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Getting started

Wayne edited this page Nov 27, 2018 · 9 revisions


Use Build.cmd under DataBase folder to create the database if you are using Microsoft SQL Server 2008+

MySql: Use Dump.sql under DataBase/MySql folder to create datebase.

SQLite: Database file under DataBase/SQLite folder.

More details


You can use Visual Studio 2017 15.3+ or Visual Studio Code to build the application. The Build.cmd can help you to build the application without IDE, but .Net Core SDK is required.

Visual Studio 2017

Open solution with visual studio at first time, do Build Solution is required, you can press F6 or Ctrl + Shift + B to build the solution. If you run the application immediately, there will throw some exception because plugins have not be compiled.

Visual Studio Code

Press Ctrl + Shift + B to build the solution.


After build the application you can run it by Run.cmd, then view the web site by http://localhost:5000.

Press F5 or Ctrl + F5 to debug/run the application in visual studio. Can use IIS Express or ZKEACMS.WebHost to host the application.


Just use Publish.cmd on windows or on Linux to publish the application or use the command line to publish.

dotnet tool install -g ZKEACMS.Publisher