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31 lines (21 loc) · 1.52 KB

File metadata and controls

31 lines (21 loc) · 1.52 KB

Contributing to VSDK

Found a bug?

  • Make sure the bug hasn't already been reported by searching on GitHub under Issues
  • If you can't find an existing issue, open a new issue with a title and clear description. Be sure to include what hardware you are using, a code sample, and steps to reproduce the bug.

Found a solution to a bug?

  • Open a new GitHub pull request with your solution. Include the issue numbers of any relevant issues.
  • Your PR should include a complete description of both the problem and how you solution fixes it.
  • PRs must not include third-party code.
  • All PRs should follow the conventions outlined in the Coding Conventions at the bottom of this document.

Have an idea for a new feature?

  • Check the roadmap on the wiki to see if it's already a planned feature
  • Email the VSDK Team ( to see if anyone else is working on the feature
  • Start writing code and submit a PR once your solution is complete

Want to help but don't know where to start?

Coding Conventions

  • All class, method, and variable names should be clear and concise
  • Class and method names should use CapitalCase and variable names should use camelCase
  • All classes, methods, and variables must be commented
  • Class header comments should include the last time the code was updated, to the nearest month
  • Use #region tags to organize variables and methods within class files