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STAT540 - Seminar 9: Unsupervised learning


Contributors: Gabriela Cohen Freue, Jasleen Grewal, Keegan Korthauer, Alice Zhu


This seminar will explore some aspects of unsupervised learning in high-dimensional biology: dimension reduction and clustering.

Learning objectives

By the end of this tutorial, you should be able to:

  • Differentiate between sample-wise clustering and gene-wise clustering, and identify when either may be appropriate

  • Differentiate between agglomerative hierarchical clustering and partition clustering methods like K-means

  • Outline the methods used to determine an optimal number of clusters in K-means clustering

  • Undertake dimensionality reduction using PCA

  • Appreciate the differences between PCA and t-SNE

  • Recognize that the t-SNE approach is an intricate process requiring parametrization

  • Add cluster annotations to t-SNE visualizations of a dataset

  • Understand some of the limitations of the clustering methods, PCA, and t-SNE


In this seminar we’ll explore clustering genes and samples using Affymetrix microarray data characterizing the gene expression profile of nebulin knockout mice. This data was made available by Li F et al. (2015), with the GEO accession number GSE70213. Here’s a bit of background info on nebulin and the rationale of the study (quoted from the GEO entry):

Nebulin is a giant filamentous protein that is coextensive with the actin filaments of the skeletal muscle sarcomere. Nebulin mutations are the main cause of nemaline myopathy (NEM), with typical NEM adult patients having low expression of nebulin, yet the roles of nebulin in adult muscle remain poorly understood. To establish nebulin’s functional roles in adult muscle we performed studies on a novel conditional nebulin KO (Neb cKO) mouse model in which nebulin deletion was driven by the muscle creatine kinase (MCK) promotor. Neb cKO mice are born with high nebulin levels in their skeletal muscle but within weeks after birth nebulin expression rapidly falls to barely detectable levels Surprisingly, a large fraction of the mice survives to adulthood with low nebulin levels (<5% of control), contain nemaline rods, and undergo fiber-type switching towards oxidative types. These microarrays investigate the changes in gene expression when nebulin is deficient.

There are two genotypes in the study - the wildtype mice, and the nebulin knockout mice. We will compare the results of different clustering algorithms on the data, evaluate the effect of filtering/feature selection on the clusters, and lastly, try to assess if different attributes help explain the clusters we see.

Load data and packages

Install & load required libraries

The following code chunk will load required libraries. If you don’t already have these installed, you’ll first need to install them (recommended way is to use BiocManager::install("packageName")).

## Warning: package 'pvclust' was built under R version 4.3.3
## Warning: package 'pheatmap' was built under R version 4.3.2
## Warning: package 'matrixStats' was built under R version 4.3.2
## Warning: package 'Rtsne' was built under R version 4.3.3
theme_set(theme_bw()) # prettier ggplot plots 

Download and read the data into R

As we’ve done for several past seminars, we will be downloading in the data using the GEOquery library. This lets us read in the expression data and phenotypic (meta) data using its GEO accession ID.

# Get geo object that contains our data and phenotype information  
geo_obj <- getGEO("GSE70213", getGPL = FALSE)
## Found 1 file(s)

## GSE70213_series_matrix.txt.gz
geo_obj <- geo_obj[[1]]

## ExpressionSet (storageMode: lockedEnvironment)
## assayData: 35557 features, 24 samples 
##   element names: exprs 
## protocolData: none
## phenoData
##   sampleNames: GSM1720833 GSM1720834 ... GSM1720856 (24 total)
##   varLabels: title geo_accession ... tissue:ch1 (39 total)
##   varMetadata: labelDescription
## featureData: none
## experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
##   pubMedIds: 26123491 
## Annotation: GPL6246

Note: Sometimes you might get an error like Error in download.file..cannot download all files.
This happens when R cannot connect to the NCBI ftp servers from linux systems. Try setting the ‘download.file.method’ to the ‘curl’ option to fix this.

options('download.file.method' = 'curl')

We have read in the data as an ExpressionSet object, with 35557 features (probes/genes), and 24 samples. Recall that the expression values are found in the exprs slot. Now, we’ll do some reformatting of the phenotypic (meta) data that is found in the pData(geo_obj) slot. Specifically, we’ll keep only relevant columns, rename them to something more convenient (since by default they are named “characteristics_ch#”, and the specific characteristic is encoded in the values), and change categorical variables to factors.

# keep only relevant columns
pData(geo_obj) <- pData(geo_obj) %>%
  select(organism_ch1, title, contains("characteristics"))
## 'data.frame':    24 obs. of  6 variables:
##  $ organism_ch1         : chr  "Mus musculus" "Mus musculus" "Mus musculus" "Mus musculus" ...
##  $ title                : chr  "quad-control-1" "quad-control-2" "quad-control-3" "quad-control-4" ...
##  $ characteristics_ch1  : chr  "tissue: quadriceps" "tissue: quadriceps" "tissue: quadriceps" "tissue: quadriceps" ...
##  $ characteristics_ch1.1: chr  "genotype: control" "genotype: control" "genotype: control" "genotype: control" ...
##  $ characteristics_ch1.2: chr  "Sex: male" "Sex: male" "Sex: male" "Sex: male" ...
##  $ characteristics_ch1.3: chr  "age: 41 days old" "age: 41 days old" "age: 41 days old" "age: 41 days old" ...
# Clean up covariate data
pData(geo_obj) <- pData(geo_obj) %>%
  rename(organism = organism_ch1,
         sample_name = title) %>%
  mutate(tissue = factor(gsub("tissue: ", "", characteristics_ch1)),
         genotype = factor(gsub("genotype: ", "",characteristics_ch1.1)),
         sex = factor(gsub("Sex: ", "",characteristics_ch1.2)),
         age = gsub("age: ", "",characteristics_ch1.3)) %>%
rownames(pData(geo_obj)) <- colnames(exprs(geo_obj))

##                organism    sample_name     tissue genotype  sex         age
## GSM1720833 Mus musculus quad-control-1 quadriceps  control male 41 days old
## GSM1720834 Mus musculus quad-control-2 quadriceps  control male 41 days old
## GSM1720835 Mus musculus quad-control-3 quadriceps  control male 41 days old
## GSM1720836 Mus musculus quad-control-4 quadriceps  control male 41 days old
## GSM1720837 Mus musculus quad-control-5 quadriceps  control male 42 days old
## GSM1720838 Mus musculus quad-control-6 quadriceps  control male 40 days old

Exploratory analysis

Let us take a look at our expression values.

GSM1720833 GSM1720834 GSM1720835 GSM1720836 GSM1720837
10338001 2041.408000 2200.861000 2323.760000 3216.263000 2362.775000
10338002 63.780590 65.084380 58.308200 75.861450 66.956050
10338003 635.390400 687.393600 756.004000 1181.929000 759.099800
10338004 251.566800 316.997300 320.513200 592.806000 359.152500
10338005 2.808835 2.966376 2.985357 3.352954 3.155735
10338006 3.573085 3.816430 3.815323 4.690040 3.862684
## [1] 35557    24

If we look in the meta data slot (pData), we should have 1 row corresponding to each sample.

organism sample_name tissue genotype sex age
GSM1720833 Mus musculus quad-control-1 quadriceps control male 41 days old
GSM1720834 Mus musculus quad-control-2 quadriceps control male 41 days old
GSM1720835 Mus musculus quad-control-3 quadriceps control male 41 days old
GSM1720836 Mus musculus quad-control-4 quadriceps control male 41 days old
GSM1720837 Mus musculus quad-control-5 quadriceps control male 42 days old
GSM1720838 Mus musculus quad-control-6 quadriceps control male 40 days old
## [1] 24  6

Now let us see how the gene values are spread across our dataset, with a frequency histogram (using base R).

hist(exprs(geo_obj), col="gray", main="GSE70213 - Histogram")

It appears a lot of genes have values < 1000. What happens if we plot the frequency distribution after Log2 transformation?

Why might it be useful to log transform the data, prior to making any comparisons?

hist(log2(exprs(geo_obj)+1), col="gray", main="GSE70213 log transformed - Histogram")

We’ll go ahead and work with the log2-transformed data for the remainder of the analyses. Note that we actually don’t have any zeroes, so there’s no need to add a pseudo count.

## [1] 1.762702
exprs(geo_obj) <- log2(exprs(geo_obj))

Finally, we’ll center and scale the rows in our expression matrix, since we’re not interested in absolute differences in expression between genes at the moment. This additional step will make visualization easier later. Essentially, for each gene we will subtract its mean, and divide by its standard deviation (the same as z-scores). Note that the scale function we will use to do this by default operates on columns so we need to transpose with t() before and after using it in order to center and the scale rows.

Since we still want to keep our original expression data, we’ll put this in a separate matrix. Note that although one can do this step within the pheatmap() function, it will not be available for other functions we will use.

# row means and variances before scaling
##  10338001  10338002  10338003  10338004  10338005  10338006 
## 11.027001  5.781680  9.303747  8.078106  1.546001  1.859040
##    10338001    10338002    10338003    10338004    10338005    10338006 
## 0.045129680 0.048330346 0.087031589 0.147846847 0.005240254 0.009708631
expr_scaled <- t(scale(t(exprs(geo_obj))))

# row means and variances after scaling
##      10338001      10338002      10338003      10338004      10338005 
## -3.489107e-15 -1.098658e-17 -2.006641e-15  1.811340e-15 -9.014780e-16 
##      10338006 
##  2.856511e-16
## 10338001 10338002 10338003 10338004 10338005 10338006 
##        1        1        1        1        1        1

Aside: Note that the row means after scaling aren’t exactly zero - this is due to limitations in floating point arithmetic used by the underlying numerical software. The values are so close to zero that for all practical purposes, they are zero. You might run into this apparent ‘bug’ in other R calculations, but it usually isn’t a problem unless you’re adding up many of these ‘errors’, or if you’re using a function like identical(), which will say that these values are not identical to zero:

identical(rowMeans(head(expr_scaled))[1], 0)
## [1] FALSE

Moving on… the data for each row – which is for one probeset – now has mean 0 and variance 1.

Now, let us try and consider how the various samples cluster across all our genes. We will then try and do some feature selection, and see the effect it has on the clustering of the samples. We will use the metadata to annotate our clusters and identify interesting clusters. The second part of our analysis will focus on clustering the genes across all our samples.

Sample Clustering

In this section, we will use samples as objects to be clustered using gene attributes (i.e., each sample is a vector variable of dimension ~35K).
First we will cluster the data using agglomerative hierarchical clustering. Here, the partitions can be visualized using a dendrogram at various levels of granularity. We do not need to input the number of clusters, in this approach. Then, we will find various clustering solutions using partitional clustering methods, specifically K-means and partition around medoids (PAM). Here, the partitions are independent of each other, and the number of clusters is given as an input. As an exercise, you will pick a specific number of clusters, and compare the sample memberships in these clusters across the various clustering methods.

Part I: Hierarchical Clustering

Hierarchical clustering for mice knockout data

In this section we will illustrate different hierarchical clustering methods.

However, for most expression data applications, we suggest you should:

  • standardize the data
  • use Euclidean as the “distance” (so it’s just like Pearson correlation)
  • use “average linkage”

First, we’ll compute the distance with dist - the default distance metric is euclidean. Note that we need to transpose the data with t since dist computes distances between rows (and our samples are in columns). The result is a distance object with all the pairwise euclidean distances between samples.

# compute pairwise distances
pr.dis <- dist(t(expr_scaled), method = 'euclidean')
##  'dist' num [1:276] 205 214 322 225 257 ...
##  - attr(*, "Size")= int 24
##  - attr(*, "Labels")= chr [1:24] "GSM1720833" "GSM1720834" "GSM1720835" "GSM1720836" ...
##  - attr(*, "Diag")= logi FALSE
##  - attr(*, "Upper")= logi FALSE
##  - attr(*, "method")= chr "euclidean"
##  - attr(*, "call")= language dist(x = t(expr_scaled), method = "euclidean")

Now, we’ll compute hierarchical clustering using hclust using 4 different linkage types, and plot them. Check out ?hclust to learn more about these settings. We set some plotting options to reduce the margins, and to arrange the plots 2 by 2.

pr.hc.s <- hclust(pr.dis, method = 'single')
pr.hc.c <- hclust(pr.dis, method = 'complete')
pr.hc.a <- hclust(pr.dis, method = 'average')
pr.hc.w <- hclust(pr.dis, method = 'ward.D')

# plot them
op <- par(mar = c(0,4,4,2), mfrow = c(2,2))

plot(pr.hc.s, labels = FALSE, main = "Single", xlab = "")
plot(pr.hc.c, labels = FALSE, main = "Complete", xlab = "")
plot(pr.hc.a, labels = FALSE, main = "Average", xlab = "")
plot(pr.hc.w, labels = FALSE, main = "Ward", xlab = "")


We can look at the trees that are output from different clustering algorithms. However, it can also be visually helpful to identify what sorts of trends in the data are associated with these clusters. We can look at this output using heatmaps. We will be using the pheatmap package for this purpose.

Recall that when you call pheatmap(), it automatically performs hierarchical clustering for you and it reorders the rows and/or columns of the data accordingly. Both the reordering and the dendrograms can be suppressed with cluster_rows = FALSE and/or cluster_cols = FALSE.

Note that when you have a lot of genes, the tree is pretty ugly. Thus, we’ll suppress row clustering for now since we are plotting all genes.

By default, pheatmap() uses the hclust() function, which takes a distance matrix, calculated by the dist() function (with default = 'euclidean'). However, you can also write your own clustering and distance functions. In the examples below, I used hclust() with ward.D2 linkage method and the euclidean distance.

Note that the dendrogram in the top margin of the heatmap is the same as that of the hclust() function

# set pheatmap clustering parameters
clust_dist_col = "euclidean" 
clust_method = "ward.D2"
clust_scale = "none"

## the annotation option uses the covariate object (pData(geo_obj)). It must have the same rownames, as the colnames in our data object (expr_scaled).  

         cluster_rows = FALSE, 
         scale = clust_scale, 
         clustering_method = clust_method, 
         clustering_distance_cols = clust_dist_col, 
         show_colnames = TRUE, show_rownames = FALSE,  
         main = "Clustering heatmap for GSE70213", 
         annotation = pData(geo_obj)[,c("tissue","genotype")])

Exercise (not marked): Play with the options of the pheatmap function (i.e. select different clustering_method, clustering_distance_cols, scale options - see ?pheatmap for available options) and compare the different heatmaps. Note that one can also use the original data exprs(geo_obj) and set the option scale = "row". You will get the same heatmaps although the columns may be ordered slightly differently as you can flip the bottom level of a dendrogram and it will still represent identical hierarchical clustering (use cluster_cols = FALSE to suppress reordering).

# Your code here

We can also change the colours of the different covariates.

## We can change the colours of the covariates  
var1 = c("darkblue","darkred")
names(var1) = levels(pData(geo_obj)$tissue)
var2 = c("grey","black")
names(var2) = levels(pData(geo_obj)$genotype)
covar_color = list(tissue = var1, genotype = var2)

my_heatmap_obj = pheatmap(expr_scaled, 
                          cluster_rows = FALSE, 
                          scale = clust_scale, 
                          clustering_method = clust_method, 
                          clustering_distance_cols = clust_dist_col, 
                          show_rownames = FALSE, 
                          main = "Clustering heatmap for GSE70213",
                          annotation = pData(geo_obj)[,c("tissue","genotype")], 
                          annotation_colors = covar_color)

We can also get clusters from our pheatmap object. We will use the cutree function to extract the clusters. Note that we can do this for samples (look at the tree_col) or for genes (look at the tree_row). Note that we are literally cutting the tree by drawing a horizontal line either at a particular height (the h parameter in cutree), or at the height that gives us k clusters (the k parameter in cutree). Here we’ll obtain a clustering with 10 clusters.

cluster_samples = cutree(my_heatmap_obj$tree_col, k = 10)
GSM1720833 1
GSM1720834 1
GSM1720835 1
GSM1720836 2
GSM1720837 3
GSM1720838 4
GSM1720839 5
GSM1720840 5
GSM1720841 6
GSM1720842 5
GSM1720843 5
GSM1720844 5
GSM1720845 7
GSM1720846 8
GSM1720847 8
GSM1720848 8
GSM1720849 8
GSM1720850 9
GSM1720851 10
GSM1720852 10
GSM1720853 10
GSM1720854 10
GSM1720855 10
GSM1720856 10

Note you can do this with the base hclust method too, as shown here. We are using one of the hclust objects we defined earlier in this document. Let’s plot the dendrogram and highlight the 10 clusters.

# identify 10 clusters
op <- par(mar = c(1,4,4,1))
plot(pr.hc.w, labels = pData(geo_obj)$grp, cex = 0.6, main = "Ward, 10 clusters", xlab = "" )
rect.hclust(pr.hc.w, k = 10)


We could save the heatmap we made to a PDF file for reference. Remember to define the filename properly as the file will be saved relative to where you are running the script in your directory structure.

# Save the heatmap to a PDF file
pdf ("GSE70213_Heatmap.pdf")

Part II: Parametric and Alternative Non-Parametric Clustering with PCA and t-SNE

Partitioning methods for mice knockout data

As we saw in the previous section, we can build clusters bottom-up from our data, via agglomerative hierarchical clustering. This method produces a dendrogram. As a different algorithmic approach, we can pre-determine the number of clusters (k), iteratively pick different ‘cluster representatives’, called centroids, and assign the closest remaining samples to it, until the solution converges to stable clusters. This way, we can find the best way to divide the data into the k clusters in this top-down clustering approach.

The centroids can be determined in different ways, as covered in lecture. We will be covering two approaches, k-means (implemented in kmeans function), and k-medoids (implemented in the pam function).

Note that the results depend on the initial values (randomly generated) to create the first k clusters. In order to get robust results, you may need to set many initial points (see the parameter nstart). You could also set a random seed to ensure the same results each time (but this won’t guarantee robustness).

K-means clustering

Keep in mind that k-means makes certain assumptions about the data that may not always hold:

  • Variance of distribution of each variable (in our case, genes) is spherical
  • All variables have the same variance
  • A prior probability that all k clusters have the same number of members

Often, we have to try different ‘k’ values before we identify the most suitable k-means decomposition. We can look at the mutual information loss as clusters increase in count, to determine the number of clusters to use.

Here we’ll just do a k-means clustering with k=5 of samples using all genes (~35K). Note again that we have to transpose our expression matrix so our samples are in rows since kmeans operates on rows.

#Objects in columns
k <- 5 <- kmeans(t(expr_scaled), centers = k, nstart =  50)

#We can look at the within sum of squares of each cluster$withinss
## [1]      0.00 125694.08  94760.68 105507.14 110026.69
#We can look at the composition of each cluster
pr.kmTable <- data.frame(tissue = pData(geo_obj)$tissue, 
                         genotype = pData(geo_obj)$genotype, 
                         cluster =$cluster)
tissue genotype cluster
GSM1720833 quadriceps control 4
GSM1720834 quadriceps control 4
GSM1720835 quadriceps control 4
GSM1720836 quadriceps control 1
GSM1720837 quadriceps control 4
GSM1720838 quadriceps control 4
GSM1720839 quadriceps nebulin KO 5
GSM1720840 quadriceps nebulin KO 5
GSM1720841 quadriceps nebulin KO 5
GSM1720842 quadriceps nebulin KO 5
GSM1720843 quadriceps nebulin KO 5
GSM1720844 quadriceps nebulin KO 5
GSM1720845 soleus control 2
GSM1720846 soleus control 2
GSM1720847 soleus control 2
GSM1720848 soleus control 2
GSM1720849 soleus control 2
GSM1720850 soleus control 2
GSM1720851 soleus nebulin KO 3
GSM1720852 soleus nebulin KO 3
GSM1720853 soleus nebulin KO 3
GSM1720854 soleus nebulin KO 3
GSM1720855 soleus nebulin KO 3
GSM1720856 soleus nebulin KO 3

An aside on set.seed(): If you are using methods that require random number generation (like kmeans), you should consider setting a seed when finalizing an analysis. The reason is that your results might come out slightly different each time you run it. To ensure that you can exactly reproduce the results later, you should set the seed (and record what you set it to). Of course if your results are highly sensitive to the choice of seed, that indicates a problem. In the case above, we’re just choosing genes for an exercise so it doesn’t matter, but setting the seed makes sure all students are looking at the same genes.

