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File metadata and controls

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Technologies used

This document describes the major technologies used in this project.


IOTA provides an open source, quantum proof, feeless and scalable distributed ledger aimed at IOT devices called the IOTA Tangle.

For more information on IOTA, see the White Paper and the IOTA Foundation.


IOTA Masked Authenticated Messaging (MAM) is an IXI (extensible interface) module on top of the IOTA Tangle. MAM provides the ability to publish and fetch encrypted messages over the IOTA Tangle. MAM provides data integrity and access control. There are three types of MAM message streams:


Someone stumbling upon the MAM stream can view the messages by decrypting it with the address. For public information broadcasted like a radio.


Messages are not decryptable with the address. Only someone who knows the root can decrypt the messages. For private communication between devices.


Messages are private (a listener must know the root to be able to decrypt it) but also encrypted with a side key. A listener much know the root and side key to be able to decrypt the messages. This can be used to revoke access to a listener.

The JavaScript client can be found at mam.client.js. For more information on MAM, see Introducing Masked Authenticated Messaging.


When using restricted or private MAM between two parties first a key exchange needs to take place. The root (in private) and root and side key (restricted) of the MAM channel needs to be communicated. To exchange keys in a quantum proof way we use the quantum proof asymmetric encryption of NTRUEncrypt. The MAM root and side key are encrypted with the public key.

The idea to use NTRUEncrypt for IOTA and generate key pairs from an IOTA seed is based on the CHIOTA healthcare chat application.

NTRU consists of NTRUEncrypt for asymmetric encryption and NTRUSign for digital signatures. This project uses NTRUEncrypt for assymetric encryption. NTRUEncrypt is asymmetric encryption that is assumed to be quantum proof. NTRU stands for Nth Degree Truncated Polynomial Ring. This refers to the underlying calculation that needs to be done for decryption and encryption. This is assumed to be difficult and quantum computing safe. Variants of NTRU exists for which it is proven to be quantum proof (for example Stehle-Steinfeld).

Compared to RSA, NTRU is faster and uses less memory. NTRU keys are longer.

Roughly 111 characters can be encoded over one IOTA message before the limit is reached that fits in one IOTA message.

For more information about NTRUEncrypt, see: NTRUEncrypt Wikipedia's page. For more information on using NTRU with IOTA see NTRU Key Exchange for IOTA.

The library used in this project is ntrujs.

Event sourcing

Besides the NTRU encryption (which needs to be done on the backend, it can probably also work on the frontend but I am not sure if that is a good idea) the only backend used are IOTA MAM channels. My Home has an MAM channel as backend, and the Device (once paired) listens to this same MAM channel. On My Home's MAM channel events (JSON data structures with a type) are published (types like AUTHORIZED, AUTHORIZATION_REVOKED, DEVICE_ADDED, DEVICE_REMOVED). My Home uses a user's MAM channel to show a user's current policies and authorizations, and the device can determine what service providers are authorized and need to be able to fetch data (and thus receive the root and side key).

The idea of event sourcing is that a sequence of immutable events forms the basis of application state. By looking at the events in a certain way an application can build its state. For example, if in My Home consent management UI a device is added an event of type DEVICE_ADDED is published to its private MAM stream. If My Home wants to know what devices are available it creates a so-called devices aggregate: we sequentially look at every event int its private MAM event stream, and add a device for every DEVICE_ADDED event, and remove it for DEVICE_DELETED events in the toDevices method:

 * Creates the devices aggregate from the MAM event stream.
 * @function toDevices
 * @param {array} messages JSON messages from an MAM event stream
 * @returns {array} Array of devices (device is object with address and type)
function toDevices(messages) {
  const devicesSet = messages.reduce((devices, { type, device }) => {
    switch (type) {
        return devices.add(device);
        return devices;
        return devices;
  }, new JsonSet()); // A type of set that does deep comparisons, so that similar structured objects are equal
  const devices = Array.from(devicesSet.entries());
  return devices;

This way we get a list of available devices on the frontend. In a similar manner policies are determined. And the software on the Raspberry Pi builds it application state after being paired from the same event store.


IRMA (I Reveal My Attributes) can be used for the identification layer. How can someone proof that he or she lives on a certain address without releaving any other information?

IRMA provides a decentralized solution for this where cryptographically verifiable attributes are stored on the phone.

For more information about IRMA, see: Privacy by Design Foundation: About IRMA

Sovrin is a similar solution in the same space, see: