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This repository has been archived by the owner on Aug 2, 2021. It is now read-only.

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19 lines (11 loc) · 887 Bytes

File metadata and controls

19 lines (11 loc) · 887 Bytes


The WARG Custom Autopilot for fixed wing, vtol, and multirotor aircraft on PIC processors.

For details on the project, check out the docs.

Check out the Introduction section if you are getting started.

For the schematic and PCB, check out GrabCAD.


The PICpilot uses Doxygen to generate automatic API documentation of the code. You document code with special code blocks /** **/.

If you'd like to generate the documentation, you can run the script (preferably under linux). Make sure to actually install the doxygen and graphviz package first.

Click here to view generated API docs