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Tidytext basics

Wouter van Atteveldt 2022-10

Introduction: A Tidy Text Format

Tidytext is a package for working with textual data. It’s core data format is a regular data frame (tibble) where each row is a word. This allows you to perform most text-related operations, such as stopword removal, text cleaning, or corpus analysis using regular tidyverse data transformation operations.

For example, given a list of words you could anti_join with a stopword list, then group_by word and filter out rare words, and finally summarize word frequencies and use ggplot to create a word cloud. All functions mentioned in this paragraph are regular tidyverse functions, so the good news is: if you are already familiar with the tidyverse, you are 99% of the way to being able to use tidytext.

In this tutorial, we will take you through four steps that are common to text analysis regardless of the exact package: (1) importing the raw text; (2) tokenizing it into separate words; (3) cleaning it; and (4) and analyzing and visualizing the results.

Motivating Example

As a motivation example that shows how you can use existing tidyverse functions for text analysis, the code below imports the american State of the Union speeches and shows a word cloud of Obama’s speeches:

sotu = add_column(sotu_meta, text=sotu_text) |> 
  as_tibble() |>
obama_n  = sotu |>
  filter(president == "Barack Obama") |> 
  unnest_tokens(word, text) |>
  group_by(word) |> 
  summarize(n = n()) 
obama_n_cleaned = obama_n |>
  filter(n >= 10, 
         !word %in% stopwords(), 
         str_length(word) >= 2) |>
  arrange(-n) |>
ggplot(obama_n_cleaned) + 
  geom_text_wordcloud(aes(label=word, size=n, color=n)) +

The parts of this code will be explained in the sections below, but I would also encourage you to view the results of each step and see if you understand what’s going on!

Importing text into R

With importing text we mean retrieving text from some external storage and reading it into R as a character (text) vector, usually as a charactar column in a data frame also containing metadata (date, source, etc). How to do this of course depends on where your texts are stored, so we will consider two common use cases: CSV files and text (or word, pdf) files. For scraping texts directly from web pages, check out our scraping tutorial

CSV files

For reading CSV files, no special functions are needed: read_csv automatically reads textual columns as character data. For example, the code below imports the US state of the union speeches from a csv file hosted on the internet.

sotu <- read_csv('')
head(sotu)   ## view first 6 rows

If your CSV file is on your computer, simply substitute it’s file location for the URL in the example.

Text, word, or PDF files

Another very common use case is to have a folder with different files on your computer, e.g. word, PDF, or txt files. The readtext packages offers a very convenient function to import many different file formats in a single call:

texts <- readtext("")

The example above imports a zip file hosted on this internet, which contained a Word and PDF file. As you can see, it automatically downloaded and unzipped the files, and converted the MS Word and PDF files into plain text.

If the files are on your computer, you can import them by specifying the path:

texts <- readtext("c:/path/to/files")
texts <- readtext("/Users/me/Documents/files")

See ?readtext for more information. The function can automatically read subfolders and store the folder and file names in meta data fields. If can handle text, json, csv, html, xml, pdf, odt, docx and rtf files.

Tokenizing text

In natural language processing, tokens are a fancy term for words, and tokenization is the process of converting text strings into separate words. This sounds trivial (e.g. just split by space or interpunction), but it’s not. For example, in the sentence before e.g. should be one word, but it's should probably be two (it, [i]s). Also, languages such as Chinese or Japanese do not mark word boundaries using whitespace.

So, while you could tokenize English text yourself using e.g. str_split and unnest_longer, it is better to use the unnest_tokens function for this, which uses the tokenizers package that can deal with most common use cases.

For example, the code below tokenizes three very different texts:

texts = tribble(
  ~text, ~author,
  "古池蛙飛び込む水の音", 'Matsuo Bashō',
  "The Power of the Doctor: Jodie Whittaker's dr. Who finale", "Guardian",
  "Our open access #css textbook is published! @damian0604 @carlosarcila", "vanatteveldt")
texts |> unnest_tokens(word, text, to_lower=F, strip_punct=F)

What do the to_lower and strip_punct arguments do?

Cleaning text

Before analysing text, it is generally a good idea to first ‘clean it’ with some common steps, such as removing stop words, very rare words, dealing with multi-word phrases (e.g. “New York”), etc.

As stated above, these steps can be performed on the tidy text ‘token list’ format using regular tidyverse functions. To show why they are needed, consider the top words in the US state of the union speeches:

sotu = add_column(sotu_meta, text=sotu_text) |> 
sotu = unnest_tokens(sotu, word, text)
sotu |> 
  group_by(word) |> 
  summarize(n=n()) |> 
  arrange(-n) |> 

Stop word removal

As you might have guessed, none of these words are very informative of the various President’s policy choices. Of course, if you are interested in communication style or inclusiveness, the difference between ‘I’ and ‘we’ or the use of modal verbs such as ‘should’ or ‘will’ can actually be quite interesting. However, for most cases we want to remove such ‘stop words’.

