVolume When deploying Hubble UI in standalone, with tls enabled for Hubble relay, it is required to provide a volume for mounting the client certificates. object {}
:spellinghubble.ui.tls.client base64 encoded PEM values used to connect to hubble-relay This keypair is presented to Hubble Relay instances for mTLS authentication and is required when hubble.relay.tls.server.enabled is true. These values need to be set manually if is false. object {"cert":"","key":""}
:spellinghubble.ui.tolerations Node tolerations for pod assignment on nodes with taints ref: list []
:spellinghubble.ui.topologySpreadConstraints Pod topology spread constraints for hubble-ui list []
:spellinghubble.ui.updateStrategy hubble-ui update strategy. object {"rollingUpdate":{"maxUnavailable":1},"type":"RollingUpdate"}
:spellingidentityAllocationMode Method to use for identity allocation (crd or kvstore). string "crd"
:spellingidentityChangeGracePeriod Time to wait before using new identity on endpoint identity change. string "5s"
:spellingimage Agent container image. object {"digest":"","override":null,"pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent","repository":"","tag":"v1.16.0-pre.1","useDigest":false}
:spellingimagePullSecrets Configure image pull secrets for pulling container images list []
:spellingingressController.default Set cilium ingress controller to be the default ingress controller This will let cilium ingress controller route entries without ingress class set bool false
:spellingingressController.defaultSecretName Default secret name for ingresses without .spec.tls[].secretName set. string nil
:spellingingressController.defaultSecretNamespace Default secret namespace for ingresses without .spec.tls[].secretName set. string nil
:spellingingressController.enableProxyProtocol Enable proxy protocol for all Ingress listeners. Note that only Proxy protocol traffic will be accepted once this is enabled. bool false
:spellingingressController.enabled Enable cilium ingress controller This will automatically set enable-envoy-config as well. bool false
:spellingingressController.enforceHttps Enforce https for host having matching TLS host in Ingress. Incoming traffic to http listener will return 308 http error code with respective location in header. bool true
:spellingingressController.hostNetwork.enabled Configure whether the Envoy listeners should be exposed on the host network. bool false
:spellingingressController.hostNetwork.nodes.matchLabels Specify the labels of the nodes where the Ingress listeners should be exposed matchLabels: linux kind-worker object {}
:spellingingressController.hostNetwork.sharedHTTPPort Configure a specific port on the host network that gets used for the shared HTTP listener. This is used for HTTP and HTTPS. int 0
:spellingingressController.hostNetwork.sharedTLSPassthroughPort Configure a specific port on the host network that gets used for the shared TLS passthrough listener int 0
:spellingingressController.ingressLBAnnotationPrefixes IngressLBAnnotations are the annotation and label prefixes, which are used to filter annotations and/or labels to propagate from Ingress to the Load Balancer service list ["","","","",""]
:spellingingressController.loadbalancerMode Default ingress load balancer mode Supported values: shared, dedicated For granular control, use the following annotations on the ingress resource: " dedicated" (or "shared"). string "dedicated"
:spellingingressController.secretsNamespace SecretsNamespace is the namespace in which envoy SDS will retrieve TLS secrets from. object {"create":true,"name":"cilium-secrets","sync":true}
:spellingingressController.secretsNamespace.create Create secrets namespace for Ingress. bool true Name of Ingress secret namespace. string "cilium-secrets"
:spellingingressController.secretsNamespace.sync Enable secret sync, which will make sure all TLS secrets used by Ingress are synced to If disabled, TLS secrets must be maintained externally. bool true
:spellingingressController.service Load-balancer service in shared mode. This is a single load-balancer service for all Ingress resources. object {"allocateLoadBalancerNodePorts":null,"annotations":{},"insecureNodePort":null,"labels":{},"loadBalancerClass":null,"loadBalancerIP":null,"name":"cilium-ingress","secureNodePort":null,"type":"LoadBalancer"}
:spellingingressController.service.allocateLoadBalancerNodePorts Configure if node port allocation is required for LB service ref: string nil
