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JDBC to Avro

This sub-project contains example code that reads the contents of a table using JDBC and writes the data as an Avro file. It uses JDBC to attach to the database, and builds the Avro schema from the JDBC ResultSetMetaData object.

Note: this is prototype-quality code, intended to show how to build an Avro schema at runtime. It handles a limited set of database types, and has minimal error-handling.

Building and Running

This project uses Maven to build an "uber-jar", which contains all necessary dependencies. To build, run the following from the sub-project root directory (not the repository root):

mvn clean package

To run, you must first set the following environment variables (there are no defaults):

  • PGHOST: hostname of the Postgres server.
  • PGPORT: port where Postgres is listening on that server.
  • PGUSER: a valid Postgres user.
  • PGPASSWORD: password for that user.
  • PGDATABASE: the default database to use when connecting.

Once you've done that:

java -jar target/jdbc_avro*.jar TABLE_NAME OUTPUT_FILE
  • TABLE_NAME is the name of a table in the database you're connecting to.
  • OUTPUT_FILE is the name of the file to write it to.

The program will construct a schema based on the columns in the table. Each field in the schema uses the corresponding column name (beware that the table must use SQL-standard identifiers: embedded spaces or non-alphanumeric characters are not permitted by Avro). The column's data type is used to pick an appropriate Avro type, but beware that not all database-provided types are supported.

While running, the program logs the schema that it built, and the number of rows it processed.

Program Structure

The program is based around two classes (and their subclasses):

  • ResultSetHandler is responsible for creating FieldHandler instances from the result-set metadata, using those instances to create a schema for the overall table, and then for iterating the result-set and writing each row to the file.

  • FieldHandler is the primary abstraction: there's one subclass for each database type that the program supports, and each column in the result-set is turned into an instance of the appropriate subclass. A FieldHandler instance has two purposes: generate a schema entry for the field, and translate the value returned by ResultSet.getObject() into its Avro representation.


Use Docker to start a Postgres database:

docker run -d --rm --name postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres -p 5432:5432 postgres:12

Then set the environment variables that let the example program connect to this database:

export PGHOST=localhost
export PGPORT=5432
export PGUSER=postgres
export PGPASSWORD=postgres
export PGDATABASE=postgres

If you have the psql client installed, you can use it to verify these variables: run it without any command-line arguments, and you should be able to connect.

If you don't have psql installed, you can run it from within the Docker container:

docker exec -it postgres psql --user postgres

This table exercises all of the Avro transformations:

create table test
  sval      text                        not null,
  ival      int                         not null,
  lval      bigint                      not null,
  fval      real,
  dval      double precision,
  nval      decimal(17,4),
  dtval     date,                        
  tsval     timestamp,
  tsvaltz   timestamp with time zone

Add a sample row:

insert into test (sval, ival, lval, fval, dval, nval, dtval, tsval, tsvaltz)
values ('abc', 123, 4567890123456789012, 1.1, 2.1, 3.1, current_date, current_timestamp, current_timestamp);

Then, you should be able to run the extractor, and see output like the following:

java -jar target/jdbc_avro-*.jar test test.avro
2022-12-09 13:22:07,056 DEBUG [main] c.c.e.a.ResultSetHandler - creating schema from 9 field handlers
2022-12-09 13:22:07,058 DEBUG [main] c.c.e.a.ResultSetHandler - schema: {"type":"record","name":"test","namespace":"com.chariotsolutions.example","doc":"","fields":[{"name":"sval","type":"string"},{"name":"ival","type":"int"},{"name":"lval","type":"long"},{"name":"fval","type":["float","null"]},{"name":"dval","type":["double","null"]},{"name":"nval","type":[{"type":"bytes","logicalType":"decimal","precision":17,"scale":4},"null"]},{"name":"dtval","type":[{"type":"int","logicalType":"date"},"null"]},{"name":"tsval","type":[{"type":"long","logicalType":"timestamp-millis"},"null"]},{"name":"tsvaltz","type":[{"type":"long","logicalType":"timestamp-millis"},"null"]}]}
2022-12-09 13:22:07,083 INFO  [main] c.c.e.a.ResultSetHandler - wrote 1 rows

Lastly, you can use the avro-tools program to inspect the contents of the file:

java -jar $HOME/.m2/repository/org/apache/avro/avro-tools/1.11.1/avro-tools-1.11.1.jar tojson test.avro

There are a few things that I want to call out from this example.

First, note that the fields with logical types are reported as their base types (eg, tsval as long, nval as bytes). You will need to load into some other tool (such as Amazon Athena) to see the logical values.

Second, if you look at tsval and tsvaltz you'll see that the values are different, even though they were both populated from current_timestamp (and the values are the same when retrieved with psql). This happens because the Postgres JDBC driver interprets timestamps without timezones as a local timestamp. In other words: I inserted that value at 14:45:00 Eastern time, which was 19:45:00 UTC, and Postgres stored the value 19:45:00 in both fields; however, when I retrieved it, the JDBC driver treated it as 19:45:00 Eastern time. Not at all intuitive, and a reminder to Always use TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE.