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END OF DEVELOPMENT NOTICE - This gem has been discontinued

A bunch of useful Alfred 2 workflows.


Preparation of the environment

Users of MacOSX Mavericks

On OSX Mountain Lion (10.9), the default Ruby version is 2.0.0, so no additional steps are required.

Users of MacOSX Mountain Lion and older

On OSX Mountain Lion (10.8) and older, the default Ruby version is 1.8.7.

This version is really older and no longer maintained. Pincerna requires at least Ruby 1.9 and works on 2.0 too.

The scripts support using rvm for loading a new Ruby version. To install, check its documentation. In short, it should resolv to these steps:

\curl -L | sudo bash -s stable
rvm install [1.9.3|2.0.0]
rvm use [1.9.3|2.0.0] --default

Installation of the gem and the workflow

From the terminal:

gem i pincerna
pincernad install


From the terminal:

pincernad uninstall
gem uni pincerna

Then remove the workflow from Alfred settings.


Pincerna supports many shortcut which will save your work. Here's the comprehensive list.

Unit conversion

Thanks to the ruby-units gem, you can convert values between units.

The recognized syntaxes are:

  • convert 123 $FROM_UNIT to $TO_UNIT
  • c 123.45 $FROM_UNIT to $TO_UNIT

to can be omitted. Actioning on the result will copy the result to the clipboard.

If with rate is appended, also the conversion rate will be copied as well.

If split units is appended, the value in feet will be shown in X ft Y in form, pounds (lbs) or ounces (oz) will be shown in X lbs Y oz form.


  • convert 123.45 m to m
  • c 123 kg oz with rate split units

Currency conversion

Thanks to the rate-exchange API, you can convert values between currencies.

The recognized syntaxes are:

  • currency 123 $FROM_CURRENCY to $TO_CURRENCY
  • cc 123.45 $FROM_CURRENCY to $TO_CURRENCY

to can be omitted. Actioning on the result will copy the result to the clipboard.

If with rate is appended, also the conversion rate will be copied as well.


  • currency 123.45 EUR to USD
  • cc 123 EUR JPY with rate
  • cc 123 € $ with rate

Translation with Google Translate

You can translate words or sentences between languages using Google Translate.

The recognized syntax is:


to can be omitted. Actioning on the result will copy the first result to the clipboard.

$FROM_LANGUAGE can also be omitted as well, will default to en.


  • translate it to en Ciao mondo
  • t it en Ciao mondo
  • t it Hello

View location in Google Maps

You can view locations on Google Maps.

The recognized syntax is:

  • map $LOCATION

Actioning on the result will open the location in Google Maps on the default browser.


  • map Campobasso, Italy
  • m San Mateo, CA
  • m 12.34,56.78

Yahoo! Weather Forecast

You can view the current weather condition and tomorrow's forecast on Yahoo! Weather.

The recognized syntax is:

  • forecast $LOCATION

The location can be a name or a WOEID. Actioning on the result will open the forecast in Yahoo! Weather on the default browser.


  • forecast San Mateo
  • forecast 2406170

Fetch the list of local and public IP

You can view the list of all IP address of the current machine, including the public IP (thanks to Both IPv4 and IPv6 are supported.

The recognized syntax is:


$INTERFACE is optional and it is only used to filter results (use public to get only the public IP).

Actioning on the results will copy the IP on the clipboard.


  • ip
  • ip Ethernet
  • ip lo0
  • ip public

Connect or disconnect from VPNs

You can connect or disconnect from your VPNs.

The recognized syntax is:

  • vpn $NAME

$NAME is optional and it is only used to filter results.


  • vpn
  • vpn Office

Open Chrome, Firefox or Safari bookmarks

You can search and open your Chrome, Firefox or Safari bookmarks and open in the respective browsers.

The recognized syntax is:

  • bc $NAME for Chrome
  • bs $NAME for Safari
  • bf $NAME for Firefox

$NAME is optional and it is only used to filter results.


  • bc Google
  • bf Google
  • bs Google

Actioning on the results will open the bookmark in the browser. Note that this won't use the default browser but the one the bookmarks belongs to.

API Documentation

The API documentation can be found here.

Contributing to pincerna

  • Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn't been implemented or the bug hasn't been fixed yet.
  • Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn't requested it and/or contributed it.
  • Fork the project.
  • Start a feature/bugfix branch.
  • Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution.
  • Make sure to add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
  • Please try not to mess with the Rakefile, version, or history. If you want to have your own version, or is otherwise necessary, that is fine, but please isolate to its own commit so I can cherry-pick around it.


Copyright (C) 2013 and above Shogun (

Licensed under the MIT license, which can be found at

The icons used are by the Cold Fusion HD set by chrisbanks2.