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A swipe-able ListView component modeled after the list view in the iOS Mail app.

  • React Native >= 0.47.0 use 1.4.0

  • React Native < 0.47.0 use 1.3.2


example gif

Running example

git clone
cd react-native-smooth-swipe-list
cd Example
npm install
react-native run-ios #or react-native run-android


npm install --save react-native-smooth-swipe-list


A SwipeList builds a ListView.DataSource from its props.rowData. The DataSource is primarily the views provided by rowData wrapped by a SwipeRow

import SwipeList from 'react-native-smooth-swipe-list';

const ListParent = React.createClass({
    propTypes: {
        // takes in array of todo objects
    componentDidMount() {
        // it's a good idea to store the derived rowData to prevent 
        // unnecessary re-renders of the rows in the ListView 
        this.rowData =;
    componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
        // however if you store the derived data you will need to handle the 
        // logic for whether a rowData element needs to be replaced
    constructRowData(todo) {
        return {
            rowView: this.getRowView(todo),
            leftSubView: this.getMarkCompleteButton(), //optional
            rightSubView: this.getArchiveButton(), //optional
            style: styles.row //optional but recommended to style your rows
    getRowView() {
        // return the view that will be the face of the row
    getMarkCompleteButton() {
        // return your touchable view, it can be whatever 
    getArchiveButton() {
    render() {
        return <SwipeList rowData={this.rowData} />;


SwipeList Component


  • FlatList props...
  • rowData - Object with the follow properties:
    • id(required) - Used to identify the rowData
    • setRef - get a reference to the component for this row, receives component, rowData, index
    • rowView(required) - View to use as the row face, rendered inside a SwipeRow
    • [left/right]SubView - View to show when swiping left or right rendered inside a SwipeRow below the rowView
    • [left/right]leftSubViewOptions - Options to customize left and right subviews
      • fullWidth - Will the view span the full width of the row (default false)
      • closeOnPress - Whether the row should close on a press if not followed by a valid gesture (default true)
    • style - Style to apply to the row root view
    • props - Any additional props you want to be set on the SwipeRow
  • gestureTensionParams - Provide to tweak the tension of gestures
    • threshold - The point at which tension will begin to be applied (default subViewWidth)
    • stretch - How far past length the gesture can go (default 1)
    • resistanceStrength The resistance of the gesture past length (between 0-1, default 0.5)
  • scrollEnabled Whether to allow scrolling the ListVIew (default: true)
  • onScrollStateChange - Hook for responding to scroll enabled (true) or disabled (false)
  • swipeRowProps - Props to be set on all SwipeRow's
  • rowStyle - Style to apply to all rows root views
  • onSwipeStateChange - callback for receiving updates about swipe state (SWIPE_START, SWIPE_END, OPEN_ROW_START, OPEN_ROW_END, CLOSE_ROW_START, CLOSE_ROW_END)
  • style - Style applied to the ListView


  • tryCloseOpenRow() - Close any open row
  • calloutRow(rowNumber, amount):Promise - Open the row by amount and then closes it

SwipeRow Component

Note: In most cases you will want to use the SwipeList and not directly render a SwipeRow. The SwipeList will handle wrapping the various rendered views from your rowData

See React Native PanResponder for information about gesture events.

Props passed into row rendered

  • open - whether the row is open or not
  • openRow - opens the row


  • id - id of the rows data
  • style - Style to apply to the row container
  • rowViewStyle - Style to apply the the inner row view
  • gestureTensionParams - Provide to tweak the tension of gestures
    • threshold - The point at which tension will begin to be applied (default subViewWidth)
    • stretch - How far past length the gesture can go (default 1)
    • resistanceStrength The resistance of the gesture past length (between 0-1, default 0.5)
  • swipeEnabled - Where the row should respond to gestures
  • onGestureStart - Called on initial gesture, before 'onSwipeStart'
  • onSwipeStart - Called when a gesture starts
  • onSwipeUpdate - Called each update of the gesture after start and before end
  • onSwipeEnd - Called when the gesture ends
  • onOpenStart - Called when the row open animation begins
  • onOpenEnd - Called when the row animation ends
  • onCloseStart - Called when the row close animation begins
  • onCloseEnd - Called when the row close ends
  • onCapture - Called when a gesture capture happens
  • [left/right]SubView - View to be rendered for left / right gestures
  • [left/right]SubViewOptions - Option for configuring left and right sub views
    • fullWidth - Will the view span the full width of the row (default false)
    • closeOnPress - Whether the row should close on a press if not followed by a valid gesture (default true)
  • startOpen - Whether the row should start open
  • blockChildEventsWhenOpen - If true will capture gesture events before they reach the rowView (default: true)
  • closeOnPropUpdate - Whether to close the row if new props come in (default true)
  • animateRemoveSpeed - Speed (ms) at which to animate the row when it is removed (default: 150ms)
  • animateAddSpeed - Speed (ms) at which to animate the row when it is removed (default: 150ms)


  • close(skipAnimation) - Close row. Optionally skip animating
  • open(side, skipAnimation) - Open row on side. Optionally skip animating

Feature Checklist

  • Support left/right sub views of arbitrary size
  • Support basic inertia
  • Minimize the number of renders / updates
  • Animate removal of SwipeRows from SwipeList
  • Animate adding of SwipeRows to SwipeList
  • Passing left/right button props instead of views for ease of use
  • Multi sub view staggered position translation
  • Passing pan information to sub views (e.g. for animating icons, bg color, etc)


A swipe-able ListView component modeled after the list view in the iOS Mail app.






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