:spellingingressController.service.annotations Annotations to be added for the shared LB service object {}
:spellingingressController.service.insecureNodePort Configure a specific nodePort for insecure HTTP traffic on the shared LB service string nil
:spellingingressController.service.labels Labels to be added for the shared LB service object {}
:spellingingressController.service.loadBalancerClass Configure a specific loadBalancerClass on the shared LB service (requires Kubernetes 1.24+) string nil
:spellingingressController.service.loadBalancerIP Configure a specific loadBalancerIP on the shared LB service string nil Service name string "cilium-ingress"
:spellingingressController.service.secureNodePort Configure a specific nodePort for secure HTTPS traffic on the shared LB service string nil
:spellingingressController.service.type Service type for the shared LB service string "LoadBalancer"
:spellinginitResources resources & limits for the agent init containers object {}
:spellinginstallNoConntrackIptablesRules Install Iptables rules to skip netfilter connection tracking on all pod traffic. This option is only effective when Cilium is running in direct routing and full KPR mode. Moreover, this option cannot be enabled when Cilium is running in a managed Kubernetes environment or in a chained CNI setup. bool false
:spellingipMasqAgent Configure the eBPF-based ip-masq-agent object {"enabled":false}
:spellingipam.ciliumNodeUpdateRate Maximum rate at which the CiliumNode custom resource is updated. string "15s"
:spellingipam.mode Configure IP Address Management mode. ref: string "cluster-pool"
:spellingipam.operator.autoCreateCiliumPodIPPools IP pools to auto-create in multi-pool IPAM mode. object {}
:spellingipam.operator.clusterPoolIPv4MaskSize IPv4 CIDR mask size to delegate to individual nodes for IPAM. int 24
:spellingipam.operator.clusterPoolIPv4PodCIDRList IPv4 CIDR list range to delegate to individual nodes for IPAM. list [""]
:spellingipam.operator.clusterPoolIPv6MaskSize IPv6 CIDR mask size to delegate to individual nodes for IPAM. int 120
:spellingipam.operator.clusterPoolIPv6PodCIDRList IPv6 CIDR list range to delegate to individual nodes for IPAM. list ["fd00::/104"]
:spellingipam.operator.externalAPILimitBurstSize The maximum burst size when rate limiting access to external APIs. Also known as the token bucket capacity. int 20
:spellingipam.operator.externalAPILimitQPS The maximum queries per second when rate limiting access to external APIs. Also known as the bucket refill rate, which is used to refill the bucket up to the burst size capacity. float 4.0
:spellingipv4.enabled Enable IPv4 support. bool true
:spellingipv4NativeRoutingCIDR Allows to explicitly specify the IPv4 CIDR for native routing. When specified, Cilium assumes networking for this CIDR is preconfigured and hands traffic destined for that range to the Linux network stack without applying any SNAT. Generally speaking, specifying a native routing CIDR implies that Cilium can depend on the underlying networking stack to route packets to their destination. To offer a concrete example, if Cilium is configured to use direct routing and the Kubernetes CIDR is included in the native routing CIDR, the user must configure the routes to reach pods, either manually or by setting the auto-direct-node-routes flag. string ""
:spellingipv6.enabled Enable IPv6 support. bool false
:spellingipv6NativeRoutingCIDR Allows to explicitly specify the IPv6 CIDR for native routing. When specified, Cilium assumes networking for this CIDR is preconfigured and hands traffic destined for that range to the Linux network stack without applying any SNAT. Generally speaking, specifying a native routing CIDR implies that Cilium can depend on the underlying networking stack to route packets to their destination. To offer a concrete example, if Cilium is configured to use direct routing and the Kubernetes CIDR is included in the native routing CIDR, the user must configure the routes to reach pods, either manually or by setting the auto-direct-node-routes flag. string ""
:spellingk8s Configure Kubernetes specific configuration object {"requireIPv4PodCIDR":false,"requireIPv6PodCIDR":false}
:spellingk8s.requireIPv4PodCIDR requireIPv4PodCIDR enables waiting for Kubernetes to provide the PodCIDR range via the Kubernetes node resource bool false
:spellingk8s.requireIPv6PodCIDR requireIPv6PodCIDR enables waiting for Kubernetes to provide the PodCIDR range via the Kubernetes node resource bool false
:spellingk8sClientRateLimit Configure the client side rate limit for the agent and operator If the amount of requests to the Kubernetes API server exceeds the configured rate limit, the agent and operator will start to throttle requests by delaying them until there is budget or the request times out. object {"burst":null,"qps":null}
:spellingk8sClientRateLimit.burst The burst request rate in requests per second. The rate limiter will allow short bursts with a higher rate. int 10 for k8s up to 1.26. 20 for k8s version 1.27+
:spellingk8sClientRateLimit.qps The sustained request rate in requests per second. int 5 for k8s up to 1.26. 10 for k8s version 1.27+
:spellingk8sNetworkPolicy.enabled Enable support for K8s NetworkPolicy bool true
:spellingk8sServiceHost Kubernetes service host string ""
:spellingk8sServicePort Kubernetes service port string ""
:spellingkeepDeprecatedLabels Keep the deprecated selector labels when deploying Cilium DaemonSet. bool false
:spellingkeepDeprecatedProbes Keep the deprecated probes when deploying Cilium DaemonSet bool false
:spellingkubeConfigPath Kubernetes config path string "~/.kube/config"
:spellingkubeProxyReplacementHealthzBindAddr healthz server bind address for the kube-proxy replacement. To enable set the value to '' for all ipv4 addresses and this '[::]:10256' for all ipv6 addresses. By default it is disabled. string ""
:spellingl2NeighDiscovery.enabled Enable L2 neighbor discovery in the agent bool true
:spellingl2NeighDiscovery.refreshPeriod Override the agent's default neighbor resolution refresh period. string "30s"
:spellingl2announcements Configure L2 announcements object {"enabled":false}
:spellingl2announcements.enabled Enable L2 announcements bool false
:spellingl2podAnnouncements Configure L2 pod announcements object {"enabled":false,"interface":"eth0"}
:spellingl2podAnnouncements.enabled Enable L2 pod announcements bool false
:spellingl2podAnnouncements.interface Interface used for sending Gratuitous ARP pod announcements string "eth0"
:spellingl7Proxy Enable Layer 7 network policy. bool true
:spellinglivenessProbe.failureThreshold failure threshold of liveness probe int 10
:spellinglivenessProbe.periodSeconds interval between checks of the liveness probe int 30
:spellingloadBalancer Configure service load balancing object {"acceleration":"disabled","l7":{"algorithm":"round_robin","backend":"disabled","ports":[]}}
:spellingloadBalancer.acceleration acceleration is the option to accelerate service handling via XDP Applicable values can be: disabled (do not use XDP), native (XDP BPF program is run directly out of the networking driver's early receive path), or best-effort (use native mode XDP acceleration on devices that support it). string "disabled"
:spellingloadBalancer.l7 L7 LoadBalancer object {"algorithm":"round_robin","backend":"disabled","ports":[]}
:spellingloadBalancer.l7.algorithm Default LB algorithm The default LB algorithm to be used for services, which can be overridden by the service annotation (e.g. Applicable values: round_robin, least_request, random string "round_robin"
:spellingloadBalancer.l7.backend Enable L7 service load balancing via envoy proxy. The request to a k8s service, which has specific annotation e.g., will be forwarded to the local backend proxy to be load balanced to the service endpoints. Please refer to docs for supported annotations for more configuration. Applicable values: - envoy: Enable L7 load balancing via envoy proxy. This will automatically set enable-envoy-config as well. - disabled: Disable L7 load balancing by way of service annotation. string "disabled"
:spellingloadBalancer.l7.ports List of ports from service to be automatically redirected to above backend. Any service exposing one of these ports will be automatically redirected. Fine-grained control can be achieved by using the service annotation. list []
:spellinglocalRedirectPolicy Enable Local Redirect Policy. bool false
:spellinglogSystemLoad Enables periodic logging of system load bool false
:spellingmaglev Configure maglev consistent hashing object {}
:spellingmonitor cilium-monitor sidecar. object {"enabled":false}
:spellingmonitor.enabled Enable the cilium-monitor sidecar. bool false
:spellingname Agent container name. string "cilium"
:spellingnat46x64Gateway Configure standalone NAT46/NAT64 gateway object {"enabled":false}
:spellingnat46x64Gateway.enabled Enable RFC8215-prefixed translation bool false
:spellingnodeIPAM.enabled Configure Node IPAM ref: bool false
