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Releases: bumptech/glide

Glide 3.7.0

24 Jan 21:44
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Glide 3.7.0 is a minor feature/bugfix release.


  • Add integration library for okhttp3 (#856, #887, #917)
  • Cancel pending requests in the okhttp3 library (#257)


  • Fixed a memory leak loading GIFs (#690, #892)
  • Release all memory when clearMemory() is called (#687, #717)
  • Fix NoSuchMethodError on certain devices (#578)
  • Replace default user agent rather than appending default user agent when addHeader is called (#546)

Glide 3.6.1

28 Jun 21:37
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Glide 3.6.1 is a minor bugfix release of the open source image loading library for Android focused on smooth scrolling.


  • Apply Bitmap transformations to GIFs (#507)
  • Improve handling of webp images on certain platforms by adding default content encoding and user agent headers (#470)

Glide 3.6.0

01 May 20:24
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Glide 3.6.0 is a bugfix and minor feature release of the open source image loading library for Android focused on smooth scrolling.


  • Add simpler DiskCacheFactory implementation (#430, thanks to @Tolriq)
glideBuilder.setDiskCache(new InternalDiskCacheFactory(context, 10 * 1024 * 1024));
// or:
glideBuilder.setDiskCache(new ExternalDiskCacheFactory(context, "cache_dir", 10 * 1024 * 1024));
  • Add a fallback drawable to display for null models (#268)
  • Add a method to ViewTarget to globally set an id to use with setTag
public class FlickrGlideModule implements GlideModule {
    public void applyOptions(Context context, GlideBuilder builder) {
        // Warning: This may cause memory leaks on versions of Android less than 4.0
  • Allow requests to be paused/resumed recursively for Activities and/or Fragments and their child fragments (5210ba8, thanks to Paul)
// And later:
  • Add support for http headers to GlideUrl (fee6ed6, thanks to Ozzie)
// In your ModelLoader:
GlideUrl glideUrl = new GlideUrl("url", new LazyHeaders.Builder()
    .addHeader("key1", "value")
    .addHeader("key2", new LazyHeaderFactory() {
        public String buildHeader() {
            String expensiveAuthHeader = computeExpensiveAuthHeader();
            return expensiveAuthHeader;
  • Add somewhat more robust handling of uncaught exceptions (#435)
  • Add a custom request factory for the Volley integration library (3dcad68, thanks to Jason)



  • Check the response code in OkHttp integration library (#315)
  • Fix a crash mutating SquaringDrawable (#349)
  • Removed an unnecessary anti alias flag in the paint used for default transformations (#366)
  • Fix an NPE when the disk cache directory could not be created (#374)
  • Fix a concurrent modification starting requests when other requests complete/fail (#375)
  • Ensure preload targets are always cleared (#385)
  • Handle reading/skipping less than expected data in ImageHeaderParser (#387)
  • Work around a framework bug decoding webp images from InputStreams by basing available() on the content length (#392)
  • Always obey custom cross fade duration (#398)
  • Work around a framework issue where media store thumbs are not rotated (#400)
  • Fix an NPE in RequestFutureTarget (#401, thanks to @Tolriq)
  • Avoid throwing exceptions when provided invalid resource ids (#413)
  • Improve the error message when asked to load the empty string (#415)
  • Fix a race in DecodeJob's cancel method (#424)
  • Fix a race where downloading the same url twice with difference keys using SOURCE or ALL could cause the load to fail (#427)
  • Fix a calculation error in Downsampler.AT_MOST (#434)
  • Make sure code style in OkHttp library is consistent (#397, thanks to @floating-cat)
  • Fix a bitmap re-use bug during cross fades (a9f80ea)

Glide 3.5.2

22 Feb 19:08
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Glide 3.5.2 is a minor bug fix release.


  • Fix a NPE on ComponentCallbacks (#329)
  • Fix an NPE caused by clearing the BitmapPool (#331)
  • Ensure requests started before the corresponding Fragment or Activity is started always run (#346)
  • Obey Target.ORIGINAL_SIZE when set via override() (#333)
  • Correctly parse JPEG image headers (#334)
  • Add an assertion when using a request builder as a thumbnail for itself (#330)


  • Avoid an unnecessary Bitmap allocation and reference when decoding most GIFs (e85cf30)
  • Increase the BitmapPool hit rate on KitKat and Lollipop when using multiple types of Bitmaps (#335)

Glide 3.5.1

30 Jan 16:19
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Glide 3.5.1 is a bug fix release to fix a critical issue on 2.3 devices.