Exercise (not marked): Repeat the analysis using a different seed and check if you get the same clusters.

# Your code here

PAM algorithm

In K-medoids clustering, K representative objects (medoids) are chosen as cluster centers and objects are assigned to the center (medoid = cluster) with which they have minimum dissimilarity (Kaufman and Rousseeuw, 1990).
Nice features of partitioning around medoids (PAM) are: (a) it accepts a dissimilarity (distance) matrix (use diss = TRUE) (b) it is more robust to outliers as the centroids of the clusters are data objects, unlike k-means

Here we run PAM with k = 5.

pr.pam <- pam(pr.dis, k = 4)
pr.pamTable <- data.frame(tissue = pData(geo_obj)$tissue, 
                          genotype = pData(geo_obj)$genotype,
                          cluster = pr.pam$clustering)
tissue genotype cluster
GSM1720833 quadriceps control 1
GSM1720834 quadriceps control 1
GSM1720835 quadriceps control 1
GSM1720836 quadriceps control 1
GSM1720837 quadriceps control 1
GSM1720838 quadriceps control 2
GSM1720839 quadriceps nebulin KO 2
GSM1720840 quadriceps nebulin KO 2
GSM1720841 quadriceps nebulin KO 2
GSM1720842 quadriceps nebulin KO 2
GSM1720843 quadriceps nebulin KO 2
GSM1720844 quadriceps nebulin KO 2
GSM1720845 soleus control 3
GSM1720846 soleus control 4
GSM1720847 soleus control 4
GSM1720848 soleus control 4
GSM1720849 soleus control 4
GSM1720850 soleus control 4
GSM1720851 soleus nebulin KO 3
GSM1720852 soleus nebulin KO 3
GSM1720853 soleus nebulin KO 3
GSM1720854 soleus nebulin KO 3
GSM1720855 soleus nebulin KO 3
GSM1720856 soleus nebulin KO 3

Additional information on the PAM result is available through summary(pr.pam)

We will now determine the optimal number of clusters in this experiment, by looking at the average silhouette value. This is a statistic introduced in the PAM algorithm, which lets us identify a suitable k.

The silhouette plot The cluster package contains the function silhouette() that compares the minimum average dissimilarity (distance) of each object to other clusters with the average dissimilarity to objects in its own cluster. The resulting measure is called the “width of each object’s silhouette”. A value close to 1 indicates that the object is similar to objects in its cluster compared to those in other clusters. Thus, the average of all objects silhouette widths gives an indication of how well the clusters are defined.

op <- par(mar = c(5,1,4,4))
plot(pr.pam, main = "Silhouette Plot for 5 clusters")


Exercise (not marked):

  1. Draw a plot with number of clusters in the x-axis and the average silhouette widths in the y-axis. Use the information obtained to determine if 5 was the best choice for the number of clusters.
# Your code here
  1. For a common choice of $k$, compare the clustering across different methods, e.g. hierarchical (pruned to specific $k$, obviously), k-means, PAM. You will re-discover the “label switching problem” for yourself. How does that manifest itself? How concordant are the clusterings for different methods?
# Your code here

Gene clustering

A different view at the data can be obtained from clustering genes instead of samples. Since clustering genes is slow when you have a lot of genes, for the sake of time we will work with a smaller subset of genes.

In many cases, analysts use cluster analysis to illustrate the results of a differential expression analysis. Sample clustering on differentially expressed genes will unsurprisingly show the separation of the groups specified in the DE analysis. Thus, as it was mentioned in lectures, we need to be careful in over-interpreting these kind of results (‘double-dipping’ the data). However, note that it is valid to perform a gene clustering to see if differential expressed genes cluster according to their function, subcellular localizations, pathways, etc.

A smaller dataset

In Seminar 5: Differential Expression Analysis, you learned how to use limma to fit a common linear model to a very large number of genes. Here well will fit an additive model and identify genes that show differential expression between nebulin KO and wildtype (control).

cutoff <-  1e-05
dsFit <- lmFit(exprs(geo_obj), 
               model.matrix(~ tissue + genotype, pData(geo_obj)))
dsEbFit <- eBayes(dsFit)
dsHits <- topTable(dsEbFit,
                   coef = c("genotypenebulin KO"),
                   p.value = cutoff, n = Inf)
## [1] 1221
topGenes <- rownames(dsHits)

We start by using different clustering algorithms to cluster the top 1221 genes that showed differential expression across the different developmental stage (BH adjusted p value < 10^{-5}).

Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering

We can plot the heatmap using the pheatmap function. Notice how the rows are now clustered.

pheatmap(exprs(geo_obj)[topGenes, ],
         scale = "row", 
         clustering_method = "average", 
         annotation = pData(geo_obj)[,c("tissue","genotype")], 
         show_rownames = FALSE)

Or we can plot the dendrogram of genes using the plot function, after we have made the hclust object.

geneC.dis <- dist(expr_scaled[topGenes,], method = 'euclidean')

geneC.hc.a <- hclust(geneC.dis, method = 'average')

plot(geneC.hc.a, labels = FALSE, main = "Hierarchical with Average Linkage", xlab = "")

As you can see, when there are lots of objects to cluster, the dendrograms are in general not very informative as it is difficult to identify any interesting pattern in the data.

