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chamberm edited this page Nov 4, 2015 · 7 revisions


You can find some information on how to use the Fibernavigator.


By going to the tutorials page, you will have access to multiple video tutorials explaining various features of the tool.

Getting the FiberNavigator

Prebuilt releases are available for OSX and Windows systems in the Releases page. We highly recommend using those instead of building your own version.

However, for Linux users, or if you want to compile the software yourself to get some new unreleased features, build instructions are provided. Check the links on the right to go to the correct page.


If you use the FiberNavigator to produce results or figures for a paper, please make sure that you quote the following references in any publications:

Chamberland M., Whittinstall K., Fortin D., Mathieu D., and Descoteaux M., "Real-time multi-peak tractography for instantaneous connectivity display." Frontiers in Neuroinformatics, 8 (59): 1-15, 2014.

Chamberland M., Bernier M., Fortin D., Whittinstall K., and Descoteaux M., "3D interactive tractography-informed resting-state fMRI connectivity", Frontiers in Neuroscience (Brain Imaging Methods) 9:275, 2015

Less relevant info

Some old, less relevant pages are now hidden to reduce clutter on the main page. You can go to the old information page to see them.