This can be done by anti_joining the tokens with a data frame of stop words, such as the one from the tidytext package:

sotu |> pull(word) |> head() 
sotu_clean = sotu |> anti_join(stop_words)
sotu_clean |> pull(word) |> head()

You can also easily use other stop word lists, such as the ones from the stopwords package.

mystopwords = stopwords(language = 'en', source = 'snowball')
sotu_clean2 = sotu |> filter(!word %in% mystopwords)
sotu_clean2 |> pull(word) |> head()

As you can see, the first example removed great (which is on the ‘onix’ stop word list), while the second example did not. In fact, there are many different stop word lists, and stop_words actually contains three different lists. See the documentation for ?stop_words and ?stopwords for more details.

Trimming overly (in)frequent words

A second useful step can be to trim (or prune) the most infrequent words. These words are often a relatively large part of the total vocabulary, but play only a very minor role in most analyses.

For example, the code below groups by word, and then keeps only words that are used at least 100 times:

sotu |> pull(word) |> unique() |> length()
sotu_clean3 = sotu_clean |>
  group_by(word) |>
  filter(n() >= 100)
sotu_clean3 |> pull(word) |> unique() |> length()

As you can see, although the total number of rows (‘word tokens’, in jargon) as only decreased slightly, but the number of unique words (‘word types’) has decreased dramatically. Since in many analyses such as topic modeling or supervised machine learning performance is (partly) determined by the number of different words, this can greatly speed up those analyses and reduce memory usage.
In fact, I would never run something like a topic model without trimming a corpus like this.

The threshold used in this example (100) is probably a bit high, but you can normally safely assume that words that don’t occur in at least 10 documents (or maybe 0.1%-1% of documents) are probably not very importrant for such quantitative analyses.

Analyzing and visualizing texts

In case you started here, let’s (re-)activate the packages and construct the state of the unions data frame:

sotu = add_column(sotu_meta, text=sotu_text) |> 
  as_tibble() |>

After importing, tokenizing, and cleaning, it’s time to do some actual analysis. Of course, there are many different options for this, including dictionary-based anlayses and supervised and unsupervised machine learning, for which we have made separate tutorials.

For now, let’s consider simple frequency based analyses: word clouds and corpus comparisons

Word frequencies and word clouds

Since the token list is a regular data frame, we can simply group_by word and summarize to get frequency information:

frequencies = sotu |> 
  unnest_tokens(word, text) |>
  group_by(word) |>
            relfreq=docfreq/nrow(sotu)) |>
  anti_join(stop_words) |>

Now, we can make a wordcloud using ggplot with the geom_text_wordcloud geom from the ggwordcloud package. This geom is very similar to the regular geom_text geom, but it moves around words to avoid overlap.

frequencies |> 
  slice_max(termfreq, n=200) |>
  ggplot() + 
  geom_text_wordcloud(aes(label=word, size=termfreq, color=relfreq))

Corpus comparison

Finally, let’s compare word use of two presidents, for example Obama and Trump. First, we can compute the frequency of each word for each president:

comparison = sotu |> 
  filter(president %in% c("Donald Trump", "Barack Obama")) |>
  mutate(president=str_remove_all(president, ".* ")) |>
  unnest_tokens(word, text) |>
  group_by(president, word) |>
  summarize(n=n()) |>
  pivot_wider(names_from=president, values_from=n, values_fill=0) |>

Now, we can compare the relative frequencies: is Obama more likely to use this word than Trump?

comparison = comparison |> 
         diff=Trump_prop / Obama_prop,
comparison |> arrange(-diff) |> head()

So, Trump’s speeches is much more likely to contain the word applause, and in contrast to Obama, Trump used the words ISIS and beautiful a number of times.

(Note that we ‘smoothed’ the frequencies by adding one to each frequency, preventing division by zero and allowing some form of comparison when the other did not use a word at all.)

We can also plot this, taking a selection of words and using the difference as the horizontal axis:

bind_rows(slice_max(comparison, diff, n=50),
          slice_max(comparison, -diff, n=50),
          slice_max(comparison, total, n=50)) |>
  ggplot() + 
  geom_text_wordcloud(aes(label=word, x=logdiff, size=total, color=diff)) +
  scale_color_gradient2(low="blue", high="red", mid="purple", midpoint = 1)+
  scale_size_continuous(range = c(2,10)) +

Where next?

To learn more about text processing in R, see also our other tutorials: