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File metadata and controls

75 lines (48 loc) · 3.31 KB

We're ready now to use the Scala spark application to process our downloaded data files.

Let's start!

Step 1. Bring the jar you just built into a top-level location.

In the VM run:

cd /vagrant.

Move the fat jar into the /vagrant working directory. Let's give it a shorter name too.

mv scala_spark/build/libs/song_plays-1.0.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar song_plays.jar

CHECKPOINT: If you run ls in the working directory you should see at least the following items.

luigi_tasks  scala_spark  song_plays.jar

Also, running echo $PYTHONPATH should still show just luigi_tasks.

Step 2. Launch the Spark luigi task again.

Let's retry the Spark luigi task that failed from the early step.

luigi --module song_plays_tasks DatasetGen --date 2019-02-08 --local-scheduler

You should see the Spark submit command print to the console and wait for a little while it runs.

spark-submit --master local --deploy-mode client --class --driver-memory 1g --executor-memory 2g --driver-cores 1 --executor-cores 1 --num-executors 1 song_plays.jar --day 2019-02-08 --minrows 100 --listeners_path data/listeners/listeners.snappy.parquet --spins_path data/spins/2019/02/08/spins.snappy.parquet --dataset_out_path data/output/2019/02/08/dataset --analysis_out_path data/output/2019/02/08/counts_by_zip_sub

CHECKPOINT: By the time the process finishes you should see Luigi output :). This means Spark successfully created the output directories and wrote _SUCCESS files to them, which meants all the partition output was successfully written.

Now in the last step we'll inspect the output files to see what they look like.

Step 3. Take a look at the output you worked so hard to produce.

  1. From the same location you ran step 2, run the command zcat data/output/2019/02/08/dataset/part*

You should see output similar in structure to the below, although not necessarily in the same order.

fake_listener_id	fake_artist_id	artist_name	fake_track_id	track_title	date_time	elapsed_seconds	play_source	age	gender	subscription_type	country	fake_zipcode
53	245237	2 Chainz	895745	Bff	2019-02-08T06:05:56.000-05:00	250	Autoplay	65+	Unknown	Plus	US	95101
82	245237	2 Chainz	690793	Starter Kit (feat. Young Dolph)	2019-02-08T05:46:51.000-05:00	166	All Artist Tracks	18-25	F	Family	US	25537
43	552933	Machel Montano	932803	Blazin' D Trail	2019-02-08T03:52:32.000-05:00	277	Playlist	18-25	M	Plus	US	87654
60	27915	Animosity	523051	Terror Storm	2019-02-08T00:51:37.000-05:00	228	Playlist	40-55	M	PremiumUS	92794
59	394231	Blackmill	201155	Spirit of Life	2019-02-08T19:40:22.000-05:00	295	Thumbed Down Track	40-55	M	Ad-supported	US	84255
  1. Run zcat data/output/2019/02/08/counts_by_zip_sub/part*

You should see output similar to the below.

fake_zipcode	subscription_type	spins
10138	Premium	48
11489	Family	44
12138	Premium	41
14273	Ad-supported	40
14303	Ad-supported	43

Note: If you want to see the validation code you wrote in action, you can delete the contents under data/output and rerun the above luigi command with an additional parameter: --minrows 10000000. You'll see the Spark application throw an exception and Luigi show :(.

You have successfully completed this workshop!

Make sure you exit out of the VM SSH session and run vagrant halt to turn off the VirtualBox VM.