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Releases: Netflix/Priam

Remove backup V1

11 Apr 14:34
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Update CHANGELOG in advance of v4.1.7

Allow operators to skip meta file validation on restore

10 Mar 17:31
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Reveal hook to assume meta file validity on restore. This speeds rest…

…ores when meta files are large and known to be valid. A more-correct solution of using the BackupStatusMgr is forthcoming. (#1085)

Revert v4.1.4

06 Mar 01:34
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Revert "Restore without deleting data, post-restore hooks or starting…

… cassandra. (#1080)" (#1083)

This reverts commit af69e3b023e8f337a083c08768a58b57b86dca43.


02 Mar 00:09
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What's Changed

  • Restore without deleting data, post-restore hooks or starting cassandra. by @mattl-netflix in #1080

Full Changelog: 4.1.3...v4.1.4

4.1.3: remove peers_v2 from restore (#1076)

26 Sep 22:16
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Omit peers_v2 in restore. #1076
503 on status check when gossip and native are both down #1075

Add 2023 mainline commits to 4.x

15 Sep 23:42
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Get 4.x caught up with all the commits in 3.11 (#1072)

* Remove redundant interfaces and swap log and notification lines (#1019)

* Remove EventGenerator Interface.

* Remove EventObserver Interface.

* Remove BackupEvent Interface.

* Send SNS notification on backup after logging to account for the possibility of an Exception while trying to notify.

* Use synchronized list for thread-safety (#1018)

This list of PartETag is modified on multiple threads, so it
needs to be thread-safe.
S3FileSystem already uses a synchronized list, so do the
same here.

* Log backup failures rather than ignoring them. (#1025)

* Update CHANGELOG in advance of 3.11.95

* Print cleaner stack trace on failure to upload. (#1027)

* Switch from to JSR-330 javax.inject annotations for better compatibility

* Update

* Reveal property to enable auto_snapshot. (#1031)

* Fix backup verification race condition causing missing notifications (#1034)

* Remove metaproxy validation it is never null in practice.

* Remove DateRange validation. It is never null in practice.

* Remove debug logging.

* Remove latest backup metadata validation. It is never null in practice.

* Consolidate repeated code into private verifyBackup.

* Change method names to better reflect what they do.

* Update latestResult wherever possible.

* Rewrite logic in findLatestVerfiedBackup to make it look more like verifyBackupsInRange.

* Change signature of BackupNotificationMgr.notify to not depend on BackupVerificationResult.

* Return all verified BackupMetadata instead of BackupVerificationResult when verifying en masse. It has enough information to skip the call to find the most recently verified backup.

Also, fix some tests that broke in this process: remove the check for the snapshot time in TestBackupVerification that only makes sense when the Path is for a file that does not exist. Also, mock the appropriate functions in MockBackupVerification in TestBackupVerificationTask.

* Rename findLatestVerifiedBackup responding to review comments.

* Reveal hook to allow operators to restore just to the most recent snapshot (#1035)

* Remove unused code.

* Remove redundant comments and vertical whitespace.

* Remove debug comments and now-redundant logger, simplify if-else and tighten error message for code style.

* Use final where applicable and remove it where redundant.

* Remove redundant BackupRestoreException from getIncrementals method signature.

* Split getting incremental files and snapshot files into separate methods.

* Reveal hook to allow operators to restore to the last valid snapshot.

* Remove added non-shaded Guava dependency pursuant to review comments.

* minor code modifications to simplify the nfpriam spring boot migration

* Update

* Update

* make the constructor public

* Update

* remove the instance info from the DI (#1042)

* Update

* Always TTL backups. (#1038)

* Fix Github CI by explicitly creating necessary directories. (#1045)

* Change the interface of PriamScheduler (#1049)

Change the interface of PriamScheduler

* minor name change (#1051)

* Update

* Increment cross regional duplicate tokens to replicate the policy we have been applying manually. (#1048)

* Increment cross regional duplicate tokens to replicate the policy we have been applying manually. Throw when duplicate tokens are created in region because that would be an obvious error and we should not add two nodes in the same region so closely together.

* Improve error message on intra-regional duplicate token.

* Update CHANGELOG in advance of 3.11.101

* Rollback #1042: Change the interface of EC2RoleAssumptionCredential (#1052)

* Fix snapshot location regression in SNS messages. (#1054)

* Update CHANGELOG in advance of 3.11.103

* change the CassandraMonitor to public (#1056)

* Update

* Add new constructor (#1064)

* Update

* Add disk_failure_policy config (#1065)

* Update

* fix Gson serilization issue (#1067)

* Update

* Make block_for_peers_timeout_in_secs a first-class tunable. (#1069)

* Update CHANGELOG in advance of 3.11.108

* Fix TokenRetrieverTest


Co-authored-by: Ammar Khaku <>
Co-authored-by: Cheng Wang <>
Co-authored-by: Cheng Wang <>

Tune block_for_peers_timeout_in_secs

03 Sep 03:37
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Update CHANGELOG in advance of 3.11.108


18 Aug 17:40
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: 3.11.106...3.11.107


03 Aug 21:50
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: 3.11.105...3.11.106


03 Aug 22:04
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: 3.1.126...3.1.127