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RCon3D: Analyzing confocal images of microbial biofilms

Acknowledgment note:

<<<<<<< HEAD

An internal function, tiffToArray, is partly borrowed from

Furthermore, some of the algorithmic framework for the CrossCor and CrossRatio analysis is also borrowed from this repository.

Loading packages


Acknowledgment note:

An internal function, tiffToArray, is partly borrowed from Furthermore, some of the algorithmic framework for the CrossCor and CrossRatio analysis is also borrowed from this repository.


Loading packages

First install the package


Then lets load the package and some packages for plotting


Load the images

The example image has four channels (named "xan","pan","ste" and "mic"). It is available here (

The images have to be binary, and are assumed to have been thresholded already

If the images have already been loaded we can use findIMG to load in the images.

The path should lead to folder with a .tif for each image (with all z-stacks in one), or a folder with subfolders in which the images is split in z-stacks and channels.

myimg <- loadIMG("/ExampleData",c("xan","pan","ste","mic"),split=TRUE)

## Loading image 1

myimg <- findIMG("/ExampleData")

Quantify pixels for each layer for each channel

The naming argument is optional but can be used to look through the names of the images and add corresponding variables Here it looks for "24h" in the image name, and makes a variable called Time. This is of course only useful when there are several images with different metadata. (Eg. Time=c("12h","24h"))

myq <- Quantify(myimg,channels=c("xan","pan","mic","ste"),naming=list(Time=c("24h")))

##                          Img Channel Count Layer Time
## 1 FourSpecies24h_xan_Array.R     xan  1583     1  24h
## 2 FourSpecies24h_xan_Array.R     xan  1985     2  24h
## 3 FourSpecies24h_xan_Array.R     xan  2225     3  24h
## 4 FourSpecies24h_xan_Array.R     xan  2542     4  24h
## 5 FourSpecies24h_xan_Array.R     xan  3012     5  24h
## 6 FourSpecies24h_xan_Array.R     xan  3508     6  24h

Plot quantification

p <- ggplot(data=myq,aes(x=Layer,y=Count,colour=Channel,group=Channel)) +
  theme_classic() +
  geom_freqpoly(stat="identity",position=position_dodge(width = 0),size=1) +

As the bottom of the specimen is in the high numbers of the layers, lets reverse layers and plot again.

Note that trim=TRUE. This is because we think the layer with most fill is the actual bottom of the specimen, and we therefore trim away all that is below that layer

myq.std <- LayerStd(myq,layer.start = "Top",trim=TRUE)

p <- ggplot(data=myq.std,aes(x=NewLayer,y=Count,colour=Channel,group=Channel)) +
  theme_classic() +
  geom_freqpoly(stat="identity",position=position_dodge(width = 0),size=1) +

3D Cross-correlation (Co-aggregation)

Lets calculate 3D cross-correlation between channels "ste" and "xan".

This analysis is for determining how two channels are positioned relative to each other

A cross-correlation of 1 equals random positioning at that specific distance, <1 means segregation and >1 means aggregation.

It is similar to co-aggregation implemented in daime (, although this function calculates on randomly subsetted number of pixels which decreases runtime.

First we find out how many microns we can scan. It has to be a multiple of both zstep and pwidth

pwidth <- 0.75
zstep <- 0.25
uniroot.all(function(x) x%%pwidth + x%%zstep,interval=c(0,30))

##  [1]  0.0  1.5  3.0  4.5  6.0  7.5  9.0 10.5 12.0 13.5 15.0 16.5 18.0 19.5
## [15] 21.0 22.5 24.0 25.5 27.0 28.5 30.0

Ok. lets try 21 microns then. As an example we pick 200 random pixels (should be higher for actual analysis), and we run the whole thing 5 times to see how picking random pixels affect the variability of the result

mycc <- CrossCor(imgs=myimg,channels=c("xan","ste"),size=21,npixel=200,dstep=1,pwidth=0.75,zstep=0.25,R=5)

  |                                                                 |   0%
  |=============                                                    |  20%
  |==========================                                       |  40%
  |=======================================                          |  60%
  |====================================================             |  80%
  |=================================================================| 100%

Plot the result

p <- ggplot(mycc,aes(x=Distance,y=CC,group=R)) +
  theme_classic() +
  geom_hline(yintercept=1) +

At small distances "xan" and "ste" appear to be intermixed more than expected from random chance

3D aggregates

Lets find 3D aggregates of "mic"

kern.smooth=c(3,3,3) means that we median smooth the image with a 3x3x3 filter (x,y,z)

kern.neighbour=c(3,3,3) means that a 3x3x3 box is used to determine whether pixels are in the same aggregate or not. c(3,3,3) is immediate neighbours. c(5,5,5) would extend a pixel further in all directions. c(3,3,1) would find aggregates for each x,y 2D plane

my.agg <- Agg(myimg,"mic",kern.smooth=c(3,3,3),kern.neighbour=c(3,3,3),pwidth=0.75,zstep=0.25)

## Running replica 1

Lets plot the 3D image of aggregates larger than 20000 pixels

# Find positions
M <- melt(my.agg[[2]][[1]])

# Remove NA's (former zeroes)
M <- M[!$value),]

# Check out sizes and subset for the ones above 20000 pixels
tabl <-$value))
subtable <- tabl[tabl$Freq>20000,]
M <- M[M$value %in% subtable$Var1,]

# Plot it

3D Cross-ratio

It might be of interest to examine which of two channels is closer/further from a focal channel.

For this we use a cross-ratio: At each distance from a focal channel, what is the ratio between two target channels. Normalized to what is expected given random chance. A cross-ratio above 1 at some distance means that target channel 1 is more likely to be found than target channel 2 at that distance.

mycr <- CrossRatio(imgs=myimg,"pan",target.channels=c("xan","ste"),size=21,npixel=200,dstep=1,pwidth=0.75,zstep=0.25,R=5)

  |                                                                 |   0%
  |=============                                                    |  20%
  |==========================                                       |  40%
  |=======================================                          |  60%
  |====================================================             |  80%
  |=================================================================| 100%

Plot the result

p <- ggplot(mycr,aes(x=Distance,y=CR,group=R)) +
  theme_classic() +
  geom_hline(yintercept=1) +