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b45ch1 edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 21 revisions

For simplicity use ~/workspace/PyCPPAD as root folder where everything gets installed.
You can adapt this path to fit your needs.

  1. Download PyCppAD
  2. extract files to ~/workspace/PyCPPAD
  3. go to the folder cppad-20081128 and do:
    ./configure --prefix=~/workspace/PyCPPAD

    you should now have the following folders:
  4. cd ~/workspace/PyCPPAD and modifify the SConstruct file. Change LIBS, LIBPATH, INCLUDEPATH to fit your system.
    You shouldn’t have to change anything else.
  5. call scons (scons works much the same as make. make automatically reads Makefile and scons automatically reads SConstruct)

If everything worked out, you should should have now the following file

Easy example
change directory to ~/workspace/PyCPPAD/examples and run

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