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Niko Neugebauer edited this page Nov 4, 2015 · 6 revisions

Welcome to CISL - Columnstore Indexes Scripts Library for SQL Server.

The library is launched with the very first release on 1st of September 2015. The current release is targeting SQL Server 2012, 2014, 2016 and Azure SQLDatabase.
If you are willing to contribute, please do not be shy.

At the moment, the CISL consists from 7 scripts, but soon (in 2015) I expect to expand this library with more complex stuff such as maintenance solution.
Every CISL script comes in 2 variants: a simple executable script & stored procedure.
Stored Procedures are here so that you can store them inside your database and use more commonly and include them into your own solutions.

CISL consists from the following scripts:

  1. SQL Info (sqlserver_instance_info.sql) - Provides with the list of the known SQL Server versions that have bugfixes or improvements over your current version + lists currently enabled trace flags on the instance & session.
  2. Suggested Tables (suggested_tables.sql) - Lists tables which potentially can be interesting for implementing Columnstore Indexes.
  3. Row Groups (row_groups.sql) - Shows detailed information on the Columnstore Row Groups.
  4. Segment Alignment (alignment.sql) - Shows the alignment (ordering) between the different Columnstore Segments.
  5. Fragmentation (fragmentation.sql) - Shows the different types of Columnstore Indexes Fragmentation.
  6. Dictionaries (dictionaries.sql) - Shows detailed information about the Columnstore Dictionaries.
  7. Memory (memory.sql) - Shows the content of the Columnstore Object Pool.
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