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Docker Compose environment for Laravel

This is a project that you can use in existing projects or new projects.

Download this repository's contents and add the files to the root of your Laravel project. Discard this file to avoid overwriting your own or an existing one.


The stack is be default configured to the following:

  • PHP 8.0 (image)
  • MySQL 8.0 (image)
  • Nginx (image, latest)
  • Redis (image, latest)
  • Composer v2 (built into PHP image)

You can use PHP 7.4 and PHP 7.3 by specifyng the version tag in docker-compose.yml where the repox/laravel-dev-php image is referenced; i.e.:

repox/laravel-dev-php:latest # Provides the latest PHP version

The PHP images used for this repository is made specifically for developing with Laravel in this context.

Start the local environment

Starting the environment is prette straight forward.

$ docker-compose up -d

This will have a working environment available at http://localhost

You'd might already have things running locally on port 80, which might give you some errors. In that case it might be beneficial to change the exposed port to something like 8000 or 8080. I just chose 80 for my own convenience. Exposing the nginx service on port 8000 instead would mean that you configure the docker-compose.yml and change the port configuration to something like the following:

    image: nginx
      - "8000:80"

Left side of the port specification is the Docker host port which maps to the container port specified on the right side.

Hostnames for MySQL and Redis (and other added services) is accessed via their service name.
The MySQL container has been labeled db in docker-compose.yml and therefore should the DB_HOST parameter in your .env file in Laravel reflect this as the hostname:


Stop the environment

To stop the environment, but keeping volume data, run the following:

$ docker-compose stop

Removing the environment

To stop the environment and remove volume data and container network (eg. for starting over):

$ docker-compose down -v

Helping commands

There's been added some containers that can interact directly with the environment to utilize Composer and Artisan within the docker network.


$ docker-compose run artisan migrate:refresh
$ docker-compose run artisan queue:work --once
$ docker-compose run composer require laravel/sanctum
$ docker-compose run composer dump

Accessing MySQL

This repository contains a configuration made specifically for allowing you to access it with your favorite client directly from your host by connecting to the exposed port via As an example:

$ mysql -h -p 3306 -u root -proot

Same procedure can be used in ie. Sequel Ace, MySQL Workbench, HeidiSQL or what ever tool you'd might prefer.