:spellingnodePort Configure N-S k8s service loadbalancing object {"autoProtectPortRange":true,"bindProtection":true,"enableHealthCheck":true,"enableHealthCheckLoadBalancerIP":false,"enabled":false}
:spellingnodePort.autoProtectPortRange Append NodePort range to ip_local_reserved_ports if clash with ephemeral ports is detected. bool true
:spellingnodePort.bindProtection Set to true to prevent applications binding to service ports. bool true
:spellingnodePort.enableHealthCheck Enable healthcheck nodePort server for NodePort services bool true
:spellingnodePort.enableHealthCheckLoadBalancerIP Enable access of the healthcheck nodePort on the LoadBalancerIP. Needs EnableHealthCheck to be enabled bool false
:spellingnodePort.enabled Enable the Cilium NodePort service implementation. bool false
:spellingnodeSelector Node selector for cilium-agent. object {"":"linux"}
:spellingnodeSelectorLabels Enable/Disable use of node label based identity bool false
:spellingnodeinit.affinity Affinity for cilium-nodeinit object {}
:spellingnodeinit.annotations Annotations to be added to all top-level nodeinit objects (resources under templates/cilium-nodeinit) object {}
:spellingnodeinit.bootstrapFile bootstrapFile is the location of the file where the bootstrap timestamp is written by the node-init DaemonSet string "/tmp/cilium-bootstrap.d/cilium-bootstrap-time"
:spellingnodeinit.enabled Enable the node initialization DaemonSet bool false
:spellingnodeinit.extraEnv Additional nodeinit environment variables. list []
:spellingnodeinit.extraVolumeMounts Additional nodeinit volumeMounts. list []
:spellingnodeinit.extraVolumes Additional nodeinit volumes. list []
:spellingnodeinit.image node-init image. object {"digest":"sha256:e1d442546e868db1a3289166c14011e0dbd32115b338b963e56f830972bc22a2","override":null,"pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent","repository":"","tag":"62093c5c233ea914bfa26a10ba41f8780d9b737f","useDigest":true}
:spellingnodeinit.nodeSelector Node labels for nodeinit pod assignment ref: object {"":"linux"}
:spellingnodeinit.podAnnotations Annotations to be added to node-init pods. object {}
:spellingnodeinit.podLabels Labels to be added to node-init pods. object {}
:spellingnodeinit.prestop prestop offers way to customize prestop nodeinit script (pre and post position) object {"postScript":"","preScript":""}
:spellingnodeinit.priorityClassName The priority class to use for the nodeinit pod. string ""
:spellingnodeinit.resources nodeinit resource limits & requests ref: object {"requests":{"cpu":"100m","memory":"100Mi"}}
:spellingnodeinit.securityContext Security context to be added to nodeinit pods. object {"capabilities":{"add":["SYS_MODULE","NET_ADMIN","SYS_ADMIN","SYS_CHROOT","SYS_PTRACE"]},"privileged":false,"seLinuxOptions":{"level":"s0","type":"spc_t"}}
:spellingnodeinit.startup startup offers way to customize startup nodeinit script (pre and post position) object {"postScript":"","preScript":""}
:spellingnodeinit.tolerations Node tolerations for nodeinit scheduling to nodes with taints ref: list [{"operator":"Exists"}]
:spellingnodeinit.updateStrategy node-init update strategy object {"type":"RollingUpdate"}
:spellingoperator.affinity Affinity for cilium-operator object {"podAntiAffinity":{"requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution":[{"labelSelector":{"matchLabels":{"io.cilium/app":"operator"}},"topologyKey":""}]}}
:spellingoperator.annotations Annotations to be added to all top-level cilium-operator objects (resources under templates/cilium-operator) object {}
:spellingoperator.dashboards Grafana dashboards for cilium-operator grafana can import dashboards based on the label and value ref: object {"annotations":{},"enabled":false,"label":"grafana_dashboard","labelValue":"1","namespace":null}
:spellingoperator.dnsPolicy DNS policy for Cilium operator pods. Ref: string ""
:spellingoperator.enabled Enable the cilium-operator component (required). bool true
:spellingoperator.endpointGCInterval Interval for endpoint garbage collection. string "5m0s"
:spellingoperator.extraArgs Additional cilium-operator container arguments. list []
:spellingoperator.extraEnv Additional cilium-operator environment variables. list []
:spellingoperator.extraHostPathMounts Additional cilium-operator hostPath mounts. list []
:spellingoperator.extraVolumeMounts Additional cilium-operator volumeMounts. list []
:spellingoperator.extraVolumes Additional cilium-operator volumes. list []
:spellingoperator.identityGCInterval Interval for identity garbage collection. string "15m0s"
