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Test Theory: Confirmatory Factor Analyses

Philipp Masur 2021-11


Classical Test Theory

In the social sciences, we are often interested in somewhat ‘abstract’ concepts (e.g., emotions, attitudes, literacy, personality,…). These concept cannot be measured directly, but have to be assessed indirectly using observable indicators (e.g., items in a questionnaire). We therefore create several items that are meant to provide information about the underlying trait.

Test theory explains the relationships between the “latent variable” (e.g., a personality trait such as “extraversion”) and the responses to several items (e.g., “I make friends easily”, “I know how to captivate people”…). It defines the statistical relation between a measurement and the actual characteristic of interest.


A basic assumption of classical test theory is thus that the trait explains response patterns in items. To investigate this relationship further, we need to differentiate the following concepts:

Table 1: Important concepts in classical test theory

Name Definition
Latent variables Not directly observable concepts - later also called ‘factors’ - that we are interested in estimating (e.g., emotions, attitudes, personality, literacy, concerns…)
Manifest indicators Measureable aspects that should be influenced by the latent variable (e.g., items in a questionnaire, but we can also think of other indicators)
True score The share of the variance in the measurement of a manifest indicator that is directly linked to the latent variable; what we want to estimate to the best of our abilities
Measurement error Share of the measurement variance that is not linked to the latent variable (includes item-specific variance, systematic errors, and random errors)

In classical test theory, we decompose the variance of each measurement of an manifest indicator: Every observable measurement Y (e.g., an item) is composed of variance explained by the latent variable (true score: τa) ), variance explained by the specific manifest indicator (e.g., the item: τb)), and the measurement error (ϵ):

Yi = τa, i + τb, i + ϵi

The measurement error is thereby independent of the true score and varies randomly across persons and measurement occasions:

Cor(τi, ϵi) = 0

Measurement errors can be divided into two components: random error and systematic error. Random errors are errors in measurement that lead to measurable values being inconsistent when repeated measurements of a constant attribute or quantity are taken. Systematic errors are errors that are not determined by chance but are introduced by an inaccuracy (involving either the observation or measurement process). Systematic errors can be imperfect calibration of the instrument or interference of the environment.

Reflective measurement model

When we aim to measure abstract concept (e.g., neuroticism), we estimate a reflective measurement model. Such models, in which a latent characteristics is estimated based on multiple manifest indicators, can be represented with the following path model (panel 1):

Image source: Diamantopoulos et al., 2008

We specify a latent variable (η) that explains people’s responses in several items (xi) by taking the items-specific error (epsiloni; composed of item-specific variance and the measurement error) into account. In most cases, not all items are equally well explained by the latent factor. For some, the true score will be lower than for others. This is denoted by the factor loadings of each item (λi).

Note: There are also formative concepts in which the combination of individual indicators make up the formative factor (e.g., the value of a car is determined by its age, condition, size, make, etc.)

In this tutorial, we will estimate a reflective measurement model using a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) in R. A CFA can be best estimated using the package lavaan, which I will introduce later. As we will engage in some data wrangling beforehand, we will load the package collection tidyverse. Because we will also assess items individually, we also load the package psych, which provides nice tools to assess psychometric properties of variables.



Getting some data

For this tutorial, we will assess a classic reflective measurement model of psychology: The Big Five Personality Model as assessed in the International Personality Item Pool ( Conveniently, it is included in the psych package and we can load it by simply calling bfi. Let’s quickly open the respective documentation to assess the item formulations.

d <- bfi %>% as_tibble

As we can see, the scale consists of 25 items. Based on the Big Five Model of Personality, we can assume that these items reflect five distinct dimensions:

  • Agreeableness (e.g., “I inquire about others’ well-being”)
  • Conscientiousness (e.g., “I continue until everything is perfect”)
  • Extraversion (e.g., “I don’t talk a lot.”)
  • Neuroticism (e.g., “I get irritated easily.”)
  • Openness (e.g., “I am full of ideas.”)

All items are measure on 6-point scale from 1 = Very Inaccurate to 6 = Very Accurate.

If we look at the item formulations, we can see that 8 items are reverse coded. We should hence inverse them before continuing with out analyses. We can use a simply mutate() command to do this quickly.


bfi_items <- d %>%
  select(A1:O5) %>%
  mutate(A1 = (A1-7)*-1,  # recoding (inversed)
         C4 = (C4-7)*-1,
         C5 = (C5-7)*-1,
         E1 = (E1-7)*-1,
         E2 = (E2-7)*-1,
         O1 = (O1-7)*-1,
         O3 = (O3-7)*-1,
         O4 = (O4-7)*-1)

Psychometric Properties

A first step in any confirmatory factor analyses should consist of assessing all items’ psychometric properties and whether they are normally distributed. The former, we can do by using the describe() function from the psych package. This function will provide the mean, standard deviation, min and max as well as estimates for the skewness and kurtosis.