Partitioning Methods

The most interesting thing to look at is the cluster centers (basically the “prototype” for the cluster) and membership sizes. Then we can try to visualize the genes that are in each cluster.

Let’s visualize a cluster (remember the data were rescaled) using line plots. This makes sense since we also want to be able to see the cluster center.

k <- 5
kmeans.genes <- kmeans(expr_scaled[topGenes,], centers = k)

# choose which cluster we want
clusterNum <- 2

df.centers <- data.frame(relexpr = kmeans.genes$centers[clusterNum, ],
                         sample = colnames(geo_obj),
                         genotype = pData(geo_obj)$genotype) 
df.genes <- data.frame(expr_scaled[topGenes,][kmeans.genes$cluster == clusterNum, ]) %>% 
  mutate(probe = topGenes[kmeans.genes$cluster == clusterNum]) %>%
  pivot_longer(values_to = "relexpr", names_to = "sample", cols = -probe)

ggplot() +
  geom_line(data = df.genes, 
            aes(x = sample, y = relexpr, group = probe),
            alpha = 0.2, linetype = "dashed", colour = "grey") +
  geom_line(data = df.centers,
            aes(x = sample, y = relexpr), group = 1) +
  geom_point(data = df.centers,
            aes(x = sample, y = relexpr, colour = genotype)) +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90)) +
  ylab("Relative expression")

Evaluating clusters

Choosing the right k

As mentioned in lecture, we need to find a balance between accurately grouping similar data into one representative cluster and the “cost” of adding additional clusters. Sometimes we don’t have any prior knowledge to tell us how many clusters there are supposed to be in our data. In this case, we can use Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) and Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) to help us to choose a proper k.

First, we calculate the AIC for each choice of k. We are clustering the samples in this example:


k_max  <-  10  # the max number of clusters to explore clustering with 
km_fit  <-  list() # create empty list to store the kmeans object

for (i in 1:k_max){
  k_cluster  <-  kmeans(t(expr_scaled),centers=i, nstart =50)
  km_fit[[i]]  <-  k_cluster

# function calculate AIC
km_AIC  <-  function(km_cluster){
  m  <-  ncol(km_cluster$centers)
  n  <-  length(km_cluster$cluster)
  k  <-  nrow(km_cluster$centers)
  D  <-  km_cluster$tot.withinss
  return(D + 2*m*k)

# calculate AIC with our new function
aic <- sapply(km_fit, km_AIC)

Then, we plot the AIC vs. the number of clusters. We want to choose the k value that corresponds to the elbow point on the AIC/BIC curve.

plot(seq(1,k_max), aic, 
     xlab = "Number of clusters",
     ylab = "AIC",
     pch = 20, cex = 2, main = "Clustering Samples" )

Same for BIC

# calculate BIC
km_BIC  <-  function(km_cluster){
  m  <-  ncol(km_cluster$centers)
  n  <-  length(km_cluster$cluster)
  k  <-  nrow(km_cluster$centers)
  D  <-  km_cluster$tot.withinss
  return(D + log(n)*m*k)

bic <- sapply(km_fit,km_BIC)
plot(seq(1,k_max), bic, 
     xlab = "Number of clusters",
     ylab = "BIC",
     pch = 20, cex = 2, main="Clustering Samples" )

Can you eyeball the optimal ‘k’ by looking at these plots?

The code for the section “Choosing the right k” is based on Towers’ blog and this thread

Statistical methods

An important issue for clustering is the question of certainty of the cluster membership. Clustering always gives you an answer, even if there aren’t really any underlying clusters. There are many ways to address this. Here we introduce an approachable one offered in R, pvclust, an R package for assessing the uncertainty in hierarchical clustering.

Important: pvclust clusters the columns. I don’t recommend doing this for genes (rows)! The computation will take a very long time. Even the following example with all 30K genes would take some time to run.

You control how many bootstrap iterations pvclust does with the nboot parameter. We’ve also noted that pvclust causes problems on some machines, so if you have trouble with it, it’s not critical.

Unlike picking the right clusters in the partition based methods (like k-means and PAM), here we are identifying the most stable clustering arising from hierarchichal clustering.

pvc <- pvclust(expr_scaled[topGenes,], nboot = 100)
## Bootstrap (r = 0.5)... Done.
## Bootstrap (r = 0.6)... Done.
## Bootstrap (r = 0.7)... Done.
## Bootstrap (r = 0.8)... Done.
## Bootstrap (r = 0.9)... Done.
## Bootstrap (r = 1.0)... Done.
## Bootstrap (r = 1.1)... Done.
## Bootstrap (r = 1.2)... Done.
## Bootstrap (r = 1.3)... Done.
## Bootstrap (r = 1.4)... Done.
plot(pvc, labels = pData(geo_obj)$grp, cex = 0.6)
pvrect(pvc, alpha = 0.95) 

Here, values at branches are AU (approximately unbiased) p-values * 100 (left), and BP (bootstrap p) values * 100 (right). The p-value of a cluster is a value between 0 and 1, which indicates how strong the cluster is supported by data. You can read more here.

Dimension (feature) reduction

There are various ways to reduce the number of features (variables) being used in our clustering analyses. One option is to subset the number of variables (genes) based on variance, calculated using the limma package (choosing genes with the highest shrunken gene-specific variance). This way, we remove genes that are uninteresting since they don’t vary much across samples.

