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Link Benchmark Articles

To link the articles of a benchmark with a single linker configuration, use the script

python3 <experiment_name> -l <linker_name> -b <benchmark_name>

The linking results will be written to evaluation-results/<linker_name>/<adjusted_experiment_name>.<benchmark_name>.linked_articles.jsonl where <adjusted_experiment_name> is <experiment_name> in lowercase and characters other than [a-z0-9-] replaced by _.

Properties specific to the selected linker such as confidence thresholds, model paths, etc. are read from the linker's config file at configs/<linker_name>.config.json.

Additionally, this will create a file evaluation-results/<linker_name>/<adjusted_experiment_name>.<benchmark_name>.metadata.jsonl that contains metadata information such as an experiment description and the experiment name that will be displayed in the evaluation webapp. The description can be specified using the -desc argument. Per default, the description from the linker's config file is used. You can also simply adjust the description and experiment name in the metadata file at any time.

For a list of entity linkers included in ELEVANT, see Included Linkers.

Use Existing Linking Results

If you already have linking results for a certain benchmark that you want to evaluate with ELEVANT, you can use the script to convert your linking results into the JSONL format used by us. This works if the text of the benchmark you linked corresponds to the text of one of the benchmarks in the benchmarks directory and if your linking results are in one of the following formats:

  • NLP Interchange Format (NIF)
  • a very simple JSONL format
  • Ambiverse output format

Each of these formats is explained in the following sections.

If you don't want to use any of the supported formats you can write your own prediction reader, as explained in section Writing a Custom Prediction Reader.

The script call to convert linking results into our format is

python3 <experiment_name> -pfile <path_to_linking_results> -pformat <linking_results_format> -pname <linker_name> -b <benchmark_name>

The converted linking results will be written to evaluation-results/<adjusted_linker_name>/<adjusted_experiment_name>.<benchmark_name>.linked_articles.jsonl where <adjusted_linker_name> and <adjusted_experiment_name> are lowercased versions of <linker_name> and <experiment_name> with characters other than [a-z0-9-] replaced by _. If the -pname option is omitted, <adjusted_linker_name> is unknown_linker.

Linking Results in NIF

If you have linking results for a certain benchmark in NIF format, use -pformat nif in the script call described above, i.e.

python3 <experiment_name> -pfile <path_to_linking_results> -pformat nif -pname <linker_name> -b <benchmark_name>

Your linking results file should look something like this:

@prefix itsrdf: <> .
@prefix nif: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .

<,87> a nif:Context,
    nif:OffsetBasedString ;
nif:beginIndex "0"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;
nif:endIndex "87"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;
nif:isString "Angelina, her father Jon, and her partner Brad never played together in the same movie." .

<> a nif:OffsetBasedString,
        nif:Phrase ;
    nif:anchorOf "Brad" ;
    nif:beginIndex "42"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;
    nif:endIndex "46"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;
    nif:referenceContext <,87> ;
    itsrdf:taIdentRef <> .
  • Entity identifiers can be either from Wikidata, Wikipedia or DBpedia.
  • <path_to_linking_results> can be the path to a single NIF file that contains all benchmark articles and the predicted links or the path to a directory that contains multiple such NIF files.

The NIF prediction reader is implemented here.

Linking Results in a Simple JSONL Format

If you have linking results for a certain benchmark in a very simple JSONL format as described below, use -pformat simple-jsonl in the script call described above, i.e.

python3 <experiment_name> -pfile <path_to_linking_results> -pformat simple-jsonl -pname <linker_name> -b <benchmark_name>

The file <path_to_linking_results> should contain one line per benchmark article. The order of the predictions should correspond to the article order of the benchmark in the benchmarks directory. The linking results file should look something like this:

{"predictions": [{"entity_reference": "Angelina Jolie", "start_char": 0, "end_char": 8}, {"entity_reference": "Jon Stewart", "start_char": 21, "end_char": 24}, {"entity_reference": "Brad Paisley", "start_char": 42, "end_char": 46}]}
{"predictions": [{"entity_reference": "Heidi", "start_char": 0, "end_char": 5}, {"entity_reference": "Las Vegas", "start_char": 35, "end_char": 40}]}
  • entity_reference is a reference to the predicted entity in one of the knowledge bases [Wikidata, Wikipedia , DBpedia]. The reference is either a complete link to the entity (e.g. "") or just the Wikidata QID / Wikipedia title / DBpedia title. Note however, if no complete link is given the knowledge base is inferred from the format of the entity reference and predicted Wikipedia titles that match the regular expression Q[0-9]+ will be interpreted as Wikidata QIDs.
  • start_char is the character offset of the start of the mention (including) within the article text
  • end_char is the character offset of the end of the mention (excluding) within the article text

The simple JSONL prediction reader is implemented here.