  • Fix a crash on every request in Android 2.3 (#320)
  • Fix a race condition causing a crash (#322)
  • Fix a logged ClassCastException on the first request (#314)

Glide 3.5.0

25 Jan 22:46
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Glide 3.5 is an incremental release containing a small number of new features and some significant bug fixes.

You can see a complete list of issues in the corresponding milestone.


  • Add GlideModules for simple lazy configuration (#311).
  • Support for an original size (#274):
// You can override a view's size to request the original image:
    .override(Target.SIZE_ORIGINAL, Target.SIZE_ORIGINAL)

// SimpleTarget also now defaults to SIZE_ORIGINAL:
    .into(new SimpleTarget<GlideDrawable>() {
        public void onResourceReady(GlideDrawable drawable, GlideAnimation animation) {
  • Improved ListPreloader API, including an interface allowing different sizes per position thanks to @DavidWiesner (#273)
  • [ALPHA] AppWidget and Notification Target implementations thanks to @pavlospt (#242):
AppWidgetTarget widgetTarget = 
        new AppWidgetTarget(context, remoteViews,, 300, 400,;

  • Override values are passed through to thumbnails (#236).
  • Automatically call trim/clear memory based on ComponentCallbacks (9063f6c).


  • Updated to Robolectric 2.4 thanks to @TWiStErRob (#249).
  • Updated to Android gradle plugin 1.0+ (ba32d32).
  • Added Intellij files for easier development (e34df44)



  • Fixed needlessly copying Bitmaps decoded from data without an EXIF orientation tag (#270).
  • Freed thumbnails eagerly when full loads finish (#237).
  • Fixed a strict mode violation initializing the disk cache on Lollipop (#298).
  • Fixed a NetworkOnMainThread exception in the OkHttp integration library (#257)
  • Calculate sample size correctly thanks to @jisung (#288)


  • Worked around a framework issue in KitKat and Lollipop causing certain types of Bitmaps to render old data (#301).
  • Fixed large BMPs failing to render (#283).
  • Fixed decode failure for images with minimal EXIF segments (#286).
  • Fixed a bug causing shared color filters (#276).


  • Fixed a crash when the Glide singleton is instantiated on a background thread (#295).
  • Fixed a crash when completing loads started or cancelled other loads (#303).
  • Fixed skipMemoryCache not always skipping the memory cache (#258).

Glide 3.4.0

07 Nov 17:20
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Glide 3.4 is an incremental release containing a number of new features and bugfixes. Animated GIFs were a significant focus of this release. We've substantially increased the number of GIFs that can be decoded successfully by our GifDecoder and fixed a variety of smaller issues with rendering and in our decoding pipeline in older versions of Android.

You can also see a complete list of issues in the corresponding milestone.


  • Allow RequestBuilders to be re-used for multiple loads by introducing the .from() and .clone() APIs. These APIs allow users to set options on a request builder once, pass the builder to their adapters, and then start multiple loads with the single builder (#182).
// In your Activity/Fragment
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    DrawableRequestBuilder requestBuilder = 
    mAdapter = new MyAdapter(requestBuilder);

// In your Adapter
public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroupParent parent) {
Glide.setup(new GlideBuilder(context)
  • Add a .preload() API to allow preloading media into memory (#169).
    .preload(width, height);
  • Add a .signature() API to allow users to easily mix in additional data to cache keys, giving users more control over cache invalidation (#178, #179), see the cache invalidation wiki.
    .signature(new StringSignature("Version1"))
  • Add a Glide.preFillBitmapPool() API to allow pre-filling the BitmapPool to avoid jank from allocations after app startup (#93).
    .preFillBitmapPool(new PreFillType.Builder(mySize));
  • Allow recursive calls to thumbnail() to load an arbitrary number of different sized thumbnails for a single Target (#149).
        .override(200, 200)
           .override(50, 50)))
  • Allow thumbnail() to load model and data types that are different than those of the parent (#107).
  • Transformations are now only applied once and no longer have to be idempotent (#112).


