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62 lines (52 loc) · 1.49 KB

File metadata and controls

62 lines (52 loc) · 1.49 KB


To make contributions to this charm, you'll need a working Juju development setup.


Install Charmcraft and LXD:

sudo snap install --classic charmcraft
sudo snap install lxd
sudo adduser $USER lxd
newgrp lxd
lxd init --auto

Install MicroK8s:

sudo snap install microk8s --channel=1.27-strict/stable
sudo usermod -a -G snap_microk8s $USER
newgrp snap_microk8s
sudo microk8s enable hostpath-storage

Install Juju and bootstrap a controller on the MicroK8S instance:

sudo snap install juju --channel=3.1/stable
juju bootstrap microk8s

Install pip and tox:

sudo apt install python3-pip
python3 -m pip install "tox>=4.0.0"


Activate the virtual environment created by tox for development:

tox --notest -e unit
source .tox/unit/bin/activate


This project uses tox for managing test environments.

There are some pre-configured environments that can be used for linting and formatting code when you're preparing contributions to the charm:

tox -e lint                                             # code style
tox -e static                                           # static analysis
tox -e unit                                             # unit tests
tox -e integration -- --charm_path=PATH_TO_BUILD_CHARM  # integration tests
Integration tests require the charm to be built with `charmcraft pack` first.


Go to the charm directory and run:

charmcraft pack