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Virtualized Scala Reference

Adriaan Moors edited this page Oct 10, 2011 · 27 revisions

The virtualized version of the Scala compiler allows implementers of domain-specific languages to reuse as much of Scala (the host language) as possible (its syntax, type system, module system,...), without sacrificing efficient execution of the domain program. The latter is enabled by what we call "language virtualization": Scala's built-in constructs are exposed as method definitions that can be overridden by the DSL implementer in order to construct a representation of the programs written in the DSL (the "domain programs").

Concretely, an expression such as if(c) a else b is translated into a method call __ifThenElse(c, a, b). By providing its own implementation of this method, the DSL can have it generate an AST for this part of the domain program, which can thus further be inspected by the DSL implementation. When no alternative implementation is provided, the if-then-else has its standard Scala semantics.

For example, we could change if to prints it condition and return the then-branch, discarding the else-branch:

scala> def __ifThenElse[T](cond: => Boolean, thenp: => T, elsep: => T): T = {println("if: "+cond); thenp}
__ifThenElse: [T](cond: => Boolean, thenp: => T, elsep: => T)T

scala> if(false) 1 else 2  // virtualized to `__ifThenElse(false, 1, 2)`
if: false
res0: Int = 1

Virtualized built-ins

Besides if, the following control structures and built-ins (left column) are virtualized into method calls (right column):

if (c) a else b __ifThenElse(c, a, b)
while(c) b __whileDo(c, b)
do b while(c) __doWhile(b, c)
var x = i val x = __newVar(i)
x = a __assign(x, a)
return a __return(a)
a == b __equal(a, b)
a == (b_1,..., b_n) __equal(a, b_1, ..., b_n)

These methods are defined as follows (in EmbeddedControls):

def __ifThenElse[T](cond: => Boolean, thenp: => T, elsep: => T): T
def __whileDo(cond: Boolean, body: Unit): Unit
def __doWhile(body: Unit, cond: Boolean): Unit
def __newVar[T](init: T): T
def __assign[T](lhs: T, rhs: T): Unit
def __return(expr: Any): Nothing
def __equal(expr1: Any, expr2: Any): Boolean

Since Predef inherits EmbeddedControls, these methods are visible everywhere. You can either shadow them by defining a synonymous method, or override them by inheriting EmbeddedControls.

Virtualized new (row types)

So far, these rewrites were pretty straightforward and purely syntactic. Here's a more involved one that is type-directed:

new C{val x_i: T_i = v_i} __new( ("x_i", (self_i: R) => v'_i) )

(Note: the subscripted index _i d

enotes implicit repetition of the smallest syntax tree that encompasses the subtrees subscripted by the same index.)

There's no definition of __new in

EmbeddedControls, as its signature would be too unwieldy.

Virtualisation is not performed unles s there exists a type constructor Rep, so that C is a subtype of Row[Rep],

where the marker trait Row is def

ined in EmbeddedControls:


Furthermore, for all i,


  • there must be some T'_i so th
at T_i = Rep[T'_i] -- or, if that previous equality is not unifiable, T_i = T'_i
  • v'_i results from retyping ``
v_iwith expected typeRep[T'_i]``,

after replacing this by a fre

sh variable self_i (with type Rep[C{ val x_i: T'_i }], abbreviated as R)

Finally, the call ``__new(("x_i", (se

lf_i: R) => v'_i))must type check with expected typeR. If this is the case, thenew`` expression is replaced by this method call.

This assumes there is a method in sco

pe whose definition conforms to: def __new[T](args: (String, Rep[T] => Rep[_])*): Rep[T].

============== ==================== ========================================
e.x_i ``e.selectDynamic[T _i]("x_i")``

When a selection e.x_i does not type check according to the normal typing rules, and e has type Rep[C{ val x_i: T_i }] (for some Rep and where C and the refinement meet the criteria outlined above), e.x_i is turned into e.selectDynamic[T_i]("x_i"). Note the T_i type argument: by defining selectDynamic appropriately, the DSL can provide type safe selection on rows. No type argument will be supplied when the field's type cannot be determined (i.e., it's not in the row's refinement).

TransparentProxy (being reworked)

Another type-directed rewrite is intended to provide pimp-my-library functionality without the overhead of creating wrapper objects.

It's currently being revised, but here's the rewrite it should perform:, ..., v_n) __forward(x, "foo", v_1, ..., v_n)
type TransparentProxy[+T]
def __forward[A,B,C](self: TransparentProxy[A], method: String, x: TransparentProxy[B]*): TransparentProxy[C]