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bvssvni edited this page Jul 15, 2012 · 16 revisions
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C library for group-oriented programming, created by Sven Nilsen.

I am making this library because group-oriented programming has built-in many advantages that object-oriented programming never will get, such as:

  • Highly reusable code because
  1. you can copy code without adding data structures
  2. the central algorithms you write operates on standard C data types.
  3. no declaration of classes is needed
  4. relies on Boolean algebra and bitstreams for data modelling on the fly
  • Highly portable code, since this library
  1. requires no additional run-time to start
  2. does not depend on external libraries
  3. works great with many programming languages
  4. is tested on multi-platform
  • Highly standardized data format
  1. uses the JSON format to read and save data
  2. excellent for configuration files
  3. allows advanced automaion using piping between programs
  4. allows forward and backward compatibility

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