  • PMD/Findbugs (#164)
  • Jacoco/Coveralls with 85% test coverage (34f797b).
  • Standard import order (f7a6d65).



  • Avoid allocating large byte arrays in BufferedInputStream (#225).
  • Use downsampled image size when obtaining Bitmaps from the pool (#224).


  • Avoid a crash causing race decoding multiple frames with the same GifDecoder (#212).
  • Always use ARGB_8888 to prevent null GIF frames on some versions of Android that don’t support ARGB_4444 (#216).
  • Fix partially decoded GIF frames (appears as grey or transparent noise in frames) (#207, #204).
  • Set a default frame delay for GIFs which do not specify a frame delay, or specify an overly short frame delay (#205).
  • More robust GIF decoding logic, including a fix for decoding only the first few rows of certain GIFs (#203).
  • Allow fade in/cross fade animations by ensuring that the first frame of GIFs is decoded before the GIF is returned (#159).
  • Fix GIFs always appearing transparent pre KitKat (#199).


  • Fix a memory leak when Glide is first called in an Activity (#210).


  • Fix underdraw in FitCenter causing noise along the sides of certain images (#195).
  • Maintain transparency during bitmap transformations (#156).


  • Fixed Drawables being cached only be integer resource id which can change and/or overlap after subsequent compilations (#172).


  • Fix failure to detect certain types of file Uris (#161).


  • Fix concurrency bugs resulting in incorrect assertions being thrown when loads were started on multiple threads (#191, #181).
  • Fix BitmapRequestBuilder not setting the decode format on the cache decoder when format() is called (#187).
  • Fix an assertion in ViewTarget related to restarting requests (#167).
  • Fix Glide.with() throwing pre Honeycomb when given non-support Activities (#158).
  • Avoid using Closeable interface when loading ParcelFileDescriptors on 4.1.1 or earlier (#157).
  • Fix an NPE in Bitmap#getAllocationByteCount() due to a framework bug in the initial release of KitKat (#148).

3.3.1 release

14 Sep 23:17
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A bugfix release containing fixes for a number of bugs, a new sample app, and some code cleanup.



  • Fixes for double checked locking in singleton initialization: #115
  • Recursive entry to executePendingTransactions IllegalStateException: #117
  • Allow parsing of GIFs without Graphic Control Extensions before each frame: #134
  • Fixed restarting cancelled requests in onResume and/or connection changes: #128

Drawing issues:

  • Images disappearing after calls to setAlpha() or setColorFilter(): #118
  • Fixed images sometimes appearing skewed on Android 4.1.x: #129
  • Fixed transparent bitmaps sometimes being drawn on top of old content when re-using bitmaps: #131

Network issues:

  • Failing to follow http -> https redirects using the default HttpUrlFetcher: #119
  • Failing to load images at urls that use accent marks or special characters: #133
  • Better error handling for SocketTimeOutExceptions while decoding images using the default HttpUrlFetcher: #126


Thanks to @TWiStErRob we've also:

  • Added SVG sample app demonstrating how to load custom resources with Glide (incubating feature).
  • Eliminated unused interfaces when loading custom resource types.
  • Cleaned up and reduced some duplication across the codebase.
  • Cleaned up a variety of test assertions.

3.3.0 Release

02 Sep 00:36
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First release of the 3.3.0 branch.

2.0.5 Release

19 Jun 14:38
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Fixes an issue where view dimensions weren't measured quickly enough causing images to fail to load.
Fixes an issue where loads for invalid Uris would throw exceptions instead of failing.