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TMD3.0 Model File Format

TMD3.0 introduces a new, consolidated NetCDF data format for global and regional tide models. The new, consolidated NetCDF format:

  • Reduces complexity by placing all of the model constituents of the h, U, and V coefficients into a single data file, without the need for any extra grid files;
  • Is easier to work with than the old binary format;
  • Significantly reduces total model file size by taking advantage of data compression;
  • Includes metadata such as units, grid information, map projection parameters, version information, and author attribution.
  • Variables U and V are now interpolated to the h nodes, meaning transport data is no longer offset by half a pixel from the grid.

This page describes the consolidated NetCDF data format for TMD3.0 compatible tide model files.

Explore file contents

Take a look inside any TMD3.0 compatible NetCDF, and the contents should be fairly straightforward. Here's an example:

>> ncdisp('')
Global Attributes:
           Conventions       = 'CF-1.7'
           Title             = 'TPXO9_atlas_v5'
           Description       = 'Global tide model at 1/30 degree resolution.'
           Author            = 'Egbert, Gary D., and Svetlana Y. Erofeeva.'
           creation_date     = '2023-04-15'
           tmd_version       = 3
           NetCDF_conversion = 'Chad A. Greene'
           model_type        = 'ocean'
           license           = 'ask'
           Data_citation     = 'Egbert, Gary D., and Svetlana Y. Erofeeva. "Efficient inverse modeling of barotropic ocean tides." Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 19.2 (2002): 183-204.'
           lon          = 10802
           lat          = 5401
           constituents = 15
           Size:       1x1
           Datatype:   char
                       grid_mapping_name = 'latitude_longitude'
                       epsg_code         = 4326
                       spatial_proj4     = '+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs'
           Size:       10802x1
           Dimensions: lon
           Datatype:   single
                       standard_name = 'longitude'
                       long_name     = 'grid cell center longitude (first and last columns are repeats, to enable seamless interpolation)'
                       units         = 'degrees'
           Size:       5401x1
           Dimensions: lat
           Datatype:   single
                       standard_name = 'latitude'
                       long_name     = 'grid cell center latitude'
                       units         = 'degrees'
           Size:       15x1
           Dimensions: constituents
           Datatype:   int8
                       standard_name     = 'tidal_constituents'
                       long_name         = 'Tidal constituents listed in order in the constituent_order attribute.'
                       constituent_order = '2n2 k1 k2 m2 m4 mf mm mn4 ms4 n2 o1 p1 q1 s1 s2'
           Size:       15x1
           Dimensions: constituents
           Datatype:   double
                       standard_name = 'amplitude'
                       long_name     = 'amplitude of equilibrium tide in m for each tidal constituent.'
                       units         = 'meters'
           Size:       15x1
           Dimensions: constituents
           Datatype:   double
                       standard_name = 'phase'
                       long_name     = 'Astronomical arguments (relative to t0 = 1 Jan 0:00 1992)'
                       units         = 'radians'
           Size:       15x1
           Dimensions: constituents
           Datatype:   single
                       standard_name = 'omega'
                       long_name     = 'frequency'
                       units         = '1/s'
           Size:       15x1
           Dimensions: constituents
           Datatype:   single
                       standard_name = 'alpha'
                       long_name     = 'loading love number'
           Size:       10802x5401x15
           Dimensions: lon,lat,constituents
           Datatype:   int16
                       standard_name = 'height_coefficient'
                       long_name     = 'real component of height constituent'
                       grid_mapping  = 'polar_stereographic'
                       units         = 'm'
                       scale_factor  = 0.00030746
           Size:       10802x5401x15
           Dimensions: lon,lat,constituents
           Datatype:   int16
                       standard_name = 'height_coefficient'
                       long_name     = 'imaginary component of height constituent'
                       grid_mapping  = 'polar_stereographic'
                       units         = 'm'
                       scale_factor  = 0.00030746
           Size:       10802x5401x15
           Dimensions: lon,lat,constituents
           Datatype:   int16
                       standard_name = 'transport_coefficient'
                       long_name     = 'real component of U transport constituent. This is the zonal (east-west) flow component in geographic coordinates.'
                       grid_mapping  = 'polar_stereographic'
                       units         = 'm^2/s'
                       scale_factor  = 0.015712
           Size:       10802x5401x15
           Dimensions: lon,lat,constituents
           Datatype:   int16
                       standard_name = 'transport_coefficient'
                       long_name     = 'imaginary component of U transport constituent. This is the zonal (east-west) flow component in geographic coordinates.'
                       grid_mapping  = 'polar_stereographic'
                       units         = 'm^2/s'
                       scale_factor  = 0.015712
           Size:       10802x5401x15
           Dimensions: lon,lat,constituents
           Datatype:   int16
                       standard_name = 'transport_coefficient'
                       long_name     = 'real component of V transport constituent. This is the meridional (north-south) flow component in geographic coordinates.'
                       grid_mapping  = 'polar_stereographic'
                       units         = 'm^2/s'
                       scale_factor  = 0.015712
           Size:       10802x5401x15
           Dimensions: lon,lat,constituents
           Datatype:   int16
                       standard_name = 'transport_coefficient'
                       long_name     = 'imaginary component of V transport constituent. This is the meridional (north-south) flow component in geographic coordinates.'
                       grid_mapping  = 'polar_stereographic'
                       units         = 'm^2/s'
                       scale_factor  = 0.015712
           Size:       10802x5401
           Dimensions: lon,lat
           Datatype:   int16
                       standard_name = 'wct'
                       long_name     = 'water column thickness'
                       units         = 'meters'
                       grid_mapping  = 'polar_stereographic'
           Size:       10802x5401
           Dimensions: lon,lat
           Datatype:   int8
                       standard_name = 'ocean_mask'
                       long_name     = 'ocean mask'
                       grid_mapping  = 'polar_stereographic'
                       valid_range   = [0  1]
                       flag_values   = [0  1]
                       flag_meanings = 'land ocean'