PCA plots

Another way we can reduce the number of features is using PCA (principal components analysis). PCA assumes that the most important characteristics of our data are the ones with the largest variance. Furthermore, it takes our data and organizes it in such a way that redundancy is removed as the most important variables are listed first. The new variables will be linear combinations of the original variables, with different weights.

In R, we can use prcomp() to do PCA. You can also use svd().

Make sure to set scale and center to FALSE if you input already scaled data (by default center is set to TRUE).

CAUTION:prcomp’s centering and scaling is done on columns so you need to transpose the data if you want to center and scale in prcomp.

pcs <- prcomp(t(exprs(geo_obj)), center = TRUE, scale = TRUE)

# scree plot

# append the rotations for the first 10 PCs to the phenodata
prinComp <- cbind(pData(geo_obj), pcs$x[rownames(pData(geo_obj)), 1:10]) 

# scatter plot showing us how the first few PCs relate to covariates
plot(prinComp[ ,c("genotype", "tissue", "PC1", "PC2", "PC3")], pch = 19, cex = 0.8)

Right away, you might be wondering wait, should I run prcomp on my data with genes in rows, or genes in columns? That’s a great question, since above we mentioned that, in particular, if you want to use the centering and scaling feature in prcomp the genes must be in columns. But, you could run it on already centered/scaled data where the genes are in rows. It turns out that running svd on the data matrix where samples are columns is exactly equivalent to svd on the data matrix where the samples are rows, if no centering has been done. It’s just that now, the meaning of the U and V matrices are swapped:

svd1 <- svd(t(exprs(geo_obj)))
svd2 <- svd(exprs(geo_obj))

all.equal(svd1$d, svd2$d)
## [1] TRUE
all.equal(svd1$u[,1], svd2$v[,1])
## [1] TRUE
all.equal(svd1$v[,1], svd2$u[,1])
## [1] TRUE

In terms of prcomp, it is the rotation and x matrices that are swapped, although the equivalence with PCs is up to a scaling and rotation. So, though it is convention to perform PCA with features (genes) in columns for comparing samples, you can do it the other way around (if you’re careful to make sure it is the genes that are being centered/scaled) and achieve equivalent results up to a scaling/rotation of the values of the PCs. Also note that if instead you’re looking to find axes of variation of genes (instead of samples), as in SVA, then the scaling/centering should be done on samples instead. For more details, see lecture notes and this section of Irizarry’s Genomics Class online book.

OK, on with our analysis. What does the sample spread look like, as explained by their first 2 principal components?

plot(prinComp[ ,c("PC1","PC2")],  pch = 21, cex = 1.5)

Is the covariate tissue localized in the different clusters we see?

plot(prinComp[ ,c("PC1","PC2")], bg = pData(geo_obj)$tissue, pch = 21, cex = 1.5)
legend(list(x = 100, y = 150), as.character(levels(pData(geo_obj)$tissue)),
       pch = 21, = c(1,2,3,4,5))

Is the covariate genotype localized in the different clusters we see?

plot(prinComp[ ,c("PC1","PC2")], bg = pData(geo_obj)$genotype, pch = 21, cex = 1.5)
legend(list(x = 100, y = 150), as.character(levels(pData(geo_obj)$genotype)),
       pch = 21, = c(1,2,3,4,5))

PCA is a useful initial means of analysing any hidden structures in your data. We can also use it to determine how many sources of variance are important, and how the different features interact to produce these sources.

First, let us first assess how much of the total variance is captured by each principal component.

# Get the subset of PCs that capture the most variance in your predictors  
## Importance of components:
##                            PC1     PC2      PC3      PC4      PC5      PC6
## Standard deviation     83.9529 75.4320 58.56178 50.43800 40.20507 36.22631
## Proportion of Variance  0.1982  0.1600  0.09645  0.07155  0.04546  0.03691
## Cumulative Proportion   0.1982  0.3582  0.45469  0.52624  0.57170  0.60861
##                             PC7      PC8      PC9     PC10    PC11     PC12
## Standard deviation     33.82370 32.92129 31.79331 30.42552 30.1714 29.89299
## Proportion of Variance  0.03217  0.03048  0.02843  0.02603  0.0256  0.02513
## Cumulative Proportion   0.64078  0.67127  0.69969  0.72573  0.7513  0.77646
##                            PC13     PC14     PC15     PC16     PC17     PC18
## Standard deviation     29.26634 28.58766 28.34109 27.75436 27.33229 26.69535
## Proportion of Variance  0.02409  0.02298  0.02259  0.02166  0.02101  0.02004
## Cumulative Proportion   0.80055  0.82353  0.84612  0.86779  0.88880  0.90884
##                            PC19     PC20     PC21     PC22     PC23      PC24
## Standard deviation     26.52966 25.79456 25.54092 24.84522 24.54739 3.318e-13
## Proportion of Variance  0.01979  0.01871  0.01835  0.01736  0.01695 0.000e+00
## Cumulative Proportion   0.92863  0.94735  0.96569  0.98305  1.00000 1.000e+00
plot(pcs$sdev^2 / sum(pcs$sdev^2), ylab = "Proportion Variance Explained", xlab = "PC")