# Descriptive Analysis
bfi_items %>%

Based on the columns skewness and kurtosis, all items seems to be reasonably normally distributed. But let’s check this also visually. We

# Checking normal distributions
bfi_items %>%
  pivot_longer(A1:O5, names_to = "key", values_to = "value") %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = value)) +
  geom_histogram(bins = 6, 
                 fill = "lightblue",
                 color = "white") +
  facet_wrap(~key) +
  theme_minimal() +
  labs(x = "Values (1 = Do not agree at all; 6 = Fully agree)",
       y = "Number of responses")

We can see that most values are rather normally distributed, but e.g., item A4 or O4 are heavily skewed. This may not be a problem, but this information might be useful later, if we try to improve the model.

Multivariate normal distribution check

For any confirmatory factor analyses, we should additionally check whether the assumption of multivariate normal distribution is met. We can do so with the the function mardia() from the psych package which computes Mardia’s test of multivariate skewness and kurtosis.

bfi_items %>%
  mardia(plot = FALSE) # We should use MLR instead of ML

Both test are significant, suggesting that this assumption is violated. Again, this is not problematic per se, but we should use a robust estimator when fitting the confirmatory model.

Confirmatory factor analysis

Estimating the model

Now we can estimate the assumed model (i.e., assuming the five dimensions). For this, we will use the package lavaan (for more information and code example, see this documention:, which provides a convenient syntax for fitting structure equation models in general (measurement models are technically structural equation models!).

The lavaan syntax is straightforward. First, we define each latent factor in one string. In this example, the model syntax will contain five ‘latent variable definitions’. Each latent variable formula has the following format:

latent variable =~ indicator1 + indicator2 + ... + indicator_n

We call these expressions latent variable definitions because they define how the latent variables are ‘manifested by’ a set of observed (or manifest) variables, often called ‘indicators’. Note that the special =~ operator in the middle consists of a sign (=) character and a tilde (~) character next to each other.

The reason why this model syntax is so short, is that behind the scenes, the cfa() function, which wraps around this model in the next step, will take care of several things. First, by default, the factor loading of the first indicator of a latent variable is fixed to 1, thereby fixing the scale of the latent variable. Second, residual variances are added automatically. And third, all latent variables are correlated by default.

We can generally choose between different estimators (see this page for more information on different estimators), but as our Mardia test was significant, we use a robust version of the maximum likelihood estimation (MLR). The first argument is the user-specified model. The second argument is the estimator and the third argument the dataset that contains the observed variables.


# Defining model
cfa_model <- "
   Agreeableness =~     A1 + A2 + A3 + A4 + A5
   Conscientiousness =~ C1 + C2 + C3 + C4 + C5
   Extraversion =~      E1 + E2 + E3 + E4 + E5
   Neuroticism =~       N1 + N2 + N3 + N4 + N5
   Openness =~          O1 + O2 + O3 + O4 + O5

# Estimate the model <- cfa(cfa_model, 
               estimator = "MLR", 
               data = bfi_items)

In a first step, we should assess how well our model fits the data.

fitMeasures(, c("chisq.scaled", "df.scaled", "pvalue.scaled", 
                       "cfi.robust", "tli.robust", "rmsea.robust"))

In our example, the model did not fit the data too well as the χ2 value is comparatively high and significant and CFI and TLI are below common thresholds (e.g., < .95).

Once the model has been fitted, we can also use the summary() function, which provides a nice summary of the fitted model:

summary(, fit = T, std = T)

The output contains three parts:

  • The header: Information about lavaan, the optimization method, the number of free parameters and number of observations used in the analysis (in this case n = 2436)
  • The fit section: Includes various fit indices to assess model fit
  • Parameter Estimates: The last secion contains all parameters that were fitted (including the factor loadings, variances, thresholds…)

In our example, the factor loadings range from .233 to .825. Thus, some items (those with factor loadings below e.g., < .5) have a comparatively low true score, i.e., the assumed latent dimensions does not explain the responses to this items very well.

Investigating possibilites to increase fit

We thus have to conclude that our original model does not fit the data well and that there is still some misfit that may stem from bad items or a faulty assumption about the dimensionality.

We can use the function modindices() to better understand reasons for misfit. We directly arrange the output according to the mi column and round the result to 2 decimals.

# Extracting modifiction indices
modindices( %>%
  arrange(-mi) %>%
  mutate_if(is.numeric, round, 2)

The first line shows e.g., that the items N1 and N2 share a lot of common variance and should be subsumed under their own latent factor. The second line further tells us that the item N4 (an item that should measure neuroticism) also laods onto the factor extraversion. It thus has unwanted cross-loadings. Looking at these modification indices as well as the factor loadings AND assessing the items formulations, we may come to the conclusion that we could signicantly improve model fit by removing some items. So we specify a second model where some “bad” items are removed.

