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jdkasten edited this page Nov 21, 2014 · 11 revisions

Welcome to the lets-encrypt-preview wiki!

Getting Started!

This client is being designed to follow the ACME protocol. The protocol is subject to change, but most changes should mainly effect logic in (which is not overly complex and should be static from one webserver to another)

Client Installation

Checkout the and follow the instructions to get the Let's Encrypt Client setup. Pleases submit an issue if the process doesn't work for you and you would like to contribute.

Setting up your own ACME server


  • You can direct the server to domain names you do not own
  • You can modify the server to print logs with better error messages when things go wrong.

When you pull the code from the repository. The CONFIG file (located at letsencrypt/client/ contains a reference to "" which is a very basic ACME demo CA we have running behind a browser trusted certificate (You can get your own demo server by downloading the node-acme repository and setting it up).

The ACME client will not be able to speak to any demo server unless the server is behind a certificate that is trusted by your system for the given name. (You may modify the client to disable certificate checking, but this solution is not recommended)

You have two options:

  1. You can generate a self-signed certificate for the server domain.

Then install that certificate on the box running the Let's Encrypt client, by following these [steps.] (

  1. If you have a spare domain name you can get a browser trusted certificate and set it up on your server. If you haven't gone through the process before it might be a good learning experience. :)

Once you have your own server running, you can point the server to your client with any domain by modifying the /etc/hosts file. You can now configure your server to host any domains that you please and test a variety of configurations.

This setup should allow you to do rapid testing in the future. I would like to create an automatic testing process that would allow all additions of the code base to be automatically and thoroughly tested using different example configurations. More on this in the future work section.


Class Overview

Client contains the main logic in the client.
Running sudo ./ will essentially start the program in the Client.authenticate() method. The client code isn't terribly complex and should be fairly easy to read and understand. Note that this class also contains the revocation functionality.


Recently refactored to allow for modular classes representing different webservers. Configurator ( - abstract base class that contains the API outside classes can use to interact with the Configurator objects. As an abstract base class, all child configurators must implement all of the abstract base methods.

AugeasConfigurator(Configurator) ( - Intended to be further subclassed, this class contains all of the methods and variables for saving and reverting configuration changes that are made with the open source project Augeas. Essentially, configurator's that use Augeas can reuse all of this "save" infrastructure that is designed to be "ACID" compliant. If the save transaction isn't executed completely, the save state will be reverted the next time the program starts, which is essential for avoiding misconfigurations. More on the current "save" infrastructure below.

ApacheConfigurator(AugeasConfigurator) ( - Represents an Apache webserver. This configurator uses Augeas and its Httpd lens.

NginxConfigurator(AugeasConfigurator) ( - Currently just a stub class. There is an nginx lens in the Augeas project, so it should be possible to parse and edit configuration files with it. (I have not worked with the nginx lens yet, so I do not know the difficulty in getting it production ready)


In order to guarantee correctness at the end of the configuration edits, I would like to implement a class that can validate standard changes. Is HTTPS enabled for Does it use OCSP stapling? ect... This should provide confidence in the end result, which allows configuration changes to be reverted if the configuration isn't sufficient. It will also be quite helpful in testing. This is currently just a stub class.


Tries to separate out all output logic through the use of a "display" object. This allows classes like the Client to simply say display.generic_menu(...) and the output will be formatted correctly depending on whether the user wanted the "text mode", "dialog mode"... or other modes in the future.


Simple singleton logging utility. Once instantiated (either curses, or stdout currently), you will receive all output on your chosen interface that is at or above the level of notification. The levels include: TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, and FATAL. Logging takes the form of logger.error(string), logger.warn(...),

Utility Functions

There are two files that contain utility functions, and (le = lets encrypt) functions are generic and meant to be useful throughout the project. contains cryptographic functions.

Schematas and the schematas are meant to validate the protocol messages. They confirm that all fields in all messages are appropriate which should aid in testing, debugging and the security of the project. Messages are verified in both the outbound and inbound directions.

Configuration and Saving with Augeas

Augeas Configuration - all configuration changes are handled by Augeas which uses

a subset of XPath to find changes. Since the Augeas Apache lens does not recursively search through Apache config files and directories that have been added using the "include" apache directive, I had to manually do this inclusion by myself.

Saving/Restoring Files has been designed such that the program can fail or shutdown at anytime and be restarted back into a useful and clean configuration state. In general, there are two types of saves, TEMPORARY and PERMANENT. *TEMPORARY saves are used for challenges. These are configuration changes that should not be checkpointed. The user cannot rollback to one of these states. *PERMANENT saves are basically any changes that are not for performing challenges.

Mutual Exclusion: If there is a TEMPORARY save ongoing, you may not make any permanent saves. Likewise, if you are in the process of creating a PERMANENT CHECKPOINT, you can not create a TEMPORARY save.

Before any save (any configuration change), all associated changed files are added to temporary directories. These temporary directories contain a list of all newly created files, all of the files before they were changed, and human-readable notes describing the changes.

Once a PERMANENT save is ready to be turned into a checkpoint, it is given a "title" and all files from the IN_PROGRESS save directory are moved to a permanent time-stamped directory.

Save directories contain all of the information necessary to rollback changes, and are created before any actual change to the configuration takes place.

Upon AugeasConfigurators startup, the system should check to see if there were any IN_PROGRESS or TEMPORARY saves and will immediately roll them back, placing the client in a stable, checkpointed state.

Some finesse is required to use this system appropriately. Here are the main points.

  1. Before creating files you must specify their paths to the Configurator.

  2. self.save_notes are expected to be included for changes. These are human-readable notes which can be read with --view-checkpoints

  3. Removing user files is dangerous and is not currently supported. If this feature is desired in the future, the save infrastructure will have to be updated to support it in a similar manner to adding files.

There are plenty of examples throughout the code. Normal Augeas configuration changes do not modify files until all of the changes are saved. The main function is, temporary=False)