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Kubernetes Resources

There are many different resource definitions in Kubernetes, and with the help of CustomResourceDefinitions it is possible to define new ones as well, many applications use CRDs to provide a Kubernetes native experience for configuring them, these are often referred to as Kubernetes Operators.

Below you will find explanations of many of the core resources. As the API Server exposes all the resources using OpenAPI it is possible to get a list of all resource types available on a cluster by running the command kubectl api-resources, you can also find the core resource types in the documentation; you can get an explanation of a resource using kubectl explain <resource> and even an explanation of an individual field using kubectl explain <resource>.<fieldName>[.<fieldName>].

Resources are either scoped to a Namespace or are cluster wide, the output of kubectl api-resources will tell you whether a resource is namespaced or not, but you can add the parameter --namespaced=true|false to get only those with a specific scope.

Kubernetes resources are normally created using YAML files, called Manifests and then applied to the cluster using kubectl apply -f myapp.yaml.

Basic Resources


Pod Icon

A Pod is the smallest unit in Kubernetes, it is a collection of containers which run on a single Node. Containers within a Pod address each other via the normal loopback interface (localhost), however, containers do not share a filesystem so you need to use a Volume to share files between them, although this should be a very rare requirement. Along with containers, Pods can have initContainers, which are containers which run in sequence before starting the main containers, these can be used to bootstrap the Pod, for example by warming up a cache or retrieving data from a remote system.

You would typically run multiple replicas of a Pod, which would be scheduled on different Nodes, this ensures redundancy so that if a Node becomes unavailable your application continues to run without interruption. Pods are ephemeral, they are intended to restart automatically when they die, however they are not responsible for handling this, this is down to the ReplicaSet, StatefulSet or DaemonSet (explained below), for this reason you would not typically create Pods directly.

Resource limitations can supplied on a per Container basis, and you can use the PriorityClass field on a Pod to enforce a ResourceQuota.


Namespace Icon

A Namespace is a logical grouping of resources, for example you may use Namespaces to group your resources by environment such as "prod", "staging" and "dev". By default that is all Namespaces are, there is nothing preventing your "dev" Namespace from communicating with your "prod" Namespace or consuming more resources; this is where you use NetworkPolicy resources to control whether Pods can communicate across namespaces (assuming you are using an appropriate CNI to enforce them) and ResourceQuota resources to enforce limits on the available compute resources (memory and cpu), storage resources and Kubernetes object count. A newly created cluster would have 3 Namespaces "default" (where resources are created if no Namespace is specified), "kube-public" and "kube-system" (where cluster processes, such as the Scheduler, API Server and the DNS server are placed).


Kubernetes has several different ways to run your application, which one you use depends upon the type of application and it's use-case, either a stateless application, a stateful application or a daemon application.


Deployment Icon

The Deployment is a high level abstraction for defining and updating Pods and ReplicaSets. If you are running a stateless application which needs to run continuously, such as a HTTP server, you will create a Deployment. Deployments allow you to update a running application without downtime, they also specify a strategy for restarting Pods if (or rather, when) they die. This is the type of resources you will normally create most often.


ReplicaSet Icon

A Deployment will create a ReplicaSet which will ensure that your application has the desired number of Pods. A ReplicaSet will create and scale Pods to match the criteria defined, such as the number of replicas or the targets defined in a HorizontalPodAutoscaler. As with Pods you will not normally create a ReplicaSet directly, but will instead create them by defining a Deployment. If a Pod fails for whatever reason, it is the responsibility of the ReplicaSet to create a new one to replace it.


StatefulSet Icon

Whilst you would normally be deploying stateless applications, there are times when you need state in your applications, this is what a StatefulSet is used for. Unlike ReplicaSets there is no high level abstraction so you would create the StatefulSet directly, like a ReplicaSet it is responsbile for creating Pods and scaling them. Unlike a ReplicaSet the Pods are not interchangeable, they are created in order and with predictable names, for example in a typical ReplicaSet you may end up with Pods called "myapp-589bd66f5-t7pr2" and "myapp-589bd66f5-r4kxr" (the first part "myapp-589bd66f5" matches the ReplicaSet), but when creating StatefulSets your Pods will be called "myapp-0", "myapp-1" etc which persists if a Pod dies and is rescheduled.

This means that StatefulSets perform updates in a different manner to Deployments if you change the image then Pods need to be destroyed and recreated in order.

Data would be stored in a PersistentVolume (more on those later), however, unlike with ReplicaSets you would have a Volume for each Pod rather than sharing it between Pods. You would typically use StatefulSets for things such as redis, etcd or rabbitmq, replicating data is down to the individual application.