The attributes above should be pretty straightforward, but I'll point out that the model_type can either be 'ocean' or 'load'.

Global models vs regional models

All model files are either global or regional. Global models, like the one above, are presented on a regular grid in geographic coordinates (degrees) and have 1D lon and lat variables. For global models, longitude is treated like the x dimension, and latitude is treated like the y dimension.

Regional models (CATS, Arctic models, etc) can be on regular geographic grids, but are often presented on grids that are regular in projected coordinates, meaning they are spaced equally in meters or kilometers. The proj4 string in the NetCDF file describes the projection parameters for any regional model. Regional models also include MxN arrays of latitude and longitude values.

In both global and regional models, all coordinates correspond to grid cell centers.

Most TMD functions accept latitude and longitude as inputs, and automatically project them to regional model coordinates where necessary.


The tidal constituents are easy to miss in the NetCDF. They appear as a simple string, in the constituent_order attribute of the constituents variable. Here's how to access them:

>> ncreadatt('','constituents','constituent_order')
ans =
    '2n2 k1 k2 m2 m4 mf mm mn4 ms4 n2 o1 p1 q1 s1 s2'

Constituents can also be accessed as cell arrays using the tmd_conlist function:

>> cons = tmd_conlist('')
cons =
  1×15 cell array
  Columns 1 through 12
    {'2n2'}    {'k1'}    {'k2'}    {'m2'}    {'m4'}    {'mf'}    {'mm'}    {'mn4'}    {'ms4'}    {'n2'}    {'o1'}    {'p1'}
  Columns 13 through 15
    {'q1'}    {'s1'}    {'s2'}

I realize this is a somewhat strange way to package the constituent names, but it's the simplest way I could figure out how to do it, given the limitations of the NetCDF format.

Real and Imaginary Components

For tidal height h, zonal transport U, and meridional transport V, you'll find real and imaginary components hRe, hIm, URe, UIm, VRe, and VIm in the model file. The complex constituent can then be constucted following the format

hc = complex(hRe,hIm); 


hc = hRe + 1i*hIm; 

and the amplitude is then

hAm = abs(hc); 

and the phase is given by

hPh = angle(hc); 

Note: Some conventions use the complex conjugate of hc, and calculate phase angle as atan2(-imag(h), real(h)), but TMD3.0 uses a convention that matches MATLAB's built-in complex and angle functions.

U and V variables

Each tide model file contains real and imaginary components of U and V transport variables, whose units are m^2 /s.

Regardless of whether the model is global or regional, U and V always correspond to zonal (positive pointing geographic east) and meridional (positive pointing geographic north) components of transport.