We see that the first two principal components capture 35% of the total variance. If we include the first 4 principal components, we capture more than 50% of the total variance.
Depending on which of these subsets you want to keep, we will select the data from the first n components (e.g. the first n columns of the x slot if genes are in columns). We can alternatively use the tol parameter in prcomp to remove trailing PCs (components are omitted if their standard deviations are less than or equal to tol times the standard deviation of the first component).

pcs_2dim <- prcomp(t(exprs(geo_obj)), center = TRUE, scale = TRUE, tol = 0.8)
## [1] 24  2

It is common to see a cluster analysis on the first few principal components to illustrate and explore the data.

t-SNE plots

When we are dealing with datasets that have thousands of variables, and we want to have an initial pass at identifying hidden patterns in the data, another method we can use as an alternative to PCA is t-SNE. This method allows for non-linear interactions between our features.

Importantly, there are certain caveats with using t-SNE.

  1. Solutions are not deterministic: While in PCA the correct solution to a question is guaranteed, t-SNE can have many multiple minima, and might give many different optimal solutions. It is hence non-deterministic. This may make it challenging to generate reproducible results.
  2. Clusters are not intuitive: t-SNE non-linearly collapses similar points in high dimensional space, on top of each other in lower dimensions. This means it maps features that are proximal to each other in a way that global trends may be warped (distance is not preserved). On the other hand, PCA always rotates our features in specific ways that can be extracted by considering the covariance matrix of our initial dataset and the eigenvectors in the new coordinate space.
  3. Applying our fit to new data: t-SNE embedding is generated by moving all our data to a lower dimensional state. It does not give us eigenvectors (like PCA does) that can map/project new/unseen data to this lower dimensional state.

The computational costs of t-SNE are also quite expensive, and finding an embedding in lower space that makes sense may often require extensive fientuning of several hyperparameters.

We will be using the Rtsne package to visualize our data using t-SNE.
In this plot we are changing the perplexity parameter for the two different plots. As you see, the outputs are remarkably different.

# put genotype:tissue combination as a separate variable in metadata
pData(geo_obj) <- pData(geo_obj) %>%
  mutate(grp = interaction(tissue, genotype))
colors = rainbow(length(unique(pData(geo_obj)$grp)))
names(colors) = unique(pData(geo_obj)$grp)

# function to plot first two tsne dimensions given expressionset and perplexity value
tsnePlotPerplexity <- function(eset, perp){
              pca_center = TRUE, pca_scale = TRUE,
              dims = 2, perplexity = perp, verbose = TRUE, max_iter = 100)$Y %>%
    data.frame() %>%
    mutate(`Tissue.Genotype` = pData(eset)$grp) %>%
    ggplot(aes(x = X1, y = X2, colour = `Tissue.Genotype`)) +
      geom_point() +
      xlab("tsne 1") +
      ylab("tsne 2") +
      ggtitle(paste0("tSNE, Perplexity ", perp))

tsnePlotPerplexity(eset = geo_obj, perp = 0.1)
## Performing PCA
## Read the 24 x 24 data matrix successfully!
## OpenMP is working. 1 threads.
## Using no_dims = 2, perplexity = 0.100000, and theta = 0.500000
## Computing input similarities...
## Perplexity should be lower than K!
## Building tree...
## Done in 0.00 seconds (sparsity = 0.000000)!
## Learning embedding...
## Iteration 50: error is 0.000000 (50 iterations in 0.00 seconds)
## Iteration 100: error is 0.000000 (50 iterations in 0.00 seconds)
## Fitting performed in 0.00 seconds.

tsnePlotPerplexity(eset = geo_obj, perp = 0.5)
## Performing PCA
## Read the 24 x 24 data matrix successfully!
## OpenMP is working. 1 threads.
## Using no_dims = 2, perplexity = 0.500000, and theta = 0.500000
## Computing input similarities...
## Building tree...
## Done in 0.00 seconds (sparsity = 0.069444)!
## Learning embedding...
## Iteration 50: error is 71.381545 (50 iterations in 0.00 seconds)
## Iteration 100: error is 60.951369 (50 iterations in 0.00 seconds)
## Fitting performed in 0.00 seconds.

tsnePlotPerplexity(eset = geo_obj, perp = 2)
## Performing PCA
## Read the 24 x 24 data matrix successfully!
## OpenMP is working. 1 threads.
## Using no_dims = 2, perplexity = 2.000000, and theta = 0.500000
## Computing input similarities...
## Building tree...
## Done in 0.00 seconds (sparsity = 0.322917)!
## Learning embedding...
## Iteration 50: error is 63.891916 (50 iterations in 0.00 seconds)
## Iteration 100: error is 51.455915 (50 iterations in 0.00 seconds)
## Fitting performed in 0.00 seconds.


  1. Regenerate the pheatmap clustering plot for the top genes for the main effect of genotype (selected from limma by adjusted p-value less than 1e-5) using distance: “correlation”, and clustering method: “centroid” (UPGMC).
# Your code here
  1. Regenerate the standalone dendrogram on the samples of this heatmap using the hclust and dist functions.
# Your code here
  1. Make a plot of PC 1 vs PC 2 using ggplot instead base plotting. Color the points by tissue and genotype combination.
# Your code here