DaemonSet Icon

DaemonSets are for Pods which should run on every Node (or every Node matching a specified criteria) instead of scaling to a number of replicas; when new Nodes are added to the cluster a new Pod from the DaemonSet would be scheduled on that Node. This is typically used for ongoing background processes such as monitoring and log collection.


Configuration is not typically stored in your images, as this would tie them to a specific setup such as the environment, it would mean they need to be rebuilt to update the configuration and you probably don't want sensitive information such as database credentials stored in your image pipeline. To overcome this, Kubernetes provides a means to manage configuration and secret data.


ConfigMap Icon

A ConfigMap is simply a collection of key-value pairs. They can be used in several different ways

  • Mounted in whole as a directory into containers where each key is the name of the file created in the directory, and the value is the contents.
  • Mount a specific key as a file into the container, where the filename is provided by the Pod resource (rather than the ConfigMap key) but the value is the contents of the file.
  • Injected in whole as environments variables into the container, where the variable name matches the key and the value is the value of the variable.
  • Injected individually as environment variables into the container, where the variable name is provided by the Pod resource (rather than the ConfigMap key) but the value is the value of the variable.

Mounting/injecting the ConfigMap into containers is dealt with by Kubelet. When a ConfigMap is updated it is synced by Kubelet with any containers which are using it; however unless your application re-reads the files or variables it will not be aware of the new values, typically you would need to restart the Pod for this to occur but there are several tools available to allow this to happen automatically.


Secret Icon

A Secret works in exactly the same way as a ConfigMap, the only difference is that it is meant for secret data such as passwords. However, they are not encrypted (although can be encrypted at rest), they are simply base64 encoded (this allows them to contain binary data). When the Secret is injected into a container it is decoded, they can be supplied to the container in exactly the same ways as ConfigMaps.

The main reason for the distinction between ConfigMaps and Secrets is so that a Role can be granted access to view or manage configuration without having access to Secrets.

If you want a more robust and secure secret mechanism you would need to use a solution such as Hashicorp Vault.

Batch Processes

Along with the continously running processes managed by ReplicaSets, StatefulSets and DaemonSets, Kubernetes also supports running batch processes.


Job Icon

A Job is the means of running a batch process, it creates the Pods needed and tracks the successful executions, creating new Pods as needed until the desired completions are reached. Containers should not run indefinitely but should instead exit when they finish, either with the zero exit code on success or a non-zero code on failure; containers are not restarted automatically when they fail. A Job would be used for a batch process you wish to run on demand, for example to process a large set of data.


Cronjob Icon

The Job concept is extended by CronJobs, exactly like system cronjobs these are processes which run regularly, at a specified time. The schedule is defined in exactly the same format as the crontab schedule. The main difference is that a Cronjob will only run once at the scheduled time, rather than until a certain number of successful executions.

One pitfull of Cronjobs is that because of how they are scheduled you may not aways get exactly 1 execution each time, the Job could be missed or could even run more than once; because of this it is important to make sure your Cronjobs are idempotent even though these situations are rare.

Cronjobs simply define the schedule and then create the Job at the expected time.



Service Icon

As Pods are ephemeral, communicating directly with them can be troublesome as they can disappear at any time and be recreated with a new IP address. A Service provides a consistent single IP address for a set of Pods, provides port access and most importantly provides a consistent DNS name. This then allows both external users, and other Pods to communicate with them.

For example, if you name your Service as "my-app", other Pods on the same Namespace will be able to communicate with it on the address my-app, Pods in other Namespaces will be able to address it as my-app.namespace, my-app.namespace.svc or my-app.namespace.svc.cluster.local (unless you have defined a NetworkPolicy to prevent this).

There are several types of Services available

  • ClusterIP - This will dedicate an IP address to the service, this makes the Service reachable only within the cluster.
  • LoadBalancer - This will create a LoadBalancer with your cloud provider to route traffic to your Pod.
  • NodePort - This will open a port on all Nodes and point it at your Pod.
  • ExternalName - For forwarding requests to an external DNS address.


Ingress Icon

You may notice a problem with Services, to route external traffic you either need to use a different port for each of your applications, or have a separate load balancer for each, which would be prohibitively expensive.

This is where the Ingress resource comes in. The Ingress is backed by an Ingress Controller, which acts as a router to route requests to Services based on the "Host" header for the request; this means that Ingress resources are used for Layer 7 (HTTP) routing.