Transport estimates are usually pretty good, and represent column-averaged (barotropic) flow. Column-averaged velocities are obtained by dividing transport by water column thickness, so the accuracy of velocity estimates is subject to the accuracy of the bathymetry estimate.

TMD3.0 model file format does not account for vertical variations in tidal transport or current velocity. In other words, this is a strictly barotropic model, and does not attempt to represent baroclinic flow.

Important: Previous versions of TMD interpreted U and V on staggered grids, in which each variable would be interpolated at a location offset by half a pixel. In the new, consolidated NetCDF format, all variables are centered on their respective coordinates.


TMD3.0 uses meters, seconds, and combinations of meters and seconds. Previous versions of TMD produced tidal currents in cm/s, but we now package transports in units of m^2 /s, so they may easily be divided by water column thickness (m), to get velocities of m/s.


TMD does something new with masking: The scripts that create each model file use regionfill to interpolate values of tidal constituents across all land areas.

Here's what the m2 constituent amplitude looks like in the TPXO9 file:

[ph,lon,lat] = tmd_data('','hAm','constituents','m2'); 

axis xy image 
caxis([0 2])
cb = colorbar; 
ylabel(cb,'m2 constituent amplitude (m)') 

Why on Earth would we say there's a finite, nonzero tidal amplitude in the middle of China, or any other landmass? Well, the reason's quite simple: Sometimes you may be interested in tides that are close to shore, for example, if you have a tide gauge at the end of a dock that may lie between modeled ocean and land pixels. In such a case, you know that tides exist there, but the tide model would only produce NaNs. You could extrapolate from the nearest grid cell that produces a finite tide solution, but that'd be inelegant and almost certainly wrong. The regionfill approach produces smoother, more physical interpolation close to the coast and is a reasonable approximation where the underlying tide model cannot offer a solution.

Note that we only fill the landmasses for tidal heights (h; not U or V), because tidal height predictions should be reasonable in a narrow, tidal inland creek that the mask identifies as land, whereas inland transport values would depend on geometry that was not represented in the model.

The tmd_interp function sets land areas to NaN by default (but offers an option to "unmask"). For your tidal needs, you may wish to mask out land areas using the mask variable, which is 1 for all ocean grid cells, and 0 everywhe else. Below I'm using the mask to set the transparency of the previous image:

[mask,lon,lat] = tmd_data('','mask'); 
h.AlphaData = mask; 

Amplitude, phase, alpha, and omega

In each TMD3.0 compatible model file, you will find variables called amplitude, phase, omega, and alpha. You probably won't need to interact with these variables directly, but they are from the tmd_constit function.


The real and imaginary components of h, U, and V are all scaled by a strange number listed as the scale_factor of each variable. MATLAB automatically parses the scale_factor when reading in the variables, so you don't have to worry about multiplying anything by anything.

Why isn't the scale factor a simple round number? Because it doesn't have to be. Again, you don't have to worry about the scale_factor. The value of the scale factor is chosen to take advantage of the full range of the int16 Datatype that it's saved as. Any other scale factor would either clip the large values, or digitize the data at lower precision than necessary.

Extra columns in global models

You may notice that global model files have an extra grid cell on each end, corresponding to an extra longitude step before 0 and after 360. This rationale is that interpolation near 0 degrees longitude would produce NaNs, and you'd end up with a seam of missing data at that lontitude.

The trick of repeating a few rows or columns around the 0 degree longitude is an old one, and it could be performed after loading the data, rather than saving the data. However, tmd_interp only loads pixels around query points, so the simplest solution is to repeat the data in the data file, rather than writing tmd_interp to call tmd_data multiple times and stitch the pieces together before interpolation.

Ice Shelf Flexure

For the CATS model, we have added a flexure variable. This is a first-order estimate of tidal flexure of ice shelves in the grounding zone, generated by appling a simple 1D linear elastic model to BedMachine v3 ice thickness, assuming an elastic modulus of E=4.8 GPa and Poisson's ratio nu=0.4. Values range from zero to about 100, corresponding to the percent of tidal range that the ice shelf should exhibit. Values can exceed 100 by a few percent near the hydrostatic line.

MATLAB scripts to write consolidated NetCDFs

The MATLAB scripts we used to convert tide models from the original binary OTIS format to the new, consolidated NetCDF can found in the tide-model-conversions folder of this GitHub repo.

Author Info

This document was written by Chad A. Greene, June 2022.