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Minitest is a simple autotester intended to be used with rSpec, Test::Unit and rCov. It can be used with ‘plain’ Ruby projects and Ruby on Rails.

Recent changes

Version 0.3.3

  • Ruby 1.9 compatibility

    • Changed Set#join to use #to_a instead of #map.

    • Added workaround for gem not building on ruby 1.9.1p129

  • Tools

    • Added rake task to detect files not added to the gemspec

  • Refactorings

    • RspecMixin#rspec is now a public method with no default parameter

    • Moved rspec functionality to RspecMixin

    • Moved Rcov functionality into RcovMixin

    • Define default specs to ignore in a constant instead of burying it in the code

    • Moved trap_int_for_rcov back into Minitest

    • Refactored rcov command to take the specs to check as its parameter

Version 0.3.2

  • Bugfixes:

    • Minitest will not run non-existent specs

    • Rcov will not run non-existent specs

  • Documentation changes:

    • Readme examples match current functionality

    • Readme has a todo section

    • Minitest documentation updated

    • DirMonitor documentation updated

  • Code cleanups:

    • Gemspec is a lot more readable

    • Numerous refactorings in Minitest and DirMonitor

    • Set extension has its own file

Version 0.3.1

Minitest gained support to test Test::Unit tests and RSpec specs at the same time.

Version 0.3.0

Minitest switched to a new file monitoring backend: DirMonitor. This makes it possible to track new files as they are created, without needing to restart minitest. The ‘recent’ feature was removed because DirMonitor does not (yet?) have a way to only yield files newer than some timestamp. This feature is likely to re-appear in a nearby future.


From gem

Use gem to install minitest. The gem is located on github.

sudo gem install Narnach-minitest -s

From git

From the project root, use rake to install:

git clone git://
cd minitest
rake install

This will build the gem and install it for you.


Minitest has the following command line options:


Force rspec output format to ‘profile’, combined with coloured output and unified diffs.


Use a spec server to execute specs, speeding up their execution.


When you start working on a codebase, it makes sense to run all specs:


When you want to see which specs are slow and could use optimizing:

minitest profile

You can also combine options:

minitest drb profile

Todo / ideas / plans

  • Figure out how to get RCov to run specs and tests at the same time and implement it.

  • Add ‘recent’ option (was removed in 0.3.0).

  • Cleanup Minitest class / rewrite in a clean and testable way.

Minitest cleanup

The Minitest class started as a simple script and thus was not designed to focus on one responsibility. Right now it tries to do too much:

  • Infinite loop

  • Execute RSpec for changed files

  • Execute test/unit for changed files

  • Execute RCov when terminating the loop

Instead of delegating these tasks, it actually performs them.

Adding three classes is a good first step to reduce complexity. Each ‘executable’ gets its own class: RSpec, RCov and test/unit. When that is done, the code in Minitest should be reduced to looping and delegating.



Wes ‘Narnach’ Oldenbeuving (



Copyright © 2008 Wes Oldenbeuving


MIT license. See MIT-LICENSE (in the gem directory) for license details.


A simple autotester intended to be used with rSpec and rCov.







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