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Releases: backstage/backstage


21 Feb 13:43
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This release fixes an issue with the @backstage/plugin-auth-backend package, in particular the providerInfo not being set properly for some proxy providers.


20 Feb 13:46
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These are the release notes for the v1.23.0 release of Backstage.

A huge thanks to the whole team of maintainers and contributors as well as the amazing Backstage Community for the hard work in getting this release developed and done.


Auth module migrations

Several more auth providers have been migrated to be implemented as standalone modules, adding support for them in the new backend system. The migrated providers are microsoft, oidc, and aws-alb. If you detect any issues, please reach out on Discord or open an issue.


We’ve removed the last of the legacy exports from /alpha. Please open an issue if there’s a reason why you still need to use them.

If you’re using the New Backend System and the Scaffolder plugin, the built in modules have been trimmed down, so you’ll need to install other modules in order to pull in additional actions. You can read more in the migration guide

New Module: @backstage/plugin-scaffolder-backend-module-gitea

Provides actions to the Scaffolder for creating repositories and pushing to Gitea. Thanks to @cmoulliard!

New Modules: @backstage/plugin-scaffolder-backend-module-bitbucket-cloud and @backstage/plugin-scaffolder-backend-module-bitbucket-server

Thanks to @pjungermann’s work, we’ve now broken apart the BitBucket module into two separate modules to provide different actions to support the different BitBucket offerings.

This change also deprecates the original @backstage/plugin-scaffolder-backend-module-bitbucket, so if you’re using the new Backend System we encourage you to move towards using these new modules instead.

New lint rule to forbid top-level MUI imports

The @backstage/eslint-rules package now provides the @backstage/no-top-level-material-ui-4-imports rule that forbids imports such as import { Box } from '@material-ui/core'. This rule is currently disabled by default and needs to be manually enabled in .eslintrc.js:

module.exports = require('@backstage/cli/config/eslint-factory')(__dirname, {
  rules: {
    '@backstage/no-top-level-material-ui-4-imports': 'error',

Automatic package repository fields

The backstage-cli repo fix command will now update the repository fields in all workspace packages, as long as the root package.json has the repository field set.

Kubernetes cluster name uniqueness check

The Kubernetes plugin now enforces the policy of all configured clusters having unique names. The backend will now fail to start if that is not the case.

Auth backend SAML provider dependency switch

The implementation of the SAML provider in the auth backend is now based on @node-saml/passport-saml instead of the deprecated passport-saml package. This is a breaking change since the audience configuration is now mandatory, and the wantAuthnResponseSigned and wantAssertionsSigned options are enabled by default but possible to configure.

Update repo-tools OpenAPI commands structure

The schema openapi commands of the @backstage/repo-tools package have been restructured. They are now divided into package schema openapi and repo schema openapi commands. For a more detailed list of changes, see the changelog of the repo-tools changelog.

Gerrit integration now requires Gitiles

When integrating a Gerrit instance with Backstage it is now required to have the Gitiles plugin installed in Gerrit. This allowed the Backstage integration to use a richer set of APIs, rather than interacting only over the git protocol.

This behavior can be temporarily disabled via setting DISABLE_GERRIT_GITILES_REQUIREMENT=1 in the environment. This flag will be removed in a future release, so if you depend on this behavior please open an issue.

Security Fixes

This release contains an improvement to the default backend error handling middleware that will filter out some known error types that should never be returned in client responses.

Links and References

Below you can find a list of links and references to help you learn about and start using this new release.

Sign up for our newsletter if you want to be informed about what is happening in the world of Backstage.


13 Feb 15:33
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v1.23.0-next.3 Pre-release


06 Feb 16:42
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v1.23.0-next.2 Pre-release


31 Jan 11:10
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v1.23.0-next.1 Pre-release


25 Jan 11:35
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This release fixes an issue where the Azure URL Reader failed with wildcard paths.


23 Jan 15:48
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v1.23.0-next.0 Pre-release


18 Jan 21:24
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This release upgrades the @backstage/create-app template to use React 18, which improves compatibility with a few dependencies.


16 Jan 13:50
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These are the release notes for the v1.22.0 release of Backstage.

A huge thanks to the whole team of maintainers and contributors as well as the amazing Backstage Community for the hard work in getting this release developed and done.


Updates to new frontend system

There have been several updates to alpha packages in the new frontend system including a breaking change where the app/router extension was renamed to app/root. Furthermore elements, wrappers, and router were added as inputs to app/root making it possible to pass extensions into the root of the app.

Plugins and modules migrated to the New Backend System

Some more features have been migrated to the new backend system:

  • @backstage/plugin-auth-backend-module-microsoft-provider
  • @backstage/plugin-auth-backend-module-pinniped-provider
  • @backstage/plugin-catalog-backend-module-openapi
  • @backstage/plugin-events-backend-module-azure
  • @backstage/plugin-events-backend-module-bitbucket-cloud
  • @backstage/plugin-events-backend-module-gerrit
  • @backstage/plugin-linguist

New plugin: App Visualizer

This release includes the new @backstage/plugin-app-visualizer package. This plugin for the new frontend system lets you browse and view the extension structure of your app as a graph, detailed list, or in text form.

New feature: Dynamic Feature Service

This release includes the new @backstage/backend-dynamic-feature-service package.
It is a new and experimental service that lets you dynamically detect and load local plugins and modules in your Backstage instance.

Contributed by @davidfestal in #18862

New Scaffolder action gitlab:issues:create

You can now create GitHub issues in your scaffolder flows! Contributed by @elaine-mattos in #21929

New Scaffolder action gitlab:repo:push

You can now push raw branches to GitLab in your scaffolder flows! Contributed by @gavlyukovskiy in #21977

Security Fixes

This release does not contain any security fixes.

However, some updates were made to the build facilities in the CLI and the caches in the backend system, such that you can now perform builds on FIPS compliant systems. This may lead to some internal cache invalidation happening, since the hashing algorithms used were updated. This should not pose a problem unless caches were being used as reliable persistent storage systems. Please let us know if you encounter any issues that may be related to this.

Upgrade path

We recommend that you keep your Backstage project up to date with this latest release. For more guidance on how to upgrade, check out the documentation for keeping Backstage updated.

Links and References

Below you can find a list of links and references to help you learn about and start using this new release.

Sign up for our newsletter if you want to be informed about what is happening in the world of Backstage.


09 Jan 23:57
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v1.22.0-next.2 Pre-release