# Removing some items
cfa_model2 <- "
   Agreeableness =~          A2 + A3 + A4 + A5
   Conscientiousness =~ C1 + C2 + C3 + C4 + C5
   Extraversion =~      E1 + E2 + E3 + E4 + E5
   Neuroticism =~       N1 +      N3 + N4 + N5
   Openness =~          O1 + O2 + O3 +      O5
fit.cfa2 <- cfa(cfa_model2, 
               estimator = "MLR", 
               data = bfi_items)

# Output
summary(fit.cfa2, fit = T, std = T)

The model fit slightly increased (yet still does not reach satisfactory levels) and all factor loadings are now acceptable.

Overall, this tells us that the theoretical assumption that this item pools reflects five personality characteristics is somewhat right, but there is still problems in the data. Usually, we would try to further optimize the model or even evaluate a new item pool at this point. For this tutorial, we will now move on to look at the reliability - another aspect that we should look at when evaluating a scale.


The additive variance decomposition that we used to estimate our latent measurement model is also the basis for one of the most important estimates in classical test theory: the reliability. It can be defined as the true score share of the measured variance:



Var(τi)/(Var(τi) + Var(ϵi))

If we have a multi-item measure, the covariance between two items of the same scale represents the true score:

Var(τ) = Cov(Y1, Y2)

In practice, several different scores have been proposed to estimate a scale’s reliability. Perhaps the most common one is Cronbach’s α, which however assume τ-equivalency (i.e., that all factor loadings are the same), which is mostly not the case! Alternatively, we can have a look at McDonald’s ω which is also known as “composite” reliability. The package semTools provides convenient functions that extend the functionality of lavaan. We can use the simple function reliability() to compute all relevant reliability estimates.


The resulting table includes Cronbach’s α (alpha), Bollen’s ω (omega), Bentler’s ω (omega2), and McDonald’s ω (omega3) which is also know as hierarchical omega. If the model is good, all of these scores will not differ much. If the model contains items with low factor loadings, the omega values will differ considerably from the alpha. All of them range from 0 to 1 with values closer to 1 representing good reliability. Although common thresholds (e.g., .7 = acceptable, .8 = good, and .9 = excellent), what can be considered a good reliability really depends on what you are measuring and the consequences of potential measurement error in your model.

Why bother?

We have seen that we can use confirmatory factor analyses to assess a scales’ dimensionality, factor validity, and reliability. This is important in its own right as it will tell us how appropriate it is to combine several items into a mean or sum indice. However, there is more to accurately measuring latent variables:

“Generally, ignoring measurement error leads to inconsistent estimators and to inaccurate assessments of the relation between the underlying latent variables.” (Bollen, 1989)

There is always measurement error that we should not ignore. Relationships between variables with measurement errors (e.g., mean indices) will always be biased (usually downward). As we are often interested in rather small relationships (e.g., r = .10), we should try to reduce the measurement error. For example, instead of correlating mean scores, we can correlate the estimated true scores in a structural equation model (SEM). A SEM is simply two measurement models linked by a regressions or correlation (see Figure 2):

Below, we first compute the mean indices for all dimensions. We then investigate the relationship between Agreeableness and Extraction based on the mean scores as well as based on the structural equation model that we estimated earlier (basically the inter-factor correlation in the CFA model). As one can see, the correlation between the latent variables is higher than the correlation between the mean scores.

# Creating Sum Scores
bfi_items <- bfi_items %>%
  mutate(A_i = (A2 + A3 + A4 + A5)/4,
         C_i = (C1 + C2 + C3 + C4 + C5)/5,
         E_i = (E1 + E2 + E3 + E4 + E5)/5,
         O_i = (O1 + O2 + O3 + O5)/4,
         N_i = (N1 + N3 + N4 + N5)/4)

# Correlation between Agreeableness and Extraversion based on the mean scores
corr1 <- cor(bfi_items$A_i, bfi_items$E_i, use = "complete.obs")

# Correlation between true scores extracted from the CFA
corr2 <- parameterEstimates(fit.cfa2, standardized = T) %>% 
  filter(lhs == "Agreeableness", rhs == "Extraversion") %>% 
  select(std.all) %>% 

# Comparison
bind_rows(sumscore = corr1, 
          truescore = corr2)

Where to go next?

Test theory and measurement theory is a wide field. But to get started check out the following books and articles:

  • Beaujean, A. A. (2014). Latent Variable Modeling Using R: A Step-by-Step Guide. Routledge.

  • Bollen, K. A. (1989). Structural Equations with Latent Variables. John Wiley and Sons, Inc.

  • Diamantopoulos, A., Riefler, P., & Roth, K. P. (2008). Advancing formative measurement models. Journal of Business Research, 61(12), 1203–1218.

  • DiStefano C, Zhu, M. & Mîndrila, D. (2009). Understanding and Using Factor Scores: Considerations for the Applied Researcher. Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation, 14(20), 1-11.

  • Maydeu-Olivares, A. & McArdle, J. J. (2005). Contemporary Psychometrics. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.