:spellingoperator.identityHeartbeatTimeout Timeout for identity heartbeats. string "30m0s"
:spellingoperator.image cilium-operator image. object {"alibabacloudDigest":"","awsDigest":"","azureDigest":"","genericDigest":"","override":null,"pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent","repository":"","suffix":"","tag":"v1.16.0-pre.1","useDigest":false}
:spellingoperator.nodeGCInterval Interval for cilium node garbage collection. string "5m0s"
:spellingoperator.nodeSelector Node labels for cilium-operator pod assignment ref: object {"":"linux"}
:spellingoperator.podAnnotations Annotations to be added to cilium-operator pods object {}
:spellingoperator.podDisruptionBudget.enabled enable PodDisruptionBudget ref: bool false
:spellingoperator.podDisruptionBudget.maxUnavailable Maximum number/percentage of pods that may be made unavailable int 1
:spellingoperator.podDisruptionBudget.minAvailable Minimum number/percentage of pods that should remain scheduled. When it's set, maxUnavailable must be disabled by maxUnavailable: null string nil
:spellingoperator.podLabels Labels to be added to cilium-operator pods object {}
:spellingoperator.podSecurityContext Security context to be added to cilium-operator pods object {}
:spellingoperator.pprof.address Configure pprof listen address for cilium-operator string "localhost"
:spellingoperator.pprof.enabled Enable pprof for cilium-operator bool false
:spellingoperator.pprof.port Configure pprof listen port for cilium-operator int 6061
:spellingoperator.priorityClassName The priority class to use for cilium-operator string ""
:spellingoperator.prometheus Enable prometheus metrics for cilium-operator on the configured port at /metrics object {"enabled":true,"port":9963,"serviceMonitor":{"annotations":{},"enabled":false,"interval":"10s","jobLabel":"","labels":{},"metricRelabelings":null,"relabelings":null}}
:spellingoperator.prometheus.serviceMonitor.annotations Annotations to add to ServiceMonitor cilium-operator object {}
:spellingoperator.prometheus.serviceMonitor.enabled Enable service monitors. This requires the prometheus CRDs to be available (see bool false
:spellingoperator.prometheus.serviceMonitor.interval Interval for scrape metrics. string "10s"
:spellingoperator.prometheus.serviceMonitor.jobLabel jobLabel to add for ServiceMonitor cilium-operator string ""
:spellingoperator.prometheus.serviceMonitor.labels Labels to add to ServiceMonitor cilium-operator object {}
:spellingoperator.prometheus.serviceMonitor.metricRelabelings Metrics relabeling configs for the ServiceMonitor cilium-operator string nil
:spellingoperator.prometheus.serviceMonitor.relabelings Relabeling configs for the ServiceMonitor cilium-operator string nil
:spellingoperator.removeNodeTaints Remove Cilium node taint from Kubernetes nodes that have a healthy Cilium pod running. bool true
:spellingoperator.replicas Number of replicas to run for the cilium-operator deployment int 2
:spellingoperator.resources cilium-operator resource limits & requests ref: object {}
:spellingoperator.rollOutPods Roll out cilium-operator pods automatically when configmap is updated. bool false
:spellingoperator.securityContext Security context to be added to cilium-operator pods object {}
:spellingoperator.setNodeNetworkStatus Set Node condition NetworkUnavailable to 'false' with the reason 'CiliumIsUp' for nodes that have a healthy Cilium pod. bool true
:spellingoperator.setNodeTaints Taint nodes where Cilium is scheduled but not running. This prevents pods from being scheduled to nodes where Cilium is not the default CNI provider. string same as removeNodeTaints
:spellingoperator.skipCRDCreation Skip CRDs creation for cilium-operator bool false
:spellingoperator.tolerations Node tolerations for cilium-operator scheduling to nodes with taints ref: list [{"operator":"Exists"}]
:spellingoperator.topologySpreadConstraints Pod topology spread constraints for cilium-operator list []
:spellingoperator.unmanagedPodWatcher.intervalSeconds Interval, in seconds, to check if there are any pods that are not managed by Cilium. int 15
:spellingoperator.unmanagedPodWatcher.restart Restart any pod that are not managed by Cilium. bool true
:spellingoperator.updateStrategy cilium-operator update strategy object {"rollingUpdate":{"maxSurge":"25%","maxUnavailable":"50%"},"type":"RollingUpdate"}
:spellingpmtuDiscovery.enabled Enable path MTU discovery to send ICMP fragmentation-needed replies to the client. bool false
:spellingpodAnnotations Annotations to be added to agent pods object {}
:spellingpodLabels Labels to be added to agent pods object {}
:spellingpodSecurityContext Security Context for cilium-agent pods. object {}
:spellingpolicyCIDRMatchMode policyCIDRMatchMode is a list of entities that may be selected by CIDR selector. The possible value is "nodes". string nil
:spellingpolicyEnforcementMode The agent can be put into one of the three policy enforcement modes: default, always and never. ref: string "default"
:spellingpprof.address Configure pprof listen address for cilium-agent string "localhost"
:spellingpprof.enabled Enable pprof for cilium-agent bool false
:spellingpprof.port Configure pprof listen port for cilium-agent int 6060
:spellingpreflight.affinity Affinity for cilium-preflight object {"podAffinity":{"requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution":[{"labelSelector":{"matchLabels":{"k8s-app":"cilium"}},"topologyKey":""}]}}
:spellingpreflight.annotations Annotations to be added to all top-level preflight objects (resources under templates/cilium-preflight) object {}
:spellingpreflight.enabled Enable Cilium pre-flight resources (required for upgrade) bool false
:spellingpreflight.extraEnv Additional preflight environment variables. list []
:spellingpreflight.extraVolumeMounts Additional preflight volumeMounts. list []
:spellingpreflight.extraVolumes Additional preflight volumes. list []
:spellingpreflight.image Cilium pre-flight image. object {"digest":"","override":null,"pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent","repository":"","tag":"v1.16.0-pre.1","useDigest":false}
:spellingpreflight.nodeSelector Node labels for preflight pod assignment ref: object {"":"linux"}
:spellingpreflight.podAnnotations Annotations to be added to preflight pods object {}
:spellingpreflight.podDisruptionBudget.enabled enable PodDisruptionBudget ref: bool false
:spellingpreflight.podDisruptionBudget.maxUnavailable Maximum number/percentage of pods that may be made unavailable int 1
:spellingpreflight.podDisruptionBudget.minAvailable Minimum number/percentage of pods that should remain scheduled. When it's set, maxUnavailable must be disabled by maxUnavailable: null string nil
:spellingpreflight.podLabels Labels to be added to the preflight pod. object {}
:spellingpreflight.podSecurityContext Security context to be added to preflight pods. object {}
:spellingpreflight.priorityClassName The priority class to use for the preflight pod. string ""
:spellingpreflight.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds For how long kubelet should wait before performing the first probe int 5
:spellingpreflight.readinessProbe.periodSeconds interval between checks of the readiness probe int 5
:spellingpreflight.resources preflight resource limits & requests ref: object {}
:spellingpreflight.securityContext Security context to be added to preflight pods object {}
:spellingpreflight.terminationGracePeriodSeconds Configure termination grace period for preflight Deployment and DaemonSet. int 1
:spellingpreflight.tofqdnsPreCache Path to write the --tofqdns-pre-cache file to. string ""
:spellingpreflight.tolerations Node tolerations for preflight scheduling to nodes with taints ref: list [{"effect":"NoSchedule","key":""},{"effect":"NoSchedule","key":""},{"effect":"NoSchedule","key":""},{"effect":"NoSchedule","key":"","value":"true"},{"key":"CriticalAddonsOnly","operator":"Exists"}]
:spellingpreflight.updateStrategy preflight update strategy object {"type":"RollingUpdate"}
:spellingpreflight.validateCNPs By default we should always validate the installed CNPs before upgrading Cilium. This will make sure the user will have the policies deployed in the cluster with the right schema. bool true
:spellingpriorityClassName The priority class to use for cilium-agent. string ""
:spellingprometheus Configure prometheus metrics on the configured port at /metrics object {"controllerGroupMetrics":["write-cni-file","sync-host-ips","sync-lb-maps-with-k8s-services"],"enabled":false,"metrics":null,"port":9962,"serviceMonitor":{"annotations":{},"enabled":false,"interval":"10s","jobLabel":"","labels":{},"metricRelabelings":null,"relabelings":[{"replacement":"${1}","sourceLabels":["__meta_kubernetes_pod_node_name"],"targetLabel":"node"}],"trustCRDsExist":false}}
  • Enable controller group metrics for monitoring specific Cilium subsystems. The list is a list of controller group names. The special values of "all" and "none" are supported. The set of controller group names is not guaranteed to be stable between Cilium versions.
list ["write-cni-file","sync-host-ips","sync-lb-maps-with-k8s-services"]
:spellingprometheus.metrics Metrics that should be enabled or disabled from the default metric list. The list is expected to be separated by a space. (+metric_foo to enable metric_foo , -metric_bar to disable metric_bar). ref: string nil
:spellingprometheus.serviceMonitor.annotations Annotations to add to ServiceMonitor cilium-agent object {}
:spellingprometheus.serviceMonitor.enabled Enable service monitors. This requires the prometheus CRDs to be available (see bool false
:spellingprometheus.serviceMonitor.interval Interval for scrape metrics. string "10s"
:spellingprometheus.serviceMonitor.jobLabel jobLabel to add for ServiceMonitor cilium-agent string ""
:spellingprometheus.serviceMonitor.labels Labels to add to ServiceMonitor cilium-agent object {}
:spellingprometheus.serviceMonitor.metricRelabelings Metrics relabeling configs for the ServiceMonitor cilium-agent string nil
:spellingprometheus.serviceMonitor.relabelings Relabeling configs for the ServiceMonitor cilium-agent list [{"replacement":"${1}","sourceLabels":["__meta_kubernetes_pod_node_name"],"targetLabel":"node"}]
:spellingprometheus.serviceMonitor.trustCRDsExist Set to true and helm will not check for CRDs before deploying bool false
:spellingrbac.create Enable creation of Resource-Based Access Control configuration. bool true
:spellingreadinessProbe.failureThreshold failure threshold of readiness probe int 3
:spellingreadinessProbe.periodSeconds interval between checks of the readiness probe int 30
:spellingresourceQuotas Enable resource quotas for priority classes used in the cluster. object {"cilium":{"hard":{"pods":"10k"}},"enabled":false,"operator":{"hard":{"pods":"15"}}}
:spellingresources Agent resource limits & requests ref: object {}
:spellingrollOutCiliumPods Roll out cilium agent pods automatically when configmap is updated. bool false
:spellingroutingMode Enable native-routing mode or tunneling mode. Possible values: - "" - native - tunnel string "tunnel"
:spellingsctp SCTP Configuration Values object {"enabled":false}
:spellingsctp.enabled Enable SCTP support. NOTE: Currently, SCTP support does not support rewriting ports or multihoming. bool false
:spellingsecurityContext.capabilities.applySysctlOverwrites capabilities for the apply-sysctl-overwrites init container list ["SYS_ADMIN","SYS_CHROOT","SYS_PTRACE"]
:spellingsecurityContext.capabilities.ciliumAgent Capabilities for the cilium-agent container list ["CHOWN","KILL","NET_ADMIN","NET_RAW","IPC_LOCK","SYS_MODULE","SYS_ADMIN","SYS_RESOURCE","DAC_OVERRIDE","FOWNER","SETGID","SETUID"]
:spellingsecurityContext.capabilities.cleanCiliumState Capabilities for the clean-cilium-state init container list ["NET_ADMIN","SYS_MODULE","SYS_ADMIN","SYS_RESOURCE"]
:spellingsecurityContext.capabilities.mountCgroup Capabilities for the mount-cgroup init container list ["SYS_ADMIN","SYS_CHROOT","SYS_PTRACE"]
:spellingsecurityContext.privileged Run the pod with elevated privileges bool false
:spellingsecurityContext.seLinuxOptions SELinux options for the cilium-agent and init containers object {"level":"s0","type":"spc_t"}
:spellingserviceAccounts Define serviceAccount names for components. object Component's fully qualified name.