Linking Results in Ambiverse Output Format

If you have linking results for a certain benchmark in the Ambiverse output format, use -pformat ambiverse in the script call described above, i.e.

python3 <experiment_name> -pfile <path_to_linking_results> -pformat ambiverse -pname <linker_name> -b <benchmark_name>

<path_to_linking_results> should be the path to a directory that contain files with linking results for one benchmark article per file. When sorting the files by file name, the order should correspond to the article order of the benchmark in the benchmarks directory. Your linking result files should look something like this:

         "text":"Red Planet",

The Ambiverse prediction reader is implemented here.

Writing a Custom Prediction Reader

As an alternative to converting your predictions into one of the formats mentioned above, you can write your own prediction reader, such that you can use your prediction files with the script directly. This requires three steps. Note: Make sure you perform the following steps outside of the docker container, otherwise your changes will be lost when exiting the container.:

  1. Implement a prediction reader in src/prediction_readers/ that inherits from src.prediction_readers.abstract_prediction_reader.AbstractPredictionReader. You must either implement the predictions_iterator() method or the get_predictions_with_text_from_file() method.

    Implement predictions_iterator() if you are sure that the order in which the predictions are read corresponds to the article order in the benchmark. Set predictions_iterator_implemented = True when calling super().__init__(). See here for an example.

    Implement get_predictions_with_text_from_file() if you are not sure that the order in which the predictions are read corresponds to the article order in the benchmark and the prediction file contains the original article texts. Set predictions_iterator_implemented = False when calling super().__init__(). See here for an example.

  2. Add your custom prediction reader name to the src.linkers.linkers.PredictionFormats enum, e.g. MY_FORMAT = "my_format".

  3. In src.linkers.linking_system.LinkingSystem._initialize_linker add an elif case in which you load necessary mappings (if any) and initialize the LinkingSystem's prediction_reader. This could look something like this:

     elif linker_type == Linkers.MY_FORMAT.value:
         self.load_missing_mappings({MappingName.WIKIPEDIA_WIKIDATA, MappingName.REDIRECTS})
         self.prediction_reader = MyCustomPredictionReader(prediction_file, self.entity_db)

    where prediction_file is the path to the prediction file. The load_missing_mappings() line is necessary if you predict Wikipedia entities and therefore have to convert them to Wikidata entities. The mappings are loaded into self.entity_db. You can then get a Wikidata QID from a Wikipedia title by calling

     qid = self.entity_db.link2id(wikipedia_title)

You can then convert your linking results into our JSONL format by running

python3 <experiment_name> -pfile <path_to_linking_results> -pformat my_format -pname <linker_name> -b <benchmark_name>

Link Multiple Benchmarks with Multiple Linkers

You can provide multiple benchmark names to link all of them at once with the specified linker. E.g.

python3 baseline -l baseline -b kore50 msnbc spotlight

will link the KORE50, MSNBC and DBpedia Spotlight benchmarks using the baseline entity linker. This saves a lot of time in comparison to calling separately for each benchmark, since a lot of the time is needed to load entity information which only has to be done once per call.

You can use the Makefile to link multiple benchmarks using multiple linkers with one command.

To link all benchmarks specified in the Makefile's BENCHMARK_NAMES variable using all linking systems specified in the Makefile's LINKING_SYSTEMS variable run

make link_benchmarks

You can examine or adjust each system's exact linking arguments in the Makefile's link_benchmark target if needed.

Convert Linking Results of Multiple Systems for Multiple Benchmarks

You can use the Makefile to convert the linking results of multiple systems for multiple benchmarks with one command.

To convert the results for all benchmarks specified in the Makefile's BENCHMARK_NAMES variable for all systems specified in the Makefile's PREDICTIONS variable run

make convert_predictions

You can examine or adjust each system's linking results path and other linking arguments in the Makefile's convert_benchmark_predictions target. Note that the linking results for the systems under PREDICTIONS need to be created first and stored at a path that can then be passed to as linker argument. See the READMEs in the neural-el or wikifier directories for more information.