The Ingress Controller is backed by a Service with a LoadBalancer type, inbound traffic hits the controller, which will then route it to another Service (typically with a ClusterIP type) using the hostname the request is for. An Ingress can also route based on the path for the request, and depending upon which Ingress Controller implementation is used, can do things like authentication, IP whitelisting, request modification and SSL termination.


Endpoints Icon

The Endpoints is a collection of addresses which implement the actual Service; you never need to create these directly as they are created automatically when a Service is created. Note the plural, there is no "Endpoint" resource.



PersistentVolumeClaim Icon

In Kubernetes, when you want some persistent storage, you create a PersistentVolumeClaim. This is a request for storage, similar to how Pods consume Node resources, PersistentVolumeClaims consume PersistentVolume resources; these allow the user to specify the type, size and access modes required. The claim is mounted as a Volume into a Pod.


PersistentVolume Icon

While PersistentVolumeClaims define the resources required, they don't define where the storage actually is; this is what a PersistentVolume does. A PersistentVolume is normally created automatically when a PersistentVolumeClaim is mounted in a Pod, it will then dynamically provision the actual storage with your provider. However, if you already have the storage created it is possible to create a PersistentVolume manually, pointing at the physical storage and then claim it with the PersistentVolumeClaim.

PersistentVolumes have a lifecycle independent of the Pod, they are not deleted when the underlying Pod is deleted and they can be configured to persist even if the PersistentVolumeClaim is deleted. They are not normally created until the first Pod consumes the claim, therefore not using up resources when a claim has never been used.


StorageClass Icon

A StorageClass allows a cluster administrator to define different types of storage, for instance NFS storage (with different classes for different servers) or cloud provider specific storage such as EFS. They define how dynamic provisioning works, which is handled by the underlying Controller depending on the type of storage.

When defining a PersistentVolumeClaim you would specify which StorageClass to use, and if you do not specify one then the cluster default is used.


Volume Icon

A Volume is a component of a Pod rather than an independent resource. It is available to all containers within the Pod but each container must mount it, this means a single Volume could be mounted in different paths on several different containers within the Pod. You can use Volumes to share an empty directory between containers (which is destroyed when the Pod dies), but they are also used to mount PersistentVolumes, ConfigMaps, Secrets and even metadata about the Pod (using the downwardAPI type).

Other Resources

There are many other resource types which you may hear talked about, along with the CustomResourceDefinitions provided by many applications. These are briefly explained below, see the Kubernetes documentation for a full explanation.


ServiceAccount Icon

Kubernetes distinguishes between the concept of a user account and a service account; a user account is for humans, ServiceAccounts are for processes which run in Pods. You can specify a ServiceAccount when defining a Pod, if you don't then the "default" ServiceAccount is used. The token for the ServiceAccount is automatically mounted to each container in a Pod so that the application can use it to authenticate with Kubernetes. They are scoped to a Namespace, where as user accounts are global. Normal users and groups are not represented by Kubernetes resources, they are assumed to be managed by outside services; see the documentation for more information.


Role Icon

Roles are scoped to a Namespace, they specify which resources can be accessed and which actions (verbs) can be performed.


ClusterRole Icon

The same as Role but cluster wide


RoleBinding Icon

RoleBindings binds Roles to user accounts, user groups and ServiceAccounts.



The same as for RoleBindings but for ClusterRoles


CustomResourceDefinition Icon

Applications can define their own resources by using a CustomResourceDefinition, these allow users to configure applications and provide data to them in a Kubernetes native way.


ResourceQuota Icon

ResourceQuotas set aggregate resource restrictions enforced on a per Namespace basis.


LimitRange Icon

A LimitRange sets the resources limits for Pods and containers, if you create a Pod outside of the limits it will be rejected.


HorizontalPodAutoscaler Icon

The HorizontalPodAutoscaler defines rules for scaling the Pods in a ReplicaSet or StatefulSet based on CPU utilization and custom metrics.


NetworkPolicy Icon

By default, Pods are non-isolated and accept all traffic, this can be restricted by a NetworkPolicy which can be applied on a per Pod or a per Namespace basis.


PodSecurityPolicy Icon

A PodSecurityPolicy is a cluster level resource which controls sensitive aspects of a Pod specification, such as which Volume types can be used, the users that containers can run as and which Linux capabilities can be used.


The PodDisruptionBudget specifies the percentage of Pod replicas which can be unavailable, for example during a rolling update or when draining a Node (evicting all the Pods) so that it can be restarted to perform a OS update.