:spellingserviceAccounts.clustermeshcertgen Clustermeshcertgen is used if object {"annotations":{},"automount":true,"create":true,"name":"clustermesh-apiserver-generate-certs"}
:spellingserviceAccounts.hubblecertgen Hubblecertgen is used if object {"annotations":{},"automount":true,"create":true,"name":"hubble-generate-certs"}
:spellingserviceAccounts.nodeinit.enabled Enabled is temporary until cilium/cilium-cli#1396 is implemented. Cilium CLI doesn't create the SAs for node-init, thus the workaround. Helm is not affected by this issue. Name and automount can be configured, if enabled is set to true. Otherwise, they are ignored. Enabled can be removed once the issue is fixed. Cilium-nodeinit DS must also be fixed. bool false
:spellingserviceNoBackendResponse Configure what the response should be to traffic for a service without backends. "reject" only works on kernels >= 5.10, on lower kernels we fallback to "drop". Possible values: - reject (default) - drop string "reject"
:spellingsleepAfterInit Do not run Cilium agent when running with clean mode. Useful to completely uninstall Cilium as it will stop Cilium from starting and create artifacts in the node. bool false
:spellingsocketLB Configure socket LB object {"enabled":false}
:spellingsocketLB.enabled Enable socket LB bool false
:spellingstartupProbe.failureThreshold failure threshold of startup probe. 105 x 2s translates to the old behaviour of the readiness probe (120s delay + 30 x 3s) int 105
:spellingstartupProbe.periodSeconds interval between checks of the startup probe int 2
:spellingsvcSourceRangeCheck Enable check of service source ranges (currently, only for LoadBalancer). bool true
:spellingsynchronizeK8sNodes Synchronize Kubernetes nodes to kvstore and perform CNP GC. bool true
:spellingterminationGracePeriodSeconds Configure termination grace period for cilium-agent DaemonSet. int 1
:spellingtls Configure TLS configuration in the agent. object {"ca":{"cert":"","certValidityDuration":1095,"key":""},"caBundle":{"enabled":false,"key":"ca.crt","name":"cilium-root-ca.crt","useSecret":false},"secretsBackend":"local"} Base64 encoded PEM values for the CA certificate and private key. This can be used as common CA to generate certificates used by hubble and clustermesh components. It is neither required nor used when cert-manager is used to generate the certificates. object {"cert":"","certValidityDuration":1095,"key":""} Optional CA cert. If it is provided, it will be used by cilium to generate all other certificates. Otherwise, an ephemeral CA is generated. string "" Generated certificates validity duration in days. This will be used for auto generated CA. int 1095 Optional CA private key. If it is provided, it will be used by cilium to generate all other certificates. Otherwise, an ephemeral CA is generated. string ""
:spellingtls.caBundle Configure the CA trust bundle used for the validation of the certificates leveraged by hubble and clustermesh. When enabled, it overrides the content of the 'ca.crt' field of the respective certificates, allowing for CA rotation with no down-time. object {"enabled":false,"key":"ca.crt","name":"cilium-root-ca.crt","useSecret":false}
:spellingtls.caBundle.enabled Enable the use of the CA trust bundle. bool false
:spellingtls.caBundle.key Entry of the ConfigMap containing the CA trust bundle. string "ca.crt" Name of the ConfigMap containing the CA trust bundle. string "cilium-root-ca.crt"
:spellingtls.caBundle.useSecret Use a Secret instead of a ConfigMap. bool false
:spellingtls.secretsBackend This configures how the Cilium agent loads the secrets used TLS-aware CiliumNetworkPolicies (namely the secrets referenced by terminatingTLS and originatingTLS). Possible values: - local - k8s string "local"
:spellingtolerations Node tolerations for agent scheduling to nodes with taints ref: list [{"operator":"Exists"}]
:spellingtunnelPort Configure VXLAN and Geneve tunnel port. int Port 8472 for VXLAN, Port 6081 for Geneve
:spellingtunnelProtocol Tunneling protocol to use in tunneling mode and for ad-hoc tunnels. Possible values: - "" - vxlan - geneve string "vxlan"
:spellingupdateStrategy Cilium agent update strategy object {"rollingUpdate":{"maxUnavailable":2},"type":"RollingUpdate"}
:spellingupgradeCompatibility upgradeCompatibility helps users upgrading to ensure that the configMap for Cilium will not change critical values to ensure continued operation This flag is not required for new installations. For example: '1.7', '1.8', '1.9' string nil
:spellingvtep.cidr A space separated list of VTEP device CIDRs, for example "" string ""
:spellingvtep.enabled Enables VXLAN Tunnel Endpoint (VTEP) Integration (beta) to allow Cilium-managed pods to talk to third party VTEP devices over Cilium tunnel. bool false
:spellingvtep.endpoint A space separated list of VTEP device endpoint IPs, for example "" string ""
:spellingvtep.mac A space separated list of VTEP device MAC addresses (VTEP MAC), for example "x:x:x:x:x:x y:y:y:y:y:y:y" string ""
:spellingvtep.mask VTEP CIDRs Mask that applies to all VTEP CIDRs, for example "" string ""
:spellingwaitForKubeProxy Wait for KUBE-PROXY-CANARY iptables rule to appear in "wait-for-kube-proxy" init container before launching cilium-agent. More context can be found in the commit message of below PR #20123 bool false
:spellingwellKnownIdentities.enabled Enable the use of well-known identities. bool false