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Quick Model References

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Model term Definition Equation notation
n.PA number of blobs for both time periods (time1 and time2) $n_{PA}$
i index identifying blobs $i \text{ where } i \in 1:n_{PA}$
y.PA[i] presence (1) or absence (0) value in each i-th blob (overlapping surveys' area), can be for time1 or time2 $y_{PA_i}$
X.PA design matrix including vector of 1s (for intercept) and all the covariates and spline bases for each blob, for both time periods $\mathbf{X_{PA}}$
area.PA[i] area of i-th blob in meters for both time periods $area_{PA_i}$
effort[i] sampling effort for i-th blob in the given period for both time periods $effort_{PA_i}$
n.PO number of grid-cells for both time periods concatenated (time1 and time2) $n_{PO}$
j index identifying grid cells $j \text{ where } j \in j:n_{PO}$
n.PO.half number of grid-cells for one time period $n_{PO/2}$
y.PO[j] count of observed points in j-th grid-cell, can be for time1 or time2 $y_{PO_j}$
X.PO design matrix including vector of 1s (for intercept) and all the covariates and spline bases for each grid-cell for both time periods $\mathbf{X_{PO}}$
area.PO[j] area of each grid-cell in meters for both time periods $area_{PO_j}$
acce[j] accessibility from urban areas based on travel time for j-th grid-cell for both time periods $acce_j$
country[j] country name for j-th grid-cell for both time periods $country_j$
n.X total number of columns in X (`X.PA` or `X.PO`) $n_X$
n.cntr total number of countries $n_{cntr}$
c index identifying countries $c \text{ where } c \in 1:n_{cntr}$
n.par number of parameters considered (intercept and covariates) $n_{par}$
r index identifying parameters $r \text{ where } r \in 1:n_{par}$
n.fac number of factors of time in X (`X.PA` or `X.PO`) $n_{fac}$
f index identifying factors $f \text{ where } f \in 1:n_{fac}$
n.spl number of spline bases functions in in X (`X.PA` or `X.PO`) $n_{spl}$
S.time1 spline values for the first time period (time1) $S_{time1}$
S.time2 spline values for the second time period (time2) $S_{time2}$
Z a vector of zeros (0) of the length of the splines $Z$
sigma.time1 variance of splines for the first time period (time1) $\sigma_{time1}$
sigma.time2 variance of splines for the second time period (time2) $\sigma_{time2}$
b vector of parametric effects of covariates driving the point process intensity (it also includes an intercept) $b_r \in \mathbf{b}$
alpha0 intercept of the thinning process in the presence-only data $\alpha_0$
alhpa1 slope -steepness- of the thinning process in the presence-only data (decaying distance~P.ret relationship) $\alpha_1$
beta coefficient of the effect of sampling effort in the presence-absence data $\beta$
gamma prior for splines smoothing parameter $\gamma$
eta.PA linear predictor for presence-absence data $\mathbf{\eta_{PA}}$
eta.PA[i] expected presence-absence for the i-th blob $\eta_{PA_i}$
eta.PO linear predictor for presence-only data $\mathbf{\eta_{PO}}$
eta.PO[j] expected count points for the j-th grid-cell $\eta_{PO_j}$
psi[i] blob-specific probability of presence $\psi_i$
P.ret[j] cell-specific probability of retaining (observing) a point as a function of accessibility and country of origin $P_{ret_j}$
nu[j] true mean number of points per grid-cell (the true intensity) $\nu_j$
lambda[j] thinning of the true intensity $\lambda_j$
eta.pred linear predictor for the predicted probability of occurrence $\mathbf{\eta_{pred}}$
eta.pred[j] predicted count points for the j-th grid-cell $\eta_{pred_j}$
P.pred[j] predicted probability of occurrence for the j-th grid-cell $P_{pred_j}$
A.time1 range area in the first time period (time1) $A_{time1}$
A.time2 range area in the second time period (time2) $A_{time2}$
delta.A temporal change of range area (time2-time1) $\Delta A$