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[FAQ] Integration of KSP Gradle Plugin and Quarkus Plugin Causes Build Task Failed #353

Answered by ArgonarioD
ArgonarioD asked this question in Q&A
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应对方案 Workaround


解除 quarkusGenerateCodequarkusGenerateCodeDev 两个 Task 对于 processResources Task 的依赖,即可解除循环依赖。将下面这段代码加入到 build.gradle.kts 中。

Removing the dependency of the quarkusGenerateCode and quarkusGenerateCodeDev tasks on the processResources task will resolve the circular dependency. Add the following code into build.gradle.kts.

project.afterEvaluate {
    getTasksByName("quarkusGenerateCode", true).forEach { task ->
        task.setDependsOn(task.dependsOn.filterIsInstance<Provider<Task>>().filter { it.get().name != "processResources" })
    getTasksByName("quarkusGenerateCodeDev", true).forEach { task ->

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